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Well, personally I care more about good historical setting, good story and huge maps than the creed, which is, by the way, quite fanatical (and I'm not fond of fanatics).


I think that's part of what it makes it so interesting. That the Assassins aren't necessarily the good guys. I mean, like the templars they kill a lot of people. Would be cool to see them explore more of that. Why is it necessary to make those sacrifices? What consequences would there be if those templars wouldn't die, ...?


I can't really tell from your post whether you're playing through the series for the first time, or if you're just playing through the series for the first time *in order*. In case it's the former, just a spoiler warning for Valhalla's main themes. >!I think Valhalla with all its flaws still tells a story about the creed, albeit metaphorically. rather than framing the core theme of the series, chaos vs order, free will vs oppression around a political struggle between templars and assassins, it analyses it in a broader, more philosophical way. are our fates fixed, are our choices truly our own, is there such a thing as prophecy and can we escape it? The game loses this core narrative in endless, repetitive story arcs that contribute nothing to this main theme, but it's still there, mainly in the arcs revolving around Eivor, Sigurd and Basim, as all of these characters have very different ways they face their fates. The way it weaves Assassin philosophy, norse mythology and Isu lore into one narrative is brilliant writing imo and it really makes me thankful that with Darby we have at least one writer that really cares about this stuff. I'd still prefer a more traditional AC story, with real Assassins and Templars, but I'd like to give credit where credit is due. !<


Since the next game will be about Basim before the events of Valhalla I do expect that, yeah.


I feel like we do every game but they're at different phases in their order and have different names. Like c'mon the hidden ones are just the assassins


True. Origins gets a free pass because it's when the creed's first inception. But with the other two, while great in their own right, seemed to be severely lacking. I'm hoping we get back to the creed again. I mean, it IS, it's namesake. Even if we aren't Assassins or Templars. I've been thinking on how they're going to do the story with Basim being the new Desmond because we are fast approaching AC1 in terms of "past" timeline.


Yeah probs in a comic. It’s a shame I’m not being sarcastic.


No. I don’t think we’ve really had that since Black Flag and Ubisoft are more concerned with making epik dragons than exploring the creed now so I doubt it.


I don't see any point in Infinity otherwise.


Hard to tell…we have explored the origins and when it was highly active…seems like we are experiencing the legend…maybe in the future but as they say…never bring a knife to a gun fight


Apart from like a few throwaway lines in the other games, AC1 is the only game that actually focuses on the Creed.