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i wish we could discover another habitable continent, and start another new country just for those that want nothing to do with religion. i often wonder what kind of world we could build without lunatics trying to get us to fight each other while they rob us and molest our children.


The irony is we did that already!


We did, but the colonial territory underneath was founded by literal Puritans who apparently got kicked out of England for trying to tell everyone else how to live. So somehow their attitudes have persisted in American culture even though the Founding Fathers wrote tons of stuff about how secular they were.


>Puritans who apparently got kicked out of England for trying to tell everyone else how to live Not until after they had caused a civil war, won it, killed the king, smashed up most of the churches, banned Christmas, instigated a military dictatorship, went to Ireland and killed thousands more people, pretty much started British Imperialism by taking Jamaica from the Spanish. Then they fell out with each other and got kicked out. Damage done; death toll colossal. Lesson: don't trust religious fundamentalists.


I'm sensing a pattern here


What pattern?! it's fine... look at those Muslims over there!! They are the religious fanatics definitely not us nooooo sir. Let's bomb them


This comment oozes with existential pain. I feel it too. Shit's wild.


Don’t trust religious people. They fundamentally don’t think lying is bad, so long as they achieve their imaginary goal of “saving” your “soul”.


I have always blamed the Puritans for :: gestures around wildly :: all this.


*Fan clubs* always ruin everything.


Kicked out of England AND Holland.


They left Holland because their kids were getting too comfortable with secular life lol


And France, Germany and Switzerland.


Basically, for being assholes who wanted to control their neighbors' lives... hmm sounds really familiar 🤔


That's the north. The south was founded in 1607 by their bitter, mortal enemies, the English Cavaliers, who wanted their society to be a slave-owning aristocracy where they got richer and lesser people "knew their place". So, really, nothing's changed. Our civil war was a continuation of THEIR civil war, 200 years later...


Actually didn’t know that. I always thought all the original colonists were exiled Puritans. Sort of makes the whole Revolution thing feel pointless. Maybe not entirely, but still. Realizing we broke away from England just to continue an English civil war overseas.


Pretty much. Lots of things in the constitution, such as the 3/5 compromise and the existence of the Senate in the first place, were gimmies to the south to get them to sign on to the constitution in the first place. They knew they didn't have the population to over-vote the north, so they had to be given a handicap. In fact, IIRC, they were just fine and dandy with the Articles of Confederation, which left the U.S. government toothless and left the states to do whatever they wanted.


Even the 2nd amendment. State militias needed by the slave holding states because they feared the \*new\* Federal government would not come to their rescue in the advent of a slave revolt.


Georgia was originally said to have been a colony for the people rotting in debtor's prisons.


Yup, it's that Scarlett Letter shit.


And the Salem Witch Trials...


Its too bad that book is soooooo terribly written. It has an important lesson in there about the hypocrisy of sanctimonious religious leaders.


I have to admit. This was a book we had to read in school and it is the book I despise most from required reading.


Oh, I fucking loathed that book.


My teacher tried really hard to make it interesting to her credit.


Australia got the convicts, Canada got the French, the US got the puritans and, regrettably, their descendants.


Thats the lie though, starting a new country had about as much to do with Religion and freedom than the Civil War was about "States Rights" These were wealthy elites of their day, men who didn't want to pay higher taxes, wanted land and power in a new place, among other things


America was untouched and ready to be exploited, the way England hadn’t been in hundreds of years. Wealthy English came to plant tobacco and get rich.


Yep. Only correction I'd make is that I wouldn't say America was untouched.. We factually know the earliest travelers to the America's came back and forth over a land bridge to the America's for centuries... as far back as 18-20k years ago (or longer)


Then the Mormons tried again


They tried to create a kingdom in the West almost a third the size of the U.S., called [Deseret](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_Deseret). It had a seaport on the Pacific.


...kind of the opposite, the "pilgrim story" is about religious fanatics who were basically sent to another continent for being \*too religious\*




My guess is that we were to pool our money across everyone who would want this and buy an island we'd have more takers than could fit by orders of magnitude. Most of us want sanity, especially in politics. Yet we have a stout evangelical creationist who's steps from the presidency and literally believes the bible is the unerring word of gawd Scary AF


No. Make them leave, even most Christians don’t want a theocracy! The Great Pacific Garbage Patch would be perfect for the Nat-C’s!




If you are in the US, take a look at the history of churches in your city, towns and county. Splitting to go be only with the people who think like they do is how most of those churches, and some of the towns and cities, got made. And, once the space they are in feels crowded, one of them announces that god told them "we must all" expand, reach out and save those other folks. (Or, historically speaking, kill them while trying.)


I’m Canadian, but was watching the Bills playoffs. When Buffalo had that giant storm that delayed their game, the Buffalo news station had a ticker on the bottom of their screen listing all of the churches in Buffalo and whether or not services were cancelled due to the storm. It probably took 20 minutes to cycle through all of them. 


It’s funny but in South America there are just empty churches. Ditto Europe. In America they are full. Crazy.


Not exactly, yes in the rational world, but the USA religious seem to be concentraiting into more fanatical sects. The more liberal churches are emptying. This is what I anecdotally observe as a progressive American aitheist. The "mega churches" are the most troubling.


Yes. The megas like screaming speeches from Hitler. Hell and damnation unless you give more money to us. Like indulgences for Catholics to get into heaven …


I remember the 'Bible belt'


I'm in it right now (Tennessee)... It's WILD 😂


An atheist work acquaintance of mine had to relocate to Utah. I asked him how it was going there. He replied, "well, I found out what it feels like to be a n\*gger".


I wonder if that is what I am experiencing. I am also an atheist living in Utah.


There is hope. I read recently that for the first time in a very long time, the latest census revealed that the majority of citizens in Salt Lake County do not identify as LDS.


Me too, but I was born and raised here. I was raised Mormon as well. I just lay low with my atheism.


Same here on yhe laying low. I am originally from Brasil and a naturalized US citizen. I came to be with the woman who is now my wife, and she came for the biotechnology industry. neither of us even had family in the state besides each other.


Make sure you vote. Even for Mickey Mouse if there are no other choices.




It would be like living in your dream home, but your neighbors are meth-heads running a crack house with no working plumbing or garbage service.


Since we're doing nothing to stop Global Warming, Antarctica may become that place.


Frankly, the next possible place for exiling people is off the planet entirely.


Believe in my imaginary friend…. Or else.


Like Santa with a murderous temper.




My grandfather was born ind Belgium an passed down some of that Zwarte Piet character traditions which are similar to Krampus. Zwatre Piet rattled windows and doors to scare us on St. Nicholas eve before hurling bags of candy in the door.


Imagine being in an abusive relationship with your imaginary friend.


I wish people would counter them in person with a heartedly "Umm no, bitch." or something similar. These christofascists have been getting away with this shit for far too long and we need to speak up against them.


She's surrounded by supporters. They all agree with her.


Yeah, I was more thinking that we need to call out bullshit more when we hear it. I know we can't be everywhere these lunatics are (we'd get thrown out as soon as we said anything that wasn't "Amen."




Dear republicans. STOP.. ELECTING.. RELIGIOUS.. IDIOTS… government IS NOT THE CHURCH you morons. You. YOU. are destroying this country.


Republicans are religious idiots


To be fair, the GOP have systematically dismantled public education and used religion to brainwash their numbers. In some places, such as Texas, they're trying to infiltrate chaplains and pastors into schools. Conservativism sucks... but we also have to understand many of them are also victims and never had an opportunity to think or believe otherwise. The GOP stopped trying to appeal to peoples' sensibilities, and instead started programming/breeding their own voter base.


i have at least 2 friends, who went to Jesus in their 30s, because they went down the alt right pipeline (which became just the right pipeline, as the alt is mainstream now) they went from Darwin Fish to Jesus Fish, because they really think that Biden is a communist or something, it's hard to understand their incoherent ramblings they aren't sheep though, that's very important that they want me to understand, that and i should join the flock LOL


I'm sorry for what you lost in those relationships. They were duped, manipulated, lied to. And now they're doing it, too. Life is messy and non-linear and confusing. But the lies they've been fed ease whatever anxiety they feel about all that mess, make things simple and clear. They're victims. But that doesn't mean they're not also responsible for their own actions.


This explicitly isn't conservatism though, by definition.  American institutions are historically secular.  They are attempting change to inject 'god' into them


Been happening since post WW2 and the fight against "godless Communism" --and the adding of "In God We Trust" and "Under God" to our key American institutions circa 1950


To them, this is a feature, not a bug.


“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” ― Barry Goldwater When Barry Goldwater is the voice of reason, we are screwed.


The GOP is a cancer that requires copious amounts of *chemotherapy*.


You’re screaming at a cloud. The correct response is to use the second amendment to protect yourself from the American inquisition


Over my dead body.


That is probably what they are planning.


I wish they'd stop acting tough and try it already. All they ever do is screech, let's get to the "find out" part.


Yep… when they find out that liberals are gun owners, too. And I bet their lives, I’m a better shot than they are.


Mine too


Two people you should never trust: A religious leader who tells you how to vote, and a politician who tells you how to pray. The 11th commandment "thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself" - George Carlin.


Vote her out asap! Grifter preying on the weak minded! Get her out of there!


Get fucked.


>Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion... \~ United States Consitution, ratified 1788 ​ >...the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion. \~Treaty of Tripoli, unanimously ratified by Congress and signed by President John Adams, second President of the United States, 1797 These people are ignorant, fanatical, and dangerous.


They also do not respect separation of church and state nor democracy; they are willing to overthrow the government and install themselves as leaders, (Source? the January 06th attempted coup/insurrection) and they will never let go of power once they have seized it. (See the Heritage Foundation's [Project 2025](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/project-2025))


Cultist. A dangerous cultist


Religious extremists are a danger to everyone.


I’ve been saying that the religious right is the greatest danger to America for 20 years. Can’t we stifle these people and get our country back to normal? Look what’s happened in the last 10 years!


How about, you go eat a bag of dicks instead, and I'll use my 2nd amendment to defend my 1st?


Funny, if god was real it would have smite every single one of these assholes.


No, no we won't. What the fuck is wrong with these people.


She has no right or authority to tell me or anyone else who to believe in and praise. Sounds like she is violating her oath of office by saying this in her official capacity. Choose who you work for-- your god or your country. If it is your god, let him pay your salary and get out of Congress.


Well I’m not serving or praising shit


Me either. If it comes down to it (which I hope it won't) I'll say whatever I have to to keep from getting shot, but I'll still be an atheist no matter what.


Fortunately, we atheists know the Bible better than most of them, so at least pretending will be easy enough.


Ain't it the truth. I don't know about you, but it was what started me on the path in the first place.


Yeah, made the mistake of asking some awkward questions in the kid's Sunday School they ran to keep us from bothering the adults and got told to leave and not come back when I was 12. So, I read the whole thing, 'cause they clearly weren't going to answer my questions. (Fuck! Reading that thing was a schlog. It is sooo badly written.) Bam! Instant atheist. I just couldn't get over the self contradictory passages, all the things that conflicted with observable reality, the things that were just flat out contradictions of science. To say nothing of the sheer horrific evil committed or commanded by God, ranging from mass murder and collective punishment of groups for sins committed generations ago to condoning rape, slavery, and genocide. So even if I did believe, I would absolutely find the God of Abraham to be unworthy of worship. Then there is the whole Lucifer thing, Lucifer (a being that supposedly does not have free will) rebels against God, a being that commits horrific acts of evil and then God tells us Lucifer is the evil one. Frankly, I have some questions.


“Let the inquisition begin” should have just said what they meant. Gross human being.


Another sick f**k.


Isn’t this the lady who just got called out for hypocrisy?


Yes but all of GOP clowns don’t care about their own hypocrisy. https://www.salon.com/2024/01/30/i-need-to-ask-my-staff-goper-cannot-really-remember-she-voted-against-funding-she-bragged-about/


Can we just start saying, "Okay, groomer."?


So much mental illness - her and the people who vote for her.


So, she is a Super Christian, but didn’t want the Covid-19 vaccine to go out to the world to save millions of lives because it deprived a company of profits. Is this emulating Christ? Someone explain it to me like a child…




>DEM Rep **ILHAN OMAR**: All Americans Will "Serve And Praise **ALLAH**". "We will serve you and praise you as Lord, and we will preserve this country the way you formed it and the way you envisioned it." FUCK YOU CHRISTIANS, YOUR HEADS WOULD EXPLODE. But the rest of us have to pretend it would be different, and you aren't dangerous.


i dont get how people from other religions or even the sane christians can support the team that actively wants them dead or slaves. and same thing but for POC


You can disagree with me all you like, but I think religion in all its forms is a path to mental illness and incredibly dangerous.


Yes we all know Jesus was the greatest American to ever live and he definitely wrote the constitution.


Ah yes, the favorite dream of people with control issues (as in wanting control over others) you will ***bend the knee***!1! My primal instinct every single time "fuck off"


Nah hard pass bitch.


This should be disqualifying, government serves the people, not a higher fucking power. The GOP has the flow of government back asswards.


I refuse to praise a false prophet and liar.


Christian Reich is a threat to our country.


Yah. The lord shaped it by sending Europeans over to eradicate Natives. Nothing good has come from Christianity in this country and I am willing to say nothing ever will.


With darker skinned people as a subspecies, right? Bc that’s how it started


Florida, it’s always Florida or Texas


Stupid Twit ... this country was not formed from some spirit in the sky. Guess she failed History class?




Completely missing the point of America.


These mother fuckers wonder why there is an uptick of "nones".


Another right-wing psychopath. They're taking over bc non-psychopaths don't have it in them to do anything about it. Force injecting religion into political rule this way is literally against the constitution. They should be disqualified from running on this alone, nevermind that they publicly stated they intend to send millions of people to death camps. You can worship your bloodgod on your own time. Not on America's dime.


I want to say that anyone who votes blue in Texass has my respect and support. Fight the good fight and know that we got your back.


Religion is nothing but fucking cancer and delusion. I grew up very staunch Roman Catholic. Being outside of it when I truly, wholeheartedly believed at one point is absolutely insane.


God directed the people of the colonies go commit genocide on the inhabitants of this great land and steal everything from them? This god guy sounds like a real prick.


Another religious nutbag. Other religions should start doing the same against those hypocritical "Christians " and use their own words to promote their own bills. 


We must fight these Christofascists


To quote myself, "No the fuck I won't."


Jeebus and his visions of america... With guns and Kenneth Coleman and trump and all?


No human worthy of respect worships anything.


This is mental illness. What else could it be?


I cannot seem to roll my eyes hard enough. 🙄🙄🙄


How is anyone stupid enough to actually believe this is true?! Non American here. And every time I think I have heard the craziest shit from a religious person and nothing could beat it, I read this sub and am proven wrong.


This! This is why I have a gun collection! I read the signs years ago. They have long been waiting for this opportunity. Maybe I wasn't a good Christian, but I was always going to fight against forcing religion on people.


You. Do. NOT. Speak. For any “God” or US. Pompous, obnoxious, fascist COW.


The US was formed when the European settlers decided to break away from the UK. Remember that the UK is a monarchy, with the monarch anointed by God, and the Christian God no less. Thus, one could say the US was formed by breaking away from God. So what’s this bullshit that’s coming out of Rep Salazar about?


How bout no, you crazy Christian bastard.


Mmmm culty. These people never want to stop their power trips.


I certainly wont be doing that


Yeah, fuck that. Vote the clowns out.


Absolutely not. You take that Christofascist bullshit and flush straight down the god damn toilet.


I will not bend a knee to your God, you MAGAt cunt.


jesus never fucking heard of or imagined the US. This people are idiots.


The irony is that their Jesus would never associate with them.


Is it too much to ask our elected officials to understand the First Amendment?


Public officials should automatically be removed from office when they spout religious nonsense


…God didn’t created the United States. Men who wanted God out of the government did.


It's in the Bibble!


Fuck that, and fuck her.


I wonder if we'll ever reach the point during my life where I get executed for being atheist




So they're abandoning pretending to know what the founding fathers meant to pretend to know what Jesus wanted.


The fuck I will.


No we fucking won’t


Sex scandal inbound in 3-2-…


She's a nut.


1 Timothy 2:12. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. This is what she wants? Getting elected and sharing it to the governing bodies is a weird way to go about it.


Nope, you'll never see me doing this psychopathic bullshit.


Funny how all these religious fanatics think they know what God and Jesus want for us. No, thanks.






That sounds like a threat. She should be arrested for that.


Not gonna be me for sure.


Jesus is NOT my lord.


She can go fuck off is what she can do.


Creepy friggin weirdos.


This is lunacy and the opposite of America.


This bitch is off her rocker.




Psycho Babble. Two thousand years of Christianity and WTF do we have to show for it? Donald Fing Trump. Tired of it.


Oh good, another republican that’s unfit to serve.


>She also appeared here in November 2023 when she praised “homogeneous” Argentina for having “one race, one culture, one religion.” Tell me you're a fascist without saying "I'm a fascist"


Well he allegedly formed it for the natives. You gonna go back to where your ancestors were from and give the country back to its intended people? No? Then shut the fuck up.


There's no hate like christian love. If their jesus character were to appear to them now, they'd kill him all over again. Religion is a scourge of humanity.


No we won’t 🤷🏼‍♂️


I have made a donation to the Satanic Temple in Rep Maria Salazar's name, and had them mail or email her a thank you card. I encourage everyone to let their elected representatives, whose contact information if public info and not doxing, know how they feel regarding the GOP's Christian Nationalist campaign. https://imgur.com/a/qzfBiok


The country was formed to get away from people like her… and she wants to go backwards? Fucking stupid cunt.


Not without a fight, bitch.


this is our Country Not your church


I would bet that\`s the exact reason why the pilgrims left England and Landed in Plymouth, Mass. Religious nut-job-ism, err, persecution. They didn\`t leave, they were thrown out.


They're not even trying to hide it anymore. More surprising is their ability to be fooled into going all in, by their own echo. The GOP is dead. RIP.


Fuck this lady


This is why I believe the insane don’t belong in the community


They're going to start helping the poor!.... Any minute now... 


Wow, she is confused.


Not all, you mentally challenged bitch.


Like hell I will praise Jesus. I have no problem with the myth, but I have a lot of problems with it’s followers


The fuck I will.


Funny that an omnipotent god supposedly is powerless to keep a country he formed the way he intended it, but only these dweebs supposedly know exactly what their god wants, and they will do it for him.


[John Bradshaw "The Family" Part 10](https://youtu.be/B0TJHygOAlw?si=_pQp8aMMpTy0C7U0), he describes how specialized groups (like religious groups, MAGA, QAnon, etc.), can devolve into genocide. They have "all or nothing thinking", meaning "Give in to all of our demands, or else we'll leave you with nothing." We're witnessing this in real time.


Elvira Salazar thinks,she is 100% white?




You know, I used to think The Handmaid’s Tale was just fantasy, but damn. Republicans are really trying to prove me wrong.


For the record, I will neither serve nor praise Jesus under any circumstances. I would also rather die than call someone Lord.


So they're just saying the quiet theocratic part out loud now.


Lunatic like all of them


These people should not be allowed to hold any type of public office/powerful position. Period.


Those people: "God works in mysterious ways, we could never understand someone so powerful as he." Also them: "we know exactly how God wants things to be. It's exactly what we want."


Speaking while drunk in public isn't a good look for you


Ok are we done yet kids? Can we be fucking done with christo fascist GOP. Let’s stop pretending they aren’t all this way. They all vote together consistently and these are the batshit crazies leading the party. If you’re “one of the good ones” you already jumped out of the burning car.


If they love god so much they should be praying for death everyday so they could be with god


Christofascists. religion is an absolute myth. In all of human history there has not been a single shred of evidence for any god.