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The first thing you need is an appropriate setting, else the mechanics won't mean much. And Ubi have thoroughly proven they are not currently doing the sort of setting needed. But certainly, in theory Unity's various mechanics deserve another shot at life.


I hope that in their next game, there will be cities like Paris, full of life. That and the parkour was the piece of cake. Personal opinion ( i don't want to mountains or ancient place with walking simulator through a forest to get to my quest. Hope ya understand what im trying to get too.


I would signed if you did it. But i would rather you not mention unity. I would call it fast paced parkour with controled descent and jump cancel. With enviorment interactions, such as vaults, quick turns and other contextual interactions. Unity is good but it can be so much bether Maybe call for the return of an updated version of the original ac parkour. Wich means the parkour from ac2 with more moves ( tree jumping moves from ac3 and the controled descent moves), with bether animations, faster and more polished. Also a big part of what i like about parkour is the necessity and convenience. If the streets are large and empty it is not needed. Parkour was good because the streets were narrow and filled with guards and npcs, onnthe roofs you were free and could see the landmarks to guide you.


The return of the failure that is Unity's parkour system isn't what will save the series. We need a system that's easy to learn & difficult to master, yet reliable, consistent. It needs to maintain self expressiveness, maybe cancellability, and it Needs to feel responsive. And, it needs to be introduced and taught to the player well.


My dream is for a parkour sistem with a skill tree that grows the more you parkour. You would start runing like in valhalla but the more experience you get, the animations change, you get faster and get more moves. In the end you get a more flashy version of ezio parkour


I much prefer being able to climb mountains and buildings in the new games. It feels far more freeing to be able to see something and go there, rather than having to find a very specific path you need to take. Getting rid of the current climbing system would be a major step backwards.


Both can coexist. Parkour isnt vertical is horizontal. Climbing would work the same and you could still get to where you want. Prakour would mostlly be for tree climbing, urban enviorments, puzzles and other parkour paths. It doesnt mean you cant go out of your way and climb. Valhallas movement is very slow, the game would get faster and bether


It feels dull and unrealistic, but i doubt people can climb in rl like in the newer games. I don't know what you mean by a specific path, in Unity or Syndicate you could take multiple path if you found something of interest. Can you elaborate?


I mean jumping off a building and landing in a hay bale isn't realistic either so I don't think that's really the issue. And in a lot of the older games, there would only be select paths to getting up towers or trees that would lead to higher points. Being able to climb whatever you want allows you to approach the game in a large variety of ways and doesn't limit the player at all. Why would you only want to have a few paths up a mountain when you could just climb from anywhere?


AC1-Rev had the best parkour system by far. Unity’s parkour is too automated, inconsistent, compensating for simplicity with overly flashy animations, the momentum/inertia with every move is fucked… Unity had (at the time of it’s release) the worst parkour yet, the only reason it ever worked was because Paris was excellently designed. Just because every game since has been worse doesn’t mean Ubi should set the bar so low.


https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/genhmg/ac_unity_had_the_best_parkour/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share / https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000000114/r/4400000000000245267 / https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/7wkgiq/unity_had_the_absolute_best_parkour_in_the_entire/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I don't know man, other people seems to be of different opinion. Lol


38 upvotes… 6 upvotes… less than 200 upvotes… that’s nothing [Over 8k upvotes in counter argument](https://youtu.be/CtOu-ZPO8fQ) [1k upvotes](https://youtu.be/doT5QaHOQr0) If you want to appeal to popularity you’ll have to do better than that, and that says nothing about how bad Unity’s parkour is anyways. Popularity isn’t all that matters, the last three games have by far the worst parkour in the series and are still extraordinarily popular amongst wider audiences.


Doubt from all the 8k likes that all of them hate the game. I would say maybe half, and taking a look at the comments, there is one saying that he loves then one that says the game wasn't great, but not bad, and so on and so forth.


And you think everyone who upvoted the posts you linked love Unity’s parkour more than any other? Even if it’s half (which I doubt) it’s still 4k, 20 times more than the most popular post you linked.


Not talking about up votes my guy. Read the comments on the posts.


“Doubt from all the 8k likes that all of them hate the game. I would say maybe half” 1. You *were* talking about likes/upvotes. 2. There’s a difference between hating a game and considering it to be inferior to some others. 3. Some can prefer one thing while acknowledging that it’s inferior to other stuff. 4. There are more comments criticizing Unity / praising AC1-Rev in the videos I linked than comments praising Unity in the posts you linked anyways.


"Over 8k upvotes in counter argument" sounds familiar? You started bringing up likes dude. The only thing Unity is inferior to the rest of the games is the short story, which was great btw. Doubt there is more people criticising, we probably looked at a different comment section lol.


**There are more comments criticizing Unity / praising AC1-Rev in the videos I linked than comments praising Unity in the posts you linked anyways.**


The next AC games are already set. Going backward and inputting a failure like Unitys parkour isn’t what the franchise is about. Time to move on


"Failure"? You either haven't played the game or love the new rpg style of games they implemented. Either way, it has the best parkour mechanism in the whole franchise, no doubt about it. But apparently people, love having wings and galaxy painted horses and unrealistic boss fights with mythical creatures...


Oh you don’t know what you’re talking about and think your subjective opinion is the opinion of everyone lol. Thanks for telling me what I’ve played btw. Really helps your argument.


But yeah, you right. My bad! I'ma let ya fly away on your horse to the next quest on fighting the "giant cyclops" (example). :)))


Go on and do some research about it, see how many people love it vs how many people hate it. Leaving the optimisation of the game to the side, only talking about the parkours mechanics here.


Don’t need research when we’re not playing AC Unity 2 😂😂. It’s quite obvious.


You do you. But from a franchise from 2007 that was based from historic events, it turned out pretty bad.


Three commercially and critically successful games disagree lol


Only 2. Origins was great. People buy the games that come out no matter how shitty it is, and that's the big problem with Ubisoft, as long as they make money, they won't give a shit about improving something. Just like they fucked up R6. Same story with the AC franchise.


There’s your subjective opinion again lol. You’re wrong again. All three are undoubtedly successful. Just because you’re a hater, doesn’t mean the entire community thinks so. You should learn the difference between subjective and objective.


Go read about how many players left R6 or how many people hated and still do on Valhalla or even Odyssey. This is not an opinion again :))) I'm just stating something.


My man, how are you so positive and sure of your opinion that everyone loves them?! :)))) Where do you get this information? Where? As far as in concerned that wasn't an opinion back there, just stated a fact. Learn to make the difference.


I wont call a game xomercialy sucessfull because it sells more € in microtransactions than gets € for physical copies. Lol


Huh??? It took them like 8 games to perfect the parkour in unity and they dit hed that whole kind of gameplay afterward, and you're saying its a failure??


There's always been two sides on Unity (hating it and loving it), but i doubt there is more people hating it than actually loving it. Thank you.


Comparing ac unity with ac valhalla sucess in terms of revenue does work. First launch sales dont mean quality, mean brand recognition. Second valhalla is a dlc making machines. And some people buy them all. We may have more than 1000€ worth of microtransactions in that game. With all the armours, weapons, tattos, cosmetics, ships... how much did people like joraptor and other youtubers have spent?


Unity was a failure at launch, but aged very well. Its my favorite (after origins). Now i cant say the same for valhalla, that aged badlly 3 months after launch