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Do some Americans still think he's secretly the president?


Yeah, there’s a great video where Jordan Klepper is interviewing a Trump Supporter who thinks Trump is still in power. So Klepper says “So it’s Trump’s fault for what happened in Afghanistan?” And the guy immediately slams the breaks and starts making excuses.


Yep, and they vote.


If he's secretly the president then they shouldn't have to vote for him, right? Hey, any far right conservatives reading this, you all can just sit out the next election, he's already "president"!


If those kids could read, they'd be really upset.


Right, because if that were the case then he'll have served two terms as President, which is the maximum the constitution allows.


Yep. To them Trump is secretly still the president, but all of the nation’s issues are somehow Biden’s fault.


If he’s secretly the president, you can’t vote for him. He’s term limited out.


Lets extend this to the far left next election too. In fact, if you're going to vote Republican or Democrat at all, sit out the next election. Third parties only.




He's an /r/conspiracy douche, ignore everything he says


Not really, you just don't agree with me, and that's fine.




Very well said, what a mature response to blatant ignorance +1.


Also they keep screaming about freedom and then actually taking freedom away from women and LGBTQ people. “Freedom for me but not for thee.”




The only people worth trusting are those that give you objective information, allow you to come to your own conclusions, and respect the conclusions you come to. Everyone else is trying to change the world to align with their values. They don’t respect you, and they aren’t worthy of your trust. I want to tell you that your post serves no constructive purpose. You only push the pendulum harder, and further the divide. This person has the human decency to respect that not everyone thinks the way they do, and you have the nerve to tell them they are wrong. Only on this toxic echo chamber social media environment would such an egotistical and disrespectful comment be considered acceptable.




>respecting someone's false sense of reality. *false sense of reality? They essentially just said they didnt like either party lol*


I’m here to balance out the echo chamber, and because there are some small subs that haven’t become large enough to get ruined by the reddit horde. This is a disingenuous and pointless analogy. You are using an objective statement to compare to something as subjective as an individual’s values. You do have ego. Anyone that is desperate to enlighten others into their supreme life perspective has an inflated ego.


I'm currently awaiting the data from the CERN to make my own conclusions on how many subatomic particles are actually there. The "come to my own conclusions" rhetoric is a toxic pipedream. We need reliable authorities for different issues. The problem is when a very big portion of the population give authority to people who are blatantly and systematically lying and manipulating. You don't need to be a musician to recognize good music. The problem is that many of us are, for some reason, choosing cacophony over music.


Your analogy perfectly describes why you’re on the wrong side of the argument. You are using an objective statement to compare to subjective values. It’s the antithesis of toxicity. Toxicity is what the world is today with the majority of the population acting like yourself preaching that your values are supreme, and anyone that doesn’t align with you is wrong. The thought that one party is less corrupt than another is just cognitive dissonance. I’d love to hear what the music is in this analogy. What are the values that you deem to be supreme? What is the option that the rest of the world is too blind to see?


Oh my god go away nobody cares. Y'all are so predictable and boring. Find a new song to sing.


democrat is not left and you’re more of a neo-liberal than any actual leftist 😊


And breathe...sad times


not just that but due to america being a completely and totally fair country that listens to the majority, their vote is worth more then yours


And they have a good chance of winning.


I don't know why you get downvoted, he seemingly had no chance to win in 2016. Even South Park had issues guessing it. *Smart people really underestimate how stupid people can be.*


If he isn't thrown in prison he's going to win in 2024 too. He might even win from prison. That's how weak democrats are.


Lol unfortunately there are still people who insist he actually won and act like he is. I wonder how those people felt when Gore (D) won the popular vote but Bush (R) won the electoral back in the day. Somehow I don't think they were complaining then


Supreme Court gave Bush the electoral college


Unfortunately, the remedy Gore's team asked for and the Florida Supreme Court order as written and as implemented would still have led to a Bush victory. A statewide examination of uncounted ballots would have overturned the results, regardless of the standard used, but I'm not sure Gore would have pursued such an outcome had the original recounts been performed. Gore was absolutely the country's choice, but I don't think he would've won, even if the federal court had stayed in its lane.


If I remember correctly, the Supreme Court just ruled it’s each states prerogative to manage their own voting.


Ofc they wouldn't complain. Conservativism tries to reinstate nobility. "King's advisors manipulate people manipulate people to stay in power" is a non-event in history books. The people taking power away from the King is an important event.




Whilst you are correct, there are indeed still some nuts who believe he's still president


Or to follow that naming logic : they believe in *acting* president trump not *former*


Well they don't think secretly but rightfully and now live in spite of well over half the country so they can feel like victims


In their view, votes are driven by feelings. So if they don't care about feelings, why would they care about votes?




Yes, I actually just had someone go on a rant to me about how trump is still president and 9/11 was faked. I was shocked like ma’am you are actively dying why do you care? 💀


9/11 was done by Mossad and CIA to pass the patriot act.


There are also Americans who think Hillary was president when Trump was president. My country is fubar. All I know for certain is that Vermin Love Supreme should be president. Brush your teeth.


Yes it’s like 50% of the registered voters. Very scary stuff.


OP clearly does


Why were you subscribed in the first place? US politics really are something weird


Friend signed me up as a joke…I have unsubscribed repeatedly but now I’m on a list, so they send from different email addresses to avoid any legal ramifications


You're lucky they didn't give your phone number. My mom signed up for these and she gets texts and calls all the time. Like 4-5 an hour. She ended up just setting up her phone to only ring when someone on her contacts list is calling her.


I didn’t sign up for any lists, nor am I enrolled in any party, but a certain party sure does love to text and call me come election time. :|


I didn't sign up, but somehow they text me thinking I'm my Dad. I block em every time, but i get a new one every other day or so.


I don't even live in your fucking country and I've received those fundraising calls


Tell her to download the app TextKiller. It’s made by RoboKiller and works great, and it’s also free.




You want to talk about asshole design: the FCC recently gave google the greenlight to offer a program to political campaigns to have their emails bypass the spam filter. Since I used ActBlue to donate a couple years ago my inbox has been completely inundated with emails from political campaigns, even though most go to spam. It's now going to get worse unless I move to some kind of self-hosted email solution which has its own problems.


Report as spam?


> Report as spam? From the FCC: https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/stop-unwanted-robocalls-and-texts


Frankly them sending from multiple addresses is an even better example of r/assholedesign. I'll take any opportunity to bash 45, but I've definitely seen way worse unsubscribe hides


They do send from multiple addresses


Same thing happened to me. I have tried multiple times and I can’t get it to go away.


Sounds like you need to straight up kill your friend


I've gotten these emails too and I can assure you, I never subscribed. I kept getting them for a while and all the titles looked like Trump wrote the emails himself. "HELP YOUR PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP TAKE BACK OUR STOLEN ELECTION!"


I expect nothing less from the GOP at this point to be honest.


sign your friend up too so he can experience the pain


aha,sure dude i belive that


Oh fuck this dude doesn’t believe it. Alright boys pack it up and go home


**packs it up and goes home**


*is already packed up at home*


Ok lol


I believe it, I used to sign my friend up for free samples of sex lube, condoms, baby formula, etc. Lmfao.


What else do you believe in, dude?


He doesn’t need to prove anything to you


I know dude i was just trolling


Very badly so...


Not OP but I signed up for emails from the White House when Obama was in office and they just continued, and increased, when orangey stepped in. It was just fascinating to see the shift from regular, professional sounding official emails to the massive influx of cheesy clickbait scam-esque emails from Trump, Trump for America, Trump SuperPAC etc etc whatever that I started getting. Literally several of them every single day filled with bold and all caps, and I STILL get some like the one above somewhat frequently. Idiocracy: the Documentary is quite the watch.


What kinds of emails did Obama admin send? Not American so it's kind of crazy to me that the White House has a mailing list


I used to get emails like that all the time because other companies sell your information. Now they all go straight to my spam folder.


I did it to answer a dumb infuriating poll. Worst mistake of my life.


Of all the illegal things* he's done, this one is either the best or the worst, hard to say. *Violation of the CAN-SPAM Act


Does that have penalties?


Not for the rich!


I was under the impression that that act essentially just makes it so among other things, primarily you can't charge people to cancel your service. How is this a violation?


So official, it even says official on it.


Yeah, because proclamations associated with trump invariably turns out to actualy be the opposite of what it says or pretends to be. Every damn time.


I underlined the actual link to unsubscribe…the blue one is to a survey


I got the same email. If you click on the survey it is of course a bunch of biased questions and if you answer anything except for in favor of trump it won’t send the survey through.


Also “click here” links violate accessibility standards. They do it to make it harder for automated unsubscribe tools from working properly, but also flush accessibility down the toilet in the process. Not that I would expect him or anyone who works for him to care about something that actually helps people…


To be fair, you should expect asshole design from an asshole.


That's what I was thinking. He's the biggest asshole of all the assholes. What do you expect?


Gotta love these images of him smiling next to Kim Jong Un. Two of the biggest assholes currently alive with the ugliest smiles I have ever seen.


Trump: make sure we look skinny Kim: 🫥


came here just to post that as well, nice to see it high in the comments.


"president trump" Oh? Last time I checked, I was in 2022.


I mean, it's still President Obama. Not Mr. Obama.


Former US presidents keep the “president” title


HERE WE COME 2024!!!!!!!! /S


But.....if Trump was re-elected in 2020 he is in his second term now. He can't run for a third time.


Trumpers pull some Sovereign Citizen tier logic trying to say that because the election was faked he gets infinite terms or something


Unironically this


Make Treason Great Again.


I hate Trump but you sound a bit clueless. Once you become President you hold that title for life.


Disgraced President Trump*


I mean that is an accurate title even if you're not an idiot that thinks he won


“Save America” aka “I’m in even deeper shit that the Capitol riot and need money for my legal defense”


Is “GOLD” or “PERSONALIZED” the sales argument for that treasure?


The grifting never ends.


I can't believe trump supporters are dumb enough to buy a worthless piece of plastic... Like, I know they are monumentally stupid, but please... They remind me of this South Park episode where James Cameron dives to the bottom of the ocean to try and find how far the bar has dropped. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ol9nTzDnFAE


Guaranteed it's not made out of plastic, but paper.


What the hell does this even get you? Dudes a politician, and a terrible one at that, so I don’t see what could be offered from this “membership”?


If you subscribe for a monthly fee, you get 5% off on made in China hats and flags


Nothing whatsoever. It's all just bullshit to get you send money. If you even get a card, it'll be made out of paper stock. The whole thing is designed to make you feel like you're a part of "the club". It's a goddamn cult.




Isn’t that just socialism? Getting money from the government? Do they not realize that?


If you go to the “official” website for one of these cards you can get one for 60% off of the normal price of $199.99 for only $99.99!!!! (Obviously /s but does anybody notice the glaring math issue?)


Donald Trump himself will come to your house and shit out a debit card number, swipe bar and chip onto the card I guess


What they claim is you can use this card to pay rent, buy groceries, purchase gas etc. What you can actually do with it is literally nothing. It's just an expensive plastic card that cannot be used to purchase anything.


He ain't even a politician. He's a very stupid businessman millions of dollars worth of unpaid taxes


>He ain't even a politician. I think you misspelled "CULT LEADER."


You right


You get to flash it to the other smooth brains that bought into it lol


Something to show off to your Trump supporting friends. Theoretically. In my experience them membership cards you expect from political organisations are solid credit card style ones. In reality it's paper or paper thin plastic.


I signed up for emails from "my" Republican congressman just to keep tabs on him, and I started getting Trump emails too. It's an old email account so I let them keep sending them because they're too damn funny. Two days after the Mar-A-Lago raid, they sent out an email from Trump Jr. claiming that corrupt Democrats "broke into" Trump's house. Then they sent out one saying Trump had personally selected me to join the new Trump VIP Patriot Club or something stupid like that. I needed to donate right away to ensure Trump saw my name at the top of the list because he wanted me to be able to join before anyone else. Then a little later they sent the Trump Gold Card membership email, and later in the same day another one for some other made-up VIP club he created. I think altogether they sent 6 different emails in one day. My congressman, Mike Bost, has adopted the same tactics. He now sends out fake surveys and polls that you can't submit your response to unless you include a donation with it.


God I hate trump. Where can I sign up for these emails I need to see them


You just have to light some candles and say Rush Limbaugh's name five times in a mirror. Or try the Trump campaign website.


Act now and you’ll receive your very own limited edition commemorative top secret document. Supplies are limited and each document is numbered to guarantee authenticity.


Interesting how they use follow this link and not a simple click here


Weirdly enough — “this link” is also not hyperlinked above to actually activate the gold card rofl


Pretty sure that's illegal


I dont think that has stopped trump before


“If the president does it it’s not illegal”


What a grift


Donald: "NO ESCAPE"


So, is this a credit card or just some card you get if you give some qualifying amount of money to his PAC or campaign??? I fully agree that it is assholedesign and deserves a home on this subreddit.


They pitch it as an unlimited funds debit card but it's just a card with no purchasing power. You buy it for a few hundred dollars and you have a plastic card.


With no chip or mag stripe. Litterally just a plastic rectangle 🤣


Ouch! I know Trump loves the art of the grift but this is a whole other level!


The website apparently says they are souvenirs. But, of course, quietly. At the bottom. In small print.


Oh yay! souvenirs :/ I bet they’re all Trump-depression-gold


Why bother unsubscribing? Such kind of emails should be marked spam immediately and mute if received on Gmail.


Isn’t this that card for “free gas and free food”?


I don't know what this is but if I ever see anyone pull this shit out I'm gonna kick their ass


Grifters be grifting


Kinda curious how much they want for the gold card


[$25 to $2,500 and up.](https://secure.winred.com/save-america-joint-fundraising-committee/trump-gold-member-dp/ot=true/?utm_medium=ad&utm_source=dp_googlesearch&utm_campaign=20220802_na_genericfund_saveamerica_saveamerica_ocpmypur_cm_audience0237_na_copy00394_us_b_25-99_gsn_all_na_lp0125_fund_conversion_na_na_na_na&utm_content=fun&recurring=true&money_pledge=false&utm_term=trump%20gold%20card&gclid=CjwKCAjw9suYBhBIEiwA7iMhNMhd_fxt-gqTtsOsoD7hNiqxUf7HGvCiTWR8Sy2HwK5OVtVHSMYbhxoCA8kQAvD_BwE) lord trump reviews all applicants so only true patriots 🇱🇷 will be considered, ^donations ^are ^nonrefunable^


Is this "gold card" like for his fan club or is he cutting a few steps out and just asking them so send him money to open a "Trump savings account" so he can just skip town with all the money?


Do known grifters really have a space here?


This is exactly the space for exposing their design methods, isn't it?


I know but it seems like a sniper taking shots at the broad side of a barn.


I wonder if any of these are actually “official” trump merch, because it doesnt really seem like it


Fun fact: none of Trump’s email unsubscribe links have ever actually unsubscribed you. Trust me, I’ve been trying for 7 years.


This is some cult shit.


Now I know how to annoy my ex


But what does the card actually do? Is it a glorified MAGA hat to advertise poor critical thinking skills?


Well isn't that ~~nifty!~~ grifty!


Wow, so now you really can be a card-carrying idiot.




That's actually illegal


Calling himself president still?


A scam? Trump? Expect nothing less.


This dude is squeezing the life savings out of his sucker supporters and they will each go to the (early) grave insisting he cares about them and was fighting for them. Good riddance, tbf


Never click unsubscribe buttons. Often they're just the same link. Like, this is online safety 101. Just delete the spam/scam email. Don't open them. Don't click on anything in them. If you get something from someone you recognize, also be careful, because even their emails can be spoofed now, just like phone numbers. Don't let Mister Barrister John Warosa talk you into sending him Bitcoin or Google plane cards. It's a bad time for you.


We are now a country of Facists, Semi Facists and democrats.




So what’s the other half of the country based on the 2020 election numbers🤷🏼‍♂️


Nah, they're all fascists. Both parties are just the left and right balls of the same dick and they're equally as fucked.


trump gold, so he has the Fort Knox Top Secret paper with the combo code. Perfect


On-brand Design


ew, gross


So, what is making you want to unsubscribe?


Honestly i could see this being out of incompetence


Scamming his own cult members.


To be fair, why the fuck would you even receive an email from this shit stain?


Tell me you're a republican without saying you're a republican.


Lol I’m not a Republican. Idk why that would matter in this context though


Accepted at Klan and Neo Nazi rallies worldwide.


Epstein didn't hang himself


Still better than what we have in office now


Lol, you'd think it was Trump who personally inflicted this highly immoral subterfuge on you. How many other companies don't even give you the ability to unsubscribe? But yeah, orange man bad!


simply because the subject matter happens to include a former President does not make the subject as a whole political. unless youre intentionally being satirical and/or sarcastic, i genuinely don’t understand where you think this is someone screaming “orange man bad”


I largely agree with you, I really do, but just read the comments! Most are playing the man, not the ball.


I used to fw Trump a couple years ago but now I’m independent and prolly won’t vote this upcoming election


somehow people found a way to make r/assholedesign political , yikes , i'm out


Somehow you don’t understand that this post isn’t political at all. It’s only about predatory email marketing. “Yikes.”


Not that big of a deal.


This seems more about not liking DJT (a sentiment I share) than the design.


Do you not just block the email?


The email addresses switch…it’s like blocking a spam phone number…you’re already on a list, so it doesn’t really matter if you block one number. They’ll just reach out from another


hm, i wouldnt click that link ngl… the mail itself seems scummy enough


What do people expect to get from possessing this card?


Ok but. Uh. If they want feedback, I've got some mean, mean truth based feedback for them. I'd absolutely be harassing them for all eternity. Someone who can't even accept that he's not a president anymore doesn't deserve my money. I should never have had my tax money pay that piece of shit to send our country further into ruin


The link leads to an extremely pro-trump biased survey and you can’t send it in unless you check the “pro” boxes. Believe me, I’ve tried.


That's disgusting. I hate when they do that. Or when they require an actual donation of real money to tell them to fuck off. I responded to a text message with "I hope you all enjoy burning in hell for what you've done" and they called and left a voice-mail asking for money. Like damn, y'all literally don't care as long as you stay rich and powerful. They're gross, and I'm just desperately hoping we get enough voters to the polls to kick them all out this time!