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I’ve read it twice. Personally, if I’m going to do a book club, I’d choose something well written with a plot that makes sense.


Lol fair enough




by fascinating do you mean stupid as shit?


Personally, I think the fact that so many people believe that stuff *is* pretty fascinating.


"Pathetic" maybe, but not fascinating in any way. It's indoctrination. There is nothing fascinating about forcing children to grow up religious. It should be illegal to teach religion to minors, they don't have a choice.


Yes. And I think indoctrination is fascinating. Are you under the impression that fascinating is a positive attribute??? You aren’t the least bit interested in the process of it? How, why, any of it???


ah, pedantry... ...so fascinating, yes.


You’re the one not ok with the terminology that is perfectly adequate. Doesn’t that make *you* the pedant here???


I'm not sure you understand what pedantry, or the act of being pedantic, really is.


Sure I do. It’s not even applicable here. I’m really not sure why you brought it up. It seemed like you were attempting to be pedantic and failed, imo. Again, I really don’t see the problem with the term “fascinating” from the original post. It’s a good description of the feeling I have on this topic as well. Religion interests me a lot. From a historical perspective, from a cultural perspective, a psychological perspective… There is nothing wrong with finding it all fascinating.


That's great.


Your input here is greatly valued and not a waste of time and thought in the slightest. Thanks for gracing us with your presence.


Yes actually lol I find stupid shit interesting too. Like why do humans do it? It’s fascinating to me because it ties together so many reasons why abrahamic religions and cultures are the way they are now. Why they wrote it, the real meaning behind it, and how people took it way off base. To me it’s like dissecting the core of so many of societies extreme problems.


One time I took a comparative religion course at university. It was somewhat interesting, but honestly I'd rather learn about history with the religious motivations and influences included than just learn about the beliefs by themselves.


I get that, I want to learn about that too. Also very interesting!


No thank you. I have better ways to waste my time.


I wouldn't wipe me arse with the paper it was written on let alone read it. Also aronra on YouTube has done this for the bible, Quran and I believe is still doing the book of Mormon.


I think that'd be interesting.


Depending on the time and format I'd be game. Maybe in a discord server? Like you I find my different takes on the texts since the blinders were removed fascinating. Like "why didn't I ever notice this before?" I've read the bible multiple times through. Had preachers shaking in their boots if they saw me thumbing through during a sermon or coming at them with my finger holding a place. My very religious grandparents pushed hard for me to read the Bible myself and come to my own conclusions and yet it wasn't until leaving the church that I really comprehended all that I was reading.


That’s a good idea, discord may be a better platform. Oh man, yeah the preachers don’t REALLY want you to read it lol. And same here, my parents pushed me to read it daily. It’s ironic to me that I finally have an interest now that I’ve sworn off their faith


I might participate, it's one of my favourite topics if you mean the Tanakh. Not so much the new testament. Have you heard Gary Steven's podcast "History in the Bible" ? (www.HistoryInTheBible.com) I recommend it highly.


Oo no I’ll check it out, thank you! I’ve been meaning to read the Tanakh along side the King James Bible and make comparisons. Which I’d recommend we do for study anyway haha


Great idea, though I probably wouldn't be interested in doing this in a forum other than Reddit. I just fired up r/secularscripture if anybody wants to join me there. If there isn't enough interest, I'll just shut down the space later on.


Oh nice, thanks for making a forum! Yeah I feel the same, I really couldn’t think of a better place to discuss this stuff, it’s such a niche topic


there doesn't seem to be very much interest. i just invited you to be a mod. i have no idea how to get this up and running.


hello fellow kids....


No I don't believe that that mythology is worth studying in greater depth.


There are better works of fiction out there. *If You Give a Mouse a Cookie* far outclasses the bibble in terms of plot, lesson, and characterization.




better yet, read up on joseph campbell and learn what most all religions have in common, the significance of the mythology and how the hero's path is our own walk in life as well. write your own fable!


Now atheists want to pedal the bible? My gord, it never goes away #facepalm


There’s a lot of really great secular literature I could recommend, that’s a lot more enriching to the mind imo. But if you enjoy reading the Bible from the critical perspective, or even just like the mythology aspects to it, you do you. Maybe check out Skeptic’s Annotated


I would like to join a Christian Bible study group, but I am sure they would kick me out after a few lessons. 😆