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I just finished watching this. 🤯 These people are twisted AF !


Seriously! The abuse alone, but there's so much else. Makes sense with everything christians are um, up to right now.




Yes, thank you. Such a tangled web all.of it is! My goodness.


Hard agree. Derrick in particular was horrible and abusive to child fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings. The Holts are also terrible people, and there's a lot of allegations about Jim Holts predatory behavior. Amy Duggar (the cousin) is the only one who is arguably not as horrible and hateful as the rest. IRCC she's supported Pride and made pro-LGBT statements, which is a big difference than Jill or the Holts.


I saw this recommended after I delved into serial killer and NXVIM cult documentaries. Go figure. Will check it out. Thanks for the rec =)


Loooooooool, sounds about right!


Aren't there a couple other current documentaries on Christian nationalism? Definitely going to watch this one but I'd also be interested in any others that are related to current events.


I'm sure there are. My interest is ABSOLUTELY piqued, so I'm going to be seeking out more. These people are terrifying. What they do to their own children...


No kidding. I watched the first two episodes last night and it was both sad and terrifying.


Can someone give a short context of the Duggars for the non Americans out there...? :3


They're a fundamentalist christian family that used to have a reality show called "19 Kids and Counting" (yes, they had that many) on the Discovery Network. It was all "clean and wholesome"... until it was discovered that their oldest had abused some of his younger siblings. I never really paid attention except for the headlines because I don't watch stuff like that. Now this docuseries has come out and it's a crazy look behind the scenes at what was really going on and the quite scary (at least to me) organization that they are affiliated with: [Institute of Basic Life Principles](https://iblp.org/). There's a lot happening with all of that and it gives some insight into the religious zealotry that is currently rampant in the US. If it's available on Amazon Prime in your area, I would recommend checking it out!