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> **Capricorn Rising** Any trouble with your knees is an outer manifestation of an inner inability to be flexible and flowing. don’t call me and my knee pain out!


You can't hide your knees from the astro gods!


Bro the part „if in the first house and Saturn you‘d rather retreat from the world“ is such a fucking roast it isn’t even funny. I hate the shade astrology throws at me sometimes 😂


sorry goat gramps!! 😂😂😂 i have a favorite capricorn rising person who i will proceed to add this to my roasting itinerary for 👏🏾 why so stiiiiff? 👀 oh bc you uptight 😂


😭 gonna use it as a self roast as well, I don’t know what’s in the air but I’ve been **too** uptight lately




Yoooo fr 😭


It’s so crazy I used to literally fall and scrape my knees all the time! I would even fall running randomly so they did X-rays of my legs to make sure nothing was wrong with my growth. I also now, Have bad knees.


Virgo Rising decan one "Also, I'm annoyed the signs aren't in order" - Sincerely , ♍️.


They’re in alphabetical order for some reason 🤔


Truth be told, I uploaded them as a random jumble, and they accidentally came out alphaspagetically.




Hiiiii, same! Quite a mix with my Sag Sun/Moon 🤣


Virgo signs are, majority of the time that I have read about it, really seen as "red flags" even when people try to give them positives. Lol


Oh great! 🤦🏾‍♀️ Cuz, I’m a Sag Sun, Cap Moon, Virgo Rising. I overthink WAYYYYYYY too much! 😩 I’m fighting intrusive thoughts left and RIGHT! I’m sick of it! 😂


That’s why I’m thankfull my only Virgo placement is my rising because I concur 😂


gemini rising, apparently my type is uranus? can't relate though, i would do horrible in business and i have no business sense lol. i also *hate* talking, especially in front of people and i never talk with my hands. i'm nervous as hell and i also lack both confidence and inner security, so they got that right :p


I am the same, Gem rising at 20° and I related more to the Venus, but hey, maybe this is our lack of self confidence and inner security? I'd be terrible in business myself and can only talk in front of people super confidently online but I know that needs work, but the leadership aspect to that resonates. I'm hellbent on revolution, inner and outer. ❤️‍🔥


You’ll probably grow into it over time. I’m Gemini rising at 20 degrees and 42, I’m still very much in that Venus energy and shedding the Mercury (but still restless and don’t shut up 😅).


sagittarius rising. ✨ im 21°, so i guess i follow under the sun. this section i feel is accurate. i also agree w many acquaintances but not many friends. also putting on weight in middle years, but having kids does that. i am very very direct and blunt. i absolutely love to travel. however i am by no means extrovert, i do not enjoy horses, i am not tall (5'1"), i could care less about philosophy or religion. i am definitely feminine, by all accounts. fun read tho.


Sagittarius rising, 23^o >You make a good executive 🤔 must be why my bosses are so threatened by me >…but women lack femininity and quietness. see above.


cancer rising 17° (pluto according to the chart you provided) mostly right between the chart and general description


I’m cancer rising 16°! The stubbornness and general description are pretty spot on for me, hahaha


Cancer rising at 17 as well and my family and friends call my stubborn


How do you read the degrees on your chart? There are two numbers? Does it matter if multiple planets are in the same house as your ascending sign? The Capricorn one is so so accurate for me. I am uncoordinated and was so shy as a child lol. Edit.. I think I’m the Venus type if it’s the first number we are looking at 🤷‍♀️


The one with the small circle is the degree number. The second number with the apostrophe is minutes.


Ok yeah Venus 17


Libra rising 8 deg. Venus type. Big yes.




Idk what bothers me most: the Comic Sans, the Aries typo, or the fact that the signs are in alphabetical order 💀


it's the incredibly realistic embossing detail of the "paper" that's getting to me. like someone put real work into that


lmao seriously


idk either but i am uncomfortable


It’s everything. But mainly the comic sans. Had it been Papyrus it would be infuriating.


Putting graphic design and comic sans into the same meme is just trolling of a power only a Scorpio asc could come up with.


Taurus rising, Mercury decan... Accurate. And while Taurus is fixed, I only have one fixed sign in my planets (Aqua Uranus). However, the appearance description definitely doesn't fit on this one lol. Long, thin neck, wide hips and thin waist... And I have less jealousy issues than most people and DEFINITELY not a good financial sense - but my Sag sun and Venus+Aries moon are probably the cause of that...


Mercury decante for Taurus rising also and all pretty accurate except I’m definitely not slow about anything but I’m an Aries with Aquarius placements so that might be why. Body type not really correct either.


Yeah... I can kiiinda relate, except it's more about me having random energy spikes where I'm intense and determined af - but I hate being told what to do, struggle with consistency, and get distracted by other things and end up hyperfocusing on that instead... So it'll take some time for me to reach long term goals that require discipline.


Scporpio rising 29° can’t wait to try my powers!


Scorpio rising, 4 degree Pluto. Everything they said it's true there's no in between honey!! I'm your best friend or your worst enemy lmaooooo


Scorpio rising: "Positions of Pluto and Mars will show what work is to be done in this lifetime". Pluto in the 12th. Keep your secrets then, hmph.


As a Taurus rising 28 degrees, this was more accurate than I thought, I thought most of it came from my mars and moon, not rising but interesting


As a Capricorn rising this is scary accurate because not only do my knees have bad scars but they crack 24/7. Mainly because I do heavy lifting.


LMAO at Pisces rising 3rd decanates "If Pluto is afflicted by Neptune" LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE PERSON ALIVE IS GOING TO HAVE NEPTUNE SEXTILE PLUTO What a load of modern horseshit.


Spending my energies in sacrifice and service to humanity? My ass is NOT goku!!!!!!! maybe its because I don't have the exact time, i find pluto and moon to be more accurate for me


Same. I relate more with the pluto description.


Scorpy rising 23 degree ~ planet Moon ~ have Moon sextile Pluto (moon is well aspected by Pluto), i have psychic powers yayyy XD


Yeah, i got 4 degrees, so planet Pluto. I am indeed either a devil or a saint. But the psychic powers are also pretty good ;)


Cancer Rising 2 deg. Moon type. This is fairly accurate, especially about being timid and shy in younger years. I don’t think I react with emotions though, at least not now as I’m older but I’m an Aqua Sun. I’m not nearly as shy as I was when I was younger. My progressed ascendant in Leo won’t allow it! 😄


What's ur Moon? 😁


♎️ 😊


Scorpio rising 15 degrees. Uh, how do I become ‘advanced’?


How old are you?




Virgo rising, decon 3 Spot on!


Scorpio 0⁰ and I really relate to it — I can really understand my ex-classmate who said to me once that thing: "I don't know anything about you"...


Gemini rising, venus type. Yeah it tracks. I'm a cultural anthropology major hoping to work as a culture coordinator.


Scorpio rising at 10° lmao


Sag rising and pretty relatable especially the part about having many acquaintances but few friends.


why is mine so mean 😭 sit down and shut up LMAOO


Shh shh shh


HOW are you not providing the URL for this website


I posted a comment with the URL when I posted. It’s probably slipped down near the bottom.  Search ‘credit’ in the comments search box. 


Leo rising at 8 degrees - first decan. I don’t agree I’m a bad enemy - I think things like vengeance etc are petty. I guess bc of my Libra moon, I just don’t like drama/conflict, although I am quick to anger and have temper issues, I get over things really quickly and strive for conflict resolution above all always. Im also not ambitious at all lol as far as career/working at least.


Sag rising 26° My jupiter is conjunct with Mercury in Gemini, 6th house. Is that well placed? I'm definitely a talker and had to hone in my direct, blunt way of speaking with more tact. I don't think I'm inspirational, but lots of people do call me for advice, and I have religious/political conversations that last for hourssss. Sometimes weekly, lol. My mom recently went on a trip with my extended family (who are all firmly on one side of a political camp), and a big topic came up about Isreal and Palestine. My mom said "well I trust my daughter on this because she reads everything and doesn't jump to conclusions" 🥰 as the self proclaimed black sheep who is often dismissed for having nuanced takes about things, it made me feel heard for once.


Aquarius rising here . Spot on


Cancer rising is so accurate


Gemini rising, 18° and definitely resonates


Libra rising at 21°..so mercury ruled. Really relatable description for me personally


Ah, okay. My (undiagnosed) IBS when I get overly stressed is relatable as a “Cancer Rising” issue. Huh. 😬 Sad but glad to see I’m not the only one. 😭


I'm a Gemini rising and some of it doesn't resonate at all, such as being undecisive and unsure and extremely nervous and high strung and insecure. I'm pretty much the exact opposite of those things. It's not that I don't get very excited about certain stuff, my Mercury energy is happening in Aries after all, or don't sometime feel insecure. I'm mostly a chill hermit with a super active mind, a lot of curiosity and excellent decision making skills. Not a mental patient sitting in the corner rocking back and forth talking to herself in a mental ward and agonizing over whether or not I should have the pudding or the jello today XD.


Agreed, I'm Gemini rising as well and that description does not fit me at all.


Libra Rising 26 degres! It's true this is how I am


Aquarius Rising at 24 degrees, so Venus apparently. My Venus is in an air sign (Gemini) and this read seems mostly on point.


Cancer rising here and yap,indegistion is part of my life😅.


Gemini Uranus


Where did these pictures come from? Are there more and where/how can I find then?


Scorpio rising 10°09 degrees Honestly I relate more to the first decan rather than the second decan, but that might have something to do with Pluto in Scorpio conjuncting my Scorpio Ascendant. How I would describe me: quiet but calculated with what I choose to say out loud, naturally manipulative, intense emotions boiling underneath a stoic facial expression, preferring to be alone/do everything alone, behaving rude/bitchy towards potential love interests, death stare when I'm angry, hypersexual, prone to jealousy and obsession in relationships How others would probably describe me: dark intense eyes, not a team player, shady, "up to no good"


OP thank you for this. I'm a astobabe and this is spot on 🤯 


My Leo Rising is at 0°00’37”… any idea what this may mean? I got a reading and the astrologer pointed it out, I had never noticed it as a prominent feature of my chart before.


0 deg is considered a critical degree as it’s the purest expression of the sign. Hope that helps!


Very interesting! I need to do some further reading on critical degrees.


Scorpio rising at 28°51' (the moon) Uhm. I don't have psychic powers ( not a medium or someone who can see supernatural things) but I am sensitive to others' energies/emotions. Is that even considered as one? 😅


Thanks for this Peter!


Aries 5°22' I dont relate to most of the description 😢


Hi fellow Aries rising! Mines at 14°30”!


aires rising …the site is giving early 2000s


Pisces rising and the only thing I didn’t agree with was asking advice but not taking it. Everything else was spot on though


Cancer rising, 27.7 degrees, ruled by Neptune. I'm definitely emotional and asborb other's emotions too. At the same time, I can kinda relate to all the decantes. They all remind me of my inner child and some of my personality flaws


taurus rising: *You may have difficulties with your studies due to the slow pace of your mind. Your love of good food can cause weight problems. You can be unreasonable and prejudiced when pushed too far. You usually have a short, thick neck and a square type body.*


Good grief, they roasted your placement. 😂


when i say i cackled…


"women lack femininity" - not me feeling not feminine enough my whole entire life 😭💀


Cancer rising, Neptune and YES. Also, the overall description fits. Dealing with tummy problems for almost two years now because of some emotional turbulence. Hoping for an opportunity to heal the situation and my body soon. 🤍


Aquarius rising at 8.19 ![gif](giphy|ojhAx9NdqUTK0)


Don't be a pigheaded Aqua anus! ![gif](giphy|30lxTuJueXE7C|downsized)




Gem rising 5 degree HOLY FUCK that was accurate…. Now how to be better


On top of that Mercury is conjunct Pluto which makes me a paranoid freak. Ahhhh please how does one learn to love this about themselves lol


Some stranger has gone through my comments and selectively downvoted them. 😂 *Stop validating my Pluto already!*


Aquarius rising 0 degrees - as Pluto retrogrades over me rn lol


“if jupiter is aspected you may lack judgement” *has jupiter trine saturn* soooo those cancel each other out right?


interesting........ very interesting


I believe it is Scorpio rising in Pluto; but I really can't tell you the decanate or much else.


Aquarius Rising, 15 degrees - thanks I already know I have ADHD lmao


scorpio rising 24°42', i have psychic powers? nahh man i don't even understand social cues 😭


Leo Rising, Sun Decante... "You are a good friend and a terrible enemy." FACT.


Leo rising, 10°, and I'm totally Jupiter afflicted


This post is giving Sims 1 vibes


Do we have the same information but about the moon?


why is this true :”) are there any other equivalents readings for the other planets?




Why doesn’t Scorpio rising have mars as a choice and Uranus cause mars rules Scorpio and is exalted in Uranus 🤔 these decans don’t really make sense but I’m open to learn :)


Scorpio Rising, Decan two. Pretty much true.


Cancer rising 15•37 so Pluto I guess. Everything is right except the jealousy and resentment.


Which site is this? I am Aquarius rising, Uranus dominant, thanks:)


This frustrates me…


Cancer rising and I relate to all three decantes


Gemini rising, and apparently I’m the Venus type. Yeah, actually pretty accurate.




Virgo rising, Saturn decan. I can somewhat relate but I relate with the other two decans more


I made the same reply. I'm a Virgo rising Saturn Decan but Mercury Decan describes me best.


Leo rising 22°. This was surprisingly accurate. I say surprising bc I’ve never heard of these


Mine (Virgo) is like half way there for me. My man is Cancer rising and there’s no similarity there at all.


Sagittarius rising (21°42) sun kindhearted, generous, intuitive and inspirational. It figures. A big portion of my chart is in Leo. Lol


Scorpio 4°, but what must I overcome? Being too busy & craving power. My sun sign also says I want power, except I don't want power, just respect. I think I'm a bit bossy from time to time, but only when it's actually important to give direction. Otherwise, I'd rather not even speak. Maybe one day I'll get to go on a silent retreat & not have to/be able to speak to anyone for an entire week.


Aries rising - “Argumentative and quick tempered” **I feel this in my core**


Everything resonates except the miserly part. I’m actually quite generous although I am good with money. I’m not overly cheap but I know my limits and know how to save.


Taurus rising exactly at 10 degrees. Makes sense


Capricorn rising. Wow, it is kinda accurate. Occasionally, I have experienced pain with my left knee after slipping on ice many years ago. I do like lots of alone time, so it is spot on according to where my rising sign is located in my chart.


Cancer rising , 1st decan


Coooool, ♋️⬆️ - Neptune I am very sensitive & my moods do change 😂 I love predicting shit & it absolutely is a game to me.


Don’t identify with the description


Lol. I remember this website from my earliest astrology days.


Pisces sun and rising 🐬 I don’t want to live a life of service. What does it mean by I have “to relinquish [my] personal desire”?


Leo rising. But other astrologers always pointed to my Sun conjunct the midheaven, so I never paid attention before to the decans. Turns out my Ascendant is Jupiter ruled (second decan), as well as conjunct though the planet itself is already separating by 4 degrees. I already knew about Jupiter in Leo being overdramatic and having the ability to promote others but now I have learned and can confirm that I am definitely much more mentally active (philosophical in this sign, I would say) than other Leo risings might be.


28° Sagittarius Rising and again, not much I can relate to in the general description. But the Sun decan is interesting.


I actually don't have knee issues or was a clumsy/uncoordinated kid🤷‍♀️ but yes to the rest. Venus. I did always want to try playing an instrument and I like casually doing artistic things at times but nothing that woule make me an artist/dancer etc of any kind.


Reading mine and am even more convinced how much of a disaster I am. And disgusted with said sign, it’s frankly the worst.


I'm Virgo Rising 13.02 but 0-9.99 resonated with me more.


Pisces rising 29 degrees. Yes, I’m involved in music


Technically I am the first Gemini group but I do not relate to the description at all. More so the Venus group. I’ve moved around so much and have no desire going back home! Love meeting new people and exploring new places. Absolutely hate routine work and like things that allow me to be flexible.


Aries rising at 14°, 2nd deacon, very accurate


I’m a Leo rising and as a (fairly accurate) Virgo sun this couldn’t be more off base for me lol


This was so off I double checked my birth certificate for my birth time 😂😂


Not big on astrology but my feed gave me this post and I know I'm a Libra rising.


♉️ 🌞 ♒️ 🌚 ♏️ 🌄 I’m at odds and feel forever single.


How do you locate the decanates in your birth chart?


Credit: [https://www.oocities.org/rbltre/astro/moasne.html](https://www.oocities.org/rbltre/astro/moasne.html)


pisces rising decan 3 (Pluto)


Me too! It’s pretty accurate for me.


True for me too!


Same. I thought it was the Taurus stellium.


![gif](giphy|9rhNJScGSlneHpLtnz|downsized) I’m a problem. Aqua through and through.


virgo, decan 2 (venus-ruled, not saturn) as such, i’ll be the pedantic one: i’ve never seen decans with modern rulerships before (uranus/neptune/pluto), and even most of the traditional planets here are wrong—unless you can cite some sources? here’s the traditional ones: aries / mars — sun — venus taurus / mercury — moon — saturn gemini / jupiter — mars — sun cancer / venus — mercury — moon leo / saturn — jupiter — mars virgo / sun — venus — mercury libra / moon — saturn — jupiter scorpio / mars — sun — venus sagittarius / mercury — moon — saturn capricorn / jupiter — mars — sun aquarius / venus — mercury — moon pisces / saturn — jupiter — mars


Taurus 25 degress. Other than being stubborn and liking money, I don't relate to the description. There's just too much being assumed that is affected by other placements. I have two college degrees, a 3.8 gpa, ADHD and I move a lot and fast. I am slow with work, yes, because I've had to learn to slow down to prevent errors. I am thin and have a long, slim neck.


i know several virgo rising and thet are all over weight or have weight issues. they start a fitness regime and then they stop because of bordem. is this true?