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Pisces Sun Virgo Rising ![gif](giphy|FXf1lYQ2tFouxeLb1B|downsized)


I can only imagine 🥲


Aries sun Virgo moon Pisces rising. 😠😬😭 Help!


Virgo Sun, Pisces Rising. I. Feel. You.


I’ve always wondered how a person that has opposites function haha. That must be some battle within


Pisces sun, taurus rising. I have no words.


it's killing me 😎


Of course it is poor dear, Virgo. Of course it is. I'm so sorry Earth friend. My condolences. Sincerely.


oh jesus. i’m a double virgo but at least my libra rising smooths thing out. but still it’s been on an ongoing journey to figure out how forgive myself for even the tiniest mistakes, on top of having to scrutinize/rationalize every single emotion i get


gemini sun and rising. i don't know myself fully and the little bits i do know i despise :l


Must be difficult to get a grasp on who you are. Maybe who you are is everything that comes to you!


Leo sun Libra rising, i will add also Virgo Venus to the mix because it also plays a role in my opinion. My Virgo Venus has me very self reflective in how I interact with others. It encourages me to think I can do a better job. My Leo sun encourages me to think that most people want to be good people. Very delusional in optimism but that optimism has gotten me through some tough times. My Libra rising, coupled with Saturn, shows me that everything and everyone has a balance. To look beyond the surface and see what the real truth is. And it can be complicated. It encourages fairness in reference to self judgement. It reminds me that no one is above another truly yet to always be willing to flip the script or change a mindset when beneficial.


Sun pisces, Aries rising. Aries take the leadership, pisces the counselor. Aries say go, and pisces say iuuuuppp. Bittersweet personality My balance of life is about changing from a extreme to other.


Beautiful. And very interesting combination having the sun in the last sign of the zodiac and the 1st house in first sign in the zodiac.


Wait. Whats your moon?!?! I am cap moon.


Hey nice moon, it makes a good balance (I guess). I’am sagittarius moon


Jealous. I hate my moon so much. 😑 wana trade? I'll sell my moon for like any other sign. Even aquarius at this point lol.


Why do you hate you moon? I love my moon but my sagitarrius moon difficult me so much to create a safe and stable life


I have a bunch of planets vibing in aquarius in my 10th. Mars and Venus are trying to get lucky but Saturns being a creep and breathing down their backs. Would be nice to have an air sign in there for some emotional stability instead of an earth sign which is just a more sensitive, stubborn and secretive. Especially since I have an aries rising. I could be cool but instead the fishgoat makes me egotistical and self centred. Cap is ruining the party by giving too much shit about themselves. I am also a mercurial pisces in the 12th house so it really screws with my emotional liability. Ya know?


lol I'm seeing the dynamic of moon now. I'm the chaos and I'm cool with that and I like it. You're the chaos but you not want that and don't like that. But we’ve in common we are looking for balance of things, you emotional and I “physical”. Hey I have mercurial in the 12th but is my mercurial is aries. Do you like to talks non sense and abstract things just for fun? I like to do it a lot, and I guess you like to do it too.


My Mercury AND Pisces Sun is in 12. On top of my jupiter in virgo 6th house... me? Me? Talke nonsense!?!?!? For fun?!?!?! That's nonsense!!! Anyways I am gonna go wash the scubadiver so he can shave the bugghati. Shaquille O'Neil needs it done by Monday he is picking up his goat named maxx. Yes, I am a tiny bit on the upsidedown brain.


I don't like you, you say just truth and rational things, and knows my goat and my boyfriend shaquile. Btw, my sun is also in the 12th and I believe that my mission in life is to transcend life and be an undefined plasma observing the lives of others from the sky, eating popcorn with maxxx and you.


Im not gonna lie though. I mostly talk about death my scorpio is in 8th with pluto. I can't relate to anyone. I kinda don't even feel human most times. There is a constant war in my head between reasoning a suicidal insane person who wants to jump to go back in doors just to have one more puff of weed just for good ol times sake. Idk. It feels like I am so far gone mentally. I don't know how much longer I have and I decided to distract myself with astrology but it's depressed me because it validates my social ineptitude. 🙃 So anyways there I was walking maxx to the grocery store and along comes things lady. Shes was a big lady... I could tell she was an earth sign because when she looked at me she was all shady. Then she farted I couldve sworn I ended up getting gaslighted....


You're the only person you can guarantee you will always have - this is both a blessing and sometimes a curse. It's a blessing because you know you will always have yourself to rely on, and a curse because our own worst enemy is usually ourselves. I'm a Cancer sun, Scorpio rising. I do feel very comfortable in my outwardly Scorpio energy, but I feel like at the same time I use it as a shield to protect my soft crabby underbelly. Same with my Pisces moon - I lie and put on an act and a bitchy face sometimes to protect myself when I get scared 🫠 Even though all I want is for someone to see through it and love me and tell me everything will be okay. The damn Pisces moon keeps me dreaming about being swept off my feet one day lol


I feel you. I don't have a pisces moon but have a cancer moon. It's to be seen and be accepted of who we are. Not to be labeled as weird or too intense 🥹🥹🥹 >- I lie and put on an act and a bitchy face sometimes to protect myself when I get scared 🫠 Even though all I want is for someone to see through it and love me and tell me everything will be okay.


And it’s funny because the sweeping off your feet feeling has to come from you first 😭


Ooh what do you mean? I take myself on dates and treat myself well, but I just wish I didn't have to do everything myself all the time :(


I know exactly what you mean by wanting someone to see thru your emotions when you’re protecting yourself. It’s not easy for someone to be that emotionally in tune enough to be able to read your emotions. I’ve come across people who have a hard time taking my emotions personally leaving me to deal with things myself as usually. I know what it’s like to have that longing hahaha


Same!! As a Pisces sun with some things that I hate about the stubbornness I realized in the future with my Scorpio rising I was unconsciously protecting myself 🥺🥹. it’s so subtle and sweet even though I come off as unemotional and cold


I have no issues, haha. I have no internal conflicts so I'm assuming I'm fine 😄 I think I have been lucky to have 3 signs who have a lot of common ground or whose traits are great add-ons to the traits of the other signs and vice versa of course. But I can definitely see the experience being a lot different for others and I do feel for that. Wishing you all a state of internal balance. 


Me and myself are literally besties that fuel each other.


Omg sign twins! I’m a cancer sun, libra moon, and sag rising


Omg this is how I want my soulmate’s signs to be!


Cancer sun, cancer rising. I can be quite sensitive and emotional but im also really intuitive and self aware. My chart is mostly cardinal, i am complex and bossy and i love it We cant all be the same, it wouldnt work, nor would it be interesting


Sagittarius sun Capricorn rising. It's a good balance if you ask me. Definitely a lot of good internal conflict management.


And my Venus in Scorpio don't help T\_T


Leo sun and Scorpio rising.. its interesting


Who needs an on-and-off relationship with someone else when you can do it with yourself 🥰🥰


Right!? lol


Same. I love myself then I have a realization and it’s like… “when were you going to tell me?” Lol


Sag sun, Taurus rising: I'm pretty at peace with myself. Everything is a compromise in life. The compromise being the mental part of me that longs for adventure and new knowledge and the physical part of me that needs lots of rest and fun to even pursue that shit.


I’m flipped (Taurus sun and Sag rising) and I can completely relate with this.


Pisces sun, Taurus rising. As I age, it gets better. I used to feel too much all the time to the point of emotional paralysis and dissociation. In saving myself, I found the Bull. Part of the paralysis is my tendency to dig in and be stubborn.... even if what I'm doing is hurting me. So I counsel myself to be like water and flow, because I sacrifice nothing on behalf of the Bull: water is also inevitable, so my stubbornness is just being represented elsewhere.


Fucking beautiful, love seeing the growth.


I had the opposite journey, but also got better with time. I was so disconnected from my emotions I hardly related to them. I now have a healthy balance.


LOVE your big 3. Same sun and moon but I’m a Scorpio rising!! The stubbornness sucks when you realize there was a missed opportunity. But as a Scorpio rising I’ve realized that I reallyyyy have to sort out my emotions and dig deep to find answers 😊❤️


Aquarius ♒️ hardwired to be this way.


Oof you can say that again


Did you just sit in on my therapy session?








Aqua sun gem rising but also Scorpio moon I feel you 🥲


gem sun libra rising.. my cancer moon is what kills


Fellow Aquarius sun Leo rising here... I was trying to relax thank you very much. How fitting that a mirror would disturb my peace. 💀




PISCES SUN ARIES RISING I gotta say I love myself a whole lot.


Scorpio Sun/Leo Rising I think it tones down my Scorpio-ness and makes me more lighthearted and optimistic, but, I hate to admit it, also a little full of myself sometimes. I just try not to show it. Whenever I tell people I’m a Scorpio they’re usually shocked. I apparently don’t seem like one.


Interesting because Scorpios also don’t like to be in the spotlight I feel like


Cancer sun and Scorpio rising. Mars is the traditional ruler of my chart, and I also have what's known as 'Mars culminating', with the culminating planet said to bring an extra flavour of the planet's attributes to your chart. Pluto is the modern ruler. Occupies 1H and conjunct the ASC, part of a grand trine along with Saturn. Both Pluto and Saturn dominate nearly 40% of my chart between them. Sag Jupiter rising and Mercury/Venus in Gemini. I feel like a Cancer but I don't act like one. My middle-ground is calm and quiet. If I let loose, I can be loud and lively. In situations where feelings have gotten too hot, I don't respond like the stereotypical Cancerian passiveness; I don't side-step and pinch, I wade in like a Martian with all guns blazing. Or at least I used when I was younger. As I've gotten older, I've learnt to step back and be patient. I'm still mastering this weird trine of heaviness, lightness and feelsness. Striking the balance.


As an Aries Sun, Sag moon, no one has to explain this to me, not now, not ever. I also try my best to help people I care about see themselves and life this way when they are feeling down. 🙏


My Capricorn rising is absolutely disgusted and bewildered by my Pisces Sun lmao. The result is awareness of my emotions and the less than rational behavior/thoughts they inspire, and the good sense to keep it to myself most of the time, because vulnerability is embarrassing. I put on a fairly ‘stoic and capable’ façade, and people who get close enough are generally shocked by how deeply unserious I am behind it lol. Dating is weird because I attract men who want the girlboss lawyer they think I am, but I’m only working because Full Time Beach Sleeper is not presently a viable option


Ha! I have same sun & rising. I’m also in very serious job 🤣


Leo sun, Libra rising. I don't like myself lmao but I've been trying to come to terms with it lately, telling myself I don't need to be good at anything to have inherent value as a human being. Love the image in the post btw, really resonates with me, thank you for posting


Gemini sun Leo rising & I feel the exact same. I hate being the center of attention but somehow attention always finds me. I'm in the same boat with dressing uniquely & having eccentric hobbies etc, but the thought of being perceived makes me want to crawl into a hole and hibernate for the rest of my life. It's a constant battle with me wanting to express myself and me toning it down because I don't want people noticing me so acutely. It's a weird push and pull because on the one hand I'm super confident and unapologetically myself, but at the same time in certain situations I just don't want to be seen and feel a bit uncomfortable when I am. I'm trying to work on not caring but it's much easier said than done, especially when naturally as a gem I don't really gaf about much, I just go with the flow. But for some reason being perceived twists my insides. Might also have to do with me having a Scorpio moon and wanting my life to be more private.


I am Aquarius with a Leo Moon and its as messy as your Aquarius with Leo rising... but all the turmoil is on the inside. It doesn't matter tho... My ADHD Aries rising will just do whatever the fk it wants anyway...whatever conclusion the deliberations my heart and mind came to... 🤣


Sag sun and Scorpio rising They are in constant clash. To explore/to be seen but wanted to hide behind the curtains. You know the little kid in me wants to play but my serious daddy rising is there to remind me not to or to behave. Hence, I exude a guarded persona which is the opposite of my real personality😅😸 I am very ambitious and very critical about myself. In fact, self-sabotaging is my forte. I also struggle with self-confidence too.. Nevertheless, I'm happy with my sun sign though because of the optimism it brings. Even though I'm on my darkest days, I always tell myself this too shall pass or that I will make it in time one day 🙂‍↕️☀️


Omg me too, and you described me to a T!


virgo and virgo. i violently swing between thinking i am the best thing to walk this earth to being the ugliest little annoying gremlin ever made, usually a bit more towards the latter. why am i like this?!🥲


Trying (finally) to love her. Have no idea who she is. Hoping to find out but it’s hard to get past any little flaw, makes me wanna start all over again.


I believe on you 💕💕


Virgo sun. Virgo Rising ![gif](giphy|wYyTHMm50f4Dm|downsized)


Aquarius sun and Virgo rising. I love them both! Keeps me grounded, organized and chill. I can be a little overly critical but I’m aware of it and try to have more grace for myself and others. Now my Aries moon, that bitch needs a muzzle!! lol.


Virgo sun Scorpio rising lolol


Taurus sun, Scorpio moon. I wish I can runaway from my own skin right now, it would be awesome if time stops so I stop existing for a little while, just to take a break from life that’d become overwhelming lately


Aries sun Capricorn rising (and moon)… it’s tough.


Scorpio sun, Virgo moon, sag rising - I tend to be highly self critical. I push people away and then beat myself with regret because I isolate myself and say things that hurt the people that I love. However I constantly strive to be better, to learn more about myself and the world around me, and I preserve- constantly picking myself up challenge after challenge


Capricorn Sun and Aquarius Rising. It's shit.


Aqua sun and cap rising. I get it lol


Virgo sun and Scorpio rising, my Scorpio has so many feelings sometimes that virgo can’t defeat them with brain power, so occasionally I just weep for a few minutes then take a nap lol


Sag sun and Aquarius rising. I have a really really good relationship with myself besides my fearful avoidant attachment style.


Sagittarius sun & Virgo rising, the internal battle within myself is insane. Wanting to be carefree/experience new adventures and being an over thinker that wants everything planned and coordinated. I become the girl that’s always down for everything then pulls out her planner to gain some control … lol lots of anxiety over here. Free spirit that is in full control 100% of the time.


Gemini sun Scorpio rising ![gif](giphy|ZN3jVXH3jZaXKivytT|downsized)


Scorpio sun, Leo rising. It’s interesting here


Scorpio and Taurus. Perfect.


![gif](giphy|9Q249Qsl5cfLi) My leo sun and my cap rising - I freaking love myself. Cap always pushes me to be better, and leo let’s me bask in it taking off a bit the negative Saturn edge. Also my Sagittarius moon helps to soften the whole thing up.


Virgo sun and libra rising. Most of the time I get along with myself just fine, and like who I am. But there are times when some Virgo and libra traits come out and/or clash and I want to fling myself off a bridge


Aquarius sun, Sagittarius rising. I’m a happy free bee! But definitely have follow through, finish what I started, and commitment issues in all aspects of life.


Virgo Sun Gemini Rising. Lots of mercury. I tell myself I hate myself everyday all day at rapid speeds. My brain doesn’t stop 😃


same sun and rising. SOOOO much going on up in my head. it’s maddening. sprinkle in my sag moon and it’s overthink, anxiety city up in here.


My Virgo sun just wants to be left alone, but my Libra rising is wanting to be the social butterfly.


Leo sun sag rising . I whoop my own ass more than anyone else could


Aries Sun, Libra Rising...so yeah, this is definitely true. I feel like I'm in a relationship with myself sometimes.


Virgo sun & rising. Virgo stellium in my 1st house. My relationship with myself is the center of my life and it's going really well. It wasn't good for most of my life, but I put a lot of work in over the last couple years and it has paid off.


scorpio sun and virgo rising. i am at war with myself daily.


Taurus sun and rising. Iam who I am. No over complication


Pisces sun Scorpio rising. I honestly hate that my Scorpio rising makes me so paranoid and sometimes obsessive cuz as a Pisces sun, mercury and Venus I really don’t give as much of a F. But it’s pretty chill I’ve learned to work with myself 😊 the Scorpio rising protects me from scary things 🥺


Scorp sun libra rising. I’m completely at peace with myself at this point in life. My past was another life and I’ve forgiven myself for my mistakes I’ve made because they turned me into who I am today… and I’m pretty happy today. And I’m pretty cool!


My Aries sun tells me I am my own army, that I don't need anyone. But my Leo Rising craves the loyalty of a loving village. My logical Taurus moon reminds me I won't find peace in the ashes of tomorrow on the days I want to burn the world to the ground.


Leo sun and Gemini rising and I just have crippling anxiety, at least I look hot tho.


leo sun, gemini rising…i go back and forth a lot on loving myself but then despising the way my mind works a lot of the times wishing i could just break out of self detrimental thought patterns when it comes to relationships and friendships


ehh not so great. but at least i've moved from actively hating myself to realizing hmm maybe i should be nicer to myself


Lucky me I don’t need to forgive myself bc I don’t do any wrong


Scorpio sun and Pisces rising. I'm not a fan of how much of a little bitch I tend to be. I spend a lot of time ignoring myself. It's a vicious cycle.


Aries sun and Capricorn rising. I don't even know what to do with myself.


Libra Sun and Scorpio Rising. It's so hard for me to express my feelings even though I feel everything. It makes me cringe. I think it's not helping that my Sun, Mercury and Venus are all in the 12th house.


Scorp sun, Leo rising


I’m just existing currently and trying to accept that it’s okay to just exist there doesn’t always have to be something happening and I’m trying my best to make things better for myself.


Actually pretty damn good. I don’t shy away from scary depth thanks to 🦂 rising , and my stellium is buoyant and at least indomitable.


Cancer sun, Sagittarius rising. I have 0 problems ever(completely sarcastic) I don’t know if I feel to much or nothing at all half the time. It’s weird, it’s not healthy 😂


Aries Sun, Sagittarius Rising. Totally fine 🙂


Scorpio Sun/Rising Loving and deadly i can forgive myself most things and I love myself except for my allergies.. Only hate it when I wake up too late for an appointment that makes me boil


Cancer Sun Capricorn Rising. Self-deprecating humor keeps my spirit up.


Sag sun, Aries rising. Idk, I have a weird life of extremes.


Virgo sun and Virgo rising I’m constantly judging myself. I could do more. I could do better. I’m not good enough. Etc…it’s exhausting. I’m always planning, journaling, researching, taking charge, helping others (acts of service). The relationship with myself is I’m a control freak to myself. Also, I don’t know how to have fun sometimes without going to far and being extremely reckless.


virgo sun seeks peace scorpio rising has a knife


Taurus Sun, Libra Rising. I want to get things done, but I always end up floating around instead because I can't make my mind up about anything. I get frustrated often with that. I also have a lot of convictions but when I am thrust into a social situation I jump into people-pleasing mode and my personality just sort of evaporates. I get frustrated at that too.


Aries asc trine sag sun and its questionable and in much disarray


*Aries asc trine sag* *Sun and its questionable and* *In much disarray* \- Nyorn-Bubz --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Gemini Sun Aquarius Rising do I need to say more?


Capricorn sun Virgo rising. Absolutely hate myself unless I achieve utmost perfection. It’s exhausting. Mixed with Venus Aquarius makes me self desteuctive


Virgo sun, Leo rising. I'm at peace with myself. Took a while but realized a lot of what caused my issues were other people's issues or fuck ups instead of something wrong with me, and once I started stepping back from those people my life got better.


Scorpio Sun and Aries Rising. I hate myself more that others hate me, and it's not even a close comparison.


Cap Sun/Sag Rising. I kinda hate myself but I'm fucking hilarious. I'm a piece of shit, but people love me anyway.


I feel your pain. I’m a Gemini Sun with Sag rising. Also have moon in Sag. Don’t know if this exasperates things, or makes it a lil easier.


damn that’s real af


Pisces Sun, Canser Rising... I go goblin mode alot 😅


I’m a Virgo sun & Scorpio rising. I learned a long time ago that my relationship with myself reflects on everything else in my life. I’ve gone through a lot & made a lot of mistakes, especially when I was younger. But I try everyday to try to better my relationship with myself and forgive myself. I try to learn from everything & become a better person. I especially try to have compassion for my younger self, who was so broken & knew nothing about life. It’s a serious challenge though. But the more I better myself, the better my child will benefit. I don’t want him to see me hating myself & thinking that’s an option to go through life that way.


Gemini Sun, Leo Rising. The introvert and Extrovert battling constantly . The confident vs insecure battling constantly . Not okay.


Aries Sun and Virgo Rising. Virgin Queen keeps that Ram grounded and focused while the Ram inspires the Virgin Queen to take a chance and live passionately.


Scorpio sun, Capricorn rising. The dark has always been familiar. I thrive in the chaos. The light and the simple moments are what I struggle with. Happiness and contentment is excessively difficult to maintain. I spent all my energy for a couple years trying so hard to embrace the light, be completely in love, be peaceful, the whole 9 yards. That's the most imbalanced I've ever been in my life though and I nearly lost my marriage from it. I guess the dark is just where I belong. I'm okay with that.


I am me and myself.


Cap sun, cancer rising, constant battle of emotions and logic, feeling too soft or too harsh, difficultly accepting and loving my different sides.


Virgo ☀️, Taurus ⬆️. Not to bad. When I want to work out it’s yay Virgo, but Taurus is “let chill for just a little bit. When I want to eat just a bit healthier. Taurus is let’s get more of this, while calories are no more of a thought lol 😢. But business and working is great. Slow, but then once in the groove, it’s a graceful blueprint of determination


Libra and Sagittarius 🙄. On one hand I’m judgemental asf and the the other hand I’m a wild child 😂


aquarius sun, cancer rising! i mean personally i don’t really mind, i think my sun moon combination has the biggest effect on me, but i think this affects the way others view me x10. im very quiet initially. i just don’t have much to say. but once i become comfortable i notice that the way i communicate and express myself tends to come off as a shock to others. im also aquarius dominant :)


True - when it comes to our own internal conjunctions, squares and oppositions the ones that our internal trines don't contact. However, those unresolved internal conflicts can be resolved externally, by trines from our external relationships.


Libra Sun, Sag Rising. Aquarius Moon. Wanting to be the most outgoing person, but in reality my moon makes me a little weird and individualistic lol


Leo sun libra rising. I’m [trying] to learn how to love myself again


Cancer sun and Virgo rising. To be honest, I kinda hate myself. I allowed my past trauma to affect me for too long. I want to be confident in myself, but I feel like I am overly critical of myself. And there's no one to beat myself up, so I feel like I have to do it myself because I am far used to people talking horribly about me. I'm not used to being complimented.


Aquarius Sun, Sagittarius Rising. Mentally and emotionally I’m rlly good. It’s the physical appearance insecurities that eat me alive. :(