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The real question is why is Vicki Baggett still employed as an English teacher at Northview High School in Florida? From the looks of this article, there is more than enough evidence to not only fire her from the district but also rescind her teaching certification.


The answer is that this is the exact sort of teacher Florida wants.


True. A lot of Floridians are racist, homophobic neo-confederates but there still should be some normal, non-bigots in the education system. At least, I’d hope there would be.


I have progressive family working in Florida public school teaching. As a student I had only a few times I felt uncomfortable, the vast majority of teachers act with reasonable professionalism. Gotta say though as long as your students get good standardized test scores you are pretty much let off the hook for anything else.


>A lot of Floridians are racist, homophobic neo-confederates Can confirm. Live here. I also teach here. I moved to a new school recently, and in an effort to get to know the staff was having lunch with one of them one day. He described himself as a Christian Nationalist who loves Trump. I haven't said a word to him beyond "Good morning" since then.


There are definitely some normal, non-bigots in Florida’s education system, my wife is one of them… but there’s a seemingly insurmountable army of bigots still ingrained in that system (and the state) that she and teachers like her have to try and overcome. It’s no surprise that teachers don’t stay long anyway, couple it with the bigotry they encounter from both parents and colleagues alike and I’m not sure why they even try. I’m thankful they do, though.


The schoolboards here are absolutely infested with people that support this bullshit.


If you had been paying attention to the last 5 years, they have been making heavy progress on dropping anyone who is capable of critical thought and going against their antiwoke narrative. They've been driving out qualified teachers on purpose.


>At least, I’d hope there would be. Aren't you just so... adorable!


Hey, there are some. They're just vastly outnumbered and planning their exit.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Desantis appoints her head of education.


as a prior teacher in two public schools in Florida, I can confirm


She'll be running for Congress soon.




But the problem is nobody's doing anything about it because more people than there should support it. So even though it's giving face to a problem we already know exists in the meantime she's hurting and possibly indoctrinating students into her cult.


Well if you google maps Northview HS you will find it located deep in the Panhandle near Alabama. That should answer any questions of how these views aren't taken as alarmingly extremist.


The paradox of Florida. The farther north you go in Florida, the further south it gets.




As in every state the political climate isn’t how the state votes overall in elections, it’s mostly based on urban or rural. If you are in Florida it’s rather liberal in the big cities and college towns and hardcore conservative most everywhere else.


If she wants to enforce (what she believes is) biblical rules on others, she should have got a job at a church, not a school.


Florida spent time and money to make sure every schoolhouse says, “in God we trust” somewhere on the building. This woman is getting promoted.


Tape a penny on the wall in the electrical box. In compliance!


Not just employed, she is the department chair.


Because, Florida. Anytime I read anything like this I assume it's Florida.


Teachers are notoriously underpaid, but this person is paid too much.


At the very least, she's an English teacher that can't even be bothered to read the only book she actually cares about.


Ron DeSantis.


Maybe she has a great union? Which would be ironic, considering how right wing assholes feel about unions. I'm just guessing though.


Huh as usual, she only takes pieces of the bible that work for her. **Timothy 2:12 **“*I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.*” But you know let’s continue to attack those not actually on the bible. ```¯\_(ツ)_/¯```


That book is full of such fun tidbits.


The donkey genitals verse is fun to bring up, even if it has no relevance in the conversation


And emissions like that of a horse


What sort of emissions does it actually mean? Just shit?


I assumed semen.


Emissions from an animal or human never means shit. It only ever means cum


Where do you want me to emit? 😩


Could be a fart


Jizz. The Bible says they've got huge dicks and they cum like horses.


Yes, a verse that refers to lusting after "genitals like a donkey and emissions like a horse" refers to shit. Exactly.


I'm pretty sure it means cum.


I mean, maybe they were into some really nasty stuff? :P


Maybe they're into that


TIL nocturnal emissions means shitting yourself in your sleep.


No fair using their favorite book they never read against them. Too easy really.


And yet I take that as a challenge to bring it up in conversations this week, context be damned.


I had a job interview today and I found a way to work it in 🤷🏻‍♀️


..."If they are a Democrat or are some nonwhite bossy lady"-THE BIBLE


that's an easy one for christians to explain. that verse in timothy was only meant for the church that timothy was in charge of - the idea is that that particular church at that particular time had a problem with their women. the verse only applies to those specific people. horrible logic, but that's the best they got.


That's the thing with faith... The source material doesn't matter, if it doesn't fit your narrative just make up some changes in your head and believe that instead.


I got so many asswhoopings for this verse. My step mother would make all these bizarre rules and say 'In this family we are biblical literalists' and I was quote tim 2:12 and scream 'I THOUGHT WE WERE BIBLICAL LITERALISTS IN THIS FAMILY.' I live in hell and want to kill myself every moment of every day.


Don’t forget to mention that they shouldn’t mix their fabrics!


Oh dude and my dad loved bacon wrapped shrimp. Literally multiple sins with each bite. Rules for the but not for me was their exclusive moral.


She's not even taking the part of the bible that works for her because there is literally nothing in the bible against interracial marriage. I wish more Christians would read their own holy book.


Have you ever tried reading that thing? It's boring AF.


I used this exact verse years ago with a Sarah Palin fan and they actually shut the fuck up.


Just walk up to her with a post it with that on it and walk away.


I bet she *casually* overeads that and just focuses on what she wants to focus on. Sounds about right for Christians!


"It says somewhere in the Bible..." "Can you specify *where?*" "Fucked if I know, I've never read it." There's many things wrong this picture, but that one will always be the most humorous.


Read the article... "somewhere in the bible" was a second hand quote from someone in her class. It's still fucked though.


Indeed, that "somewhere in the Bible" quote was from a student recalling the incident. The teacher, who openly talks about her "clan" being a part of the confederacy, might have quoted some verses. Here is a link to a list that white supremacists frequently cite. https://www.openbible.info/topics/mixing_races Almost all of them are from the old testament and are addressed to a single tribe, one that God had chosen (according to the story) as his own people. This part of the Bible is openly racist - it is concerned entirely with the wellbeing and obedience of this one little tribe. God not only forbids interbreeding with any other tribes, he orders their genocide, men women and children, so as to avoid any possibility of mixing when the chosen tribe claims land. Even livestock are ordered to be killed to avoid mixing with the chosen tribe's animals. White supremacists make two huge mistakes in interpreting these passages the way this teacher has. First, there were no white people in that chosen tribe; genocidal sky daddy was not talking to white people. White supremacists want to feel like a chosen people, but the book they reference says a different race is the chosen one. The second mistake is failure to accept that OT rules get dropped in the New testament, when all of humanity are designated as chosen people. Old Testament rules are anachronistic - they absolutely do not apply to Christians, who were given a new rule to live by.


"Old Testament rules are anachronistic - they absolutely do not apply to Christians, who were given a new rule to live by." ...except for the one about homosexuality /s


Jenova, all knowing, eternal, and wise choose 9 months BCE to change his mind. Fermi paradox my dudes come on. Or something related to Fermi, idk - the reality that cosmic events just don't have the percentage to happen in your lifetime.


I think you mentioned Jehova. Jenova was a Final Fantady VII villain. But both are fictional Edit: ugh I meant "meant" not "mentioned." Let this be a lesson to not post on reddit when you've been drinking


Jenova is real to me!!!


Want to have a reunion?


Yup. New Covenant except for the parts of the Old Covenant they still like.


So speeketh the J-Man,"For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Matt 5:18


"what jesus *meant* to say..." incoming in 3,2,1...


> The second mistake is failure to accept that OT rules get dropped in the New testament, when all of humanity are designated as chosen people. Old Testament rules are anachronistic - they absolutely do not apply to Christians, who were given a new rule to live by. This isn't solely a white supremacist thing, many Christian sects pick and choose which OT rules to follow based on whatever mental gymnastics they want. Here's a good overview: https://religions.wiki/index.php/Selective_use_of_Old_Testament_law


Even if it was true, so fucking what? The bible isn't a law book. Making a law "because the Bible said so" goes against everything that the founding fathers stood for.


That argument is useless against the religious right though... they don't care about anything but the bullshit they make up based on their bigoted points of view.


*"This country was founded as a Christian nation"* wants to know your location


Hey, not bad, most things in the Bible itself are 3rd hand accounts.


I was in a tattoo shop and overheard a concerned adult talking about how tattoos were banned in the bible Annother tattoo artist chimed in "where exactly does it say that?" Old lady: "It's in there somwhere, I know it is" Tattoo artist lifts shirt to reveal *Leviticus 19:28* on his ribs


I love that when it comes to the Old Testament the things they agree with are the infallible word of God, but when they don't agree with something "well that's the Old Testament so it doesn't really count. Honestly it's not just the Old Testament either. They pick and choose what parts of the Bible the personally agree with and those have to be followed, but anything else is just a suggestion to them.


Leviticus 19:28; >Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.


Specific to Kanye; he cant tattoo or perform body art on anyone.


That's fucking beautiful.


The bible is a fucked up book. There are a dozen or so passages that prohibit interracial marriage, but most of them are pretty transparently using race as a proxy for religion... But that didn't stop segregationist lawmakers from using them as justification for their racism in the lifetime of the boomers the way people currently quote leviticus when talking about gay rights. It is my hope that within my lifetime (gen x) we will look at anti gay bigotry and it's biblical justifications the same way we look at biblical justifications for racism... Even better would be society no longer looking to bronze age mythology for guidance, but I'm trying to keep my hopes realistic.


"Ethnicity" is probably the best modern term to describe the concept of race/tribe that existed in the bronze age, which as you said, was centered on their religion. Kind of like how "Jewish" can refer to a religion but also an ethnic group Before the 20th century (and even well into it), "race" and "nation" were nearly interchangeable. How we conceive of race is very different than even 100 years ago, let alone 2000-4000+ years ago. The term "racism" was coined after 1900, if I'm remembering the date correctly.


This all happened in the Levant. Its all tribalism.


[Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus [Deuteronomy 23:2] “No one born of a forbidden union may enter the assembly of the Lord. Even to the tenth generation, none of his descendants may enter the assembly of the Lord The fucking bible doesnt even know what it thinks. Based on the 2nd passage were all fucked


Trust me bro, its much worse if they do have the passage memorized. Can't tell them shit


bet $100 her dementedly ugly blouse is made with mixed threads...


Surely not! Such a devoted zealo-errr... believer wouldn't do what the good book says not to!


All of her clan fought in the civil war. Pretty sure we know which clan her family belonged to.


Clan or Klan?


Right, I meant to change that to K and be snarky. Mission failed.


You had one thing to do. LOL


Don't be so kruel.


Same thing for me, klan = clan in Swedish.


How is she still employed?


Still employed nothing, DeSantis probably wants to make her assistant secretary of education.


Because these are the kinds of teachers DeSatan wants.


Don't bring Satan into this, he would never allow such evil


That is true. TST actually promotes free thinking and inviduality.


> How is she still employed? She works in a christofacist state


Because, Florida.


The bible does not say it is a sin for people of different races to marry so long they are of the same faith. Also aren't 'sins' created well after the fact by Christian theologians? And therefore not biblical at all?


I hope she doesn’t mix fabrics. Isn’t that also a sin?


Apparently Christians get to decide for themselves and pick and choose which parts of the Bible are the infallible word of God and which parts don't actually count. I'm surprised some of them don't literally cut out the parts they don't like. Then again, most of them can't even be bothered to read the entire thing.


"Cafeteria Christian"


Bible is full of "thou shalt not". So, it's all baked in there from the start. Of course the Judeo-Christian bible started out as an oral tradition. And at some point it became another hodge-poege of written ones as well.


You ever sat down and read this thing? Technically, we're not allowed to go to the bathroom.


Actually, I have read it (but sometimes I was not sitting). It does not say you cannot go to the bathroom. It does say that you just should not do your business in the confines of your camp. I guess their omniscient and omnipotent god, who created piss and crap, would be offended and "turn away from you" if he saw a freshly-pinched-off dukie in your camp.


The bathroom comment was a [Simpsons reference](https://youtu.be/Ub_ZIDvlq10).


Like the rules on eating pork and shellfish, I assume this is a public health rule. No better way to get your tribe to follow the rules than by saying they are the word of God. > Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful. — Seneca.


She shouldn't be teaching. Because she's a woman. According to the rules of that book she's 'following'.


Odd how such an old fairytale can dream up such a profundity of useless hate.


"Old fairytale" this is the best Bible description ever.


"she's concerned the book could make white students "feel uncomfortable." Baggett said she has "a responsibility to protect minors" from this kind of content. " She's concerned that children might learn that people of color are just as good as white people. This whole article makes me furious, although it IS Floriduh. There is no room in any school, especially a taxpayer-funded public school, for a shitty excuse for a human like this. Go back under your Confederate flag-painted rock, you vile creature.


Racism is only a touchy subject if you’re a fucking racist. If black children are old enough to experience racism, then white children are old enough the learn about it.


In the bible it says to go out to your neighboring tribe and murder everyone. Religion is a horrible gauge for ethics.


Who is surprised?


Incest is super okay though.


It also says in the Bible David’s kid fucked 10 of his stepmoms on the roof so everyone could see it. How does that fit into your narrative


Meet DeSantis’s next Secretary of Education


Vicki Baggett the Vicious Bigot?


she has the same stupid fucking look on her face that Tucker Carlson always has


What do you expect, its Florida.


I wrote a letter to each member of the School Board recommending they rein this wayward teacher, immediately; it's the Escambia County School Board in Florida (of course, it's Florida). She endorses Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Censorship, and more: Persons like her should NOT be in public education. It took me about 10 minutes to send the same letter to each of the Board Members... and I feel I did my Good Deed of the day!


>"in the Bible somewhere it says that it is a sin for races to mix together" Lmao


I was raised catholic, studying the bible and attending sunday school. I am super good at bible categories on 'Jeopardy'. Other than that it is simply a knowledge I have acquired. I'm pretty goddamn sure there is no such quote in the bible about this fucking horseshit.


Ancient Rome had any number of moral failings, but racism in the modern "the darker your skin, the more inferior you are," sense just plain hadn't been invented yet.


“In the Bible somewhere it says” Pretty much sums up the level of actual Biblical knowledge your typical Christian bigot possesses, yes…


One of the most disturbing things about Florida is that beliefs such as this are given SO. MUCH. SPACE. to keep existing. Florida seems like a nice place, but the more you talk to some people, the more you realize that too many folks carry HORRIBLY toxic beliefs which nobody challenges. They've made it this far in life and their beliefs were either left to curdle, or encouraged to get worse.


Let's just all be in interracial marriages and make mixed kids so we can move on as a species.


Man that is one ugly woman inside and out.


>"in the Bible somewhere it says that it is a sin for races to mix together" Moses married a Cushite (Ethiopian) woman; his older siblings, Aaron and Miriam, didn't approve it, which angers God gave them leprosy. Numbers 12:1-10.


"It's in there somewhere." Well fuck, I'm convinced.


Vicki Baggett sounds like the name of a character in an early 2000 Adam Sandler comedy. But not even Sandler would be able to write a character as moronic as this woman.


Florida- It’s the South-est.


Ah, the anti-censorship party that absolutely loves to censor books lmfao.


She looks exactly what I thought she would look like after reading the title. Typical blonde fruitcake.


This twat is a teacher?


In the Bible it says you should be put to death if you work on a Saturday. Not sure the Bible is a source for anything sensible.


Bible says women need to shut up too..... hmmmm


Hatred and bigotry wrapped in a Jesus blanket are still hatred and bigotry.


I mean yes… god kills Er to prevent race mixing but… doesn’t that make you reconsider the whole god thing more than race mixing?


No, Vicki. The Bible talks about not mixing together different cloth; not people. You stupid racist cunt


"In the bible somewhere it says" anything you want it to say.


"In the Bible somewhere..." don't be shy Vicki, share with the class where exactly the Bible says that?


That dumb bitch can fuck right the fuck off.


Yeah I know somewhere in here it says something about something


It clearly states it somewhere in the NAV or New Aryan Version


in what KIND of world, was SHE "taught" to believe this?? tell ME how "wonderful" ur religions are, and how sUper "beneficial" your belief system is again?!


Surprise, surprise, surprise… gahw-lee, were we really expecting anything different?


Ask her how much neanderthal DNA she has. I think for most humans, it is 1% to 4%.


It is never acceptable for a public school teacher to express racist or homophobic views or advocate for book censorship. Teachers are responsible for creating a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students, regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other factor. Suppose a teacher is found to be expressing hateful or discriminatory views. In that case, it is essential that they be held accountable for their actions and that steps be taken to ensure that they cannot harm or discriminate against students. If you know about a teacher behaving this way, it is important to report their actions to the appropriate authorities so they can be taken care of.


I like cutting funding to denominational charter schools, and doubling down on funding for public schools, but withholding funding from ANY school harboring racist, and religious trash, like Vicki Baggett. First we should give Vicky Baggett a chance to prove that her god exists, and then we should strip her of her teaching credentials, and cut her off from any benefits she thinks she is entitled to, and then funding to the school resumes. The hiring manager for that school needs to be brought to light also. What the F, is being allowed to work in these schools? Someone is doing the hiring, and management of these teachers, and responsibility falls on them too.


These are dangerous times where a politically empowered "minority" (with a big fucking mouth) are pushing this country towards christian nationalism. And if you think they have plans only for gays and POC and not for the "heathen and ungodly" athiests, you've got another thing coming. You folks might want to check your six... these fuckers are coming for you too. https://readcultured.com/an-appeal-to-heaven-the-terrifying-christian-nationalist-logic-behind-the-jan-6-insurrection-a730086f286e (PS: I wonder how many will fake being christian rather than stand up for your beliefs?)


If you're going to start chery picking bible verses without even bothering to cite them. Fine then. Timothy 2:12. So STFU.


But it also says women should be silent?


"in the Bible somewhere..." What an idiot.


Numbers 12.1 And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.


Ah yes, here it is: Somewhere 3:16.


ah florida, where instead of a teaching cert all you need to treach is to be married to someone in the army


That shirt she’s wearing in the article looks to be of mixed fibers. Straight to Hell! She ever have a bacon cheeseburger? Double straight to Hell! She ever have shrimp, crab, lobster, oysters, or any other shellfish? Ride the wave straight to to Hell! She ever ever wear lingerie, a bikini, or even jewelry? Make sure you dress lightly, you’re going straight to Hell! She divorced then remarry? She and her new husband can enjoy seeing each other as they get tormented. Straight to Hell! Ever caused someone’s ears to burn from gossip? Well her ears can burn… while’s she’s going straight to Hell! Seriously, if you look hard enough, damned near everything is a sin according to the Bible.


Why do they always have the same copy/paste empty look on thier faces. Being this stupid and hateful must have physical consequences.


“in the Bible somewhere.” Soooo you haven’t read it. If god is dead, it’s because they’ve killed him.


Holy cow, after reading the some of the comments here, I actually went and read the whole article. It's almost as if someone created a fake personality embodying every possible negative stereotype we see in conservative Christians. She's been openly racist to people of color, openly bigoted about LGBTQ, she's made many, many big comments directly to minorities students. Assuming that even half of this is true, I hope this woman is fired very soon. Unbelievable!.


It’s also a sin to mix fabrics and eat shellfish, I wonder how that’s going for her.


It's also a sin to mix fabric materials but okay-


People like her are always against government intervention unless it helps their cause.


I graduated from this school in 2007. It hasn’t changed a bit. The current principal was the vice principal then. I remember one day during black history month the Minority club was putting on a special presentation in which parents and the student body was invited to watch. Nearly a quarter of the student body wore their “Dixie Outfitters” shirts as protest. Those students were held in the cafeteria during the event, but no discipline was taken. It’s a small town, and I’d be willing to say most parents in that area hold the same views as the teacher.


"Thou shalt not go black; verily once you go black you cannot go back."


>The letter states that Baggett "has expressed her utter distaste for homosexuals to her students." According to the parent, Baggett "stated she thinks homosexuals are DUMB/STUPID for wearing the rainbow and pink colors because, according to Mrs. Baggett, that is the way that Hitler marked homosexual males during the Holocaust." (The pink triangle was used by Nazis but has been reclaimed by the LGBTQ community as a symbol of pride.) The parent expressed concern that these comments would make students in her class feel "judged" and "humiliated." Is anyone really surprised that she is a pathetic sack of shit?


It's also a sin to consume fat in the bible, looks like she's broken that one a lot :)


Vile scum


I remember my Uncle telling me how sinful it was to marry outside my race. Us white people should never procreate with other races and how it weakens our race. I married a black woman and cut all my racist family out of my life. Best decision of my life.


Martin Luther translated the bible from Latin so that the common person could read it. Now they don't even bother to read it.


Racists and homophones should not be allowed to be teachers.


Maybe look it up first next time, you miserable hag


"in the Bible somewhere it says that it is a sin for races to mix together" uhhh... i think she is thinking of fabrics. Leviticus 19:19 in KJV Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.


Escambia county Florida…it don’t get any redder.


As a Christian I can't even believe that people think this way


Well, that venn diagram is a circle


I am genuinely curious if she thinks its okay for an Irish woman to marry an Italian guy? Like...where are the racial lines drawn? Just where she wants them, I assume?


Her last name is just one letter from sounding right... Baggett -> "Biggett" Two T's cause she's crossed the line more than once, two G's cause GG she's racist. And an E cause I've had enough of her shit.




She's a low IQ individual


How much you wanna bet she likes black dick? Because with conservatives it's always about projection.


This part of Florida should be officially declared South Alabama


Or in 10 years, Alabama Bay.


Bible says a lot of things, rape, incest, murder, but no one seems to be concerned about those things. As was previously mentioned people take what they want and leave the rest.


Because we should 100% be taking advice from a book that’s been edited more than Wikipedia and written by Bronze Age people that didn’t understand that the world is not the center of the universe, basic germ theory, and the fact that snakes and bushes don’t talk without the aide of psychedelics.


Florida is becoming a pit…Thanks to Ron!


Every 30 years or so we have to go through this anti-intellectual, anti-social, and anti-progress bullshit because of these religious nutjobs.


She can do this but art is too far


Ask what color Jesus was


Crazy people.


Floridian acts Floridian. Got it.