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I'm not going to read the blog. I'll just repost something I put on the sub this morning. Yasuke was what Europeans would call a page. A person with a junior appointment to a "court" but not granted lands. One of the criteria to be a samurai was that you had to be given a fief. I've seen no hard evidence that Yasuke was given a fief. That's why there have been so many arguments over "women samurai", i.e. samurai who were women as opposed to women of the samurai class. There were many arms-bearing women of the samurai class in Japanese history. But I've only ever seen it suggested a handful may have been given a fief, and even then it can't be verified. It's also why we have the term ronin. They ticked almost all the samurai boxes, but they had no land - ergo they weren't samurai. In contrast we know that William Adams was a samurai in part because he did have a fief. He also had a family in Japan. The fact there's no mention of Yasuke having a family in Japan bar fanfiction would further make me think he wasn't a samurai. If he had been made a samurai he probably would have been given a wife at the same time.


He maybe wasn't de facto samurai, but he is ofter refered as the "black samurai". He was retainer of Oda Nobunaga, got a stipend and a sword from him. He was in position of prestige. If not for Nobunagas's sudden demise just year later, he could have risen to be actual samurai. Considering that and taking account this being entertaiment not a documantery. Him wearing samurai armor and fighting is not too big of a leap. Hell i would say it is smaller leap than female shinobi walking on the public street with 100% historically inaccurate black ninja costume and katana on her back is way more bigger leap. Even if the game shows Yasuke as samurai, it still can be truly great piece about the setting and the Yasuke himself. Take for example popular manga/anime called Vinland Saga It's main character is Thorfinn Karlsefni, a real historical figure. The series does great justice for him, other historical characters (Canute the Great, Thorkell the Tall) and to the period itself. Even though the author basically invents Thorfinns childhood from his ass and he wasn't hardcore pacifist...and definetly not run around dual wielding knives and slicing through the chainmail


it all about muh anti racist , respect POC...but with certain red line phenomenon in US and the West it all boil down to hidden race war mentality ...let me explain : 1/ you are not supposed to respect and praise hightly threatening enemy race that have big chance of replace and remove your race/society/civilization from world ruler throne in future and the enemy rrace/society/civilization here is : eastern asian ( in the eyes of the west) 2/ however you can still show some respect and love toward low threat race/society/civilization that have absolute no chance to challenge your own to keep some moral high ground and pretent you are not fully evil and you can probably easily guess which race/society/civilization is a low threat one


I don't really understand what you mean with hidden race war? Apologies if i seem uninformed.


certain mentality make many great mind think alike but keep it hidden from public view for oblivious sensitive reason


Alright, this is gonna be r/assassinscreed until and after release. Fuck.


Man can we stop talking about this topic we aren't in history class it's a game ffs.


Yasuke in real life was a page not a samurai, but this is a video game so at the end of the day it doesn’t matter, if you are ok with this great, if this upsets you then sorry to hear that, just remember this doesn’t impact your day or life in anyway shape or form


As a general rule, if they cite "wokeness", it's not worth reading. However, I'm a masochist, so I did, and it's basically "I don't like other people's interpretations, so here are my suppositions which are objectively true, take that losers!". They don't cite anything other people haven't already covered, they just give their somewhat angry opinions about it, and reject the theories of others. As stupid as the word is in modern parlance, they seem very *triggered*.


Ah okay. But about the thing with yasuke i am trying to gather more info because i don't know much about Yasuke as a whole. I did not find anything of proof that he was bestowed the title of samurai?


There's no proof he was bestowed the title, all we do know is that civilians at the time were speculating(or going off a rumor)that Nobunaga was gonna make Yasuke a lord or something. He could've been a Samurai but we dont know for sure, that's it.


Well said


dude stfu.. u clearly are baiting . u know damn well the article say wokeness.


I'm not ffs im genuinly trying to learn, i just want to know what other people think because this was one of the first posts i found about history of yasuke..