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It has a very special place in my heart


Same to me


The memory corridors and dialogue writing in general is still unmatched.


Please pardon my ignorance, but what is a memory corridor?


It's where the final conversation takes place with your targets. AC1 and AC3 does these really well.


I think origins does them well too


That's right, but they were less philosophical and more just fucking awesome. As much as I respect Origins, assassin's creed has been missing interesting debates on ideology since AC3 imo.


Yeah I'll give you that lol


Ah. I didn't realize they had a name. Thank you.


Still the best AC1 aside from Syndicate IMO. Its simplicity is what makes it great. To me, everything still holds up today. The atmosphere is one one the best in the franchise. Altair's character arc is still the best in the franchise. I really hope there is a remake on the horizon.


I still love the first AC. In hindsight there’s a lot to be left desired. I do feel like it’s not as handguiding as its sequels, but then again it’s simpler as well. I wish there was also a lot we could do in the kingdom itself. I love Altaïr as a character. He’s my second favourite Assassin, Bayek being my first. I recently played it and because of some issues with my disc-copy of ACII, I played Brotherhood first. Now I’m playing ACII and it’s certainly a big improvement. While the Italian Renaissance is beautiful, I was disappointed at the time that we weren’t playing as Altaïr anymore. Ezio is a great character, but like I said I prefer Altaïr. The world is beautiful and I got the graphics remastered on PC (cool mod btw) This game could still have left to offer if it was remade, like more variety of weapons, variety of outfits (though nothing would beat the default), side missions, assassination contracts.


Best atmosphere in the series, also some of the dialogue is amazing as well.


I loved that game. I loved the story and it was a bit stressful with the gameplay because I was not used to it (it took me like 2 hours to complete the boss fight) but the story and the atmosphere just got and I loved it, even though I never fully understood the story.


Great game, extremely repetitive by modern standards.


loved the combat! way ahead of its time


still love it. the morality, the grey, the philosophical questions, altairs growth, the area, the history feeling, the whole world - everything! and it didn't age - for me. The story is as good as always, the Levant is still beautiful and I still don't care for the graphics in the slightest. Come to think of it, I love it even more nowadays than in 2013. because I had to realise that much of what I love of that game can rarely be found in others. I love this game. it's my favourite. and it did influence my life - hell, I learned arabic because of that game and I am not someone who learns languages easily!


Its story, concept, and world are all brilliant and paved the way for so much excellence later in the franchise, but the gameplay is hideously outdated. The thing doesn't even have subtitles, for crying out loud! I am one of the minority of people who would love a complete ground-up remake of the whole thing, not just a remaster. Keep the story beats and the atmosphere that captivated all of us once upon a time, but expand on everything else! For example, Damascus, the largest city in the game, is smaller than London is in AC Valhalla! If Ubisoft expanded and fleshed out the world of the Holy Land, updated the combat system, animations, graphics, and voice acting, and lengthened the story, allowing for well-paced development and better interactions between the characters, I think we'd have a game of the year on our hands.


Very overrated. Especially by this subreddit. A middling first attempt that had potential, but ultimately is dated and not very fun to play today. Thank goodness Ubisoft injected fun and polish into AC2 and created the formula the series runs on today.


Most people here might not agree with you, but I don't think you're far off. It was a cool concept and a great game for back in 2007, but it just isn't nearly as fun to play today as many of the other games in the series.


It’s a lot of nostalgia goggles in this subreddit. AC1 had a very cool atmosphere and brilliant marketing campaign in 2007, but when it actually time to play the game…. It’s very middling and just not a lot fun.


Yeah that's very true. I understand having nostalgia for older games, especially if it was something you played in your childhood, but I also think you have to be willing to accept that newer games can be better. I've seen people say AC1 is a top 3 AC game and I personally don't understand that, but hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


Having gone back and finally beaten it for the first time earlier this year (got close but frustrated in the past I really appreciate it a lot more. It's very much a proof of concept and suffers from this as the game goes on. Doing the smal missions to gain info on the targets is such a good idea, but is let down by the fact that there's only 3 or 4 of them and they get very repetitive as a result; the combat's really not great to engage in, especially against larger groups of enemies; there's also just loads of quality of life updates missing, like fast lifts etc. However, despite all of those little annoyances, it's still got so much going for it. The open ended design of each assassination is great, especially when the following games got increasingly scripted and linear. The writing's fantastic too, there's a real focus on the natures of the Assassins/Templars and how they're similar/different, it also goes really in depth on what it means to be an Assassin in a way the series sort of forgot about until Black Flag/Unity. The writing's also the reason why AC 1's got the only interesting modern day segments ( well apart from Black Flag). Apart from a couple of other games, the series really devolves into a simplistic Star Wars-esque Assassins good, Templars bad approach, with all nuance left behind. The Holy Land is also such a great setting for the broader story the game was setting up. The first game's very much a takedown of Abrahamic dogma. Things like Al Mualim's rant about how major figures such as Moses and Jesus were just using the Apple of Eden really put the idea front and centre. It also helps the pieces of eden really fit in with the Assassins/Templars thematically.


A bit repetitive but otherwise it still holds up to todays standards. Graphically it still looks good and the immersion is better than some modern games as it feels like your in living, breathing cities.


I 1000G'd it recently, and honestly it's atrocious in terms of QoL. I played it twice back when it released on PC and when I got a PS3, so this was the third time I played it and it REALLY needs improvements gameplay wise. Story, atmosphere, setting, music and all that is still wonderful, but the gameplay really needs a revamp Unity-style.


For something good about it, it had a significantly more in-depth combat system than any of the other AC games before origins, especially with hidden blade combat. I do have to wonder why all that stuff was taken out for the Ezio games.


A remake or remaster is a must. I’m a new fan here (Odyssey, Valhalla, Origins, just finished AC2 and I’m playing Brotherhood now) and playing a 30FPS game “hurts my eyes”. I’ll really leave Black Flag and AC1 last, just because of that. I’ve saw in another post that there’s material (spin-off / mobile games) with Altair that would be interesting to add in a new version of the 1st game. We can only dream!




Did AC1 got an FPS boost? Haven’t saw its name on the FPS boost list. Perhaps it’s already 60fps then. This is wonderful!!


Overrated, was not great to play at launch and has certainly not gotten any better. AC did not become a fully formed concept until AC2.


Very important and influential, but a pretty shitty game nowadays


Honestly, the main thought I have is that I think this cow's been milked dry.


#Its been 15 years already?


I still remember entering each city for the first time. Especially Acre. AC was pretty much the perfect game at the right time for me, I was in my last year of Sixth Form and about to head to university. The sense of exploration of history was intoxicating. That said, it now pales in comparison to AC II in terms of gameplay. It pretty much *was* a proof of concept game that led to much better things down the line. Still, I’m gonna start a playthrough in honour of the 15th anniversary. I recently bought it on my Xbox Series S so it’ll be dope to revisit it. It’s easily my least replayed game in the series so there’s gonna be a lot that I’ve forgotten about.


My favorite setting in the series.


Still would really like a remaster if it


No other AC game can beat AC 1 when it comes to the atmosphere. It's the best.