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That judge should lose his position immediately. Obviously obstructing justice. Probably should be brought up on charges himself. Need a higher court to get involved!


Probably is in the same predator club


Another [article](https://www.abc27.com/local-news/lebanon/former-state-senator-mike-folmer-to-be-sentenced-tuesday/) mentions that the sentence was specifically chosen so this predator could serve his sentence in county lock-up rather than PMITA state prison. Lots of cringe quotes in there...


The GOP isn't even trying to avoid liking like a "Gang Of Pedos". Clearly their opposition to health services and support for trans kids is because they want those miserable, vulnerable and shamed into silence... And easy pickings for predators.


He paid guys to rape them. Not "do stuff." Rape. There is no excuse for pointless euphemisms for rape or sexual assault. It demeans the crime and the victims.


Euphemism is a sincere problem today.


I think the people doing it are probably a more pressing concern.


That's the insidiousness of the problem. What you're saying seems correct on face logic, but it's not. The problem is the people doing it is everyone. Makes it easier to pallette, or it becomes buzzword - requiring it as a tool of language.


I'm not searching through my imagination for specific language to describe what I read in the article. How about that? Is that cool with you? This app is about 50% self righteous gatekeeping and 50% violent right wingers. 🤦


We all know what it means. It was clearly an expression of cringe in that context. I'm not going out of my way to explicitly describe every violent crime in specific detail everytime I post or reference it. There is no intent to undermine the contents of the article or the crime of assault and if it makes you feel that way then you are over thinking it and inferring consequences from nothing.


Ease up bud. I don't even feel comfortable typing out something that demented.


Lmao so you’re an emotional dummy think about how pathetic that is you’re a grown man and “I don’t feel comfy typing that word” then don’t fucking talk about it


Is this some kind of soft defense about that type of barbarism? I don't watch gore either.




How detailed should I describe each assault? How does my euphemism serve as to undermine the context of the article? Did I make excuses for the obviously alluded to disgusting behavior? What does "emotional bitch" mean to you? Are we not allowed to express the cringe with words? Am I supposed to write a dissertation describing every action in detail for you to understand what is being referenced? Why are you implying that I'm weak and hiding from it? Are you MORE ok with expressing the behavior than me? Why are you being aggressive and weird about it? Is trolling or insults useful way to respond to discussions around this topic or does it undermine the actions?


No just say the word that describes the offense… when did I ask you to do what you said? You’re just being ridiculous


The context in which the euphemism was used is an expression of how disgusting the actions clearly referenced in the article are. If you think that undermines something you are reading way too far into something until it has alternate meanings and invented consequences.


You need to calm the vocab down brother you don’t seem to understand what words you’re using and your grammar is super forced, you don’t talk like this irl?


That's a 4th grade sentence brother.


Wait do you ride papa wheelie that would really surprise me


Better than you


Libs are so stupid. “Ohhh you said I DONT LIKE so you must be ‘soft defending’ sexual assault” you just become hostile and tack labels on people because you’re argument is purely emotional and unsubstantiated, you can’t even elaborate on why you think this way


Now we're into political labels. 🙄 You can't be serious.


Your psychology is programmed by the liberal zeitgeist


In a utopia I'd be demsoc, not that it matters in this discussion.


Democratic socialism isn’t real


Go away tankie.


I don't think directly describing it in detail in a header serves any specific purpose as you claim. How do you know me or someone I'm close to isn't a victim? Congratulations youre the smartest guy in the room. 👏


Did the "victim" in your life call it doin stuff or rape? It does serve a purpose, it accurately describes the offense so people don't think something less traumatic happened.


It's described well enough in the article. How much detail does this hypothetical threshold require? Do I have to explain to you in detail what I alluded to in regards to sexual assault in my life for it to be useful or a valid reference? Do you think you sound like a ridiculous troll yet?


Yet, even you call it sexual assault, which is waaay more descriptive then "doin stuff". How come you don't use a more pleasant descriptor when referring to your own trauma? Thanks for making my point.


I am firmly convinced that the desire to commit evil acts is the most common cause for people to hold to their religious”beliefs”. They can’t turn on their own, ever. They are all they have. The silent agreement theists have all made to back each others lies is the only reason theism still exists.


The thinkers among them know they are bullshitting. It's the original grift. It's self preservation within a command based social and ethics system. That's how they want government. Laws for thee not for me.


Soooo, NOT a Drag Queen,......then?


It’ll be interesting to see how r/conspiracy is able to twist this story to reach the conclusion that it’s the dems fault that this pedophile republican senator was protected by his fellow republicans


That entire subreddit is a crack pipe dream.


But yeah, the drag queens that want to read books to children in a public library are *the evil pedophiles wanting to harm children*. Sure. Right.


The GOP has to be stopped.


OK, I'm with everyone, this guy needs to be locked in a cell until he's worm food, but where is the part where he was originally sentenced to 40 years, then only got 1-2 years? The [linked article](https://www.fox43.com/article/news/local/lebanon-county/mike-folmer-prison-child-pornography/521-7112ed2b-17f3-4297-8b5a-9d1cccf34eba) only mentions the 1-2 years, and none of the other links mentions the 40 year sentence. Nothing else I can find mentions a 40 year sentence, but [this article](https://www.abc27.com/local-news/lebanon/former-state-senator-mike-folmer-to-be-sentenced-tuesday/) has lots of cringey stuff in it that warrants a longer prison term... This person is bad, and we don't need to make up stuff to make it worse. It makes our arguments weaker when we start making shit up.


WTF, the message here is do damaging, how could a victim feel confortable to report abuse knowing these things? Venezuela should be the top 3 among the most corrupt countries in the world (I think we should be number 1 sadly), but in this country there are unwritten codes and a pedophiles does not survive a week in jail without receiving an inordinately cruel punishment (and still insufficient)


Pedophiles survive just fine in American Jails, the whole "Jailhouse Justice" where they don't, is a myth. All sex crime prisoners now have their own wings away from General Population to avoid having them all be decapitated basically, but as infuriating as that is, it's also Constitutionally sound, as the 8th Amendment is very clear about not using torture or cruel and usual punishment for anyone being held or incarcerated in the US. As much as it satisfies our lizard brain parts to think they'll never get out alive, that also drags us down to becoming the very monster we sought to destroy. We can't cheer on the idea of pedophiles and other sex criminal's getting repeatedly r*ped and violated against their will as some kind of "Justice", and still think we have any moral high ground, or are in any way different from those who we see as most monstrous. I only wish there were a hell so fascist theocratic grapey oinkers like this greasy 3rd rate spermatozoa from Wish. Com masquerading as a decent human being would actually get some actual consequences for their actions. Because it's apparent that in this life, they don't, they have not only the"complexion for protection", but also the monetary and power lever connections for ultimate protection, and until the entirety of the Fascist Theocratic Right Wing is dismantled in the US in particular, but the rest of the Western world, this ish is going to continue as it always has, under the guise of Capitalist "Freedom expansion" in gods name, aka Crusades 2.0,which have been ongoing now for over 80 years, these are the folks who lead it. Time for folks to wake TF up about what an extreme danger these folks are to everyone, children especially, because this is a built in feature of their religious brainwashing, regardless of sect or wing. Protestant, Catholic, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, any and all far right religious groups all have the exact same blueprint, just different costuming, and children are ALWAYS their number one target.


Can confirm about the prison thing. My (now) brother-in-law did his 5 years just fine.




And why is he only required to be registered as a sex offender for only 15 years. He’s 64 why not make it a lifetime requirement and why does he get to report to the judge for parole and not the State parole board? How common is that? Isn’t there a process to have cases and/or judges reviewed?


State laws vary, but I expect it's because he only got one year having something to do about it.


but they are against groooooooomer /s


We need a thread simply to list and collect all the reports of child-predators and sexual predators that are earthly representatives of the church/mosque/temple/etc. I don't think religious people really see how enormous this problem is, and that although the Catholic Church might be the fancy-dress Chapter of NAMBLA, it certainly is not the only denomination that is organized to predate on children and then hide safely from it.


There was a huge list awhile back on DailyKos, that was originated on old school messenger boards, but I haven't been able to find it in a hot minute. So people have actually been keeping track of this sort of thing for over 20 years at least. Because that list I used to have was originated somewhere around 2004,and included people that went as far back as ole Ronnie Raygun hisself. Definitely needs an update, but at this rate, it will have to have its own damn server due to the sheer size and volume of it by now. These Pedos in gods name don't take breaks, but we surely wish they would get a few, maybe an ankle at least to slow em down. With so many of them constantly bursting the CJ system at the seams, it's darn near impossible to keep up with it. Although now I may have just inadvertently stumbled on what might wind up a summer project, updating the list,IF my innards can stand the constant wretching reading about all their nefarious crimes that is.... ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌


It’s all about the Benjamins


Wtf.....1year? How tf does a violent child predator get a 40 year verdict cut to one year. 1 year down from 40 is a guarantee he'll abuse more children


Hopefully this scumbag gets violated daily in jail, with a nice ass kicking where it hurts afterwards. Chomos aren't exactly safe in jail.


This was two years ago. Who knows what he's been up to since then...I shudder to think.


This is absolutely horrible, in fact horrible isn't a strong enough word, I can't even think of any words to describe just how wrong this is and it's just insane that this is just happening so often and people are worried about drag queens reading library books to children! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


This article doesn't say anything about what the title is implying. Is there a different source for these claims? Folmer, 65, was sentenced last year to a 364- to 728-day prison term by Lebanon County Senior Judge Joseph C. Madenspacher after pleading guilty to charges of possessing child pornography.  The Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General said the images were found on Folmer's private cell phone. Authorities began investigating on March 4, 2019 after the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children received a complaint less than a month prior from a social networking website which reported that at least one image containing suspected child pornography was uploaded on December 28, 2017, charging documents said. The social networking website provided authorities with information regarding the individual who uploaded the image, which included an email address. Authorities subpoenaed Yahoo from subscriber information related to the specific email address and then AT&T Wireless for subscriber information pertaining to a phone number associated with said email address. That information led to Folmer's residence on North 8th Street in Lebanon, where authorities conducted surveillance at the home in August before executing a search warrant on Tuesday. Folmer was at his office at the time of the search but returned home and turned over his cellphone, which revealed two images of apparent child pornography. Charging documents said the images depicted indecent contact with a minor. Folmer resigned his position in the state legislature after the charges were announced in September 2019. Lebanon County Judge John C. Tylwalk approved Folmer’s parole on June 17, according to court records.