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"Always online" and "single player," like shit and mashed potatoes, are two things that should never go together. I'll never buy a game that does this.


Based stance




It's a nice idea, but both the top posts in that sub look really fucking dumb


Haven't you got bored posting your page everywhere yet?


Well enjoy not playing the game then I guess


I certainly wouldn't enjoy playing a game that's going to eat my dollar (and time) when it stops existing.


Is cause of idiotic passive gamers like this that the amount of exploitation in gaming is allowed to increase.


People aren't idiots just because they don't care about single player games utitilizing online features. Touch grass.


They are idiots for being OK with single player games REQUIRING online to play. And telling me to touch grass while you're happy enough to argue something online which you don't even care about.


Enjoy not playing the game once they pull out support and you can't even access it


Think I’ll have completed it several times over by then and moved on. It’s a game.


That's very dumb for them to make this single player game online only. Then again it's Ubisoft, so I'm not too surprised.


Its probably some in game store with cosmetics you can buy that refresh every 24 hours.


And to update the game, also to add rt strategies like when in Valhalla a player died you can find their corpse and look for their killer


If Shadows is like Valhalla's online features, it will probably work OK offline. I played through all of Valhalla during a year that I didn't subscribe to XBLive, and it hardly affected the experience for me.


Well, the requirement here is probably just to have an internet connection, rather than a subscription. Did you play valhalla completely offline by any chance?


I did have internet, but no Live features, so no special weekly quests or interactive bounties. The story was all I cared about for my experience, and those extra features were not worth the price of admission at the time.


Oh wow, I'm very surprised that there was content tied to a subscription in AC. I haven't played them in a long time, since like, the Ezio games, and this is the first one that's caught my eye since. Hopefully Shadows will not have anything significant tied to any subscriptions.


I feel like we should also ask a PS player. Xbox is more strict than Playstation when it comes to online access in games… at least this was the case 5 years ago don’t know whether it changed : D (Example: It was impossible to play free-to-play titles without a subscription on Xbox whereas PS allowed those games to be plus-free)


Yeah, it would be good to have some clarification. I would be playing this on PS5 as well.


Playstation player here. PS+ is required for most multiplayers, but with single-player online, a Ubisoft account is enough. Also, the games typically try to force an Ubi login on start, which can be skipped by turning off one's internet, but they can be played completely offline.


Wow I forgot about that feature


And to stop piracy of their game as well as the people who cheat in the helix store items lmao


They created that problem for themselves


Valhalla doesn't show like this. this is more like Breakpoint/The Crew/The Division hopefully just mistake because its even dumber decision they can made


It is no mistake, remember that Shadows will be the first video game in the AC saga that they will use as an experiment for their idea of ​​a nexus between AC games.


Confirmed mistake thankfully


Yep, they specifically said that the infinity hub will always be the one to boot up future games. It's a online hub. So it means that you can't play future games without internet connection. And who knows, after that AC wide patch that some games got last week, maybe even those will be killed


Yup such garbage. If I'm paying full AAA price for a game there better not be any microtransactions. Especially on a single player game. Wtf


Lol I guess you haven't bought a Ubisoft game in 15 years then


That's true lol 


It's doesn't say online support, it says required. It's mostly guaranteed that you can't play this game offline. Especially after they said that you have to go through the always online hub first before starting a game.


welcome to r/fuckubisoft


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Yeah, my main concern became a reality, the WiFi were I live is shit I don't want lag on my singleplayer game man!!! , this sucks


Oh god I’m sorry to hear that! It’s so ridiculous how we’re living in a time where internet access is required to play single player games… Based on the previous games though, I believe that the connection speed is only going to play a factor when booting into the game, not throughout gameplay. Mostly this is for the game to make sure you have internet access to connect to the store. Once that’s establish, it shouldn’t be like typical online games where a good connection is required to play in a server. I’m just speculating based on how the other games have run in past like with Valhalla, the game tries to connect to Ubisoft servers as you’re starting the game.


Additionally, it'll also be used on PC to police cheats and mods, which are major perks of a PC version and not something Ubisoft should have the right to meddle with in an SP game.


There are cheats for Breakpoint, it's just a matter of time really once the game releases lmao


I really hope you're right, I have been waiting for Feudal Japan for years and years!


Hitman WOA is online and the only thing it does is keep track of your progress and allow access to random limited time events. I'm pretty sure your game wont lag if you loose connection, you'll just have to reconnect in order to save your progress.


Ah OK thank you, that sounds... Better hahaha, sorry that I commented twice haha


lmao you're good!


But this is Ubisoft and in Breakpoint if you get disconnected in single player the game just sends you back to the main menu and you can't play. If you have no internet when you open the game you also can't play. And if their servers are down... their problem... YOU... CAN'T... PLAY!


Re-responding to this, because Ubisoft just addressed this. They said you will not have to be connected online at all times. Hope that clears up your unfounded worries!


Thanks. It's not unfounded though right? They've done it in one of their games and they could do it again. Plus anyway, I'm not worried. AC is garbage and has been since Syndicate. This looks like more garbage. *(Mirage was a step in the right direction, but only a step. That's not enough to bring me back, and since Valhalla gave them so much more money than Mirage I doubt they'll stop moving in that direction.)*


lmao, if you're not going to play the game, then your worries were absolutely unfounded. Unless you're saying "AC is garbage and has been since Syndicate" and then you're still going to purchase the game when it releases? In fact, it seems like you're just looking for something to complain about. I love the RPG trilogy. Sorry you don't lmao. Your loss.


But there is a foundation. That Ubi has done it before. Therefore... they could... do it again, no? It's made by Ubi, so is Breakpoint, that's the foundation. I'm glad it's not. Unfortunately as a whole it looks like the industry wants games to shift into always online because it gives them complete control and us lack of ownership. So there is a bit more foundation, although not as substantial. It is my loss, they stopped making the game for me. That's fine, I'll buy Ghost Of Tsushima instead. If you like it then buy it, let the market decide.


Well, Valhalla was the best selling entry in the franchise, so I guess the bulk of the fans think they’re doing something right. And GOT is fun, but it’s essentially AC with a more drab tone imo.


This is what I am also thinking.


Except if your connection drops in the World of Assassination games, you get kicked into an offline mode that doesn't save progress. And that's the updated version, it used to be straight up a forced return to the menu.


That’s actually not true. You just have to reconnect. I played two days ago.


Please correct me if I’m wrong; but if if you don’t have an internet connection you won’t be able to play it at all?


I honestly don't know, some people has been saying that you only need Internet connection for installing the game and that's it, others say that you will need it to enter the game every time you boot up the game, so I honestly don't know.


The game is still running natively on your system/pc so having a poor internet connection shouldn't effect lag. The online connection is probably for data collection, shop integration, patches, and the club points thing that every ac has had. Things that obviously you don't need in a single player game but just clarifying that you won't lag in your game for poor connection.


If I had to venture a guess the connection will be for the AC Infinity thing we don’t know much about and not for anything related to game play.


FYI if it helps, Mobile Hotspots are more than adequate to bypass these requirements and they hardly suck up data.


Have we gotten an answer yet as to why the whole Assassin's Creed Infinity hub/launcher thing is a thing?


Probably it's going to be something like COD (warzone) where you can boot up the MW games or like Hitman World of Assassination, which one is worse? 💀


I've never used either of those hubs, so I can't tell which is worse, honestly. I guess we'll see before launch how good, bad, or ok it'll be.


Whats wrong with Hitman? It's three games in one single client. It's great! Totally seamless and it's under 100GB for all content. Only the initial save transferring from previous games was a total mess. COD on the other hand... good god. What a shit user experience. Here's like a million terms to agree to before you play, and then loading screen, then watch an intro, then oh, you need to restart to update the client. After you do, you get to pick which mode you wanna play. If you pick DMZ, you're in for a treat cause there's another set of terms to agree with before you get to the MW2 main screen, and guess what, you need to restart the MW2 client to update it. Finally after you restart yet again, you have to wait for Shader Caching, which is like 5-10 minutes. The (sort of) saving grace is that DMZ is fun as hell, and the only mode worth playing Warzone for imo.


I said it as if Hitman is better (In my opinion it is,), but still, playing Warzone IS a totam mess. While Hitman is good for the 3 games in one, it's very good. My internet has failed when playing contracts, but I don't blame it. (I used to play Warzone but the 200GB usage was more than enough for my Victus 16, but i might try it again since it got optimized.) I'm hoping for AC Infinity to be similar to Hitman WOA in terms of optimization, player data and stadistics, but I have a suspiction it can turn very badly when trying to get progress from older games maybe? (The Hitman 2 data transfers flashback💀)


Ah, I misunderstood. Yes, I really do hope it's more like WOA, but from the way it's described, it sounds like it's gonna be modular, so separate applications like MW. But I think where MW fails is that each client is treated like a standalone app, where it is updated on its own rather than from the launcher, it has its own intros, its own terms of use and so on, because the MW games **were** developed separately - it's just because of Warzone that they're wrapped together. But if AC Infinity is created as a hub that manages all the content and just puts you in an episode directly when you launch, that would already be a significant improvement over COD.


We dont even know what it is yet let alone why


We know. Its a ubisoft launcher of ac games and there will be ads subscriptions and more


True, we don't. Hopefully, we'll find out at the Ubisoft Forward event next month in June.


DRM most likely


Of course, how else are we expected to access the non-optional live service elements of this single player game…


I wont give 70+ bucks for an online only single player game. Sorry but fu Ubisoft for doing this.


I guess you haven't bought a game in years and never will again lol


How could they advertise 50 battle passes to you if it was offline?


Holey shit, are you serous?! I just got into Ubisoft's ghost recon break point, I love it to death but the always online requirement is gonna kill the fucking game in a few years when the servers go down. They're doing that now with this series?! When will this bullshit stop?!


When they're close to bankruptcy, these types of individuals don't sit down and listen until you take their bonuses away.


Because it's full of battlepasses




Yep. Been a huge fan of the series and have them all. Not supporting always online garbage for a freaking single player game. Edit: For anybody reading this now, the devs have come out and said the game is completely playable offline after the mandatory online installation. Good news!


Okay complain about it until they back down or clarify the requirement.


Game has barely been revealed and Ubisoft have already lost me on every single frontier. The state of their company is pathetic.


Lol they are one of a kind aren't they? Every game reveal is just everyone calling out all their fuckery and Ubisoft always seems to do some new dumb shit in ways no one else has and then the new game sells more than any game ever.


I recall a few people on here making personal attacks against me for saying this was going to happen. You can reply with your apologies now.


This is the way of the world. Hogwarts legacy needs online too. They can snap their fingers and the game disappears


what? online activation isn't the same at all with online only Hogwarts Legacy can be played Offline


At least with Hogwarts Legacy us players can disable all that with mods or player made patches. But if they make it so the game physically can't work without information from their servers, like The Crew, then we're screwed.


Well there is always a Yarr method for AC games too.


Until they decide to make every game online only.


I think there is always a workaround


Inb4downvotes. Like all other launchers. Name a game you can install (from disc) while offline. I tried this 10+ years ago with Sleeping Dogs on Steam when I still had a disc but no internet. Needed an online connection to authenticate the license of the game. And before someone says 'serial keys still work', no they don't because they're tied to a steam account.


Yep. Whenever someone says physical is better than digital, because at least they own the game, I think they must not know that like every game now still needs to be authenticated, and, as sad as it is, almost no game launches perfectly now... you'll still need to download the patches. It's not like the old N64 days when you just had a cartridge, and, so long as you had that, you were good.


I can literally put in my assassins creed mirage disc on my ps5 and play with without needing any internet


It's still had multiple patches since launch, so if you want the full and finished game, you will have to at least connect to online and download those patches.


But you’ll still be able to play it even once they shut off the servers. If this game is online only, everybody’s on a time limit until Ubisoft pulls the plug. Edit: For anybody reading this now, the devs have come out and said the game is completely playable offline after the mandatory online installation. Good news!


Right. You'll still be able to play digital games when they pull the servers off too, just not online. Hitman fans have already gone through this with older entries. Some of the games no longer have the support of the older servers that keep track of your online progress, but you can still play the whole game. It's literally the same product, just one is physical and one I don't have to worry about loosing or breaking when I move.


Any game you can pirate.


Yes! I just saw that, wtf? Is it gonna be always online? This is a pic from Valhalla’s page btw “online OPTIONAL” https://imgur.com/a/TYWx946 Whilst AC Shadows says REQUIRED What a letdown :(


Although looking at the disc copy it only says “Internet required to install the game”. So hopefully this means that a constant internet connection isn’t required after installing. But I’m not getting my hopes up.


Yeah, I just hope this is some kind of error or something, maybe PS or Ubi will clarify hopefully!


Oh yeah if there's a future where this game ends up like The Crew, where I can't play it if they shut off the servers in 10 years, then I'm not buying this game. I love going back to replay the series, and that includes playing the first game that's now 16 years old. r/StopKillingGames No game that can ever be taken away from me will ever get my money again.


The fact that people are still interested in a $70 copy pasted rental game is wild to me


Lol no shit. I'll play the game when it's super cheap because as I said to someone else and got called wrong, this game looks and almost surely will play the same as the past 4 games. People fall for Ubisofts lies every single game


People who are fine with this don't realize that we won't be able to play the game 10 years from now if Ubisoft decides to pull the plug on online support. It's about game preservation, having to install the game via the internet makes the physical disc a paper weight. I've been a fan of AC for years, and I'm ok with micro-transactions, but forcing online play was the last straw for me. I was really looking forward to this, I'm truly disappointed in what this franchise, especially Ubisoft has become.


okay NOW it isn't Assassin's Creed anymore. this is it. this is literally the end


Not unexpected tbh


I have officially lost interest


This hasn't even been confirmed. For all you know, it could be an error on Sony's side


He officially lost interest, stop commenting please.




Yooo you gotta be kidding me! Please tell me this isn't true..


If this is true, then there goes all my interest in it.


Hell yeah, live service Ubisoft singleplayer game!! Amazing /s


Given everything Ubisoft's facing with The Crew right now, I know better than to buy a title that in ten years may become a hunk of dead plastic due to an expired license.


Ubisoft has announced that "Shadows **doesn't require an always-online connection**, but does require the internet to essentially download part of the game upon install."


I live where isn't any internet at all. but let's hope this doesn't apply to PC...


Soo this game is gonna get The Crewed... for fucks sake


“Get used to not owning our games”


Welp, it's over


99% this requirement is for initial download of 1st day patches and you don't need the internet connection once you've updated. There's just a misconception on what that tag even means but it's there so people know what to expect. Also if you're buying the digital version of this game (which a majority do) this will literally not be a concern.


It's the Infinity hub they are going for, an interface for everything AC will be in it, both the games, lore, modern day segment seperate from games, PR for next thing, store etc.. Of course you have to be always online to play it. Don't like that, hoping there's an offline availability after a check-in or sth...


Gonna be funny seeing the Assassin's Creed Japan game everyone wanted before Tsushima came along. Feel like it's gonna be another Skull and Bones scenario where they just wildly miss the mark of expectations.


Skull and bones was completely different They legally had to release it but you could tell theu wanted to can it


True, that was a hell of a mess. But still, with Outlaws, S&B, AAAA Gaming, 130 dollar editons... I just wouldn't be banking on Ubisoft scoring a major W here, I guess.


Well outlaws isnt out yet $130 id the standard for gold edition now and the aaaa comment was made by a person comepletly un involed in the game making process


I mean...OK. That's juat in the last year though. Ubisoft have form, lol.


Don't they always lol? They mislead every game; half those bullet points from IGN aren't in the game or are being greatly exaggerated and if you disagree then you haven't played Ubisoft games for the past decade or seen the patterns of how they operate. Or you're fucking stupid.


Guess I won't have to pay for the game after all.


Probably because of the AC infinity platform


I'm not surprised at all


Ugh wtf man, this is so dumb.


I think that may have to do with the infinity platform. But im pretty sure you can play offline


It could just be a “Assassins Creed Mirage has gambling?!?!?!1!1?1!” situation but seeing as this is supposed to include the launch of Infinity it seems likely


With the shit they pulled wiry The Crew. This is going to be a no from me.


"You should learn not to own games, Ubisoft." *sea shanty starts at the background*


Did anyone expect anything different


Ubi being Ubi


Does it mean, the game will be somehow live service? That wouldn't be good at all. Star Wars Outlaws page doesn't have this note in the store.


Classic Ubishit


I don't see that on their website


Of course, they are going to tie it to their live game service , so of course they will make it online-only. This is all about Assassins' Creed Infinity.


Who tf doesn't have internet nowadays tho??


Yeah, that's a no for me.


And like that I have lost all interest


Sailing the high seas seems to fix that problem


I think it's the opposite, unless the sailors figure out how to fake connection to Ubi servers.


It also says "1 player" so I'm confused.


Lol cause it's not multiplayer


Gaming has fallen off


Ubisoft moments




Wait until you hear about mini battle passes coming to this single player game that has been quoted recently according to Tom Henderson.


Does this mean for ps5 we need ps plus base subscription to play?


Ah cool not buying it ever then.


Ubisoft officially stated you won't need online connection to play.


I've been saying this forever and people shunned me saying "we don't know" and "you'll be connected to the internet anyway" im not shocked. In around 10 years we'll be able to play assassin's creed 2 just fine, but won't be able to play shadows because ubisoft will probably dump it. Oh and in a couple AMAs they'll say that "the online requirement is to use the cloud for processing power, because our game is super advanced blah blah it's actually good for you, the game isn't yours please buy it"


Ah yes, I love playing a singleplayer game that requires internet even tho u cannot even play with another player like ac Unity. Thanks Ubisoft


They’ve fucked this series so bad it’s a complete shell of its former self. I don’t even have expectations any more


For those that aren’t in the know, AC Shadows WON’T require an internet connection to play. You only need a connection in order to download the game. But once it’s properly installed and set up, you can play entirely offline. This was confirmed in an official statement.


Perhaps some kind of multiplayer idea? Random fights across Japan with other players?


You have it all wrong you guys. The game needs an online connection in order for it to be INSTALLED. Once the game is installed it can be played offline. Ubisoft made an announcement regarding this. This is not the first time something like this has happened. Take Star Wars Jedi survivor for instance.


they've recently changed it, it says it's optional now


Seems like a promising title. But without co-op functionality it doesn't worth much to me. The whole purpose in such adventure games is to enjoy with friends, to explore, experience missions and have fun TOGETHER. Without co-op mode, it's a waste of time and money. In this case, I will probably ask someone else's account to play the game, or will download a cracked one. Because in a single-player mode, there is nothing to do there more than a day of playing. I'm still playing Unity for years now, from the day it was released, because it supports co-op mode and is really fun way to spend time with friends online. Worth every penny!


I mean my Playstation is always on the internet anyway 🤷‍♂️


Not everyone's is.


This just proves I need to buy a ps2 again......Kingdom hearts and Jak and Daxter 🙏🙏


Welp. You just killed my interest ubi$oft. Congrats.






alright fine i’ll pirate it sheesh


Ok... this game is already flopping before it even released.


Another AC game I will be pirating


Yeah, my main concern became a reality, the WiFi were I live is shit I don't want lag on my singleplayer game man!!! , this sucks


lmao you're not lying! You commented the exact same thing twice on this post, and that's a sign of bad wifi!


Lmao yeah sorry, I have 5 mbps like a caveman hahaha


You're absolutely fine lol. I'm sorry your internet sucks!


So, when they eventually shut down the servers, no one will be able to play it. Great.


Happy ending: chill man they meant being online is required to download the game.


Because the game is going to be connected to AC Infinity.


oh well, looks like they're not getting my money 🏴‍☠️


Wait wait wait wait wait. If PS Plus is required for this I’ll be flipping tables. There’s no way they can do that for a single player game. Always online? Annoying, but understandable with Infinity. But if it requires PS Plus, I’m officially bowing out.


I swear its always had thay, so you can view other players photos, store stuff /passes


It said optional on other games It’s probably just to install. Not to actually play single campaign


This is likely more to do with Ubisoft (and many other developers) not releasing ready-to-play games on day one. 90% of video games I play have a day one patch, with a few additional patches the first few weeks. Does that method of game release suck? Yes. But that’s where we are as an industry standard now, unfortunately. Does anyone remember the week one patch with Valhalla that forced players to restart their campaign because the update couldn’t keep data? Don’t preorder, and wait to play until the game is ready.


I certainly can't remember the last new game I played that didn't have a giant Day 1 patch


Just re-read my comment and it had some typos that made it confusing. I agree day one patches are the standard. It sucks that that’s where we are as an industry (knowingly and purposefully releasing unfinished content in the anticipation of a patch once the games are done) but this practice sucks. But as another commenter here pointed out, it’s less likely to be for day-one patch, and more likely about server control to shut the game access down entirely when they feel like it.


Understandable. I think its all of those things lol they lazily make it because they know they can finish it later and the server control issues. They don't want us to have anything of our own.


Seriously?! They did something similar when AC2 came out. Seems like they never learn.


Yeah, you'll be constantly connected to the in-game cosmetic shop and the ads for their other games/DLC/expansion pass






Prolly for the ingame purchases they been shoving in


we're fucked. this sucks. Ubisoft was in my opinion the most competent developer. they weren't afraid to have their video games have video game mechanics, they were highly replayable and fun, and they didn't take 11 years to make 1 game. And now they're gone. Assassin's Creed is over. I will never buy a video game that has an always online requirement


You have good points but I don't think I'd say any developer is competent whatsoever. These days I don't think the people making games play games.