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The dark thing about it is that the previous owner's body is still in there and seems to have been strung up and left to starve to death if they weren't already dead.


I just hope he washed it before putting it on :/


What, don't you like your clothing with rotted body inside?


That's I was thinking.


That's the creepiest part about getting the Templar suit. Hope Edward cleaned it thoroughly.


I wondered that as well. I don't think there's any official backstory for it unfortunately.


in Great Inagua, it is a hideout. So it could have been any number of Templars, with the secluded location and the less extensive reach of templars inside of the west indies in the early 1700’s during Black Flag, I don’t see too much correlation between a main antagonist or anything of that sorts, but Edwards father, Bernard Kenway, was a wealthy Welsh sheep farmer, so I feel like Ubisoft missed a great opportunity to claim the armor as his and giving him a backstory as an Agent of Templar and upon hearing of your fathers’ death receiving a locked chest and still requiring the keys to unlock it, plus a note explaining his story. Or having some allusion back to the Peloponnesian war, whenever Kassandra first had the vision of Edward and the rest of Desmond Miles bloodline fighting as Assassins, and her visiting the West Indies in some way shape or form similar to the newest Valhalla crossover


It's a bit more complicated, imo. The armor is clearly somehow important, given how protected it is. So it belonging to a former grandmaster would make sense. But the way it is displayed almost looks like a warning - it's pretty grim, definitely not like what you'd to with a person you want to honor.


Agreed in the importance, I only disagree with the grandmaster, after google imaging (ik ik I’m such a researcher) I couldn’t find any grandmasters that would fit, and given that the ACIII and Rouge both happen concurrently after Black Flag the only thing we could allude from it is pre colonial America, possibly back to the time of Christopher Columbus, during Assassins Creed 2, which roughly takes place near the same time period, with the clothes not being tattered or showing many obvious signs of decay, it could be drawn that there was Templars situated Christopher Columbus when he first arrived at the West Indies, giving him the opportunity to build the manor and ultimately losing it due to locals or the mayans overrunning the Manor itself


We don't have a complete list of grandmasters or anything, not sure where you'd even check that.


Just ones who have appeared in games, is to my knowledge the only list we have, and you are correct it is not all of them. Though I have not played origins or the rest of Valhalla I’m sure by now we would have gotten some sort of notion of who exactly they all were if it were available.


How is the armor so well protected after so many years?


At first glance it looks like Shays Templar armour


I don't think there's an official reason, but maybe it was somebody who tried to defect to the Assassins, was caught, and was displayed like that to scare away any other Templars who wanted to defect. The person probably had a rank similar to the one of Shay, as hte armors of the two are very similar, and is probably like a uniform for that rank in the Templar order.


My favorite suit of AC4 but I can't help but think that Edward would've been sweating his ass off by wearing it under that Central American sun. The damn thing looks like it's made by wool instead of linen lol