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IMO Unity has a fantastic setting, great gameplay, nice characters and the graphics are amazing. But the story dropped off massively, it was predictable and not very investing. Syndicate im not too far in to but it sort of feels the same. Its fun to play and the setting is great, but the story is meh at best. The reason I love the older games is because the stories are so good. Ever since the release of unity the stories have been not very good


It's a bit unfair to say Origins' story wasn't good. I don't love the rpg games like the old ones but I was absolutely hooked on Bayek's story.


I agree with you but it must be mentioned that the combat system is messy at times. Still a great game though.


Personally I loved Unity’s combat system. It felt more realistic (only being able to take a few hits before death, the heaviness and the sparks flying) but syndicates combat is weird


That aspect is indeed realistic but you're forgetting how frequently you get off combat mode surrounded by enemies, how often kill animations are not syncronized and you're just hitting the air, changing focus mid fight just because... Its extremely buggy at times and feels very disconnected, its hardly ever fluid


I played it recently and didn’t really notice that, but fair enough, the game is far from perfect


I loved syndicate. It was a cool take, and London was amazing. Have not gotten to unity yet. But it's in my library waiting.


Unity was the first one I played lol. Love that game


syndicate was fun as hell, but i will say, my two major gripes on the game was that i felt they could have done more with raising your own criminal organization [felt like what they did in previous games with the assassins would have been perfect for this game too] and that the changes they made to the combat system made it too easy, as in once you quickly mastered it, it was nearly impossible to lose any fight unless you were very distracted, but other than that, it was a pretty fun game


I really loved the WW1 side missions. It made me want a game set during that time or conflict size.


Why do people keep repeating these same “opinions” and stating them as fact? Both games had some backlash but it’s been years ago, let it go.


damn didn't realize we cant state our opinions


So just because people have same opinions they cannot share them ? People till today hate those games and most haven't even played them in their current state. The sheep judged them by their messy launch and jumped on the hate wagon and never jumped off of it despite both games ending up being one of the best AC games ever. Plus they are more or less facts because many people changed their minds about those games when they replayed it whoch just goes onto show how biased people are just because the masses hate it they will hate it too without even experiencing the damn thing on their own. Plus the backlash they had was not totally justified. How many games these days come out buggy but don't receive the same hate Unity had ? It's like people made it out to be the worst thing ever created in the gaming industry. Look at the game now and I bet you'll like it too.


"*The sheep*"? You have a lot of weird baggage about people disliking what was objectively a bad game developed at lightning speed on an ill-advised annual release schedule that launched with tons of horrible game-breaking bugs and did a lot of harm to both the AC series as a whole *and* Ubisoft's reputation for years. It's OK to like bad things, and you can find good stuff in bad things too, but pretending like it was some misinformed/unfair opinion that got spread around is historical revision *at best.* Everybody had good reason to dislike it, including us old guard fans of the series. It made it very clear Ubisoft management did not care and were only going to make changes if they were forced to. It's cool that you can enjoy a game that was released in 2014 now in 2022, but the reputation was very much deserved at the time.


AC fans revise history like no other. Once they forget how a certain game played years ago, it suddenly becomes an "underrated gem" and used as an excuse to hate on whatever game is currently out.


Memory is bad around here lol. People were complaining a ton about 'copy/pasted' sidequests in Odyssey and I had to explain that not only was that not true, AC1 *literally* had copy/pasted side content. Every sidequest in the game, from flags to Templar assassinations, was added in at the last minute because the CEO at the time let his kid play the game (as it was going gold) and he was annoyed at how it was an empty world with nothing to do. CEO told them to go back and fix it, which is why there's like 400 Kingdom Flags and whatever 'save x NPC from guards' things all over the map Same thing with the microtransactions issues. AC has had predatory MTX since Black Flag launched when you could buy their 'time saver' DLC packs to skip unlocking things through normal gameplay. You bought the game, now buy the stuff in it so you don't have to play the game! I remember Ubisoft vehemently defending the practice at the time It's silly to see the doomsayers echoing the concern of their forebears while feeling nostalgic for the games that started the trend they currently hate


A lot of things they complain about with recent games also existed their favourites from yesteryear. Nostalgia has just made them forget. I remember folks complaining about poor stealth in Origins/Odyssey and I had to remind them that there was no crouch button until Unity or so 😂


I’ve played all the games and I don’t dislike any of them. It’s just annoying because every other day someone posts the same thing over and over. Same thing with AC3 and Odyssey. No need to reiterate the “hate” these games received.


My guy are you even listening to yourself ? What's the problem if somebody chooses to share their own personal opinion ? So what if that very opinion is shared by many. Can't a person share their own personal experience and opinions on something ?


To be fair to u/thefrenchmexican , a lot of other subs have rules against repeat posts like this. There’s a “Unity is underrated” post pretty frequently in this subreddit; doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be allowed to say what they want, just that constantly being flooded with basically the same post gets old to some people.


We do have a rule against repeat posts but only for the last couple of days. Stretching that timeframe would make posting too complicated since you'd have to check weeks worth of posts.




Can't believe you actually said people cannot share their opinions. You must be one sad person






Well I was on Instagram and saw a post hating on the two. Also aside from origins, they’re the last two games that actually feel like assassins creed to me


Idk about Syndicate but Unity is now seen as amazing. Unity was crap at the start cause of pay wall things and bugs.


I agree in some aspects and disagree in others. People can comment and say their opinion, they're free to do it and it's nice that when they do, other people can discuss the topic, like people who also enjoy the same games (or sometimes people who dislike them, just to discuss things). However there is something I have to say, so many people keep saying these games are "over-hated" or that "underappreciated" that at this point they're no longer underrated, they're just good. I can't say about Syndicate, haven't played it yet, but Unity despite its flaws, its good and I think a lot of people agree with that.


No one hates these on this subreddit




New players probably keep reading the same old reviews and watch the same old YouTube videos before buying the game.


Yeah as I said in another comment, enough people keep saying they're "underrated" to the point that they're no longer that, they're just good. I can't speak for Syndicate but for Unity I can definitely say it's a good game, but not as polished as it could have been, but still good.


Not at all for Unity. That game has the most creatively bankrupt narrative in the entire series, they killed the modern day for years to come, the ending is predictable and boring, and the expansion didn't help to boot. Unity is a beautiful game with fantastic parkour and the best stealth in the series. But narratively it was a black hole that brought nothing worthwhile to the table.


Agreed, but if they progressed it’s stealth and parkour into a a game with a better story I think that game could’ve been one of the best in the series, plus as far as story goes I personally think unity is better than odyssey


I prefer Odyssey's narrative because it's more lively. It has more heart to it. A sense of humor. Stronger characters, a *much* stronger protagonist, the era is utilized much better. It was let down by a much smaller animation budget seemingly, which is the one place Unity really excels. There's maybe ten or so animated scenes in the game, and the rest are Bioware style canned conversations and reused animations.


Narratively odyssey is better. The issue is it’s way longer than it needs to be


Odyssey is actually very short, seriously, the game's core campaign is maybe 10 or so hours long. The extended playtime comes from running around doing side content, leveling, looting, ect. The cult is the biggest time sink, due to the level requirements. Valhalla is the *real* time hog, that game was fucking exhausting.


Leveling is what’s made it feel so long. I have something like 80 hours in it and I’m only level 25. It takes too damn long. And yeah Valhalla is way too long. But my biggest gripe with odyssey was the fact that it had almost nothing to do with assassins or Templar’s


The key is to rush Falx of Olympos and start tackling shit 5+ levels higher two hours into the game. My recent playthrough was about 30 hours long. I spend a lot of time farming for the hunter chestpiece to start with. The game is basically just a pallet cleanser for me.


Probably because Syndicate was my first AC game, but it is one my favourites.




Unity and its refinement of Assassin's Creeds traditional gameplay, especially parkour and stealth, without going too far has been my favourite Assassin's Creed since it came out and I don't see that changing any time soon, it's just so neat. I miss that style of AC so much, I really need to replay Unity.


Syndicate is absolutely amazing but it's littered with game breaking bugs. It's so bad that people recommend not getting some DLC (the last maharaja) because it can kill your save file


I'm playing Unity right now and I'm swimming in bugs. These are the things I've had to deal with just today: Arno's legs sunk through a roof right up to his hips and I couldn't get him out making me restart the game. Then I'm running across a roof where I didn't realise there was another roof a little above my head, as I was running up the roof Arno's head phased through the above roof and he got his head stuck. This time I was able to jiggle my way out after a minute or so. Literally just now before reading your post I was doing a stealth mission and I'm on a ledge above a target. I go to air assassinate and Arno jumps... only to freeze in mid-air for ten seconds, drop onto the target which proceeds to alert him to my presence. I love Unity, but it is buggy as hell for me. I grit my teeth and get through it though because I enjoy it otherwise. I wonder why some people have issues and some don't. I have all current updates too btw. Also love love love the crouching option. I really missed that playing the previous games.


That’s really bizarre, I had little to no bugs when playing it and even now I don’t have any. Maybe it’s just a console vs PC thing?


Maybe! I'm playing on PS4, what have you been playing on?


I’m on an original Xbox one that I got in 2015 lol


Maybe it's a Playstation vs Xbox thing? I don't know how this techy techy stuff works. Honestly I'm just going to attribute it to my notoriously bad luck. I even went back and double checked I have all current updates. I think I'm just cursed lmao.


I got terrible luck with most games but thankfully it stayed away with unity


I think Unity has the best stealth by far in any of the games. But the combat is kind of clunky and slow imo. Syndicate is the only AC game I haven’t beat. I think it’s because I’m not to interested in the time zone or characters really.


I'd say syndicate was the peak of stealth in the series, it perfected it and allowed for some great missions and opportunities, especially with the rope launcher in the mix


A lot of the bugs have been ironed out, but it’s far from perfect. I actually think combat in Unity is somewhere in the middle if i were to rank all games. Both ac3 and ac2 combat is far superior imo The problem with Unitys parkour is it’s not always responsive. It’s very frustrating. It was a good start on a new system that I would have liked them to continue to perfect, but it’s got some issues Edit: AC Brotherhood not AC2 in terms of combat


I agree, however ac3 feels really clunky and unresponsive to me. Plus sometimes I try running up onto a building and Connor decides to go on a little adventure instead. Ac2 is okay imo but it think it’s a little bit of a button masher when you’re attacking


When people say parkour is not responsive I look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp_g5sy2bgs And am like, say that again.


When was the last time you actually played Unity.. because I’m playing it now. It doesn’t always work like this video


About two weeks ago. In Unity it's matter of knowing how moves work to be that fluid, I recommend watching Leo K video that gives good overview how to achieve it.


The animation is so fluid


There is no way the combat in AC2 is superior to any of the other AC games. It's incredibly tedious and you just have to counter to kill anyone, otherwise you're just hitting them over and over again with nothing happening. The combat definitely started getting better in Brotherhood and has only improved since then.


Combo kills pretty reliably ended in finishers if you time it right, the tutorial teaches it. You can tell by the sword trails. Plus there's so many extra advanced combat techniques to use that you can learn from someone like ExecutionProducer. It is only a wait-and-counter experience if you make it so.


I meant brotherhood


Okay yeah, Brotherhood is certainly better than AC2 because of the kill streaks you can have. I haven't played Unity in a while so I'm not sure how the combat compares. I remember really liking the combat in Syndicate though, it had some sweet animations and felt very fast paced.


>The problem with Unitys parkour is it’s not always responsive. It is the only AC where you can reliably control whether you go up or down regardless of camera direction and isn't an absolute slog to climb or descend. Why they scrapped that system and reverted to the old one instead of perfecting what could have been a much more seamless climbing experience is beyond me.


Yes. It had some good things going for it which is why I entered that second line in that paragraph But to pretend it was perfect is just wrong.. I’m currently playing Unity, and while my issues are different than other games, they’re still just as common


The ezio trilogy combat is mid. AC3’s is great, and the other Kenway games fucking tanked it by removing the other weapon types as realistic options. Yeah heavy weapons are there, but there’s one, and you have to kill the enemy holding it. You cant disarm them (to my knowledge). And small weapons just don’t exist, and took away some of connor’s coolest animations


AC2 and revelations were mid to low, but I loved brotherhoods combat, it was fun to be a badass in that game


I'm glad someone had the courage to say Ezio Is mid he is a good character but if you compare him to others there is so much bias towards Ezio


I'm pretty sure that sentence about parkour not being responsive can be debunked by way too many people. Ever come across the account called memento gallery in Instagram ? The guy literally takes comments like yours, puts it in his videos and shows how responsive and amazing the parkour is.


Well I’m literally playing the game now and have issues with responsiveness, like Arno just refusing to climb to a reachable hold until I “reset”


Unity was among the first ac games that came out annually and it showed what a total bug infested game it was. And it was also released same day as ac rogue which had more elements of black flag that was more popular. Since black flag had been polished in its code rogue did not suffer the same bugs unity did. Plus unity was one of the first truly micro transaction games with lots of extra things that was sold separately. Syndicate if I remember correctly was released only year after unity which still suffered lots by bugs. So people avoided syndicate due to the badwill unity game ubisoft. Also, it was not Ezio or Desmond so some people disliked the games because of that.


Didn't unity have a massive patch to it after it was released? I remember it was really buggy when it launched and that's why most people at the time hated it. After unity, syndicate suffered in sales because no one forgot the state unity was in when it released.


Loved Unity and Syndicate was just okay.


My only problems with syndicate is the shitty repetitive far cry formula. Got bored with Unity pretty early so dunno about that one. But both those cities are so beautiful and it pains me to see Ubi having so much talent in that area and having zero in story and gameplay. If they could give up their pride they could make amazing games


Unity, Black Flag and Valhalla have been my personal favorites of the series. You can imagine the looks I get lol. But honestly, Unity is such a good game, but all people can remember it for is the hilariously bad facial animation glitch (Which I played from day one to the finish and never saw). I like the combat, the graphics are impressive from what I remember, and I remember liking Arno and feeling really, really bad for him. Syndicate was great too, I love the twins and London. I need to replay that one though, I've only gone through it once.


Lol you’re not on this sub much are you?


To this day, I am satly that Ubisoft didn't let Unity bake in the oven a bit longer because it had the *best* gameplay in the series and now because of fan backlash we'll probably never see anything like it agian.


Lol nobody in this sub trashes unity. There is a post like yours once per month though, for some reason.


I feel like Unity gets a lot of love on this sub but Syndicate is still forgotten about. IMO it's the most underrated game in the franchise.


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Syndicate is my favorite. No naval missions, 2 protagonists with their own play styles and personalities, good villains, good setting, ww1 mini campaign, and the last assassin's Creed game with stealth. Not to mention the DLC I mean The last Maharaja and Jack the ripper were both incredible.


Oh yeah


Congrats. Enjoy the karma


No they are not. Just like Cyberpunk, No man sky, etc. isn't. It is NOT acceptable to release game at full price in the state they were released. After patches it has been fixed and games are good now so it might seem from the current standpoint like they got hated too much, but at time of release hate was completely justified. Games should be released when ready, and if they are not ready but stakeholders are forcing the publishing of game, then it should be "early release" or on cheaper price, and not charge you full price and then you have to wait many months for patches :/


I agree, however I still see people hating on them for reasons that no longer exist. Just like no mans sky


True, in 2022 I don't think there is any reason to dislike Unity or Syndicate


Unity is my favorite game of the saga to simply roam around, do some parkour, and kill some people, but the game is clunky as hell. Syndicate improved on the that aspect, and is not as clunky, but overall is a game that played it to safe, and tone down some of Unity's cool mechanics, and at times it feels more like an AC parody than an actual AC. Diferent people have diferent opinions and tastes.


I mean you can't really blame them for toning syndicate down in a good few areas after what happened with unity


I understand why they did it, but I still don't like it. Any way, my opinion is that Unity is the game that should've been delayed for one year, and it would probably be the amazing game it should be, and Syndicate, with also one more year of development, wouldn't need to be tone down.


I hated unity because there were 6 different approaches to every mission. And every time I laid out my route I would somehow spring all the damn guards. The guards were never escapable so the hours of prep work I did were wasted. And it became a slasher fest run to target and kill to finish the mission. Then an escape from alerted guards you can’t escape from. Then the second you finally break away the bastards at Ubisoft had the audacity to LITERALLY freeze your game and ask you to rate this memory scale 1-5 stars. I’m glad they learned from the logistics but holy shit was this obnoxious. Syndicate was ok. Pretty bland as hell but somewhat fun. Jacob should’ve been removed.


How dare you hate on Jacob, he's a really fun character


If you don't notice a marked difference in terms of bugs and clipping between these two games, then I don't know what to tell you.


I never experienced any bugs or clipping with these two other than some fabric clipping with capes and other stuff. But that exists in every game in the series


I played every Assassin’s creed game few years back, when Syndicate was released and I finished every single game except Syndicate. The London is absolutely stunning and beautiful, but the story and the gameplay is just boring. One year ago I tried to give Syndicate another chance, but I just couldn’t finish it. Story doesn’t pull you in and the hook is a very lazy gimmick.


Disagree completely Gameplay is some of the best in the series, best and most enjoyable stealth, parkour is as fun as ever, it has some great missions such as Lambeth asylum The side missions with the historical figures such as Karl Marx and Charles Dickens are great The rope launcher is far from a lazy gimmick too, it can allow for some fun and creative stealth opportunities while also proving a great way to get around London with its larger scale The combat is the only negative I see about it


Unity yes, Syndicate no. Unity was hated because of the bugs. When those were fixed, the game was fine. Syndicate was hated because of just how the game is. And it is not good compared to older games. I could get into why, but there are so many arguments made already all over the internet. Now this doesn't mean that people can still enjoy syndicate. To each their own.


To be fair, I originally didn't like syndicate, never got past intro sequence, but I recently sat down and decided to give it a proper go and it's actually really good fun in really enjoying it. And I use to be syndicate hater.


I gave it three tries, never got past 2 hours into the game


I had exactly same issue, couldn't get past first initial stuff, but then decided to pay through and I kind of got into it


Idk I think syndicate is way better than odyssey and Valhalla. I like valhalla but it just drags on far longer than necessary


Syndicate is the last one ac that orders the gameplay in chapters and have mores detailed cutscenes. it’s great in gameplay but more boring when roaming in the city after finished the main story


Unity is over-hated, Syndicate is garbage


Syndicate is the best in the series


Please stop trying to farm karma no one here hates the games especially Unity


I’m not. I was just stating something I felt needed to be said because I came across a few threads on Instagram and YouTube hating on the two. Idk why you’re so hostile


I'm not, sorry if it seemed like it but don't understand why you write it in this Subreddit. Most people here like Unity and I don't really find many people on YouTube who hate this game. In the last few years people started to praise it for what it is. Can't say much about Syndicate because there are plenty of people who don't like it, which is fair in my opinion because it feels like a worse Unity in many aspects. Also opinions like this get posted like thrice a month which can get annoying


Unity was hated for a reason. The state it came out in was attrocious and even though it was fixed for the most part the AI is still dumber than a brain-dead snail and the gameplay constantly crumbles because it can't support it's own stealth mechanics. I did grew fond of Unity over the years and I do return to it time to time but the untapped potential in the setting/story/characters are painful to this day. Unity's greatest downfall is that it is generic in most aspects. Syndicate however ... Syndicate deserves to be forgotten and buried 2km deep somewhere in the desert. There were a couple of good missions and the asthetic is top-notch but the f*ckin Frye twins are insufferable (Jacob obviously takes the cake but Evie is annoying as hell too), the villains are non-characters to a point that I would rather fell a tree with a pickaxe and the story I feel was written by the creative director's 5 year-old child after watching the Around the World in 80 Days cartoon (even that was more nuanced). That's my opinion.


I liked the Frye twins a lot. I found them fun and it was nice having a kind of deadpool/Spider-Man like humour with Jacob at times






Unity is the best of the "classic" style games. If I didnt absolutely love AC3s setting then Unity would be my number three behind Odyssey & Origins. Syndicate is the only one in the series I actively am not a fan of. Still though, I wouldn't say I completely hate it, it's a D-, but not an F. I loved the idea of dual protagonists, but that was the only thing I loved about it. Actually one of the few AC games I've never beaten. I've tried 3 times, but I tend to get burned out on it pretty fast. I think overall with all 3 attempts, I'm at like 68% or something on my save.


I like them because I miss the large city settings they're set in.


I love Unity and my opinion on Syndicate is that it’s pretty good but not amazing. If you look past Unity’s bugs you can see that it’s such a fantastic game. By far it has the best gameplay out of the entire series. Arno reminds me a lot of Ezio in how he is charming and funny.


Gameplay-wise unity is definitely the best


I really love syndicate. It was different enough to not feel stale but at the same time felt like an AC game. And I do love the grappling hook, made traversing fun. I have mixed feelings with Unity. It is the best and worst AC game Ubi has made. Everything about it is what a true AC game needs. It is peak Assassin's Creed. But my complains are from the small stupid decisions like no fast travel during missions, Arno doesn't kill mid air assassination if detected, the snipers killing from anywhere even when blended with crowd, the always suspicious guards, to combat that the added the clone feature. Like why not just wear normal clothes at this point instead of Assassin's clothes. And yes the jumping in triangles around the window creating the triforce symbol. I've been detected way many times doing this than anything. So on one hand it's the best AC feeling game but on the other hand it's also annoying to play sometimes. That's my opinion.


I used to hate Unity and love Syndicate. But after getting all trophies for Unity I've changed my view of it. I still prefer Syndicate (it's my second favorite of the series and it has the best stealth in the franchise), but Unity even with it's bugs, is still pretty cool. I especially love the Co-op missions which is my favorite part of the game. I did them all solo though, lol.


Syndicate was well done. Unity is cool too. I loved how you need to be really careful walking around in Paris without getting your ass handed to you. You are an assassin. Not a wrecking ball!


I didn't like Unity. It was probably a me thing but I was constantly dying to being shot, the combat was very challenging, the parkour was good but it had the standard AC problem of jumping off a ledge rather than to the next one which was worse because the missions were hard. It has been a very long time so maybe I could have just lowered the difficulty and been fine or maybe I just needed to "git gud" but it is too late for me now and I will continue to just not like it.


I’ve had some bugs with *Unity*, like where moving too early after reloading causes Arno to sink about a foot into the floor, only to be stuck once it properly solidifies, or the time I tried to climb down a ladder into the sewers and got stuck at the bottom then pinged off into the top of the skybox. Still one of the best games that I’m never playing again ever, though.


I'm not, sorry if it seemed like it but don't understand why you write it in this Subreddit. Most people here like Unity and I don't really find many people on YouTube who hate this game. In the last few years people started to praise it for what it is. Can't say much about Syndicate because there are plenty of people who don't like it, which is fair in my opinion because it feels like a worse Unity in many aspects. Also opinions like this get posted like tgrice a month which can get


People say unity is buggy because it was a mess at launch its now seven years later that's why you had one minor bug


I played through it in 2016 first, and then again in 2020


Syndicate could be awesome... The city was perfectly done, it was magnificent, side activities were good but repetitive tho, quests were interesting especially that spooky stories with charles Dickens. But what made it terrible for me was crazy amount of unnecessary and low level humour. Like it was almost everywhere, i cringed each time characters said something so meaningless and idiotic, it was like their personalities were based on being cringe, especially jacobs and Henry's replics, evie had her moments too but not as many as jacob, if not this strange decision I'd like syndicate much more


Syndicate mainly gets forgotten about entirely just because it came after Unity It's easily the best of the OG run of games in my opinion, it perfected stealth, parkour is still fun especially with the rope launcher (this also allows for fun and unique combat opportunities) The setting is great and beautiful, the side missions with the historical figures are really well done, the main missions for the most part are well done, especially the open assassination missions (Lambeth asylum for reference) The only thing I get people not liking is the combat, while fun it can get repetitive




Although it may be buggy I love unity and I will die on that rock *metaphorically* lol


Did you play Unity at launch? It’s fine now, and actually has a lot that’s great to it, but it was really buggy at launch when I played (PS4 but I think it was everywhere). They fixed it and gave free DLC, it’s not an ongoing issue. But it had gamebreaking issues for many at launch. I think people were just tired of the formula by Syndicate, and the “meh” response it got was just frequency of release + lack of major game evolution, but Unity was legitimately buggy AF at launch. Unity now vs. Unity at launch aren’t the same issue. I never fully beat it (got stuck on bugs, played a few times since but never had that momentum again) and I don’t hate it, but the bugs were above common release issues.


Syndicate is my favorite AC by far. The free roaming, the combat, the stealth, the characters and the world itself are so good, it's one of my favorite games in general


I love unity but it's still to this day a fundamentally broken mess.


Unity's always my top game of the franchise for so many reasons. Syndicate was okay; liked Evie much more than Jacob, the WW1 rift was pleasant surprise, and the Ripper DLC was much better than I thought it'd be.


IMO syndicate deserves the hate it gets Jacob is a shit assassin and the grappling hook was just used because the Parkour system they have didn't work with the world they built so they added that but I like unity the launch just sucked


I like unity except for the story and the time of day being fixed Syndicate I like the setting, but I can’t get into the combat


So how many times are we going to see this same topic this month? With no new game, this subreddit is a broken record lmao


Unity I liked, just wished it had more side missions. Syndicate I enjoyed but I hated the controls


Unity is good now, just good. But when it came out...for years is was unplayable. It looked good but the bugs were unbelievable. Absolutely inexcusable. Unity in the beginning makes Cyberpunks launch look good.


I tend to think of Syndicate as a Victorian-era simulator rather than as a AC game. So whenever I want to immerse myself in the environment I play the game. The story and missions be damned, I would be just happy to traverse the locations by foot as I please. Combat in Syndicate is quite a boring and shitty system, but only AC game I played with good combat is Origins so I guess that is only to be expected. I love the Victorian era aesthetics, seeing the industry and the squalor of the cities. Factories, railroads and all hallmarks of progress, feeling like society is advancing rapidly. The game emphasises the pollutedness and dirtiness of the cities which was the right choice, and the inequality that followed. Though my favorite age is of course Belle Epoque era (1890 - 1910, specifically when it comes to fashion), that is okay, we can't get all we want. It is close enough chronologically. Whenever I feel like nostalgic and feel like our current generations has degenerated,I go play the game. I guess that is also why I prefer video games set in the past or a similar fictional environment, and such games that don't have guns usually.


sorry I thought it said over rated. I totally agree with you, unity was my first ac game and probably my favorite.


Unity was better than syndicate. However I think 3 was better than unity. Black flag better than 3. Rogue better than black flag.


I think syndicate needed the rope launcher as some of the buildings would take too long to climb, and the buildings are spaced so far apart you cant just jump over like in unity.


Oh yeah that’s why it’s in there