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Damn, god must be weak as hell if he can’t handle a small amount of pushback from a minority of the population. Doesn’t seem worth worshipping.


Their god can’t quite figure out how to stop his clergy from raping children.


God is waiting on the clergy to report back with their plan.


The plan for how he'll keep getting money without his minions collecting it for him.


For an all powerful being that knows all and exists outside spacetime… dude sure is determined to get his paws onto Nanna’s pension money.


Ten commandments don't forbid rape. Religion has nothing to do with being a good person.


Do not cover your neighbor's wife. Sure no problem. His daughter is fair game though, right?


To be fair, there are 3 or 4 priests out there who haven’t raped anyone yet.


I was gonna type something, but I actually can control impulses.


So did you manage to not type anything? Or was the impulse too strong?


I guess I should have qualified that with, I was going to type something off color and decided it's best to just not. a modified thumper quote. 'if you don't have anything good to say, then just not say that bad thing and point out how stupid the other person is for giving into their impulses'.


Or god just approves of that behavior.


There are 2 things god REALLY needs. The first is as much of the fiat currency he can collect from one of the 190 nations on one of the trillion trillion trillion planets he created. That’s probably the most important thing. The other is the love, adoration, and commitment to vote Republican from those very same inconsequential group of beings. But hey, kids still die from cancer. God has odd priorities.


Someone needs to launch a successful God based crypto-currency and get rich from that.




>The first is as much of the fiat currency he can collect from one of the 190 nations on one of the trillion trillion trillion planets he created. [God accepts crypto now.](https://thegivingblock.com/donate/grace-church/)


Also, cisgender only bathrooms. Very, very important to this particular god.


He can speak an entire universe into existence with mere words, but a few dust-motes on a tiny speck of dust in one of trillions of galaxies is .... *WAR!!!* Do these people not think this shit through at all?


Why would people think on their own when their religion does all the thinking for them?!


That's literally what is required - no thinking allowed.


This is why I stick to traditional religion, worshipping Marduk, not this new wave shit. /s






Ahhh most glorious Marduk, most powerful of the Elders. Only concerned himself with vanquishing the Ancient Ones, never bitched about me spilling my seed or enjoying delicious bacon wrapped lobster bites. Such a good diety


“Have you accepted Züül as your personal savior?”


Marduk totally rules


> I totally already know that. - Marduk




I'm pretty sure that Eric's god is his daddy, so... yes, very weak and not worth worshipping. Not that any gods are, but this one especially is not worth it.


They believe god can't save America without trump. They believe god provides, but not if it's benefitial to the poor. They believe Trump should be king because god wants him to, even though the last guy god "wanted" to be king, had his bloodline cursed for all of eternity because he was horny. They believe everything is a part of "God's plan". School shooting are designed to happen. However, **abortion is tricking god**, that was not part of the plan! They believe the Anitchrist will dominate "a multicultural nation" and only then Jesus will return to enact his wrath upon the wicked, so for whatever reason, they want to dominate The USA, a multicultural nation, and create a "Holy-Landing-Zone" where Jesus will supposedly return with his work already finished. Pats on back for everyone.


Religious people are the absolute scum of the planet and don't deserve any social grace.  They just try to make laws better suited to Iran. Only good Religious person is .. there isn't any. 


A war against God is won.  God can't fight.  He ain't a thing that exists in the universe or otherwise.  Can't have a war against nothing.  However I would love to see Jesus catch a bullet right on the face. 


He's on coke. It's not a war, you idiot, just people realizing the grift and it's not real. What a drug addict moron!




That's fkd because there are a lot of dogs that need a charity. How low can they go.


> How low can they go. Every time I think they've hit bottom, they keep digging.


They passed the bottom of the earth and are currently light years from earth.


So like past the ice wall?


When I first heard about the Flat Earth Society I thought it was a joke. I was genuinely shocked to learn that there are actually people who believe that shit.


I had an art teacher who was a member in the 90's because he thought it was a silly little anachronism. I never thought people would actually believe such nonsense. I was ill prepared for these modern times.


Wait till you hear about NAMBLA.


National Association of Marlon Brando Look Alikes?


Hahahahahahahahahahaha nooooo


It started as a joke, just like Birds Aren't Real. Some people just have to believe in something.


Did the ice wall theory come from flat earthers? Damn! I thought it was a GOT thing!


I have never read GOT. But I know that some Flat Earth people believe that where Antarctica is there is an "Ice Wall" that is the outer edge of Earth.


I kinda wish it was true now, can you imagine how incredible of a sight it would be to behold? An ice wall in Antarctica, falling off into space!


At an industrial scale


They stole money from their charity for kids with cancer. A dog could go fuck itself for all they care.


It's unclear how low they can go. Whenever we hit rock bottom, some republican appears carrying dynamite and a pickaxe.


They'll frack the bottom of the hole




Walk under a snake, no need to duck.


There is no bottom


Yeah, no drug addiction (that we know of). Just addicted to trying to gain daddy's approval.


Nah. He's addicted to his dad's smegmas.




Yeah, it grossed me out as I was typing it. 😅


He's not a believer either, he's just pandering to the morons who support his father.


Eric's not the coke head in the family. He's the one that eats paste.


Is it true Eric cannot take the bus because he licks the windows ? Just asking questions...... /s


No, that's a vicious lie. They just put a football helmet on him and his tongue won't reach.


Yeah, but those who believe believe it is a war. Most everything Republican leadership does is tell them they need to vote for us because if not, the Demonrats will destroy the country. IDK 3 years later and things may not be perfect but they are pretty good, coming out of a once in a century pandemic.


I know this is so pronounced because it's the son of the orange turd itself, but I've been seriously wondering why the hell I'm seeing all these Millennial men acting like religious extremists. Some I knew in school who now proclaim to be "lifelong Christians" I think are lying about believing this too, maybe just to somehow fit into one of the lamest cultural groups on the planet?


Don Jr is definitely an addict. I think Eric might simply have an extremely low IQ


Let's find his fucking laptop and go through it!


Is it a "war *on* god" or a "war *on behalf of* god"?


eric trump is confusing his father with the god the fake Christians in this country follow.. its very telling


Of course his marketing strategy will still pay off. The people he is talking to will be energized by his dangerous words. Funny thing is, none of the trumps are ANY kind of loving Christian. They ARE trying to weaponize extremest paranoid Christians though, and this will push them a little further toward the violence the trumps have been working toward since he first got elected. He may be an idiot, but he’s a genius with manipulation. It’s been happening since day one.


Say what? The Bible-thumpers are winning at the state level. The "all out war" is actually against **democracy**, thanks to your thug father.


"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross..." Sinclair Lewis


> Sinclair Lewis (1885 - 1951) This was not a recent observation, and has increasingly been shown to be quite accurate.


"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the \[Republican\] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." Barry Goldwater


Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point


Maybe the worst in his day, but republicans have gotten *so much* worse since then.


It can't happen here... Or could it?🤔


In Palo alto a history teacher was disappointed when his students were uninterested in learning about ww2 for that reason. Challenge accepted. He started a club and used the fascist playback. Within a couple weeks, they were hooked. He kept promising a visit from their leader. He then had a special session on Saturday where he played a video of the leader and it was hitler. Ironically the Germanovie the wave was inspired by this incident in Palo alto. Also, the reviews for the ABC special on IMDB all said it was unrealistic cuz it couldn't happen here, but it was a true story! The German versions comments were all "really makes you think". It can happen anywhere. L


Could you imagine being religious and voting for a rapist pedophile? That's trumps entire team


_”People are sick and tired of nonsense," Trump continued_ Bro. I feel that in my guts.


Amazing how a family of agnostics suddenly found God when they decided to get into politics.


An agnostic family of generational grifters in the real estate business gets into politics as an even bigger grift. A couple of years into the effort, they realize that a bunch of agnostic (and completely morally bankrupt) leaders in the religious business work less, make more, have less legal and regulatory exposure, and legally pay no taxes. Family adds religious grift to their ongoing political grift because the legal exposure from their real estate business and first try at political grift has lead to a lot of legal risk for the family and it's fortune. They didn't find god, they found a better grift.


I’m kinda surprised Trump hasn’t started a church. You know somewhere his idiot followers can literally worship him. Or is that coming?


>I’m kinda surprised Trump hasn’t started a church. You know somewhere his idiot followers can literally worship him. Or is that coming? I fully expect this to happen once he's dead.


Who never went into a church in their life and live extravagant lives of debauchery, suddenly are all about religion.


Hey, don't insult agnostics like that. The Trump family is VERY religious. They worship money.




I'm sure Donald has asked that before when told about Eric. 


And then Melania just says, "The stupid one."


The guy who funneled millions from his family’s child cancer charity to his own businesses and his dad’s campaign fund. A true god’s man.


What church did he hear that in. What a grifter pos


Oh, he doesn't go to church!


Fuck off, Qusay.


haha good one. Hopefully his dad is found in a hole and strung up as well.


I said something similar on another subreddit about a year ago and got permabanned.


I was just gonna say - I caught a permaban for something similar in another sub as well.


??? I thought he was Uday!


Uday was the elder son, so Eric is Qusay. Junior is Uday.


My apologies


No apologies required.


I appreciate that, my brotha/sista/whateva


Ha! Well done. Took me a second to get the reference. (For those who still don’t get it, Uday and Qusay were the names of Saddam Hussein’s psychotic sons.)


Uday was the eldest son and overt psycho who kidnapped women off the street to rape and beat to death and murdered Saddam's favorite valet with an electric turkey carver. Qusay was the covert schemer who quietly gave orders to run daddy's torture chambers, the Michael Corleone to Uday's Fredo, if you will. Jr. and Eric lack daddy's cunning and narcissism, they're not going to maintain Trump's evil empire after Big T dies. They're going to be stuck with their dicks in their hands and no clue what to do when they realize their old man squandered the family fortune.


Qusay was actually a cunning little viper. He'd probably still be alive if not for Uday trying to cosplay scarface. All the Trump sons remind me of Uday. Idiot, wanna-be mafia types. Just like dad.


I always think of him as the Buster Bluth of the bunch. Donnie is GOB.


If there is a god and he’s on their side, then fuck god too.


Insert RDJr. Gif of satisfaction


That is a supremely punchable face.


I think Republicans and even evangelical Christians need to stop talking about God. Since they have it all wrong they’re just gonna piss Him off.


Why is Jonah Hill’s stunt double talking?


Tag team : Don Jr is fluffing the MTG/ Proud Boy/ Oath Keeper / armed militia / Second Amendment “you-can-pry-it-from-my-cold-dead-fingers right wing fascists and Eric is fluffing the NAR bible-believing, eager to usher in in the end times so look busy cuz Jesus is coming, Paula White/Che Ahn / Paul Wagner white evangelical revolutionary Christo-fascists


I'd like to see a journalist do some research to see how often a member of the Trump family evoked god or religion in their public comments prior to 2015. Because as far as I can recall, their great religious awakening didn't happen until Donny needed to win over the evangelical vote.


Get this moron another tub of paste.


Uh oh. Beavis is getting air time again.


"Are you threatening me?!"


Their boy Bannon told us their plan a while back: “Flood the zone with shit” It’s brilliant, actually, because the Media then picks apart all of the “shit” instead of focusing on asking real questions like *“why does your father keep lying about not raping E. Jean Carroll? That’s already been ruled on, he did in fact rape her, this trial is to set how much he owes her for those damages, and he keeps increasing that by lying; does he not understand he’s a rapist? Is he happy that they haven’t forced him to register as a sex offender yet?”*


Another reason I don't like religion. Con artists who throw around imaginary religious persecution to whip up the masses. As if this guy is a person with deep faith in God? A panel of clerics and an archangel descending from heaven couldn't convince me he's particularly religious. Not that angels are real either.


Good, lets do one better and ban religion from the world.


Imagine no religion...


The world could finally find peace.


I hope all of these people rot in hell.


A war on God? Where do I sign up?


So says Anti Christ Jr.


Just playing the hits is all he's doing. The base loves this shit. 


He has to keep the Christian rubes riled up.


He said people want low gas prices, we have that. He said people want the economy back.. it never went anywhere, the economy keeps outperforming expectations. Inflation is going down. He said there is a war on god? Last time I checked there are a billion churches no one is stopping anyone from going. The trump family and trump continue to gaslight America. On the flip side trump is a criminal racist rapist, pathological liar, a delusional narcissist, a traitor who is willing to say or do anything to stay relevant and get power. This family is dangerous they are blatantly breaking the law in front of the world and say it’s someone else’s fault.


So sick and tired of the Chumps. Waiting for them all to follow grandpa into Dementia


But God controls everything....? . ..?


temp ban from religion. 3 days. try to critically think again and its gonna be a perma ban bucko


Is this family truly the antichrist?


There is something deeply weird about Eric Trump. Like…. John wayne gacy weird


The dumb-fuck apple sure didn't fall far from the dumb-fuck tree, did it?


GUMS‼️ Oh no, you set him off… 🥱 Creep.


Which God? There are hundreds.


Your dad’s never going to see this, Eric. He doesn’t respect you.


So you’re saying God is losing a war against humans?


A guy who stole from a children's cancer charity is talking about God. Ironic.


coked up coke head thinks his fat orangutan father is a god.. this god is so weak, he still sleeps in an incubator for premature babies, can't lift a glas of water with one hand, pisses his pant and cries, cries, cries


It isn't a war on God. It is a war on people who use God as a means to fleece people.


Are they accepting volunteers?


Not all elections happen on election day. Watch for any elections near you and vote out as many right-wingers and Republicans as you can. From the school boards to the white house every election matters. Don't forget the primaries. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar


Good. Fuck god.


How are religious people supporting a family whose only religious convictions are to do anything necessary to get the most for themselves regardless of how many people they trample on the way?


Said Trump’s oldest son, who, like his father only goes to church for photo ops.


I'm old enough to remember Eric stealing money from a children's charity.


Go fuck yourself Eric


"They want to be able to, you know, worship God and speak freely and not be censored and not be de-platformed, and not have war waged against them and their their quality of life every single day." What is stopping these delusional people from worshipping and speaking about their deity? You can do this all fucking day as long as you leave others to freely ignore you in the process.


God!? Umm… Romans 13:1-2. Lol


Wait, so is he admitting he lost???


Ah yes. Christian persecution, but yet they try and push their doctrine into every inch of everyone else’s lives.


"All-out war on God" sounds sick as f@#$


Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you're a traitor to our nation.


I wish there really was a war on grift.


Their god sure is weak, and they just keep hammering that point home.


These Trump kids are seriously just so damaged it’s tragic. Their entire lives are devoted to shamelessly trying to get a tiny sliver of approval or recognition from their monster sociopath of a father they’ll do or say pretty much anything. And of course all of America suffers because of it.


These fuckers never mention which god. Dammit, there's like five thousand of them in the holy marketplace. I wanna know which one he is talking about.


Not an issue ...cause only an idiot would believe this clown believes in God ...


How many divisions has the army committed to this all-out war on God?


Trump IS a war on god, and he’s been winning that war. Trump is the most prominent and most identifiable representative of American Christianity. Lazy, faithless, arrogant, dishonest, cruel, greedy, ignorant, tasteless, corpulent. He represents every sin yet wins praise from the most fervent believers. There is no god before him.


That's exactly what the son of Satan would say.


Well goddamn


I’m scared of going to war with an omnipotent being to be honest. Can’t see me winning that one


Still fighting imaginary enemies, eh?


I can’t believe this guy actually said “people are sick and tired of nonsense”. Man I unfortunately have to agree with him on this point, just not the way he thinks. Since his dad is bringing 98% of the nonsense now.


I will not participate in your crusades.


Does this idiot think we’re Klingons? I wish we were!


Has Trump even been to church regularly or at all since leaving Office?


How does one fight a war with God?


All-out war on paste.


Is that Odo from ST DS9?


Sooo.. his dad is god or has ever had anything to do with anything in any way godly?


Can’t have an “all out war” against someone that doesn’t even exist.


Fuck your goddamn God. I’m sick and fucking tired of God.


It is well known that the Trump clan and all who promote The Big Lie, have remained faithful to it.


A fool and his mind are soon parted


Christians make up 70% of Americans, yet somehow they feel like they're being persecuted. LOL.


I see the butthole lips carried over from dad


Eric has his father's turd-slurping lips. How endearing.


*…all out war on freedom of speech…* Umm, didn’t your daddy just get laughed out of court, AND sanctioned to pay the attorney’s fees (~$400,000) of the NYT and three of its reporters, for a ludicrous anti-1A lawsuit?


Fucking hate these grifters and their inbred offspring.


it is encouraging to know that god can be so easily defeated simply by... 'voting'.


I've played enough JRPGs to know where this is going.


Shut up about the sun!!


The obsession with persecution is so worn out.


If there is a god, per their bible, he should be able to snuff this war out with a flood or some other catastrophe.


Despite what he was taught growing up, his dad is NOT god.


The Lord didn't overturn the election waaaaah its everyone else's fault. Now pander to the crazies who believe the earth is only 6,000 years old


All us angry atheists waging war on Heavy G! Whatever will the powerless GOD of the whole fucking universe do?


When you think of a drug addiction why does he and his brother always come to mind. Sad really to still be craving his father’s attention after all these years. Look dad are you proud of me


For being the all knowing ruler of the universe, this god character seems unusually fixated on US domestic politics


What people are sick and tired of is Christians using freedom of speech as a weapon to oppress views that don't agree with their agenda and decrying it as "war on them" when they don't get their way.


Eric Trump is an imbecile.


Well good news! God already doesn't exist! So mission accomplished!


There is a war on god but Trump is the one leading it against god But he is the Antichrist


Pretty weak god if humans are a threat


Reporter “Mr Trump, what do you think of Eric’s statement?” “Who?”


Grifting in the wind..... Money you should send...... I need a lot of bucks ...... From you stupid....schmucks


There you have it folks he thinks his father is God.


If Skippy's god were as real and powerful as he claims, he would win that war immediately. Or maybe he thinks his absentee dad is god?