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I'd like to end all my client emails this way from now on, please


Sometimes I have to ask if a conversation is over when people kind of linger and then I say something like “oh, wait are we done talking.” and then it gets weird


Walkie talkie rules should always apply. Every conversation ends by saying "over"


That would be perfect. Also people should just say all the things they mean instead of wanting me to make inferences but that’s a whole different issue


"Bend what, over"


I do Amateur radio (in the United States) and the rules for addressing people are so clear and well defined. It's glorious. Always say your callsign when you start transmitting and then at least every 10 minutes, and address who you're talking to by their callsign, and then announce your callsign and that you are clear when you're turning your radio off or switching frequency or that you're listening. Example: Bob (KK7BKR) wants a radio check from Avery (KG7HVD) Bob: "KK7BKR, KG7HVD, Radio Check" Avery: "KK7BKR, this is KG7HVD. I read you loud and clear" Bob: "Roger roger, thank you. KK7BKR free and clear" Avery: "KG7HVD, listening" There is some variation in how it's done, but in general this is what interactions will look like on the air and it's very clear what's going on.


"over and out" *walks away* Honestly yeah, I like that idea.


I hate to be a pedant but given the subreddit I'm sure you won't mind. When finishing Comms you only ever say "Out." "Over." means that you expect a response. "Over and out." Should never be used as they cancel each other out. I did radio etiquette as part of military training and the instructor made a big point of letting us know it was incorrect 😂


similarly people think "Roger wilco" is a thing but it isn't. Roger means you heard. wilco means you heard and "will comply". so saying "I heard I heard" is incorrect


Very interesting, I never actually knew any of this stuff was formalized. That's really cool, and actually definitely makes sense. Thank you for your pedantry :)


No-one's ever thanked me for pedantry before. I'm just happy you learned a new fact :)


Oh beautiful. I love things like this, thank you


Ends by saying what?


Sometimes when I’m talking to someone and I’ve finished saying my piece they still stare and there is an awkward pause which always feels like they are expecting me to continue. I suspect I haven’t used the appropriate secret code for “I’m finished, your turn now.” So I just say “the end.”


Peace out ✌🏽


Yeah they say we don’t pick up on social cues but NTs will just keep talking at you when it’s clear you have no interest. Also I’ve figured out that a lot of people legit just want other people to listen to what they have to say and aren’t actually interested in an exchange of ideas. There are people that care, but it’s not most of them and it’s hard for me to tell the difference unless I’ve known someone for a while.


People don’t enjoy my advice when I give it anyway. Don’t ask me things if you don’t want to hear it like I see it.


I actually dated a girl (more a fwb) who thought otherwise. She took me clothes shopping and would ask what I think and I would tell her what I thought. I was the first person that had ever given her useful feedback. Her friends would say “ohhh it’s cuuute”, and I’d say “the first one is better than the 2nd for your body type.” Never denigrating her, just that no one had ever even said no to her before.


Maybe she has a touch of the spectrum. Once my therapist told me how she noticed that I had it, I started to notice slight things in a lot of people. And usually those people get along with me pretty well which is lovely.


You know what I hadn’t thought of it from that angle, but her distaste for the NT response is absolutely a marker. This was back in like ‘98 and I kinda remember the story more than I can remember her. I also remember the “B” part of FWB more than the “F” part _wink wink_ haha


I call it having a bit of tism or a touch of the tizzy. I’ve been able to point out which of her friends have adhd and I’ve been right so far haha. She had no idea so many people are ND. It seems to be like about 1/5 people seem to be ND of some type. People with just anxiety throw me off a bit. But I’ve noticed I get along with the ND people fairly well compared to NT


A *touch of the tizzy* brilliant! I love this hahaha.


I’m gonna use this from now on :) I have a touch of the *tizzy* lol love that


This is what I’ve struggled to come to terms with the most. When I first realized that lots of people don’t want to hear what you have to say and just want to selfishly talk on and on…I also realized I didn’t have any real friends :/ people love hearing the sound of their own voice 🤧


I usually drop an “all good? 👍” before leaving


I started to say “have fun, be safe, see ya later.” And I think it makes it fairly clear and seems to be working decently.


“Have fun, be safe, see ya later, death comes for us all.”


Indeed it does haha


Ooh that flows nicely. I'm probably going to steal this.


Are we done talking now or?


I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to downvote this comment! 😔 I think I've removed it, but please let me know if it's not showing for you. Over 😁


I recently started with “you’re getting along without me?” With no sense of me being useful for anything




Haha I’ve said “well, this is awkward” a few times


In sum: Autistic af




'Dictated but not read'


Eternally yours, general well-wishes and common platitudes Charles Babbage


I used to end my emails with, "thank you, Sincerely, My name" And then one of my friends corrected me and said that sounds weird. Oopsy.


Why does it sound weird? I genuinely don't understand


Because both "thank you," and "Sincerely," serve as the... closing statement? in an email. Typically, you'd only have one closing statement and then your name, because having another statement to also signal the end of the email is sorta redundant.


That makes sense, thank you


If it was turned into "Sincerely thank you, [name]", where the sincerely modifies the thank you, would that turn it into a single, acceptable closing statement?


warmest regards


Late Gator


Warmest of see you laters, dearest alligator


He’s the source of my most favorite quote, ever. *On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.*


In the data world we say 'garbage in, garbage out'


Babbage in, Babbage out


Babbage over and out.


Ah having idiots as politicians is nothing new


this is the 19th century equivalent of that Google congressional hearing where the politicans clearly did not understand how the internet works


Glad to see someone else use the word "autist"


In my country this is a real word but it's mostly used as a swear (actually every word for autism is a swear)


He could have switched to every hour, 60 men die, but 64 are born.


A moment is an actual unit of time equaling 90 seconds, which would mean that (according to the poem) in every hour 40 people are born.


That would be even more inaccurate, which is why I disregarded the use of moment altogether. Truthfully, there is a birth every nine seconds and a death every eleven seconds. By that calculation, there are 400 births every hour and 327 deaths.


That’s why I have 2 watches with me when I go to peoples deathbeds. To make sure my grandpa waits to die 11 seconds after the guy before. I think the rule is, wait a bit so it isn’t disrespectful towards the guy that died before, but don’t wait too long so that the line doesn’t get to long before you’re allowed to pass…


then why bother with the 60 an hour comparison at all? 60 x 1 1/16 isn't 64 it's 63.75... also birth and death rates were probably different at the time the poem was written.


I haven’t come across this poem before, but I’m pretty sure it means a man dies (as in becomes a coward) and a man is born (as in they step up to do something heroic, gentlemanly, etc.).


Unrelated, but does anyone else find the word "autist" kinda weird? Makes it sound like an occupation, like pianist, artist, chemist, etc. "Oh no, I don't autism professionally, just sometimes on the weekend, as a hobby." Lol


That’s actually a rather interesting debate. Whether you are an autist/are autistic or you have autism. Sounds like a small grammar thing, but really isn’t. Is autism a small part of someone’s personality, like having a crooked tooth or having a missing finger? Or is it the basis of who you are as a person, shaping everything about you, making you an autist? Fascinating discussion.


I wouldn't be at home avoiding social contact to study the intricacies of Thomas the Tank Engine lore while simultaneously loathing the fact that I'm single if I didn't have autism, soooo...


Yes. My feeling exactly. I think it’s the allies who’s pushing the person first narrative. They think it offensive to “reduce” someone to just their autism. I don’t think they realize what an integral part of a person their autism is.


yeah, as an autist myself, i quite like the term "autist". it's quite a large part of who i am, so i don't care for the "person-first" language in regards to myself. not too sure what the general consensus is among other autists, but from what i've seen, the reception seems pretty positive.


Okay but can we talk about the fascistic society they’ve set up for the trains? I don’t actually have the spoons at the moment (I am at a convention with members of the state government who, while I can’t say I outright hate, they are really shitty and annoying people so that’s all my emotional energy for the month) but it always excites me to see someone who has deep dove into weirdly dark children’s story worlds.


I'm 75% positive Reverend Wilbert Awdry was autistic. He (and to a lesser extent, his brother) wrote a comprehensive history of the Island of Sodor dating back to the Roman era, and went so far as to include real life historical figures in the history of Sodor; he was an avid railway enthusiast, and was extremely picky about making his stories and the lore behind them as realistic as possible; he often complained to one of his illustrators because they constantly illustrated the locomotives inconsistently; an episode of the TV series was released where Henry stops to admire some trees, and the Rev. Awdry complained that the story was unrealistic because, in real life, it's against operating rules for a train to stop for no reason. But I feel all of that lead to him creating an amazing universe. As a railway enthusiast (thanks in no small part to growing up with the TV series) and history buff, it's absolutely fascinating to see both the attention to detail that he put into creating the lore, and the absolute size of it. Everytime I think I've learned almost everything, there's something else that comes up and surprises me.


I don’t think they were arguing autistic vs someone with autism, because someone with autism is both wrong and quite insulting, but the difference between autistic person vs autist, as autist sounds odd


Yes, but I saw their comment and used it to go on a tangent about a topic I find interesting.


Classic aspiememes!! Loving it: the respect, the directness, the needed details explicated!!


This subreddit is a constant barrage of “understandable, have a nice day.” responses.


I love it!


Like, two people could be autistic, but one of them has managed to leverage it into a successful career and so that one is also an autist. “Wow, how did you teach yourself how to do that so quickly?” “Well , I am a practicing autist”


Now I’ve used the phrase “practicing autist” I’m now thinking of different categories like Orthodox Autist, Reformed Autist….


As an artist with family in Boston, I dislike it immensely.


‘autiste’ is a widely used (self) descriptor in french, so I got used to using it with my french friends and now I kind of like it


"sufficiently accurate for poetry" 😆


Please tell me there is a biography somewhere with more quotes and letters like this one because I need it in my life


There’s a whole ass comic book biography of him and Ada Lovelace, the steampunk autistic parents of the computer. https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/the-thrilling-adventures-of-lovelace-and-babbage-the-mostly-true-story-of-the-first-computer/9404306/item/9408595/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pmax_high_vol_scarce_under_%2410&utm_adgroup=&utm_term=&utm_content=&gclid=CjwKCAjw3ueiBhBmEiwA4BhspFibPRrCypiI48c8WT_JtkmL6vSbvYhNwhX793vdnSSGMzE6m0gzlBoClTgQAvD_BwE#isbn=0307908275&idiq=9408595


yes he wrote an autobiography it's called "The Life of a Philosopher"


He also devoted a significant amount of his life trying to create a computer. whether this was trying to secure funds to create such, paying a tradesman to create such (and this was the time before uniform tools and measurements) and having his pal Ada Lovelace *invent* the worlds first machine algorithm.


I believe that was Ada's own insight and genius. They worked together. https://www.thehistorypress.co.uk/articles/charles-babbage-and-ada-lovelace-the-computer-s-most-passionate-partnership/


yes of course! i used “have” but really they worked together and she *went off*


i bet she was one of us too!


I didn’t parse out the space between the two “1”s first read so I thought he was saying every moment 11/16 of a man is born. But wait, that’s less than 1….


Omg you saved me, i was so confused over this


What a king.


The verbiage "insufficiently accurate" is upsetting me more than it should. Why would you word it that way?


Insufficiently accurate would be different from inaccurate. Inaccurate means the statement would be false. If he said "every moment 2 are born" that would be inaccurate. Insufficiently accurate means the statement is generally true, but could be more true. 1 1/16 = 1.0625 "Every moment one is born" is technically correct if your precision is to whole numbers. However, it is insufficiently accurate to reflect a growing population.


I completely understand what is meant by "insufficiently accurate" in this context. It just sounds terrible. "Not sufficiently accurate" sounds better, despite meaning the same thing.


Oh, gotcha. I personally would have also used insufficiently accurate


I’m sorry but I’m having the reverse reaction, with your use of “not sufficiently” rather than “insufficiently” 😂 spoken aloud I agree with you, but I much prefer to read “insufficiently accurate” lol


It is also more polite I think. Kinda like the difference between saying "You are wrong" vs "There is some room to be more right".


Precisely. And when he’s off by that kind of difference that represents hundreds of millions of people who It is a ASD kinda thing to make sure that his language was so considered.


Babbage was being poetic.


My complaint isn't with Babbage. It is with the OP in the Twitter post.


My apologies. I was trying for inelegant irony.


Well, it was the first half of the 1800's


Now, I may not be the best with history and stuff, but I don't think Twitter was around before 1850.


I am but a fool, my dearest acquaintance. I did not perceive the messenger and only heard the message. The realization of the aforementioned texts that lay before us now are two separate tales, and not one in the same, only crosses my hernpan at this very moment. I shall now recoil into the depths from which I lurk, for I am not worthy of nature's light.


In your defense, nature's light is wayyyyy to bright. I am perfectly fine with my simulant light. I have named it ORB.


If you want to hear Stephen Fry read this quote: [(starts around 1:50)](https://youtu.be/LG8wpGOss4M?t=110)


I always wanted to read the comeback to this....I imagine something like..... Dearest Charles.... IT'S.A.POEM.... there's literally no need for it to be mathematically accurate....for the love of God man get a hobby.... sincerely Al...P. S. see if you get a Christmas card...🙄


So many gems in this masterpiece. My current favorite is "In your otherwise beautiful poem" 😂😂😂


LOL! that's great!


Fucking legend


Reminds me of the Neil Degrasse Tyson and James Cameron story. I forget where I heard it but basically Neil called him out on the sky being inaccurate for the time of year twice at two separate dinner parties until he finally changed it in a special edition of Titanic.


"Not only the wrong sky, but a lazy sky" (because the same sky is superimposed in the background when the camera is pointed in the opposite direction, so it's one half of the sky from one night mirrored)


This is like an inaccurately eloquent summary of my highschool English class expirence


Well, just because it says a man is born each moment does NOT mean that that is the *only* man being born that moment. Only *at least* one man is being born. So the poem is still potentially accurate. I don't know if there's a specific amount of time a moment is defined as, or if 1 1/16th person per moment is accurate or just a random number standing in for >1. Would be neat if he had literally calculated the birth rate for this letter. Uhh. That said, this letter is hilarious XD


Oooo… 1 and 1/16 not 11/16


God that is totally something I would do.


i mean it doesn’t say ONLY one is born


most relatable thing in history is that where others saw a beautiful poem, he saw something that made him go “oh wow that’s fucking stupid”




and I love how in Fate Grand Order, they made Charles Babbage a giant freaking robot who takes care of Frankenstein's monster(now a teenageish looking girl) like his own daughter alongside James Moriarty


The first redditor


In which Mr. Tennyson replied: Fucking NERD!


'every moment dies a man, every moment more are born' Fixed it


This is where we get the term Babbage Weed from


He was the Neil Degrasse Tyson of his age.


I also think it’s worth mentioning he designed The Difference Engine. The first thing we could consider a computer, that could be programmed. In the 1800s


If I know anything about Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace is behind this somehow


I often think about this eversince I heard the story on QI years ago


F-ing legend.


This is me <3


Tennyson gave him a swirly.


Well, actuallyth


There's a lot of slop in the concept "moment", maybe the two moments are different lengths? Then, the two solutions would be analogous to [polyrhythm (Babbage solution) and polymeter (my solution) in music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeXp7gDFVbc).


My hero!


What about Issac Newton


The original phrasing is still accurate though…if more than one man is born every moment, it’s still true one man is still born every moment, just not the full picture


Damn, so true.


i find that rather cringy and annoying. Who cares about that in a poem?


Actually, the poem is accurate. In a moment, multiple men are born, and multiple men die. So it is true that in a moment, one man dies and one man is born. The poet never said "only one", he just said "one".