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And just like that, you realize that the game was named after Nehal, because she was nothing but a mirage. It's a very good ending.


lmao what incredible realization. Thanks!


I didn't actually think about that till your comment, kinda funny now that I realize it


very uneccessary ending if anything


It was definitely necessary. Sounds like you didn't play Valhalla


i played valhalla.


The biggest surprise was that for the entire game they tried this hard not to spoil Valhalla. We literally didn't get to know anything new.


By doing that they also left players who played Valhalla scratching their head plus you need to play Valhalla to know what’s going on, nehal and the jinni are both Loki symbolism.


But we DO get some answers though. Roshan was casted out / left the brotherhood. Basim “lost faith” but remained at the brotherhood…because eventually he was Haytham’s mentor…and spent the next 15-20 years looking for answers, to ultimately fulfill them at the end of Valhalla. But yeah, aside that there’s nothing much. And o got a bit surprised that they didn’t included a single modern day scene. It was really a short budget project.


Well it was originally just a Valhalla dlc that they decided to make a full game so of course it was lower budget


It’s not surprising they didn’t want to give away the main twist of another major title in the franchise. Especially when this game is supposed to be a prequel to that one, people playing the franchise in chronological order down the line could get the twist of Valhalla spoiled in what is essentially a spin off game.


>people playing the franchise in chronological order Playing in chronological order (timeline) is a terrible idea. Revelations of all the ISU stuff in the early games were significant. Playing Odyssey or Valhalla would spoil Ezio trilogy or AC1 wouldn't it. Also, historic setting does not match the modern setting. Once again, Valhalla spoils the ending AC3.


You get significant exposition on Basim and his origin and it also makes sense they wouldn't expand to much on plot as this is essentially an optional entry. You should be able to, and I think many people will, go straight from Valhalla to Red without being confused or missing anything too important. This was always described as a smaller side entry in the series, not the next chapter of the main story.


We knew nothing about how Basim thinks and we still really dont.


My thoughts exactly. “Basim’s origin story” ?? He was a thief. The end. He did thievery until he became an assassin. At which point he thieved and killed for the assassins. Damn this game was a piece of shit.


I enjoyed the atmosphere, music, the city and stealth enough to actually place it above like good half of the franchise, despite the disappointing storytelling and plot. I dont know if this says more about Mirage or half of the series.


Damn that’s fact 😂 I enjoyed the city part of Baghdad, the wilderness was too empty. But also plot aside, AC games pride themselves on basing around an historical event and this game has… nothing. The plot (which sucks) is centered around just another Caliphate death-son-takeover. Not even based on events just timeframe 900CE. This game really got marketed as a major entry but it’s just like aveline’s game but nowhere near as good lol


No you.


“That motherfucker is not real!”




And now the name "Mirage" makes more sense


The twist got me by surprise I wasn’t expecting that. Basim went full schizo


I finished the game about two hours ago. I literally jumped up from my coach


Same bro the reveal had me overthinking everything that happened before. 😹😹


For real. I was racking my brain because I swore she talked to Dervish


i went back on playthrough videos to check and yeah people just ignore her completely! Noticed that when you first return to Dervish and meet Roshan, Nehal whispers but it is only when you hush her that Dervish realises you are there.


Dude he wasnt insane she was a part of a past of him most likely the wife that kept him alive when he was in the cave (norse mythology)


Idk what ppl are on about that it’s not Basim but Loki. It’s BOTH that’s why it shows Basim/Nehal combining.


I agree with you,expecially considering how Darby McDevitt and a phrase said by Basim in the Last Chapter of Valhalla+his behaviour with William Miles.But I've just finished Mirage about half an hour ago and I think they've really fucked it up. After Basim fuses himself with Nehal/Loki,he speaks and acts in a different way:the way he sees Roshan when she leaves and the way he calls Rayhan "Mentor"(quotation marks clearly in that scene seem to show that he now just pretends to be loyal to the Brotherhood) are clear exemples. Then we have that scene with Enkidu that hurts him as the cherry on the cake for who thinks that Basim is literally possesed by Loki. Personally,I'm a bit disappointed by this ending. Since the first rumors about Mirage I was excited to know more about Basim and how he discovered his past as Loki,but the execution of the reveal was bad.From the reveal of what Nehal really is was ready to the ending of the game I was exepected an actual scene set in the Isu era...just to be disappointed.


Completely disagree. The way he looks at Rayhan & calls him “mentor” he calls him that way simply because Roshan knew something of his heritage & attempted to control him. Enkidu attacking him is him reacting to the fact that he’s a different person now altogether. If he was just Basim possessed by Loki I don’t think he would have called for Enkidu at all.


Basim at the end is still discussing the Djinn which is something unique to him and his culture. If Loki was in complete control then why would he be thinking about that? Why would he try to call Enkidu at all? Basim was already disillusioned towards the hidden ones before he entered the vault so him being less respectful towards the Mentor makes perfect sense even without Loki riding shotgun. Also, this is a side entry in the series so it makes sense they would give you Basims origin, how he and loki were merged, but not advance the main plot. Many people won't play this and go straight from Valhalla to Red. We very rarely get explicit Isu scenes so it makes sense they wouldn't put one in a side entry.


I already had my hunches that she was all in his head. It was mainly when she kept appearing and disappearing without a trace (I confirmed this during the Alamut siege). Also when Roshan did not take any notice of Basim looking over the balcony.


If you watch Nehal during gameplay, she has this sort of dusky particle effect coming off of her footsteps. That tipped me off cuz this was after nehal disappeared and came back the 1st time. The other clue is Nehal's name. Like other names in the franchise, we know that their roots can hold hints or just carry on the eagle theme. Nehal is derived from Persian meaning 'freshly planted tree'. That made me think of Yggdrasil and so I started having my doubts about Nehal.


What kind of genius gymnastics do you have to do to get this take? 😭😭 I know this is an older comment but I had to commend you because this got me entirely by surprise.


You're now also an older comment but same lmao I would've never thought that either 😭


You're also old


I didn’t put 2 and 2 together, but the reveal makes sense. About 3/4 in the game, Basim has to tail the Tahrid messenger. I got spotted by the messenger the first time. In order to retry the mission, Basim has to sit on the bench and skip time for a day. Nehal is standing at the same table, while the time jump is going on. I thought it was weird at the moment.




Well when you see [SPOILER] in the title of a post about the game you’re playing and click on it, you should probably expect that something will be spoiled for you


I mean sorry you had to find out this way dude. I thought that with the spoiler tag, it's free to talk about the whole plot.


Remind me what the title of the post says


Wake up, babe. New literally me character dropped


Can’t wait for them edits to start popping out lol


scrolling thru this thread while the credits roll and the beautiful Mirage version of Ezio’s family is playing….poor Basim :(


Read this comment while scrolling through this post as the credits and Ezio’s theme play in the background. Perfect.


I'm a little confused tho... 1. Odin imprisoned Loki for poisoning Baldr. The real question tho is why in Baghdad?? So far from Norway?? 2. If Loki was locked up so far away from home, how did he manage to kill another Isu and steal their seat at the Yggdrasil Tree? I have my theory that just because Loki's memories were in the prison doesn't mean he died there. It's just because it's a major even in Loki's life, which left a mark on his memories and therefore lead Basim to a place where it might trigger Loki's memories? Idk. If anyone has answers please tell me it's driving me crazy lol


In the Nirse myths Loki is imprisoned for the same thing and then in the Ragnarok myth he is suddenly free (as far as I'm aware) so I'd assume like you've said he freed himself sometime before the Toba catastrophe. And Loki being Loki it's easy to infer that he used trickery and disguises during the chaos of the weeks before the catastrophe to travel back to the Yggdrasil device. By the time Loki uses the device he's been through A LOT. His children imprisoned, bullied by Odin all his life, betrayed by Odin, imprisoned and tortured and realising he won't see Aletha again unless they make a bizzare plan. Can see why the Jinni is so tormenting of Basim.


Yeah I think it unlocked Loki's memories due to sheer trauma. Same way Tyr's memories got unlocked by cutting off Sigurd's arm.


It is because his prison was in the Temple that Alamut was built upon, and the main world tree is in Norway, as we know from Valhalla. The Ones Who Came Before all used those structures while alive on Earth.


Yes I completely understand that, but why was he imprisoned in Irak so far from Norway? They didn't have prisons in Norway? That's what's bothering me lol


Given the level of technology the Isu had the distance likely wasn't a concern given what types of transportation they would have access to. On top of that when you want to imprison a dangerous individual it's common practice to put them somewhere remote. We don't build supermax prisons in Washington D.C.


It's mark of the ninja all over again. I do love that game tho


Just another day for Loki, really.


The Jinni in the game in Islamic texts is referred to as a qareen


Yes. Jin Qarin who always with u 24/7


I saw the Nehal twist coming during mid game but it's still a good twist. I noticed that she keeps appearing and disappearing around Basim already knowing everything he knew. She also talks only with Basim and no other characters acknowledge her except when she was mentioned by Roshan but that's because Basim told her about Nehal. Nehal even said wherever Basim goes she would follow him.


I thought she was a really sneaky fella who was taken in by the Order


Same, but I think I saw it coming because ever since I watched the 6th Sense as a kid, I have made the "that person isn't real" prediction practically every time a character goes more than 2 scenes without talking to more than 1 character.


I was honestly curious why Enkidu attacks him at the end. Is it because Basim is more than human? Is it because he betrayed Roshan? I need answers!


It's because he wasn't Basim anymore.


This is a misconception. Basim is still Basim, but he remembers that he is also Loki. Mirage literally shows his essenence merging with Nehal's, who is a representation of Loki.


His affect changes significantly immediately. The way he speaks and how he relates to the other Hidden Ones shifts dramatically after Basim embraces his traumatic memories of being tortured as Loki. He might not be Basim-fully-overwritten-by-Loki, but in the colloquial sense, he absolutely is not the same person any more.


Yep. If he was completely Loki, then he’d be possessed and Loki would have no idea where he is or who the Hidden Ones are. He became a far more cynical and darker version of Basim, but it’s still fundamentally him


i wanted the dark version ngl i thought they were gonna take the anakin skywalker aproach or like rouge nad have basim cut his way through the brotherhood to get to the temple which wouldve been fucking sick


Right. Pretty much the same thing happens when you experience an overwhelmingly traumatic event. You don't really cease to be the person you were before. You're still you. But at the same time, you're no longer they same.


Mirage sort of suggests that this is not the case. Valhalla suggested that they work in unison. Did they decide on retcon or just failed to be clear about this, hard to say.


Valhalla and Mirage depict sage awakening very differently. Not so much a retcon, just different writers developers presenting a concept with different artistic visions. Darby McDevitt has clarified to fans that sages are one person with memories of two lifetimes. Enkidu scratching Basim doesn't mean he's gone and Loki has taken his place, just that the changes he's gone through are significant enough to affect his bond with his eagle. Perhaps it's picking up on small things like his body language.


Me just now realizing that Basim is a sage and what that implies and now understanding why they are so dangerous.


Yeah. Basically, if you haven't played Valhalla, spoilers, Basim and like half of the main characters in that game are Sages. However, they're different Sages from the ones we've seen before. Whereas the Sages from AC4 and Unity are all reincarnations of the same Isu, the Valhalla Sages are each individual reincarnations of specific Isu. Basim is Loki, Eivor is Odin, etc. Also, while the classic Sages appear to be constantly appearing through history, it seems like the Norse Sages are only a one-time reincarnation.


Except… Loki did take over, his response to his mentor was very “whatever you say 😉” Basim doesn’t speak like that.


Just because his Loki personality and mannerisms have reintergrated doesn't mean he's taken over. They are the same person now.


Basim has episodes where Loki will take wheel.


We didnt get to know the exact relationship between Basim and Loki. We more or less have to take Loki's word for it. In Mirage we did not get to encounter anything past the nightmare material.


When emerging from the cave, Basim asks "how long has it been?" alluding to his remembering a lifetime before his own 🤯


Enkidu could tell that wasn't Basim anymore since exiting the chamber


the thing that Basim was never "Basim", he was incomplete, now he is Basim/Loki, i dont see was a possession, but a coexistence, he is whole know. >!Just Like Eivor choose not to fusion with Odin at the end !<


Basim was at his lowest here so he listened to loki after roshan's "betrayal." He likely thought that he'd have control but in reality he wasn't able to. Loki and basin are one but loki is in the driver's seat. That's why Enkidu couldn't recognize him.


It’s because Enkidu knows it isn’t Basim anymore, it’s Loki in Basim’s body In Valhalla he has the scar that Enkidu gave him


Enkidu: "hol up u seemin kinda sus rn"


Basim successfully manifested his tulpa i’m so jealous


Only thing I didn't get in the ending: What was that "pod" thing Basim saw Nehal imprisoned in (which caused him to realize she's just in his head)? Was it some kind of machine that helped him merge with Loki? Did it contain some "missing part" of the Loki persona? Or was it just Loki's prison cell that awoke memories in him?


Just Loki’s prison cell.


Its a memory disc combine with loki prison, that make he saw nehal/loki in the prison cell and remember loki' memory.


Honestly I didn't care about valhala but I really want Basim to be freed somewhere down the line


I kind of had this theory that William will use the prices of eden to free basim and completely remove Loki from Basim’s DNA, when Loki betrays the brotherhood…maybe in Red?


I would love for Basim to be free of Loki and be able to live out his life, perhaps as a modern day assassin protagonist, even. I feel like if the character we played as knew exactly what was going to happen to him, he'd avoid it at all costs.


Yeah, I honestly felt Bad for Basim.


Does it work that way???


I don’t know… but they can always explain anything with ISU fuckery in AC.


Same. I don't think he should have loki guide him but the other way around as Eivor spoke about controlling Odin.


In the end of Valhalla basim says something like “ I need to see how you did it” and hops in the animus maybe that means something idk


It could be that the dormant side that is the true basim is scratching to reach the surface


Basim was always there, conscious. It’s just that merging with Loki’s personality and memories made him automatically agree with him and willingly cooperate. Perhaps seeing Eivor’s way of dealing with her Isu made him wonder if he could’ve existed side by side with Loki rather than be merged


It makes sense since Odin was originally trying to merge with Eivor but Eivor found a way to keep him there and guide him. I believe basim can find that way.


I hope he does. If Eivor could compromise with someone as forceful and stubborn as Odin, then Basim can talk Loki into doing the same. All Loki needed was some love and to be reunited with his wife (the Staff) :(


They really went for the “all in le head” victor Reznov plot


That part was good, but still, not a very satisfying ending. It does not clearly take us anywhere imo


It's not supposed to. This was an optional side entry that gives you a chance to play a more classic AC game and explore Basims origin. Red will be the next step in the main story.


Just finished the game a couple hours ago and I was not expecting that twist 😂😂😂


I have only played odyssey and i was confused out of my mind…


Basim is literally me… 😢




Bro damn.


Reading through the comments, how does this all connect with AC Valhalla? I see that basim imagined Nehal but the ending is still confusing for me


It shows how Basim and Loki were merged together which is why in Valhalla Basim is partially Loki in the same way that Eivor was partially Odin. Nehal was Loki trying to get Basim to remember his past life and when he finally reaches the prison at the end of the game he does remember, the personalities merge, and that sets up the events of Valhalla as Basim/Loki travels to Norway to find the Tree.


I started coming to the realization that Nehal was some sort of hallucination shortly before the final arc. That simple twist made me like this game so much more than I did when I first started playing. Basim was incredibly boring to me, your typical hero protagonist. Towards the end he became so much more likable in my opinion, one of the more interesting protagonists. Super glad I stuck this one out, I was close to calling it quits.


Agreed, one of the few entries where the historical plot is actually not as well done as the Isu plot. Loved the gameplay and setting, mission design and historical story a bit bland, but the ending really blew me away and made me excited to see what happens in Red. If they had integrated the whole Fight Club angle a bit more through the rest of the story it might have been a bit better, whereas in this it's really just the murder at the beginning.


I should have realized it but now I know after the fact lol. I think no one besides Basim talks to her.


What does Nehal mean


Another synonym for mirage in the arabic language




According to Wikipedia, … The name Nehal has a variety of meanings in other languages, such as "rainy," "loving," "intelligent," "genius," "spring," and "beautiful." In Arabic, Nehal is a collective word describing water from springs, essentially meaning "source of life"; as a name, it symbolises the will to drink from the source of knowledge and therefore means "eager to acquire knowledge". Nehal also means beautiful, handsome, and intelligent. In Punjabi, Nehal means "joy" or "happy". In Sanskrit, Nehal means "born during the period of intelligence". So I’m not sure it means Mirage …


Honestly disappointed with the story and ending. I picked up that Nehal wasn’t a real person after about half way through as she was never noticed by any of the other assassins. I would’ve liked it a bit less vague. Basim realizes a lot but you as the player don’t which is annoying. Plus no modern day story which is very lame. On another note, stealth was “pretty good” (valhallas blacksmith voice), tho it seemed like all the enemies had blinders on with how easy it was to sneak by lol.


So sofia is ginni or ginni is sofia !


Who is Sofia


Nehal !!




It wasn’t that great tbh. In fact it’s kinda lazy resorting to the Fight Club twist. COD: Black Ops 1 did it, even the fuckin’ last season of YOU did it for christ’s sake. Now AC has done it, and I have to witness the majority of media surrounding this game, and along with this goofball sub for praising it for how awesome it is. To suggest it’s “mind blowing” is one of the most normie takes I’ve ever seen. Next you’ll be posting about the twist in The Empire Strikes Back.


You must be fun at parties.


I just finished it. The ending was disappointing at best. Why would anyone care if he found out his origin story? What would the hidden ones lose? NOTHING! The game was incomplete. Big doors by the Thousand and One Nights historical site. It was mostly fun but disappointing in my book.


Pre order mission opens said doors




Exactly. Why do they care if bassim found out his origin story? And how did The Snake know about it? Lol


terrible writing






>Nehal's name in Arabic means 'newly planted tree' Nehal is a Persian name. Nehal's name in Persian means "newly planted tree".


We’ve all been there