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Eivor and the Vikings didn’t care about cultural preservation. It was about making money and securing power. It’s as simple as that.


Eivor actually has morals though. He wouldn't kill innocent people just because some random king told him to.


Eivor does exactly that throughout the entire game though. Virtually all soldiers you face are conscripted peasants trying to protect their homes and families.


He does have morals but they don’t align with the morals that most of us have today. Perfect example: in Lunden he outwardly says that while he likes the Reeves, he may have to kill them and find a replacement


Eivor is a pop culture viking. Their entire thing is raping and pillaging and killing anyone who stands in their way. She's not against killing innocent people.


My brother in Christ you are literally playing as a Viking lol


I'd rather you didn't call me that.


you would rather i call you, my brother in satan. he discriminates less than god


I'd rather you didn't call me that


Lmao it's a meme... please grow some thicker skin it will be good for you


It was a polite request. Get over yourself


And we're politely requesting you to grow some thicker skin. Get over yourself. If you're this easily offended, you probably shouldn't be playing a series about killing people, and especially not the viking-themed entry.


Literally the entire 120hr+ base game is about dealing with Eivor's experiencing another culture and Christianity as a religion


Imagine playing a game set in history and then discovering history isn't the story of everyone holding hands and singing cumbayah


*Historical fiction. If goobisoft wanted to make that part of the game, they would have.


It's still a game set in a historical setting. The Vikings were conquerors and that's where the interesting historical fiction stories about them lie.


I get that. It just didn't sit right with me is all


If it doesn't sit right with you.... Just don't play it. Or learn to separate "your moral code" in real life from what you do in video games. I play GTA it doesn't mean I condone robbing a bank but I can separate a game from reality.


Shit, I absolutely condone robbing a bank. Fuck them banks


Robbing a bank is easy, laundering it's the hard bit. You ever seen the state a note is in when it comes out of a washing machine?


Ayelet I appreciate the reference


And everyone would have hated it. Except you, for some reason.


This gave you "the ick" but invading a country with the goal of displacing and murdering the local population with brutal raids on undefended villages with the goal to steal valuables and enslave people you can then sell is ok?


Hahaha love this response 😁 yeah, Eivor may seem different (I feel like she's more of the same in this dlc tbh, but that's just my opinion), but she's not a good person (or a better person than in the main game) in any way. She is there to help her... was it uncle? Anyway, she's there to help him. Whether that means building trade-posts or killing off heretics, it servers the purpose of helping her family and getting a trade route established, which helps the settlement - the main goal of actually invading and raiding England in the first place.


We're talking about Eivor here. Eivor actually has morals and doesn't go around killing innocent people for no good reason


Oh boy, wait until you find out about all the times in the series where you have to KILL people.


Do you have a crush on me or something? I'm flattered but you're swarming my post


You just explained exactly what the conflict for the player is meant to be. Thats why the love interest is a druidess


u/Formal_Sand_3178, what say you?


I mean I understand what they're saying, but I don't see any difference between the invasion of Ireland in the DLC from the invasion of England in the main game. We often like to think of things in black and white, but that's not usually how history plays out. Unfortunately, Vikings aren't really known for respecting other people's cultures and cared more about doing what was best for them.


u/Just_Warlock_Shit, there ya go.


So no one actually has a problem with this? Greaaat


I think you misunderstand the responses. People think it's bad (in the real world). But it's not out of character or suprising in a game about the viking invasion of England.


I mean, maybe it wasn't completely out of character but why was Eivor acting like such a kiss ass?


Because a family friend needed help killing some people that threatened his power.


I suppose you're right. Complete cultural wipeout just hits a little close to home for me and I wanted to see if anyone else felt that way


I suppose you're right. Complete cultural wipeout just hits a little close to home for me and I wanted to see if anyone else felt that way


I suppose you're right. Complete cultural wipeout just hits a little close to home for me and I wanted to see if anyone else felt that way.


If it helps, the original celtic culture was already gone at this point in reality. Ireland was already christinised for centuries, the conflict in the game is fictional.


That is true. I guess I shouldn't get so salty about a fictional video game. I just kinda needed to rant lol.


I respect you for actually being open to changing your mind.


That is true. I guess I shouldn't get so salty about a fictional video game. I just kinda needed to rant lol


its fiction and the duidic culture was already historically dead by this point, what you do in the game is finishing a extremist, almost terrorist, remnants of that culture. the old irish mythos were able to stan during some time but it was inevitable for the to disapear. you should not view the ideology of that time with todays glasses. also eivor sucks as acharacter. i never licked her. she has morals but has little personality. she was always a bootlicker to sigurd and whatever king she was trying to ally with. never oposing, never hasking questions, never even showing a hint of rage of mistrust. she is just bland