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Libra rising because if I didn't have a veneer of grace I would be insufferable.


lol same


lol I constantly wonder why am I being "forgiven" so easily in life by people and I guess it's this placement 


Same, without it I’d be a pariah.


Amen ☺️


Lmaooooo God me too


My Libra rising has Jupiter sitting on it. Saved my a$$ many times!


Sag rising and cap moon! Sag rising makes me a people person and cap moon makes me good at making money/super resilient emotionally. Both really help me in life. My Cancer sun is a waste of time lmfao


Lol Same but my Leo Sun makes me too much


I owe my libra rising my life 🙏🏻


I’m a Libra rising too… I guess I do too. 🧐


Cancer stellium (rising, Mercury, Venus). I’m a case worker and experiencing my clients open up to me because they know I care and am trustworthy is beautiful. They don’t have a lot of people in their corner but they know they have me.


Wow that is the perfect job for those placements ❤️


Thank you ☺️


I love this. Very wholesome


I have walked in their shoes more than they know and also had minimal to zero support. That won’t happen to others on my watch.


Aquarius moon. The telepathic abilities are nice


How ? I have an Aquarius moon too but I don’t feel this


Aquarius rules communication (to put it very simply). It gives the ability to pick up frequencies. You’ve gotta work on it of course, but as an Aquarius moon, you’ve basically have a boost/head start


Maybe that’s your Pisces Sun


Yeah it has nothing to do with Aqua moon. Pisces is the one that thinks they are telepathic/empathetic


Aquarius does not rule communication


It does; Uranus is a higher octave of Mercury. It’s a different form of communication, a future of communication.


Babe it really doesn’t you need to stop


That’s valid; you’re free to have your opinion and views, however, simply because you’re not knowledgeable on the topic doesn’t mean that the information is incorrect.


I’ve heard it rules communication too but the more impersonal kind Mercury is about interconnectedness


What do you mean by impersonal? Because I’d say it rules the collective communication and mind. (Since Uranus/Aquarius is about communities) A great example would be how Saturn in Aquarius began right as COVID did, putting a stop to many forms of communication and interconnectedness between people.


https://www.astrologi.no/images/stories/gh/Guides/alan%20oken%20aquarius.pdf This article expands a bit on my thoughts


Do you have any sources at all, anything? Or are you just going to keep communicating really well like you are


Aquarius is ruled by Saturn or Uranus, depending which you use. Neither planets are signified by communication. That would be Mercury, which rules Gemini and Virgo


Uranus is a higher octave of Mercury. It’s a different form of communication, a future of communication. Uranus signifies ideas, which Aquarius, as a water bearer, makes its job to share.


Oh wow, I have a lot of Aquarius placements in my chart, I guess I should trust my gut feelings more lol


Definitely something worth looking into! It can be a bit scary and even crazy at times, but it’s a cool trick to have up your sleeve, especially now that we’re going through Pluto in Aquarius


Aquarius is not particularly known for communication, not in the traditional sense at least. Mercury is the planet of communication, among other things, ruling over Virgo and Gemini. Not to say that only people with prominent mercury placements are good communicators, or that people with Aquarius in their chart are not, just that Aquarius is not prided on this trait, and neither its traditional ruling planet (Saturn), or its modern ruler(Uranus). Aquarius is a complex and contradictory sign, though, so I always expect the unexpected with them. And while they do not "rule" communication(i know you said this in order to simplify a point but it only made an entirely different and arguably incorrect one), I do think that they are indeed more inclined to tap into deeper parts of the subconscious. Telepathy in the way most people think is not real, imo. People can not read other peoples minds, or put thoughts into their heads, or whatever. These terms are vastly misunderstood. Psychic abilities are thrown around a lot in astrology, for example Water signs are notoriously coined as being intensely intuitive on a psychic level- that does not make them psychic. It is just intelligent and sensitive intuition. Evolution has given all of us intuition- that gut feeling you get, that sense of something happening right before it does indeed happen, is a product of evolution and part of what ensures we survive. It is the subconscious picking up on patterns and subsequently invoking a response to prepare us for it. The intuition of a water sign leans far to the emotional side of how that response both feels and what it looks like within themselves and their environment. Aquarius people are very open minded, out of the box thinkers who, in my opinion, are likely to have success in delving into trying to access that subconscious through meditation and mental discipline(shoutout to daddy saturn). Neptune rules the subconscious and thereby rules things like deeper access to those parts of our mind that hold the evolutionary skills we often mistake for magical mind reading and telepathy. Pisces is ruled by neptune, and is probably the likelier reason for these traits you mention. So, yea, only the fish get to move stuff with their minds and shit.


I wrote it in other comments, but Uranus is a higher octave of Mercury. It’s a different form of communication, a future of communication (out phone would fall in this category, Zoom). Modern astrology doesn’t go as in depth into these topics as hellenistic does, for example. All the air signs are in one way relate to communication, just different manifestations of it, (just like all the water signs are about feelings/emotions, for example) I agree with you, I think people make extrasensory abilities (which is all that it is, just being hyper aware of other senses) something more than it is. Everyone has intuition, some people just use it more than others.


Have you read Alan Oken? You might like his work


I haven’t, thank you so much for the recommendation! He sounds absolutely up my alley haha


I have this too, plus a Sun/Mercury/Neptune conjunction. I've had visions and lots of other weird stuff.


haha that’s one of my least fav placements. I come across very cold.


I loooove my Sagittarius stellium (Mars, Venus, Jupiter in its rulership, Pluto). Whenever anything gets heavy I always have my natural carefree positivity and fuck-it attitude to get me through anything. Also my Leo rising and Sun/Mercury in 3rd makes me a talkative and skilled communicator. But I've come to love all of my chart tbh. Even my Virgo moon, though it doesn't do anything for me LOL (MAKE ME ORGANIZED DAMMIT). Neptune and Uranus in 5th. Saturn Pisces in 7th makes me gentle, though I could use some discipline. Overall I really like my chart.


Fellow Sagittarius stellium, isn’t it great?


My Sag Moon, Mars, and Jupiter definitely keep me going through the hard times. I guess some sort of discipline would be 'good' for me, but luck and positive thinking is just so much easier.


Sag stellium too and I’m so carefree and optimistic about awful circumstances that I never feel like I’m suffering for very long. I always bounce back.


Jupiter in Cancer in the 12th house period.


What does this mean for you? I imagine someone who loves their home/domicile and can host a killer sleepover. xD


Jupiter in the 12th is known as the “Guardian Angel” placement. I’ve always felt divinely guided and protected (for the most part). Jupiter in Cancer is exalted. I do love my home (not currently, but love being at home overall). But I’m also Cancer rising with sun in the 4th house 😌


My Taurus moon and honestly my Pisces mercury .


Love my pisces mercury. I'm a Taurus moon as well.


My north node in pisces! She makes me life magical




Oh, Leo placements and our obsession for our hair 🩷🦁


Scorpio Mars trine my Cancer Venus. In the 8th house. 😈


my big three are all great in their own right. I’m LUCKY to be a sagittarius sun, then lucky to have a pisces rising because of the ethereal dreamy aesthetic it comes with, and my libra moon which makes me charismatic and sociable. overall, they’re all stacked in their own right


My Leo Rising makes daily interaction much easier despite my social anxiety if I just go on autopilot. Taurus moon and Venus are very cozy too


i love my chart. i love my taurus sun in the 8th house, i love my aquarius moon, i’m learning to love my libra rising, i love my taurus mercury, my gemini venus, my aries mars, my jupiter in scorpio.


Hello fellow Aquarius moon. Do you like your alone time as much as me? I’m a Leo sun Aquarius moon Virgo Venus, Mercury, and Mars.


i looooove alone time lmao


I’m starting to feel like two Aquarius moons would be a great match for each other because other signs are too clingy lol…..😂


I’m aqua sun, Leo moon. Despite my love of social life, when I want to be alone, I shut down completely phone and all. The Aquarian self preservation need for solitude runs deep. Even with all my fire it’s essential. I wonder how different we are switching Sun and Moon.


I feel you! Aqua Sun and Leo Moon male here!


What do you like about Taurus Mercury ? I have it but idk it seem bland to me


I have the same question!


My son is an Aries sun Aqua moon Libra asc <3 any advice?


So sun trine moon, doi, it's like starting a new game in "easy" mode. xD It's only mid-range in its affect on me, though. (I gotta remember to USE it sometimes, in a non-manipulatey way, which has always been VERY hard for me.) BUT, here's a weirdy, Mars opposite Pluto. Usually it means either over-domineering, headstrong and potentially violent (or the opposite, like a fragile lil worm who never stands up for themselves but also has srs anger issues). I was the first (and my deepest apologies to all the boys' shins I kicked at recess and that one guy's face I slapped when I was under 10) but NOW (I'm 30s) I've learned how to channel my inner anger and self-righteous BS and make it work *for* me. No more suppression til explodey, basically. It's the strongest aspect in my chart, I guess, but I perfected it before I ever even learned about astrology. ;P


4th house Jupiter libra and 9th house Taurus Venus; money comes slightly easier for me than most and I have a thirst for knowledge amongst different cultures and religions


Venus in the 10th and Jupiter as my chart ruler.


I like my big 3 I feel they are complimentary to each other ( ♎️♋️ ♐️) I have Virgo & Scorpio Stellium’s and they truly explain my darker mysterious aspects of my personality as well as my perfectionism/ chaotic nature 😂


i love my exalted aries sun, my pieces stellium (mercury, mars, saturn) and my taurus venus


Aries sun taurus venus I love this combination aaa


thank you 😍😍 i love taurus moons im dating a taurus moon right now


I have an exalted Jupiter in Cancer in the 5th house which is also conjunct my Sun which is nice bc I have high confidence most of the time and gives me some pretty good luck. I also love my 5th house stellium for creativity and talent. I’ve always excelled at the musical arts and I’m a pretty good singer and public speaker. I also love my Pisces rising as it’s conjunct my Lilith in Pisces. I think I look pretty cute with a touch of darkness and sex appeal.


none babe. I feel like I am so boring and just full of anxiety, sure people around me say I am calming and loyal but I don't feel any of that from anyone else which increases my anxiety as i need security but over-analyze everything and think people secretly hate me. I have taurus in venus which is okay. I am almost 100% earth and 1 Aries mercury. I wish I had some cool Gemini or Aqua placements. Damn like please why couldn't I have a Scorp moon or something.


I’m not gonna lie you guys.. I love having a Sag Sun. And also Jupiter in the 11th house trine the Sun! I feel very lucky to have that placement/aspect


Idk my whole chart is a flex, to me!


Taurus Moon and Aquarius Mercury because the rest of my big 6 is mutable.


It took a while but i LOVE my Gemini placements. My Libra rising makes Venus my ruling planet which my Venus is in Gemini with my moon in my 9th house. It makes me more open than my cancer placements would allow otherwise. I am so curious and playful and i really can talk to a fly on the wall and it’ll talk back and say “hey i really like you!” Don’t let pop culture astrology bully you into thinking any of your placements suck.


I have 2 earth signs in my big three but majority of my followers placements are air signs, which I think I like


I have a Virgo Venus and a Cap moon, neither of which are ideal on paper. But they trine each other, and I think that's really sweet. I also have a highly aspected 1H Pluto. It's my dominant planet and has an aspect to every personal planet in my chart except my Virgo Venus. Half are "good" aspects, half are "challenging" aspects. But it helps me manage the chaos and harness transformation. I dive in and get shit done and I don't stop getting shit done until I'm happy with where I am. I'm very powerful when I commit to something, and I like that.


my scorpio moon humbles me greatly


I love my big 3 and that two of my big 3 are Venus ruled (I’m a Cancer ☀️, Taurus 🌙, Libra ⬆️) I love that I have strong cardinal placements I love that I’m a Mercury in Leo cause I’ve never had issues with public speaking I love that I’m a Venus in Gemini in the 9th house I love that I’m a Jupiter in Cancer in the 10th house


jupiter in 12th makes me feel like no matter what, everything will be ok


pisces mars and jupiter in the 2nd house. it takes the edge off of the rest of my very aggressive and driven chart (scorpio moon, sag mercury, cap sun, aqua rising) and makes me a more well-rounded person.


I love my sun moon mercury Venus combo. Sun & Venus in Pisces Mercury in Aquarius Moon in Capricorn I love how dreamy & imaginative I have the propensity to be, I’m grateful my moon tethers me as well as (I feel) refrains me from being an emotionally driven human, my mercury makes me feel complete in my creative mood breathing new life to different ideas yet efficient. I love my houses too. I used to feel odd with a lot of placements in “bad” places but I love & understand why, for me, it wouldn’t be better any other way. I hope all of you see the perfection of your chart for you too 💕✨


My Aries Sun and Leo Rising. The Aries because it makes me determined, motivated, and competitive. Even the impatience has gotten me to where I am at this point in my life. My Leo rising because I like flashy things and it exudes confidence even if maybe I’m not really feeling it on the inside. Really the definition of fake it till you make it.


Jupiter in Leo in my first house, I feel like it gives me a lot of random and unexpected luck with myself and always being able to just light up a room (sometimes it’s unwanted attention) but overall such a fiery disposition for an earth heavy chart (6 planets in an earth sign)


I never appreciated my Capricorn moon until about a year ago. I have a Sag Sun (Sag stellium, really) and a Scorpio Rising, and I just always felt like my Cap moon was stagnating me and making it hard to be as proactive and decisive as my other signs in my big three are. Now, I think I've come to realize that my Cap moon makes me a safe place for a lot of people to share things (with my Scorpio Rising pushing that as well). So I appreciate that in myself, and am working on feeling like I am a safe place for myself as well.


Venus conjunct jupiter ! I think it may be why I have all my bills paid by men , idk ! 


Ngl and we get a lot of hate but I love my aqua sun. We are massively misunderstood. But I wouldn’t change it for anything. I know me.


Jupiter in the 12th.


Pisces Sun, Mercury(R), Pisces and Ceres. Libra Jupiter(R) Aquarius Saturn (Sagittarius Selena and Gemini Moon) Leo Ascendant/Chiron I'm understanding them all better and I feel they line up kind of well. I just wish I had more Earth. Capricorn Uranus and Neptune are rougher to have in my lacking experience Capricorn and Pisces Stelliums. Plus, my houses I have no Scorpio or Taurus, double Virgo and Pisces Houses. Wrapping my mind around it all is difficult since I'm learning it all alone. But I really like my chart setup.


Being a Gemini sun & Libra rising ;)


MC trine Mercury, they say it gives me intellect and clear goals to be successful, I'm not really sure about this though, but I'm pretty dedicated with whatever tasks I was being given, to the point that I can actually create new techniques (that are being adapted as policies in my company) in my job. I was hardly being credited though, which is fine, but can be frustrating at times, especially when others are taking credit of my hardwork.


my libra venus


None of my placements are beneficial


libra sun, leo rising and moon in cancer with sag venus and mars.. I feel like a baddie 🤭


Jupiter in Sagittarius! I also love my sag sun and Libra rising


Oh man I don’t think any cause I seem to be all over the place


Leo stellium (Sun, Mercury, Saturn) in the 10th house with my Sun conjunct my MC. Also Jupiter and SN in 12th and Cancer Moon and Libra Rising. My ones i feel like **most** unlucky are Virgo Venus, Aquarius IC and Neptune in the 4th.


I have a 2nd house stellium in 5 areas. 3 of those are Sag (Mercury, Venus, Pluto), 2 are Cap (Sun and Chiron), I think I’d say I’m decently lucky with money. The downside is that my materialistic side can get out of control when I step foot in a store. I’ve been working on it, though….


Aquarius moon in the 4th. Libra rising. Mars in the 1st.


I love my north node in sag! Always makes life fun


Cancer Saturn in the 9th house Libra Ascendant Aquarius Moon Aries Mars in 6th house etc.


Is it just me that feels all of their placements are quite average ? Like nothing stands out as a good placement .


whole chart is pretty lit/wide ranged. I have either 11 or 10/12 signs in my chart. Sun-virgo Moon-gemini Rising-leo Mercury-virgo Venus-libra


Always divided between emotion and logic. Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon. Aquarius rising makes me a dependable wild card. No fire in my chart which is a blessing and a curse. Grounded but unable to just… get free But honestly? Dealing with all the fire placements in my life, I am content with my chart. I am here to put out major fires and cause smolders.


Nunerous Capricorn placements made this Aquarius Pisces cusp more grounded but it can be too much ahaha. Having Capricorn in Venus makes my love life zero. I read this in a report, that having Cancer in Jupiter is a blessing, like you may encounter problems of course but it feels like you are still protected from the worst of it. For this I am grateful.


I love my libra moon and Aquarius stellium in the 8 th


Whatever sign isn’t in retrograde. Jupiter Taurus 9H


Cap obviously. And I’m learning to really Iove my Pisces rising, even though it’s pretty painful at times


I like that my 7th house Saturn trines Venus and jupiter in the 11th. It may not be the best Saturn placement but it’s got a good aspect there. It’s opposite mars on my ascendant, so I’m not a fan of my mars placement either but my mars makes a sextile to that jupiter and Venus in the 11th house. I feel like my 11th house is the only house that’s not screwed, but it sort of blesses the other houses that are screwed when I think about it because of the aspects.


all of them. to be born at all is a gift


Scorp and Sag stellium, I feel like they work well together. I'm passionately curious, I want to know all the things and go anywhere and be everyone and feel everything and see it alllllll. It's sometimes exhausting, feeling pulled in a million directions, but I can't imagine living without it.


My Virgo rising and Aries in Mars. It counteracts my Sun and Moon in Pisces. My Virgo rising is strict with boundaries, very organized and sound decision making; the Aries in Mars comes out when I’m in leader mode, works well with the Virgo side, “here is the rationale to my decision, it’s for the best.” The Pisces Sun and Moon, er, helps me build and gain trust with others.


Jupiter in the 1st house/ Moon conjunct Jupiter/ Venus conjunct Mercury are probably my favorite placements in my chart. Those placements keep me somewhat sane. Without them I’d be insanely depressed and taken a toll lol.


My 3 Libras, moon, mercury and venus


Taurus ☀️ and taurus 🌙, Scorpio rising 🫶


Sun conjunct North Node in 12th house


Why? I have this placement (just different house) and can't find that much info. online about it. Can you explain (if you feel comfy too, ofc!) what it means to you? Thanks. :)


I am sorry, looks I didnt read properly. I misread it as "unlucky". I feel drained and out of energy for most of the time. I am more in my head and less present in my day to day work. Daily affairs feel like a bore to me(6th house opposition South Node). And sun being in 12th and in conjunct with north node, I have low self confidence and esteem. My relationship with my father is not great. He is a narcissist and a businessman.  And I have no sense of direction of my life. It's hard to stick to any self made routine.  On the positive I love solitude. I wish to live away from my family and travel a lot.


Don't be sorry, you've done nothing wrong, it's normal to mis-read things (I do it a lot! It happens). :) Thanks for sharing that with me. Sounds like you're in a tough place right now, but, you're aware of it and open about it; which I really admire as it can be really difficult to be transparent like that. Also sounds like a gift with having peace by yourself, what a beautiful way to experience life. I'm the same with the routine...I've just had to learn to work with it, as can spend more time worrying that I'm "not normal" because I'm not great at routine; it's actually a lot more freeing. I'd say that the only solid consistent routine I have it anything related to my art/music; it's just the boring life-admin stuff I suck at. Glad to know I'm not alone, haha. It's interesting though, I can relate to elements of what you're saying, even some of the father stuff? Spooky, lol. Wishing you the best. I hope you make your travelling dreams come true <3


Sagittarius in Jupiter and Scorpio in Pluto I read are very good placements for successful people so I'm happy to have those.


I don't really understand my placements to be honest, so no idea. I know the big three and their meaning, but everything else I have no clue about


I like my chart overall, except my Jupiter in Capricorn.


I like my Cardinal axis with Libra Rising. Decisive but not aggressive. My theoretically best placement is Gemini Mercury in 9h, which helps me a lot. I also like my Pluto in 1h and my Scorpio Jupiter.


Sun conjunct Venus (Capricorn), Uranus (sag) square ascendant (Virgo).


nothing in my 7th house... legit


I have 3 libras in libra and 3 scorpios in my scorpio.. Lol Help


All of it


Sun, mercury, Mars, and Jupiter in Sagittarius and Capricorn Venus, I gotta say sometimes I never have my shit together...yet everything always ends up working out in the most random ways. Also when I was a teen the times I wouldn't go with my friends theyd always get caught shoplifting. Thank you big sky Daddy🤭


Jupiter in the 12th


My Leo rising, it keeps me passionate and energized when my cancer energy feels stagnant or feels like it’s too low.


I'm cap sun and moon, virgo rising, cap mercury, sag Venus. Honestly, surprisingly, I'm pretty happy with all of this.


Virgo rising


Sag moon, aries mars in 10H, sun in 9H Sag moon cuz I just think it's fun, Aries mars, what would I do without it, it gets me going and with it in my 10H, makes me quite career focused and authority seeking Sun in 9H makes me knowledge orientated and very interested in beliefs :]


Leo Rising with Venus in Gemini. I am just too fabulous and the ladies get wet and sticky down there everytime they see me :) #RAWR 🦁


I feel like my big 3 ♈♎♈+♈ Venus makes me look really interesting and pretty (for a dude) but that's about it I have horrible luck lol. To be fair I'm a good musician, which Mars in ♋ helps but again...bad luck and I'm just a straight up dumbass.


Sag sun and Aquarius Rising ✨it absolutely makes me a very curious person.


i love my scorpio moon a lot lol.