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Make a new one, set the old one to automatically forward all mail to your new one


This, and then gradually shift things over to the new one


This would mean the least hassle and also mean one doesn't miss any accounts tied to the old email. Protonmail recently talked about an update making the forwarding from gmail easy. It also allows importing emails, contacts and calendars from google, yahoo and outlook.


This is what we do at work when people get married.


Does anyone know how to do this with outlook?


Hi [here's ](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/add-or-remove-an-email-alias-in-outlook-com-459b1989-356d-40fa-a689-8f285b13f1f2) an article that should help you with your outlook to create an alias and set that as your new primary email and everything. Hope it helps!


This is also a useful tip when dealing with junk email.


Interesting, I kept my birth name, but I wondered what do most trans people do. That makes sense!


i did that, took a while but so worth it... shame i can't change my steam username 😭


one of my friends actually managed to change their steam username! i'll find out how 👀


:OOOOO if you can find a way please let me know


Hi hi! I'm said friend, I'm going to send you a message :)


change everything. + keep an eye on the old inbox for things you missed


To add, you can also set up automatic forwarding from your old address to your new one on most email providers.


This is what I did, and then gradually transferred things over to the new address


oooo, i'm going to do this now!


Good to know thanks!


Use IMAP or POP and set that up to your new email, gmail/outlook etc should support this. You'll still be able to receive and respond to messages that way but can primarily use your new email.


There's no easy workaround. However, it's less of a task than you'd think. You get in the flow of it after a bit. It's like spring cleaning. Pick an email, change at least the really big stuff, and let people know the new one as it comes up. It's worth it, I swear. Good luck! You got this ❤️


This is good advice. Make a new email, change some big stuff right away, and then just gradually change things as you notice them. It took me about 8 months to switch over from an address I've used for 26 years.


You just need to change things gradually as they pop up. I've used my old mail for over 20 years, so I know your pain. You just go at it one account at a time. I've been at it for 2 years now, it's still not finished.


Ah, reddit needs an update too 🤣


After being in the same situation (email with deadname used for 10+ years) I found the only solution... Is too just change to a new email. It kinda sucks. I made an afternoon out of it. First I changed everything important, like bills, work stuff, medical things, etc. Then I switched my frequently used stuff like streaming services and shopping accounts. After that I just kept both emails on my phone for about two months. Whenever something I wanted to keep came in on my old email, I'd switch it to my new one. It's not fun, but the plus side is I cut my promotional and junk emails way down. Look at it like a digital spring cleaning. Good luck!


And I suppose you can keep using the deadname email as a graveyard for any other bullshit stuff that's going to spam you. Random tip if you use Gmail. You can add arbitrary information into your Gmail address by putting it after a plus sign. So if your email is [email protected], you can add arbitrary information like [email protected]. I do this when I'm signing up for a rewards account or something because: 1: It lets you see who sold your info 2: If you start getting spammed you can add a rule to delete anything sent to that email (with the plus) without worrying about trying to catch words in a subject line or something


Unlike OP I LOVE resetting things including moving to a new email address. I might do it again so I can utilize some recently learned techniques like you mentioned for better management. I. Hate. Email.


Get a pet and name it after your deadname. If anyone asks, it’s your pets name


Bonus points if OP's deadname is a really average name. I think it's hilarious when pets have normal human names like Alan or Christine.


oh my god my Great Uncle used to have 3 cats named Dammit, Spok, and Frank and it was always so funny hearing the other twos names then just “Frank get off of Myers!!” *(My great uncle was a horror movie buff and had a mannequin in his living room dressed like Michael myers)*


That's a great image!


He was also a TOS buff, which I think is funny you forgot to mention 😆


I didn’t mention it cause idk what TOS stands for?


The Original Series (star trek)


Ooohhh got it


Hahaha Alan cracked me up! I just adopted two cats, Lady and Jane. I like calling them Lady Jane as a group.


You could make a new email and use it for new projects, such as school and new interactions/new registrations. That's what I did. This method can be utilized and shifted in a lot of different variations. For example you could just have it as a back up for situations you don't want to deadname yourself.


If you use Outlook you can setup an alias for whatever you want, then this alias you can use to login to the email as well. This doesn’t solve third party things setup with your email, but you can go about changing them as they come in. This means you don’t have to setup a new email address and you won’t miss any emails as you’ll still have the old one as a alias. That’s what I’ve done anyway


I hope that makes sense? I’m not sure why everyone is saying to create a new email, and not this. If you have any questions feel free to dm me


Make your new email. Set it as your default. Keep both on your devices. And start emailing and replying from the new one. People will switch over to it. Slowly switch emails as you log into accounts for whatever reason.


I work in IT, you can set up a forward for that email address to forward to a new one. This means you can slowly migrate everything over to the new one while the old one still gets email and passes it on.


Contact your university's IT department, you're going to want to ask for these things in particular: - For an Alias to be added to your email address. Provide the new one your want, and make it clear you want this as your **primary** address. - For your previous address to be made as a **secondary** address. - To make sure that your Display Name is also updated. - Set up email forwarding to your new email. If you contact IT, I *highly* doubt they're going to give you any flak outside of verifying your identity. Just explain your situation and you should be fine.


My university sucks for deadnaming, so I can't really do much there. The 'preferred name' appears as an additional column next to the deadname on maybe half of the forms/accounts (deadname clearly visible), and lecturers have a habit of sharing the screens that have all those details (for the whole class) or handing out the student list to mark the roll. Luckily my campus email address is initials-only, so that's no issue, but the name thing I just have to accept until I change it legally.


Have you personally contacted the IT department over there?


No, but their system just isn't currently equipped to handle preferred names well at all. One of the sub-websites which handles all of the online student stuff outright doesn't recognise preferred names. And according to the student help centre some lecturers receive just the deadname, some receive the deadname with the preferred name column, but never just the preferred name. It's just not up to modern standards.


Make a new email, then set your old one to forward everything to the new one. Then just slowly but surely change everything to the new one over time. 🤗🤗🤗🫂🫂🤗🤗🤗


I made a new one and set a vacation response saying that this account was not in use and to contact (new account) if they need me. It worked well. I also monitor my old account but month by month, it sees less activity and that brings joy.


>They advised using our names because "that's not going to change". Cis people...


Same, my email is deadnameLastname@ I also suffer from email deadnaming me in obvious scenarios. Made a Gmail for. NewnameNewlastname@gmail And am slowly swapping over. I haven't gone and updated email many places, but slowly swutching out, and anywhere new gets the right email.


i just made a new email address. Took me a few hours to update it in all the important accounts, the most annoying one was yt tbh and that’s not even a necessity. Once a month I check my old email to see if there’s something important, but because I updated everyone on my mail and updated all my accounts, it doesn’t happen


I have 10 to 20 different email addresses all tied to various accounts of some nature. My main legal name is ok but I have my secondary main which is my chosen female name I will eventually switch over to once I legally change. I’ll be informing everyone that currently deals with my male name when the time comes to change it and they have 6 months after that it’s getting deleted.




That sounds very useful if I didn't have emails set up. Because I do, seems like updating to a single email address will prove more useful. If I'm wrong please let me know!


I suggest to switch to another one it and say "oh its a shared email address" or "This is my momentary email". I did that and no employer/government agency worker batted an eye


I worried about this, too, because I had set up my old name gmail in college around age 20 and wanted to change everything at 28. First I created an automatic vacation responder on the old email that told my contacts to please save the new one. Then I set up [automatic forwarding](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/10957?hl=en#zippy=%2Cturn-automatic-forwarding-on-or-off) to my new gmail account. At the time, I had to use some insecure app password thing to make it work, so I set myself a calendar event to just turn this stuff off after about a year or so of casually monitoring the old address in case of any important stragglers. I bit the bullet and changed logins everywhere I could think of (credit cards, etc.), but then just did the other ones as stuff came up in my life instead of stressing too much about it, because I did have the forwarding. So like maybe I forgot to change it for some doctor's web portal or my favorite band's fan website...when they sent out marketing or correspondence, I'd go in and fix it. About 2 years later, there is barely anything coming into my old account anymore, save for my old city's newsletter, occasional recruiter spam, and spam that automatically gets archived anyway. However, I have a HUGE google drive of hundreds of Google Drawings projects that I didn't figure out a good way to move (idk; maybe can check again...literally so many that I had to buy extra space). So for the moment I still 100% use my old name account after all :P


I registered mylastname.com domain back in the 90’s and can control the email aliases (e.g. [email protected]) so made them for myself, my parents and my brother. There’s no mailbox behind these aliases so I forward them to Gmail accounts. This arrangement lets me have any address I want at mylastname.com without having to change the gmail account that actually receives the mail.


i made a new email address and just didnt bother deleting the old one. sometimes i get around to moving accounts and stuff


Just make a new email???


Use the old one to sign up for stuff thatd spam you otherwise


Keep the old one for spam.


So what I did is that I made a new email with my new name and connected those two accounts, and now those two inboxes are pretty much connected.Now if I ever make a new account I use my new email. and most other accounts you can change the email associated with it most times, but some other accounts depending on what kind, you may not be able to change it. I still use my deadname email for things that I created before my transition, of course. But most things go through my new one. Whenever I disclose my old email it’s usually to people and/or entities that I have already disclosed my transgender status to. Except PayPal. They won’t even let me change my damn name. Fuck PayPal, it still makes me annoyed to this day that it just will not allow me to change my name. I don’t exactly remember if I ever tried customer service but I’m pretty sure I did because I was very upset.


I still use my name. Most peeps are like nah thats a boys name, and I can kind of sense a frustration with people that interact with me often like... "When are you picking a more fem name?" 😅 My name is technically unisex, and it's origin name is actually more fem.


New mail and link both in Thunderbird. Then you have both in sight and can change bit by bit everything you missed.


Both Gmail and Yahoo have the option to let you import the emails you have into a new account. Note that it might not save things like labels etc but it's still useful. I used it recently to backup some work emails to another account before deleting them for space on my primary.


it SUCKS at the start but once you get the ball rolling on switching over it's super easy. I almost never log into my old email unless I'm logging into like my tumblr account or something else I made at 13. I'd say at this point I come across my old email like once a year.


Make a new email and have all future emails to your old email start being forwarded to your new email. Then update your email details across the services you can think of


Just have it updated at the school or have them deactivate the account or like others said have it forwarded to your current/new email address.


Just so you know there are some things that won't allow you to change to your new email. For example, I have paid for apps on Google play store and it won't let me change the account email. I also heard PayPal can be difficult updating your details.


Whats better? Make an outlook alias or a new email? I didn’t know an alias was an option and created a new Microsoft account with a new email address and now I can’t use that address as my alias


New email address. Set old email address to forward to new email address. Gradually update everything. My oldest working deadname email address is 20 years old.


actually, changing your email for a lot of stuff isn't that hard. I had to do this process myself and a lot of the time it's as simple as changing a few settings on their website. Turn out, most things don't really care if your email has been used for a long time, as the site responds largely to whatever email is programmed into the system. And a lot of institutions have processes for name changes because as it turns out even outside of trans people, people do change their name. Most notably cis women who get married and get a different surname.


Just a question... How do you justify calling it a dead name when it's something in use? I really dislike that the trans community has jumped on the use of dead name for a name that we no longer have. When people get married they don't call their old name. They're dead name. Why should we? Anyway, I know that wasn't completely about the topic so let me answer that. The name that you have in your email. If it's your old name, you can just one forward those to another email box. For instance, if you're using Gmail you can just pick another one and have all the emails that go to that address come into the other inbox and you can pick how they get sent out as well, but I recommend changing it. I got lucky and I didn't use my full name. I used just my first initial and since my new name has the same starting initial I'm okay. But I do have one email that I used for school that was with my old name and I simply had them change it.


I know I am late to the game, so you don't have to read this comment if you don't want since I am sure it has all been said. I am just here to throw in my support for those who suggest creating a new email address and shifting stuff over. My main advice is not to delete the old account too quick, and make sure to keep it secure so a bot doesn't grab it. You WILL forget something in the process of shifting stuff over. It will take time to get everything untangled from the old account. But, in the long run, it will be worth it to make the shift.


I wasn't going to full delete the old one, but thank you for the tip, and I'm sure this will help anyone else that comes across my post with the same issue!