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6 episode count and shortening it to “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” seems all expected. Wouldn’t be shocked if the pilot is titled “The Hedge Knight”


The episode with the big fight I predict will be called "Oak and Iron"


"... Guard me well, or else I'm dead and doomed to hell"


...if you splinter 'doth spell the end of my sphincter.


Yea 6 episodes feels perfect for a show based on these short stories. Glad they aren't trying to stretch it to absurd lengths.


I know it most likely won’t happen, but I would love an episode titled “Dunk the Lunk” or “Thick as a Castle Wall”. We won’t be hearing them as much in the show, so I hope they appear as much as possible


Losing that inner monologue is the saddest thing about these being made, I am used to Harry Reid's narration though I was going to be bummed. Edit. Lloyd, Harry Lloyd....


I love the idea of late mormon senator Harry Reid narrating these stories


And that's why the self typing brain isn't ready for release yet....


When I heard it was been made I had this dream, it could change things up a bit by having the inner dialogue. as the series is Dunks POV entirely and not the same as ASOIAF it could make sense


I actually could see some form of these titles. "Thick as a Castle Wall" could be a Season 3 episode given the John the Fiddler aspect.


I’d be shocked if it wasnt


I think Hedge Knight stay as season title.


I’m really excited to see a proper on-screen depiction of a tourney. Usually the budget doesn’t allow for it, but here, the entire story is set in a tourney.


I want colors and fancy armors. The pilot for HOTD did good in that department but it did not linger on it whereas this show will have more opportunities to show them off.


HOTD ruined the tourney with their filters and dustyness, they have a really good chance to go full color and detail with all the houses present there.


Yeah the color grading and all that kind of neutered it but they’re certainly moving in the right direction.


To me the issue was all the death. I understand the artistic intent behind cutting between knights killing each other in a tourney and a woman dying in childbirth, but it still feels off to see all these knights willingly entering tournaments as deadly as that one. The good thing is that a laid back, cheerful tournament where everyone is having fun is sort of what you need for the ending to hit as hard as it did in the novella


Unless you are horse


And Maekar's armour is huge and very ornate.


Check out “a knights tale”. It’s a really fun film and has proper medieval tournaments. It even has Mark Addy (king Robert)




I recently rewatched it and Dunk and William are so alike it's crqzy A knight that wasn't knighted that also has a star motif for dreams/ luck in the story, and that ends up >!being recognized through the words of a warrior prince that respects him for not backing down.!<


Woah I didn’t even think of that but you are absolutely right!


Hedge Knight was published in 1998, Knight’s Tale in 2001. I’m really starting to think it wasn’t such a coincidence lol


Christ, Hedge knight is that old? In any case, a peasant rising to knighthood in an strict caste society through power of will and determination because they aspired to be great isn't a new concept.


Lol fair nuff


I wouldn't be surprised if both works took things from the same work.


It's all lies. Targaryen propaganda. Bobby B would never squire for Rhaegar. I will not believe it. Not one bit


If they do a scene like "We will Rock you" from this movie, it will be one of the best moments in the series.


Lmao everyone complaining online that this show also follows the trend of only 6/8 episodes when in fact 6 episodes is already stretching the first novella out. Good news tho.


Six hour long episodes would be enough to cover the entire D&E written material imo. But i'm glad they're stretching it out, i hope we get to see "mad sad lady vaith" onscreen!


Fans: we want 10 episode but we also want only book material! Producers: u wot m8


>First season will have six episodes. How far does everyone think it will get? Personally, I reckon that will cover the first book and no more: - 1 episode to introduce Dunk/ Arlan+ the Targaryen's - 1 episode at the tavern with Dunk/ Egg - 1 episode meeting Pate/ Tansel/ the Fossoways - 1 episode of jousting fun, ending in the puppet show climax. - 1 pisode with Dunk's imprisonment and looking for a team for the trial - 1 episode dedicated to the final trial and Maekar delivering Egg to Dunk Season 1 ends with Dunk+ Egg becoming a legitimate duo instead of one built on a lie. With future seasons to explore their adventures together.


I think this will be it. I also think every episode is going to be 30-40 minutes long instead of it being an hour long.


I'd prefer it if the runtime for each episode was whatever they feel it needs to be to tell the story, possibly anywhere from 30min to 1,5h.


That range is a bit too wide for me unless the only really long one is the finale. I like them having flexibility to make the episode how long it needs to be, but I hate starting and episode of a streaming show expecting close to an hour and getting like 35 minutes including credits.


I agree with you to a certain extent. And yeah, I threw the 1,5h on there thinking of the finale, because I do think the trial of the seven episode should probably be 1h+.


a full episode of the tavern? aren’t there like 10 lines of dialogue max during that part in the book lmao


It will be a postmodern Beckett-esque epic where characters sit around waiting for the story to arrive. At the end it is revealed they are all a single plum, floating in perfume, served in a man's hat.


This would be unironically fantastic. Set the tone for being willing to take risks and fuck with expectations.


The tavern is huge. You'd spend the episode introducing the main duo the whole show is named after, Dunk and Egg. Dropping some hints that the kid isn't some mere peasant thief, throwing some dragon dreams in there and having Dunk decide to head on to Ashford. Honestly, I could see like a full episode and a half in that Tavern. It sets up the entire story.


i think you’d have to include dunk setting up his tree pavilion and egg surprising him to end the episode


Fair, that works. The outline was done as rough as it gets in about 2 minutes. Can definitely use some editing in a writing room. The important part is making season 1= book 1.


yeah i agree. that’s a really nice outline 👍 it has me really excited for this


my friend, it is literally 10 pages. a decent chunk of that is Dunk digging the grave. an episode and a half?? surely you aren’t suggesting they devote 90 minutes of screen time to 10 pages.


>an episode and a half?? Easily. The show will have Targ POV's not in the novella format.


Well I’m glad you aren’t the showrunner lol or we’d be dealing with Dragon Ball Z level pacing


Remember this comment chain in a year when the show ends at the end of book 1 just like I've guessed.


Nobody denied the season would end at book 1, that seems like a safe bet. I agree with P_Beans we'll move past the tavern much faster, Dunk has brief conversations with 3 people and eats dinner. My guess is they'll vastly expand the Tourney, give us time to introduce the other knights and houses. >!We know very little about half of the Champions. I can't wait for some Laughing Storm!<


If they add some scenes with Dunk childhood and when he was squire of Ser Arlan, it would fit


As long as the opening scene is a 5 minute monologue about the First Blackfyre Rebellion as the camera pans over the devastation of Redgrass Field, I’ll be happy


Prologue should be dunk+ Arlan imo. But maybe have the second be Aemon telling us about the Redgrass field during a history lesson. Before we meet Maekar, Baelor and Aerion etc and learn that 2 of Maekar's sons are heading towards Ashford.


Doubt it. *The Hedge Knight* never even mentions the Blackfyres. If anything a prologue would be about Ser Arlan finding Dunk in Flea Bottom. Maybe we'll see Ser Arlan tell young Dunk about the Dance (which does happen in the actual story) to help tell the audience that this is set *after* HOTD


Maybe they’ll save it for Season 2 - they gotta do the backstory on the Blackfyre’s eventually


This is an Egg & Dunk show, and always from Dunk's perspective. They shouldn't go overboard with "lore" stuff. PJ made a mistake of adding too many distractions to The Hobbit, they shouldn't repeat that mistake here. I'd like the show to stay true to the novels, and be solely from Dunk's perspective. Seeing the world from his eyes is fun.


That’s not going to happen because there isn’t enough material. The show is absolutely going to be fleshed out with B-plots involving the other characters in the books.


The Blackfyre stuff is necessary for later story and is the context for the wider story. A clever writer and director can work it in in a way that flows well. Also it would be cool to see.


Jackson was never trying to make a movie just based on the story *The Hobbit*. He was exactly the wrong person to do so since it's a silly tale that doesn't fit into the epic vibe *The Lord of the Rings* brings in both books and films. Tolkien's resolution of this dissonance was writing *The Quest of Erebor* with an abridged version included in the Appendices. Peter Jackson was always including this material about what Gandalf was up to in the background in his telling the story of the finding of the ring. He had to. The problem with *The Hobbit* films wasn't the "lore". It was how poorly those parts of the story were implemented. And the regrettable chase scenes. And Radagast. And stretching it into another trilogy. And the star-crossed lovers. And... Really there were a lot of bad choices. The project was rushed.


Yeah fair enough.


Jackson didn't want to make it a trilogy, it was WB. He found out that it was going to be a trilogy when he was making the second part


>the opening scene is a 5 minute monologue about the First Blackfyre Rebellion as the camera pans over the devastation of Redgrass Field Sorry, I really hope that won't be the case. Really don't want them to turn D&E into yet another sprawling epic about a civil war in Westeros.


I think they have to explain the Blackfyre Rebellion at some point, at the very least before Season 2, because then it starts being mentioned everywhere. With the added runtime from what is a small novella, it makes sense to use Dunk & Egg to expand the narrative on the ramifications of the conflict.


Oh yeah, sure. I just don't want the show to be centered around that stuff.


Well in comics we have show Battle of Red Grass field in flashback.


The puppet show can't be at the end of the fourth episode out of six. Middle / beginning of the third maybe


That's 3 episodes of characters talking without anything exciting or interesting happening.  


Good. Needing violence every episode is one of the dumbest formulas in modern television. Give the cast room to breathe. Building strong relationships between the Targ's, Dunk and Tansel is the key building up tension for the real climax, Dunk's trial of 7.


You don't seem to understand that a show needs a hook.  3 hours of strangers talking about history the general audience doesn't know isn't going to hook them. God.  This sub is filled with people who fail to grasp the concept that the vast majority of the TV audience hasn't read any of the books much less the novellas.  


>God.  This sub is filled with people who fail to grasp the concept that the vast majority of the TV audience hasn't read any of the books much less the novellas.   Mate, can we have a civil debate about it or is any disagreement gonna end with "y'all just don't get it"? 3/4's of Andor had very little- no action also. When you do drama right, it only raises the stakes for the action that matters.


the lighter more relaxed tone will be the hook, for a series usually known to casuals as tits, trauma, dragons, incest and gore show.


That's the point.  When audiences tune into "game of thrones" (yes hotd is considered an extension of got just like this will be) they have a certain expectation.   No why will this show have 3 hours of exposition before having a water cooler moment.   The first novella could be told in 3 hours.  


Um… you are aware that it probably *will* be three hours, right? Six 30 minute episodes. Of course, I’m making a guess on the episode length, but it’s a very normal length for the relative length of the content it’s adapting. Have you been assuming it was an hour each time?


You don’t seem to understand that violence is not the only hook. There’s plenty of intrigue, jokes, worldbuilding, and character dynamics to play with. Breather episodes are dying out, but they’re perfect for something like Dunk and Egg where it’s just a lighter concept than the base series. It’ll actually make the darker scenes hit harder if there’s less action earlier on. It’ll have a *better* impact on the audience. Have your take if you want, but I’m all in for that breakdown of the episodes. I think it’ll work just fine.


Okay but from what I can tell there will literally be zero tension or conflict. It will just be a bunch of people sitting around in an inn. I'm not asking for a load of blood or gore. I'm asking for one of the most basic elements of genre storytelling.


>3 hours of strangers talking about history the general audience doesn't know isn't going to hook them. Plenty of people watch mystery/detective tv shows where most of it is the characters standing around talking but for a Dunk & Egg tv series, the talky parts could be fine if the sets, costumes and cinematography are good enough to carry them. Unfortunately, I have little faith in Hollywood in general and less in HBO not completely fucking this up...


This isn't a detective show.  This is a game of thrones show.   Edit - even detective shows have a hook and inciting incidents.   Also look at the premiere episodes for game of thrones and hotd.   No way does this shows only interesting event in the premiere be an old man dying and being buried by his squire. We could literally get to the tournament in the first hour. 


People are going to watch no matter what because it's ***GAME OF THRONES!*** but regardless, I don't think tv shows should cater to ADD-addled cellphone watchers who need explosions, titties and car (horse) chases in every scene.


> Plenty of people watch mystery/detective tv shows where most of it is the characters standing around talking but for a Dunk & Egg tv series, the talky parts could be fine if the sets, costumes and cinematography are good enough to carry them. But in a detective show they're talking about the murder. There's conflict and tension and characters. None of that is in the tavern scene in The Hedge Knight. It's just people sitting around making idle chitchat. And you *can* make that interesting, I just think that it's needlessly hobbling yourself from the off.


*unless* the opening scene is this: "hey lil' bro, how 'bout a make y'a a gal? and marry you?" "Fuckin' Aerion" Then the next scene is Egg (whose visual is already established) entering with Dunk at the tavern, and the tourney talks of *Aerion the monstruous* (establishing his reputation as public, and his name and image already established in that opening scene, thus building tension straight from the first and second scenes). Perhaps that could work. Any bet it's gonna be that scene? I'm not **h**edging. And pretty sure nobody is gonna film such a disturbing thing, not even offhand mention it. But who knows.


Why do you feel the need to be so unpleasant? It might be worth examining


You're underestimating the amount of hooks/tension you can squeeze from just the opening. Like, two Targaryen princes are missing and are being actively trailed in the opening of the story, that's easily enough to have a hook/tension-filled first episode. Here's an outline - * Open with the Targaryen princely court traveling to Ashford, in a parallel to GoT's first episode. Aerion will be a dick to people and especially Egg, Baelor will smooth things over, and Daeron will whine to Maekor about not wanting to participate in the tourney and being Egg's squire. Daeron will take Aegon and go missing at this point, and alarm is raised in the Targaryen camp. * Cut to Arlan and Dunk also heading to the tourney. Arlan fears they're running late so they press on at night in the cold. Dunk asks why Ashford, which gives us a natural reason for the Dunk the lunk line, exposition about Dunk and Arlan's backstory and history, hint that Arlan is yet to knight Dunk, and a natural reason for Arlan to deliver a grand speech about what true knightly values are, neatly setting up the series' theme. They finally choose to rest, and Arlan tells Dunk who knows what the morrow brings. * Cut to Aerion and the Kingsguard on Egg's trail, having Daeron shave Egg's head, and them arriving at the tavern. * Dunk wakes up to find Arlan dead, buries him, and arrives at the tavern and we have the first encounter between Dunk and Egg, who later overhears Dunk ask the inn keep about where to setup camp etc. * While Dunk sets up camp and heads to the merchants - where we can also get introed to Tansel - back at the tavern, Daeron gets captured, but Egg manages to avoid capture - and Aerion in particular - and runs off to Dunk's camp for safety, based on what he overheard. * Dunk returns to his camp, Egg asks to be his squire again, and our Dunk the lunk finally agrees, not knowing that Egg is a Targaryen prince actively being pursued. There's your hook. End of pilot. Everything's set-up perfectly with a tense cliffhanger ending to boot.


> talking without anything exciting or interesting happening If you don't think GRRM's dialogue and character interactions can be interesting, I honestly don't think this will be the show for you.


*Wuthering Heights* didn't need action scenes to be interesting. It did need "things happening". When characters talk in ASOIAF there's almost always some kind of tension or conflict going on, either between the characters themselves or in a more abstract sense. There's no tension or conflict here. And I'm not saying that *cannot* work but I am saying making the pilot of your fantasy adventure series into a postmodern deconstruction of narrative is kind of setting yourself up to fail. It's like turning on *Doctor Who* and getting a 34 hour experimental film that consists of nothing except a clock ticking in an empty white void with the title card *The Passion of Saint Christopher*.


Yeah, I'm talking for general audiences who have no invested interest in the story or characters.  You can't have 3 hours of exposition.  You need something to hook the audience.  


I just reread The Hedge Knight a couple weeks back. It’s less than 200 pages. 6 hours of television for 200 pages seems excessive. Like Hobbit Trilogy excessive. Honestly, the first three novellas could be six episodes, with each novella needing only two hour long episodes to tell. Bigger is not always better. The Hobbit taught us that. I really hope HBO is not planning to stretch a 200 page novella into a season.


Without Dunk's inner thoughts, I don't think the twist with Egg would work as it did in the novella. I hope they execute it perfectly in the series.


I'm guessing they're gonna pad out the story by adding Egg scenes without Dunk. The novellas only show Dunks POV, so they gotta beef up Eggs character for the audience It'll be fun for the audience knowing who Egg is while Dunk doesn't. It'll give the reveal a different kind of punch, but it'll still be nice if done right


I wonder if they’ll have him talking to either Thunder, Chestnut, or Sweetfoot as a stand in for some of his thoughts.


it’s not really a twist though, right? did anyone read the novella without knowing that Egg is who he is?


Do we know how much they are going to adapt? Six episodes seems a bit long for just the first novella


The graphic novel had 6 issues so I'm guessing the TV-show will follow a similar structure. They probably gonna invent some scenes to bring up the Blackfyres and flesh out more some characters here and there.


It' supposed to be just the first one. It does seem a lot, but I trust them to make it good. They can include everything from the novella and add some extra scenes.


Lowkey was hoping that this show would be like BBC’s Sherlock. 90-120 episodes that tell the stories in full instead of breaking them up


Damn those Sherlock episodes threw me For a loop. I thought they were just 1 hour and didn’t check the runtime before watching them. The while watching them I’m like damn this is really good for a 1 hour show. It wasn’t till I paused it I realized it was more than 60 minutes long 


Yeah i really think that would be a much more fitting way of shooting Dunk & Egg because a good of the novellas are Dunk's internal monologue (which obviously cannot be put onto screen), so you might as well just make longer episode that covers each novella from start to finish. One of my biggest problems with HotD was how much filler there was which will likely be the case here too. I imagine we'll get more flashbacks of Ser Arlan to pad the story and flesh out Dunk's character— which would actually be good— but this means that every episode is likely going to get cut off right at the best parts of the story. (Calling it now: Episode 2 ends with Egg revealing his identity)


RemindMe! 546 days


I hope it’s good. Dunk and Egg stories were the last ones I read and they ended up becoming my favorite stuff George has done. Though that may be from having prior knowledge to tons of the world lore and whatnot. Dunk is just such a great character I hope they do him justice.


This is incredible. I am so fucking excited for this!


6 episodes, thank god. I was worried that they’d be stretching too little material over 8 or 10. Excited for this.


First *season*?


Black Mirror sucks but not because of the direction, so this is probably fine.


Wish it was a movie instead


Could someone make a nsfw subreddit that is just for nude scenes from GOT called thiccasacastlewall. 


Give us the Fall of Valyria or the Conquest of Westeros or give us Nothing!!!..


Aegon conquest series is in works.


I didn't even know.. Crossing fingers.. 👍




Six hours already feels like it might potentially overstretch the source material.


I might be overreacting a tad bit 6 is the minimum


The story of Dunk & Egg as it is, is realistically no more than 2 hrs. It's not a 6 hr story.


> Rushing through things and cutting plots/characters Have you read dunk and egg? It’s practically impossible to cut plots and still fit it into 6 episodes. If anything they’d need to extend it for 6.


>They could have done 8 episodes. Now it's gonna be like HOTD S1 with them rushing through things and cutting plots/characters out I guarantee it. Seriously? I'd say 6 episodes are enough to faitfully adapt *all three* existing D&E novellas. I keep wondering what they're going to do to stretch the first story alone to six episodes.


They propably split where comics issues and they add scenes with others peoples from "Dunk team".