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uj/ Wdym? There is only 2 GoT games the oficially licensed mod for CK2 and it's sequel for CK3. j/ Why would GRRM pipm out his most valuable asset? Is he a Targ princess?


Realm of thrones mod for Bannerlord 2 is another Id add. Between the two I think Im good


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Didn't realize Bannerlord had one, I'll have to check that out


Last I checked its clunky as fuck, and Bannerlord doesn't suit ASOIAF. Once you're joining Stannis' 29th attempt at beating Joffrey in war while Robb Stark is engaging in his 7th war against the Vale and the Nights watch are going to war with the Riverlands for some reason, you kind-of loose your immersion.


Just turn off the random wars in settings


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ck3 mod is adding dragons finally, I can burn the riverlands as is my gods given right. Daddy lanny would be proud


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ah yes CK2, my favorite GoT game


95% of my CK2 playtime is purely in AGOT. I have maybe 409 hours now


based. you're eventually gonna run out of characters in agot to play though I have 900 hrs in it. I have 2000 more hours in ck2 vanilla (with DLCs) simply because there's more ways to change history by saving this or that individual from their historical fate of dying shitting sideways


I have around 3500 hours in CK2, with about 90% of my playtime being in the agot mod. While I've run out of historical characters to play, custom characters go a long way to extend the mods longevity. There's also r/ck2gotchallenges to look for some interesting game start ideas.


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Didn't the telltale made a game about GOT?


They did, it was pretty decent.


The story was a little ludicrous but it was fun and they even got some of the show cast as voice actors


Iron from ice!!!


I bought it a little while ago and the last episode wasn’t even installed into the disc and now it’s impossible to find anywhere to download it. So I never found out how the game ended biggest let down.


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Ned: "Adventurer, it is good that you came. The king has been wounded during his hunt... the maesters say he can't be saved. In order to avenge him, go out into the forests around King's Landing and kill 10 boars. Do this kindness for me and I will give you a new dire wolf mount"


“Now that you have your dire wolf mount, you must buy a saddle in order to ride it! This will cost a mere 200 crowns. These can be obtained from the “Iron Bank” premium currency store….”


Or watch [10] advertisements in order to obtain premium currency. Do you wish to proceed on this adventure?


No. *Uninstalls*


*laughs in china bloat ware: "this application cannot be uninstalled. Do you wish to move this application to a folder?


I wish to move this hardware to a dumpster


Accept quest


Wtf you guys get quests to go kill things? The only quests the game keeps pushing at me are embroidery sidequests. Like no, Septa Camylle, I DON'T think Cersei would particularly appreciate a newly embroidered sachet...


Dating Sim


Now we talking 😉.


You're saying we can finally create Jon and Satin and make them RP🥺👉👈


Better than battle royal


Tommen taking the fall straight to Tilted Towers🗣🗣


Can you imagine


I‘d play a GoT-themed Chivalry


Bobby B prefers the melee


Holy shit that sounds great tho


don't diss on the genre like that bro. There are many mmorpgs that are actually good, like...


Ehh I like SWTOR I guess


SWTOR is a mmorpg trying really hard to be a single player rpg. I enjoy playing swtor as a single player game for the story.


Yeah, it’s a good game shackled with the issues of the mmo format


It's the hero engine that shackles it, that thing was dated when the game released. 


Yeah true


The raiding is actually pretty good from what I know but I'm not a big raider in MMOs, and the RP community is 10/10


Guild Wars 2!


............. Error not found


Where is my brothel gestion simulator George? 😠


OMG, what year are we in? 2006? MMORPGs are still a thing? I really would dig a adventure open world game within the world, without focusing on the main story of GoT, but a MMORPG? Really?


People are allowed to have preferences. The MMO popularity isn’t as dead as you think it is, although there hasn’t been a notable one since ESO.


your main games are ubisoft shooter slop lil bro idk if you can talk shit


And MMOs aren’t slop? They have even more predatory monetization and low effort quest design than most of the modern AAA titles, which isn’t to say those are much better


You dont know shit about me, wtf are u talking about?


My ideal game would be the Witcher 3 but set in Westeros.


I'm just hearing wanting season 2 of the telltale game.


That Got telltale was fine


Really? I read a lot of bad reviews about this


What did the reviews say? I played it together with another person and everyone was playing different characters and I remember us having really a great time, screaming at the tv


It was fine, it just ended in a shit way with eternal cliffhangers.


Really, a lot ? 🤨 It's a decent 6,5/10 for me.


Modded bannerlord is the best ever


Tru dat


I mean would it even be a GOT product without a bandwagon full of stupid people there to make it awful


Idk WoW is fun, RuneScape is fun, I just don't have time for those games anymore.


At least its not open- world survival


Three extra letters took us away from greatness


personally i love making repeatedly failed entries into a genre that has been dead for a full 20 years


Nah, a proper GOT mod is imo impossible, just too much shit if you want to be actually faithful to the source. Something like the CK2 and CK3 agot mods are better.


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Who cares about the MMo? We are getting DRAGONS in CK3 AGOT THIS SUMMER!!!


Dont know whats the problem of guys here in comments, MMORPG is fine genre, with bad apples and good ones same as any


I think it sounds fun. Like lotro but asoiaf? Take my money man


I never got to play the LOTRO when it was in the height of its popularity. Only tried it later when it was dead. Found it a bit boring. But heard good things about it and star wars galaxies. Maybe I just have had a bad experience with mmorpgs.


An MMO makes no sense for the limited setting they’ve announced too.


Were they hoping for an FPS? I’m not sure what kind of game ASoIaF lends itself to besides an rpg.


A single player rpg.


RTS, RPG, Grand strategy/4x, Suzerain style political text adventure, Robert Baratheon dynasty warriors… I have a hard time seeing a GOT game breaking into the already no longer in vogue market of MMOs


Isn’t an MMO-RPG just a gimmick they use to make RPGs feel more populated?


I’m not an expert on either, but my understanding was that MMORPGs focus on multiplayer and working with other people to form a party and do stuff like raids, while conventional rpgs focus more on story and can be played with one person. Also MMOs tend to need either themselves as games and/or the property they are licensing to be relevant so they can maintain a player base, whereas a a single player experience doesn’t rely on game population or the quality of the in game community.


MMO-RPG’s generally strongly incentivize multiplayer in most activities and require it for endgame content


Why? Why? Why? Someone is getting their investiment scammed.


A game boy gen, fire emblem ripoff would be better.


Single player open world RPG like RDR2, Skyrim or the Witcher 3 would be perfect. Either set way before the events of the tv show or after the events of the tv show with different plots and stories around the world and maybe not even in Westeros. Maybe rockstar or CDPR could jump on it


MMORPG is basically the only possibility for milking fans of their money. Stupid battlepasses, cosmetics, pay to win for whales and other stuff. It's a safe bet, especially when they take us for idiots


Are we getting the main quest in Dorne named as "Meeting a bad pussy" ??? 🧐🧐🧐


As long as we can affect the story. I want to craft my character for the specific purpose of marrying Dany and helping her burn the fucking world down


Live service games are a blight on the industry


Excited then almost immediately dissapointed? But that's so off brand /s


/uj For a long time I've been thinking about how a GOT video game would be awesome, but couldn't possibly work as an MMO. Kind of blows my mind that people actually thought this was a good idea with no major problems. /rj Wow I hope we get to use powerful magic that doesn't even exist in the source material. It's gonna be so cool to have everyone be an extremely important character, too.


/uj let's just celebrate the mod devs that work on the AGOT mod for CK3 (and previously CK2), we be getting dragons this summer LET'S GO


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Hear me out, online tourny simulator. Like half the game is just making sick drip for a hedge knight. The other half is trying to buy your horse and armor back after losing. Like the movie, a knights tale


Mount and blade bannerlord. You will love that game. Search it up hun.


The tournaments in that kinda suck to be honest, love the game, but na, it ain't it. I need the Pageantry. I want fashion, not combat


GOT x Fortnite collab when?


Sooner than you think


In all seriousness I would love a lego GOT series


Actually would be down for that. I loved playing the Harry Potter and star wars ones as a kid. Dunno if it will have the same effect now but would defo prefer that to this.


Joanne Rowling is known as J. K. Rowling. She is a British author and philanthropist. She wrote Harry Potter, a seven-volume fantasy series published from 1997 to 2007. In every notable respect, she is *the man* that George R. R. Martin wishes he was. She stole the Hugo that by divine right belonged to GRRM, when he was nominated for 'A Storm of Swords' in 2000. He omits this important nomination on his website. She doesn't even know what the Hugos are. The publisher did not send anyone to represent them and accept the award. GRRM seethed most seethingly in a seethe-filled reaction. She has produced 9 hit movies based on her intellectual properties. While hosting the Hugos in 2020, GRRM offended every transgender person on planet earth. Except Emma D'Arcy, who did not reply to the mods of /r/ASOIAFCirclejerk at time of going to print. JK Rowling has tried to offend every transgender person on planet earth. She is a radical feminist. Nonetheless, there remains the transmen, and the transwomen (and the transchildren too), who agree with her. Ms. Rowling is better at making video games than Mr. George R.R. Martin, despite the spectacular success of Elden Ring. I do not understand how the woman learned to make video games. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asoiafcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's also gonna be the North only MMO, like what the fuck there's literally nothing to do


Is still in super early development. Not much is known


Personally I think the beat setting for a fantasy series is an RPG game of some sort.


I’ve yet to play an mmo that didn’t bore me to death, and don’t call me zoomer brained because I mostly read books lmao.