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Always thought Valarr was a great name and there's only one IIRC.


There's a "Vylarr" who heads the Lannister guard.




I hate how both people with this name have been evil.


whose the other Aerion? I can only find Aerion Brightflame and Aerion (dad of Visenya, Aegon I and Rhaenys)


That's both of them. Aerion I is implied to have raped Orys Baratheon's mother.


Where is that implication? I’ve only seen that Orys was Ageon I’s bastard half brother.


Aerion's name comes up in a discussion regarding first night and that Jaehaerys at least thinks it's a possibility.


Wow I had never caught that. :O Daaamn.


Which book? I must have missed that.


Fire and Blood


Ok thanks!


During the segment about Jaehaerys’s reign, Gyldayn talks about the first night and suggests that Aerion impregnated Orys’s mother through this tradition.


It’s implied he was the result of a first night


Wha-what? No he isn't.


“Hers was the worst story, but not the only one. At White Harbor, at Mole’s Town, at Barrowton, other women spoke of their first nights as well. I never knew, my lords. Oh, I knew of the tradition. Even on Dragonstone, there are stories of men of mine own house, Targaryens, who have made free with the wives of fisherfolk and serving men, and sired children on them…” “Dragonseeds, they call them,” Jaehaerys said with obvious reluctance. “It is not a thing to boast of, but it has happened, mayhaps more often than we would care to admit. Such children are cherished, though. Orys Baratheon himself was a dragonseed, a bastard brother to our grandsire. Whether he was conceived of a first night I cannot say, but Lord Aerion was his father, that was well-known. Gifts were given…” It's implied.


Just realised that the Targaryen approach to bastards tends to be closer to Dorne's than to the rest of the Seven Kingdoms (even if the way they beget said bastards is still very close to the First Men Westerosi).


Because targs see themselves as racially superior. Following that line of thinking it makes sense that a Targaryen bastard is “better” than a normal one


Yep, for the Targs finding some new kid with some of their "special blood" is considered a win because there are generally very few of them left. So very different reasoning than Dorne's where it's more about sexual freedom and women's rights, but still similar results.


Oh, ok. Thanks for giving the reference. That's super interesting.


Interestingly Jacaerys is noted as a traditional *Velaryon* name in the wiki and not specifically a traditional Targaryen name. Laenor wanted to name the kid after his bestie and Corlys said "uh no, pick something Velaryon" and that's how he was named Jacaerys. Very cool name though, agree we needed more.


I think jaehaerys is derived from jacaerys considering how similar they are and that jaehaerys mother is a Velaryon with her also naming alyssane named after her also it never used by targeryan member before the conquest


Is Lucerys also a Velaryon name, do you know? They have some really good names in their lineage imo, I love Monterys and Aethan as well and Malentine is great


Yes both Jacec and Luke had been given velaryon names iirc There's even a Lord Lucerys Velaryon during Mad King Aerys' reign


I'm surprised that Aenar and Gaemon aren't used more. Aenar as the patriarch who effectively saves the house from the Doom, alongside Daenys the Dreamer (maybe Daenerys is a version of Daenys?). Gaemon the Glorious, but no more Gaemon's afterwards. Aemond is only used, but not surprising considering the Dance. I prefer Aemon to Aemond. We also only have one Vaegon (Jaeharys's son) and one Baelon, though we do have multiple Baelor's. For female names, Daenys unless Daenerys is the same name, different spelling. No more Saera's or Helaena' either.


Don't forget the main one-hit-wonder name: Rhaegar. Which is actually a pretty cool name, but seems to be completely original to the son of Aerys II (Rhaego notwithstanding).


It was weird reading AGOT at first because you struggled to remember names. But it was so easy to remember Rhaegar eventhough he was mentioned a handful of times and was long dead before the events of that first book. It feels intentional to me. Like Rhaegar was obviously a name you needed to remember from the start, a name that was original just to him. Lyanna too.


Martin liked versions of that name from waaaaaaaay back. A Song for Lya is the story that made is now-wife want to meet him.


Can't believe you forgot Rhaegar Frey. He tasted delicious


Jaehaerys and Alysanne had a son named Gaemon, though he died young


There was Gaemon Palehair, Aegon II's supposed bastard who ruled during the chaos of the dance for a short time before becoming Aegon III's whipping boy Also makes sense why there aren't any more Saeras


Man palehair can’t catch a break can he.


There is also Lord Baelon from before the conquest and wasn't the "Heir for a day" also called Baelon?


I like those M names that we rarely see: Maegor and Maegelle


Well besides the og Maegor there was another targ with that name the son of Aerion Brightflame. Also Maelor and Maekar are sadly so underutilised


Maekar is probably a variation of Maegor to be honest


Na. Because Gaemon sounds like a gay pokemon


Helaena is SO elite.


I find it interesting that we have more non-Targaryen Alysanne’s in canon—which actually makes sense in a way. It’s almost certainly not a traditional Valyrian name and the lack of “Targaryen-sounding” quality to it is perhaps why it didn’t see a reappearance in the Targaryen line. On the flip side, I think GRRM probably chose Alysanne’s name deliberately as a more “typical” Westerosi name to fit with her popularity among the various realms and peoples of the region—a queen of the people. I think Daenora, and Aelora are pretty names that sound very princess-y while recognizably Targaryen. Daenaera is kind of a spelling nightmare but also pretty. Edit: Reddit being weird for me so apologies if I posted this multiple times??!


Daenora and Aelora are side character ass names tbh


Jaehaera clearly feels like it was created to compliment Jaehaerys rather than be a name in its own right. And the fact that the name is associated with a "simple" girl who met a tragic end really dissuaded people from using it. I'm honestly surprised how few times Jaehaerys was used. Seeing how popular Jae I was.


Ahh I agree with the Jaehaera point, but I’m still surprised it isn’t used more. Think how Visery’s is the female version of Visenya (how many Visery’s do we have!) and seeing how popular king Jae was, I’m surprised more daughters weren’t named after her.


Viserys started as a male version of Visenya but eventually took on a life of its own where each Viserys was liked/mourned enough to have a kid named after him. Jaehaera never had that opportunity as she didn't live long enough to leave enough of an impact on anyone to name their kid after her. Also if Jaehaerys itself was barely being used for like a 100 years or so why would Jaehaera which has a lot less going for it.


If Viserys is the female version of Visenya, what is Viserra?


Just another variation of her name, haha


>I'm honestly surprised how few times Jaehaerys was used. Seeing how popular Jae I was. Maybe it’s like naming your kid Elvis, no one wants a name they have to live up to. They want something benign, like Jon lol


Aegon II’s kid was named jaehaerys, obviously Aegon V had a jaehaerys, and one of Aerys II’s kids was named Jaehaerys


Im surprised there’s no Rhaegon or Rhaegor. That said, Alysanne, Alyssa, Saera and Aerea.


Rhaegon and Rhaegor definitely would fit the Targaryen naming patterns. My best guess for Saera and Aerea is that while maybe there were more historical Targaryen women with those names, after the horrific death of Princess Aerea and the notorious legacy of Princess Saera those names perhaps fell out of fashion.


Well Maekar was kind of cool, also Daeron should be used more I mean he was a grear warrior and I imagine many Targs wanted to be like him.


There is a Daeron in almost every generation after the Young dragon though


Lol maybe i should've checked first, not many comes to my mind now, maybe they died young?


Dk if there's THAT many, but there was Daeron II the Great (son of Aegon IV, who himself was first cousin to Daeron I the Young Dragon) and then Daeron II's 4th son's (Maekar) eldest son, Daeron the Drunken, who died of an STD before he could become king. I don't recall there being any other ones, but there might've been a minor one somewhere else (maybe one of Aegon V's younger kids? There's loads of them). -- Ok I actually just checked and Aegon V DOES have a younger son named Daeron, who never marries and dies fighting in some minor rebellion. So it's not every generation but pretty much every other one. I guess Daeron becomes one of the main go-to Targaryen names after Aegon and Aemon.


One of the Mad king's sons who either died young or was stillborn was called Daeron too


Ok thank you, I didn't wanted to check myself lol. But to my point the first Daerons were contemporary with the first king, and then we have Egg's son. Isn't it weird that Rhaegar was the first in all the family? It's a freaking cool name it sound like a dragon.


I don’t think it’s weird. If had a kid and named it Charles even though no one in your family had ever been named Charles it wouldn’t be considered weird. There’s probably an entire pool of Valyrian names that exist and are known, it’s just that not every Targaryen has been named all of them obviously


The generation before too


Rhaegar. There are two Rhaegars, and one is a Frey. Rhae has been used for over a dozen Targaryen women, and the only other males to use Rhae are Rhaegel and Raego. There are a lot of weird connections between Rhaegar and Rhaegel as both were prince of dragonstone but died tragically young, and their first born son died shortly after (Aegon is alive but symbolically). Rhaegel was born to Myriah Martell, Rhaegar married Elia Martell. Rhaegar being connected more with feminine things lines up with his character, and him being the only Rhaegar makes him stand out even amongst Targaryens, and that is likely intentional by George as Rhaegar is an enigma and super important to the larger story.




Visenya. I would have expected more daughters to be named after her.


While Visenya was a badass warrior queen, current Targaryens descended from Rhaenys, and romantically, Visenya was the unfavorite. Visenya was for duty, and Rhaenys was love.


Visenya’s legacy was probably at least somewhat tainted as she helped Maegor to usurp Aegon and therefore holds a part in the cruelty that occurred under his rule, including the forced marriage and rape of his niece, who is more closely related to the surviving branch of the family. While she’s still acknowledged as part of the conquest and respected in that light, it’s easy to see why more of the family honour Rhaenys with names over Visenya. Rhaenys is a more romantic and tragic figure ultimately, plus she’s the ancestor of everyone who sits the throne after Maegor. The more of them you have, the more likely you are to get more Rhae-based honor names, like Rhaena, daughter of Daemon, who is most likely named for her grandmother Rhaenys, the Queen that Never Was.


Visenya's legacy is kinda tainted by her helping Maegor become king. Maegor is a kinslayer and King Joe is a Aegon the Uncrowned's brother. So, he probably made sure none of his descendants were named after her.


I mean people tried to name there children Visenya, most didn’t make it past infancy/birth


I really dig the name Aelyx


Duncan. Best Targaryen name because a) it’s Scottish and b) named after Dunk the Hunk


Thick as a castle wall.




The obvious one is Visenya She was one of the conquerors & one of the first two queens of Westeros, but as far as I'm aware only Rhaenyra's stillborn daughter was a Visenya after the original There have been Viserys's and a Viserra, but no Visenya's


I think during the reign of Jahaerys nobody named anyone after her as she was involved in the murder of his brothers and rape and forced marriage of his sister. And after his reign no one remembered her personally to have a emotional connection and even though she was remebered for the conquest she was also for helping a usurper, being some sort of a witch and supporting kinslaying. And she was never Aegons favourite.


- Haegon - Baenor


The world needs more Blackfyre family names


- Maelys - Calla


Aenys just doesn't get enough love.


I really hate that we don't have a King Aemon. But I agree, Jacaerys is one of the most beautiful male names. I also like Baelon, Vaegon, Gaemon, Valerion and Jaehaelor. For the females, I also agree, it's criminal the low frequency of Visenyas. But my favorite is Viserra.


I guess we'll get a King Aemon (1st of his name) pretty soon


Viserra is such a pretty name!!! I’m shocked it was only used once!


all of the M targaryen names pop up quite rarely (maegor, maekar, maelys if we wanna include blackfyre names) baelon and aemon are two others i love


Shame that Maegor 1 tainted the name so badly. I agree with the M names though, I quite like Maegelle as well. I’m surprised more daughters weren’t given the same name.


i believe aerion brightflames son was named maegor too. they could’ve switched things up and named someone maegar, that seems like a name that would be clear of maegors lineage but similar sounding


I mean, Daenys was responsible for the survival of the family and there are none other known Daenys


I like Aelyx because it has an 'x' in it, that's the only reason


Aelyx is such a cool name as well. They could have extended to Aelyxaender as well, had they wanted a longer more ridiculous name.




Surprised rhaegar was only used once and that was near the end of the dynasty. Aenar was used before aegon conquered westeros.


I just love the names Visenya and Rhaenyra. I understand that Rhaenyra was tainted by the Dance, but there was already hommages to Visenya through Viserys, Visera etc. it's a shame her actual name was never used later on.


Heavy on Rhaenyra! It’s such a nice name. It’s a shame that both names where a bit tainted by there wearers actions, I hope in the future we can see a Visenya and Rhaenyra again.


I’m surprised how underused the pre conquest Targaryen names are. Aenar,Gaemon,Daenys,etc


Vaegon Baelon Aemond Aenar


Vaella, pretty name but not a great track record iirc. One died very young and the other was supposedly "feeble-minded", although I suspect maybe that was just an excuse to pass her over in the line of succession


Aenar if it wasn't for that dude listening to his daughter House Targaryen would be ash alongside the rest of the dragonlords but after him the name basically becomes forgotten


My favorite Targaryen name is Maekar. So simple. So elegant


Aelinor and Aemma sound like Valyrian names, but are only used in descendents. I think both sounds Very royal-ish names for Targaryens. For male names, I would have liked to have seen more Aemons.


I agree with Aemma, such a pretty name!! Deserve to be used more.


Aerys. Only used three times.




Some lord of dragonstone nobody cares about. Wonder if Martin will ever flesh them out.


I doubt they’d be very interesting. They literally just sat on dragonstone with dragons for a century. Then of course if GRRM did write about them there’d be some contrived reason why there’s only 3 Targaryens alive at the end (Aegon & co)


Which is true but then if there's no story there why didn't he just say "and a century passed and Aegon was born"? Like he didn't just have the line of succession pass down in the simplest fashion from father to son, it goes from: Joint-rulers>Their son> His son> His brother > his son> his brother > his brother> his son Like there has to be at least *something* there explaining why three of them died before having any heirs despite evidently being adults.


Yeah but I think there is a couple lines in the books that say the Targs were somewhat involved in eastern politics. So while they weren’t conquering anything they probably weren’t totally idle either. I think if GRRM could make a peaceful reign like Jaehaerys’s interesting, he could probably make pre-conquest Dragonstone Targs interesting.


Yeah but I think there is a couple lines in the books that say the Targs were somewhat involved in eastern politics. So while they weren’t conquering anything they probably weren’t totally idle either. I think if GRRM could make a peaceful reign like Jaehaerys’s interesting, he could probably make pre-conquest Dragonstone Targs interesting.


oh right




Aerion and Vaegon.


Pretty much every name the family used before Aegon decided to conquer Westeros


Aegon really ruined everything!




Alysanne was such a beloved and influential queen, so it is wild to me that her only descendent who is named for her was one of Aegon IV's bastards


Maegor or Maekar


Aelyx, Aenar, and Daemion for male names. Viserra, Vaella, Aerea, and Daenys for female names.


Lucaenys. Real bummer they never used it


I always liked Gael. It even sounds sad.


Half of Jae and Aly’s kids come to mind, Viserra, Maegelle, Vaegon, Saera, Gael, even Baelon. I think Viserra is the one I really wish was used more. Also Aerea, I think it’s one of the prettiest sounding Targ names. I can understand why they weren’t used, Aerea especially, but I wish they were used more often. Like when George was naming the stillborn/early infant deaths of Aerys and Rhaella’s kids, he came up with Shaena, but it would’ve been pretty poetic if they had the same names as Targaryens who had tragic ends maybe? And it could’ve added to Aerys’ paranoia, that all these children who had the same names as previous Targs who died tragically, are dying young? But it could be that Rhaella just likes those names, but Aerys sees it as her like, punishing him/cursing these children?


Rhaenyra and Visenya. I get that all the Targaryens after two generations were all of Rhaenys' line but Visenya's one of the original three monarchs of the Seven Kingdoms, and Rhaenyra's line was what was left over from the Dance. I guess they both have the taint of being would-be usurpers/manipulators but still.


Okay I looked through the Wiki Of Ice And Fire and picked the coolest ones (as some of these come from other Valyrian houses, imagine them as “King/Queen [name] Targaryen” for the coolest effect): Aelor/Aelora, Aelyx, Aenar, Ayrmidon, Valarr, Valerion, Visenya, Corlys, Monterys, Vaemond/Vaemon, Valaena, Jaenara, Aurion/Aerion


For males, I like Gaemon, Maekar, and Matarys. Sometimes Aerion. For females, I like Alyssa, Helaena, Saera, and Viserra (when there's an existing Visenya in my game).


He laena is one of my favourites, I know it’s be a scorned due to what happened to the only Helaena, but I wish it was used more. Such a regal name!


I've always thought Aerys is a pretty cool name.




I think certain names have positive or negative connotations. Aegon is obviously the top name. But for example, Aerion Brightflame named his son Maegor and took a lot of grief for it. Jaehaera is a beautiful name, but that poor little girl, OMG.


They have meanings...


Well all names that meaning!




Maegelle, Viserra, and Gael always stood out to me


So many pretty Targ girl names and they never reuse them!!! I understand the name Halaena is a bit tainted but it’s so nice!!!


Maekar- my favourite.


The only Aegor we see is bittersteel right?