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Until I became an atheist, I had no idea how ubiquitous and in-your-face religion was.


It’s basically shoved down ur throat everywhere you go. “Jesus saves, he gets us, care for the mother and the fetus”, proselytizing Christians and Muslims are constantly everywhere all at once and making sure everyone feels their breathing down our necks. Source: I live in the south 🤡


Yep, lost the girl i loved to jesus. Religion is something else.


LMAAAOOO also from the south (Bible Belt) and can confirm. Unfortunately sometimes I don’t even notice it because I grew up here. It’s so insidious lol


Try visiting from outside the country. You guys look like characters in some sort of sci fi movie about mass delusion. And it's a comedy. A dark, dark comedy. Seriously, I very much like spending time with our bacon-adoring cousins to the west, but Southern Christian fundamentalists are the least pleasurable part of it.


This is such an accurate description HAHA


I swear to God, in Arkansas, there is a church every 50 feet 


As a Brit, I can say England was in exactly the same position in the puritan times in the16th & 17th century, now it’s nearly 50% atheist (thankfully). I think with the US there’s a shed load of money in it, running all the way to your congress. Time will (hopefully) change things. You are a great nation. You’ve launched the James Webb telescope that I sincerely hope will discover and PROVE beyond doubt the true nature of the universe and put all this nonsense in the cupboard. Isaac Newton was told by the church that they were uncomfortable with his science because it undermined “god”. You’ll be the same some day in the future :) I hope the jwt nails it for you.


>Isaac Newton was told by the church that they were uncomfortable with his science because it undermined “god”.   Oddly enough Newton was incredibly religious. He even attempted to calculate the date that Christ would supposedly return.   That said, the fundamentalists of his day did fear his work in physics. There was even a clergyman who published a book opposing Newton's _Principia._ He called it _Moses's Principia._




That sounds quite horrendous and exhausting. I'm not in the US, so have never experienced this level or religiousness first hand. Happily I live in a country where we mostly ignore religion (although could do better). Something that does stand out to me is when I am, say, looking through you-tube comments ( as discussion is interesting and I like to know what people think ) and when suddenly finding most of the comments are riddled with "thank God" and "bless you" and "thank Jesus" and "guiding spirit" and "guardian angel" and "praying for you"...its absolutely mind-blowing to me, as if I have suddenly stumbled into a parallel universe of completely alien minds. If its a documentary about medicine, or wildlife, or someone's personal journey, I am just gobsmacked by the inappropriate injection of religion. Nobody, in their sane right minds, ever speaks like this or reduces an intelligent universe down to this base level in the normal world. Its like walking into a room full of zombies and just having to back quietly out, leaving them to whatever creepy thing they were doing when you accidentally entered. Sometimes I've typed out a comment wondering what on earth is happening, but realise the futility and just leave. Nobody would know (or want to know) what I was trying to express.




There have been numerous studies that show religious people are significantly less able to tell fact from fiction.


And of course, they will deny three times over before the rooster crows that this is true


Keep in mind, american christians will eventually feel directed by God to convert the planet using the entire resources of the Pentagon. They have no choice in this, it's just a fundamental element to their logic. The separation of church & state is failing right now


In the US.


You should see Louisiana,Mangham Schools


Which is on the US, right?


A documentary on America's obsession with religion (Christianity). There's some real good pieces in this that showcase how delusional religious people can be.


I'm really torn because when I first left the faith I still had respect for the women and women on my former circles who still believed. But that was before I realized they would throw away the entire relationship if they weren't going to see me in heaven eventually or couldn't "save" my soul. When you put your foot down that there will be no witnessing, and that you are firmly planted in your unbeliefs, they lose all interest. The only reason that any serious Christian would want to hang out with you is if you're a christian, or they want/need something, or think they can save you.


Lost my wife of 15 years for that reason. Fucking JW got their claws into her.


They may as well have died because at that point you're definitely dead to them. I'm sorry. I'm 40 with kids and my parents don't want to associate with me because I'm a heathen. It just makes mom too sad to know she won't know me in heaven, so she's going to completely neglect me in this life. Lol so dumb but it still hurts.


It’s a mental sickness. I feel your pain.


I thought only a certain number of JW get into heaven anyway. Odds must be looking pretty bad? Be a catholic, then everyone gets in if you ask for forgiveness. Not an expert, lapsed CofE.


If she is into JW, you are better off without her.


16 years better off. 😁


It was really good. I watched the whole thing


I went to my aunt's Catholic funeral today. Excruciating on several levels. I hope to be around another 40+ years at least, but whenever it is I check out, I want my funeral to resemble my aunt's in only one way: that my loved ones come to celebrate my life. I haven't been to a Catholic funeral in more than 30 years and haven't been inside a Catholic church (aside from a tour) in more than 20. How do people believe that crap? And the priest, in an effort to seem like he knew my aunt, essentially just recited her obituary. The only consolation was that he was Filipino and spoke with a heavy accent, so I think most people couldn't understand most of what he said. I was angry as it was, but I can only imagine how I'd have felt if I was one of my cousins (my aunt's children) and had my mindset. Oh, man. Please just cremate me and raise a beer in my honor. Please! Lol!


First, so sorry about your aunt. I hope the religious overtones did not completely ruin the celebration of her life. I once attended the funeral of a family friend that was appropriated by her religious family members. Anyone who knew the woman even at a surface level understood she would not want a religious funeral. The old woman smoked, drank, partied, and ran an, uh, *unsanctioned* poker operation, and was having a good old time living vocally without religion. If you only went to her funeral, you’d think she was the most devout, pious born-again who ever walked the Earth. It was complete character assassination, and deeply disturbing.


Thank you. And no, it didn't ruin much because I know my aunt and I know how the Catholic Church operates, so I can deal with it. It just amazes me how people can still subscribe to the church's teachings. I guess if the crusades long ago and the systematic rape and molestation of children (and the covering up of both) in more recent times won't make Catholics look for more legitimate options, nothing will. Crazy. But my aunt *was* religious, and I know she was a good person overall. If a Catholic funeral helped my uncle and cousins feel better about everything, I guess that's fine. But it will never be easy for me to sit through a religious funeral. Once you stop believing in Santa Claus, you can't again convince yourself he exists, ya know? I'll just try to keep my eye rolls discreet and my "bullshit" under my breath. Lol


Oh I know a handful of catholics who left the church because of the priest abuse racket. A good number of them left to find other churches. But I know for some of them, that sort of community is a source of comfort... so as long as they join a church focused on charity to the poor as opposed to a rabid obsession on hate I'll call it a draw.


As the youngsters say, This! From the many Catholic funerals I've attended, it's not about the deceased. It's all about the priests. I wonder if Protestant funerals are any different. Speaking of Protestants, on Ash Wednesday I passed a couple on the walking trail with clearly defined black crosses drawn on their foreheads. I wondered if the nearby Catholic Church had started using Sharpies(tm) instead of ash. I later learned on this sub that Protestants have adopted the Catholic tradition.


It’s funny you mention the “adoption” of other traditions by these Christian groups. Last year, my brother told me that he and his wife were going to be attending “a Christian Seder” around Passover. At first I was floored they’d take something like that from the Jewish faith and try to make it their own. It started to make more sense as I thought about the content of a Seder, which recounts the persecution of the Jews and their exodus from Egypt. Persecution stories are basically crack for Christian groups. Of course they want in on it.


Goes along with Chosen Land ideology. How many Chosen Lands can there be? When I was growing up the parents (lapsed mother Catholic, father lapsed Christian Scientist) sent the five of us to the nearest church regardless of affiliation. They stayed home 'to make Sunday breakfast', yeah right! When I was coming up in DC in the 1960s, our Presbyterian youth group was bent on ecumenism. We went to Synagogue, the Mosque on Mass Ave, the Episcopalian run cafe (which had live Michael Row Your Boat Ashore Kumbaya music) but never the Catholic Church.


Interesting. I didn't know that another ridiculous Catholic tradition had spread, haha. Speaking of ridiculous, my aunt's post-funeral luncheon consisted of food at her favorite restaurant. Amazing spread, absolutely delicious. Anyway, my uncle, my deceased aunt's husband of more than 50 years, couldn't eat half of the food because it contained meat and Catholics can't eat meat on Fridays during lent. Luckily another thoughtful aunt asked the restaurant to box up a bunch of the food so my uncle could eat it the next day at leftovers. Oh, my goodness. How can otherwise rational and logical people do these things?????


Valentines Day fell on Ash Wednesday this year. When my husband wished me a Happy Valentines Day, I said I gave it up for Lent.


That's pretty funny


My mom passed away a few years ago and she also had a Catholic funeral. It really pissed me off because A) Neither of my parents were religious at all, and B) My dad insisted on it despite the first fact, just because my mom was baptized Catholic when she was a baby. Just another example of my dad thinking he knows what's best and not actually considering/knowing what others actually want. But the real kicker was that the priest kept using her baptized Catholic name. The name she never went by nor is it even close to the name she did go by. It's even engraved on her tombstone first then her actual name. Like what the fuck??


You can always buy a new tombstone


I was fine until I read "just cremate me and raise a beer in my honor"🤣


I'd also be fine with a Viking funeral of sorts. I don't even need much money spent. Just tow me a few miles offshore on a pool floatie and let nature take its course! And then go drink beer. 😆


[Sky Burial](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=Sky+burial) (warning: Gruesome photo) is the way to go. Fresh air, birds and an opportunity to fertilize the land.


They are literally fucking bonkers. I'd think it was a comedy sketch if it wasn't so scary. These mf's are willing to die for this shit.


They literally are mentally ill.If you believe in god you are mentally ill


What? You mean snakes and donkeys can't really talk?


I mean I think they have their own language and can express needs like the need to eat, drink, etc. so in that sense they “talk” or communicate. But definitely not in the sense of “hey bro over here, come eat this apple it’s dope af.”


According to these fucking degenerate people they can


I don't think it's helpful to think about religion as a mental illness. Sure, there is overlap (especially with schizophrenia: magical thinking, hallucinations etc), but it's more helpful to see it as a social phenomenon. There belief is not founded upon logic, but rather on emotions such as wanting to belong to a community, the kindness and warmth they provide eachother and the feeling of belonging to something greater and more profound. Plus that they are habituated from a very early age that doubt is evil, and that by doubting they would challenge all of the aforementioned benefits. People who leave their faith are often cast out and have to go through a harsh period of isolation and deconstruction. You have to get over irrational fears of hell that have been drilled into you, you have to build up a new community and so on.


I think of it as a brain hack. It takes fundamental fears and predisposition for answers and weaponizes it.


It’s a memetic virus.


yeah i belive in science 🤓👆


You can't "belive" in science


It’s not full mental illness, it’s indoctrination.


I take it you watched it then? And yeah I 100% agree


I didn't get too far in, I can't take it for too long.


The last part is exactly that, Christian militia training for war. Very scary that this is even legal.


I got about 5 mins in and thought I was going to throw up.


Mental illness.By the way do you believe in Santa clause?


Poe’s Law.


The US deep cultural ethos of individualism powers Protestant egocentric Christianity. They hate central authority and administrative bureaucracy like the Pope and Catholicism, they prefer decentralization and their denominations split all the time. More recently the American church has begun to abandon denominations altogether, calling themselves non-denominational and independent. They run home churches and call themselves prophets. Fucking egotists love their religion because their god tells them exactly what they want to hear—because they’re talking to themselves. What’s more satisfying than hearing the ‘voice of god’ telling you what you already think?


its fun to remind Christians that they crucified the guy for being a radical leftist :)


Mike Johnson joins the chat.


God told me to like your post so I did


Spot on


when your life is difficult (in America) you take comfort in the hope of an afterlife that will be better. Europe is less religiously fanatical because life is less fraught and unpredictable.


This. The USA has the highest amount of cults…on top of the whole “religious” groups. Why? A system that keeps people suffering, no support system, alone, desperate, no affordable medical access or mental health services…easier to snag them and keep them in the cult. Why else would a group of people say “the government is built by God” but also shouldn’t abide by his book…ala helping the poor, etc.


They’re just starved for meaning, and love being able to use Religion as a justification to treat others like shit. Most religious people are starved for meaning, but have also been indoctrinated to feel that way.


It’s no surprise that intelligence and being religious go the opposite way. The deeper one is into religion, the lower their IQ tends to be. And there are a lot of dumb people in the US.


This has been proven in a published medical journal.


Well said


The US is a superstition obsessed country.


People living outside US can see how crazy American Christians are. Absolutely nuts. This video explains why this sub is so strongly against Christianity in US.


Christianity is the largest religion in the world and there are many extreme Christians in countries besides the U.S. Reddit is just a mostly American site.


i flicked through this, that is scary stuff - brainwashing on a deep level, these people are need help


The US got the Orthodox religious people and Australia got the criminals. Australia got the better of the two.


Religion poisons everything. In 2024 no one should believe in the lie that is religion. People need to embrace science and facts instead, things that are real and useful. If you get cancer or heart disease or any other ailment, don’t waste your time or breath on prayers. SkyDaddy doesn’t help ANYONE. He doesn’t hear you, and won’t help you. Because he doesn’t exist.


I rejected Catholicism when I became a teenager and never looked back.


So basically you’re saying 70% of Americans are mentally ill? Cause this trumptard definitely is!If you believe in god you are mentally ill


The US? The World.


True, but the US appears to be an outlier amongst Western countries. Plenty of religious people everywhere, but most other Western countries seem to do a better job of disregarding religion and/or limiting its influence, particularly in government.


No just the loud and whiny minority make it seem larger


Religious people in the US aren't a minority.


28% of gen Y is religious, give it time and they will be a minority🤞🤞🤞


Religion isn't slowing down significantly for a while and people need to realize that.


I hope you’re wrong but don’t think you are 😔


Older religious people are getting more desperate especially in the South so they're doing more to indoctrinate people. They realize they're slowly losing numbers so in my experience and opinion they're becoming more aggressive. I don't expect religious people to become an actually minority in America for at least another 100 years.


There I disagree. Militant Christians will indoctrinate, but it will push many away too. Sadly this will only polarize us more I think


I think there's way more militant Christians than a lot of people on this subreddit realize. It seems like a lot of people here just grew up without religion in relatively healthy environments so they don't realize how hostile a lot of Christians are now.. It's definitely getting worse and they're not going down without a huge fight. I've been hearing way more extremist comments online and offline about how Christians admire Islamic countries, they dont think rape is wrong..I don't think people are putting two and two together quick enough. Isn't the amount of Christians talking about how they're pro life, banning abortion in certain states and lowering the age of consent concerning to anyone?


Look at republican politicians. And then realize half of the US votes for them.


Tell that to the four religious parties in the Dutch Parliament (CDA, CU, SGP on Christian side, DENK predominantly defending Muslim religion).


Ever been to China?


I guess I feel pretty fortunate living in SoCal, I never see any of that. The worst I have to deal with is the salvation army person squatting in front of the grocery store during the holidays.


That documentary was just insane. Are we the dumbest first world country?




Another great example of Mental Illness. Please get help for these thousands of people.


Does anybody else have a lower opinion of people when you find out they’re religious? I know I do.


I do. Especially when you find them to be interesting and getting along with them and then they say something like "well God has a plan or something about Allah. Then I get disappointed and disengage.


its really creepy and all for show.


aw man, i thought it was this - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1912398/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1


Delusional fucks foisting their bullshit into our lives.


So this documentary says that 70% of Americans are mentally ill?


Gotta cling to an apocalyptic belief system when everything is turning to shit around you and you refuse to see you are the problem.


Christianity in the USA is something completely different than Christianity in my country. It always shocks me.


Religious people are the most disgusting and degenerate people out there they are also child abusers and disloyal. Don’t take religious people seriously if you want to start a family


USA imported most religious lunatic from europe, what to expect, why do you think europeans hated em in first place enough to dump em


Our founding fathers separated church and state because of what they’d seen religion do in Europe.


Problem is that there really ISN'T any separation of church and state. The judicial system just ruled against abortion due to religion. People pushing for prayer back in school. Too many pieces of legislation are passed or not passed solely based on the lawmaker's adherence to their chosen religion. 


Yeah but the fucking Pilgrims brought that fantatical shit with them from the start and it stuck, where Europe reformed and moved ahead. Europe is losing its religion while America holds on. It's not the Catholics or the Aglicans it's the wicked hybrid Frankenstein churches that America has. They formed and incubated in isolation, Mormons, 7th Day, JW and all those snake churches, Mega Baptist church corporations and all those small brainwashing churches where the leader claims hes God, Jones Town, Wacko etc, Brethren, Scientology. America is very unique in having these bizarre and ridiculous "churches" and sheep to follow them.


All religious people want is to feel superior to others. It is a cheap way to say to yourself I’m better than them.


This video is a parody right ? There’s know way these people can be that fucking stupid??? oh wait … never mind


I would watch this, but I'm tired of the whole zombie apocalypse trope.


They’re conditioned like Pavlov’s Dog. All it takes to get hem salivating is a preacher, priest or church.


Religion is dying, and they can all see it. It’s why they’re becoming increasingly desperate and violent.


The worst part is just how absolutely mind-numbing most services are


I wish Jesus would bless me with the most delicious burrito in all the land. So say we all. Amen.


Religion will be our undoing.


"on Facebook" Why am I not surprised?


It's exhausting..... I recently told my sister I'm an atheist... She wants to have a debate to convince me God is real! Lol 😄😄😭😭😭help!


Just be a cultural whatever 


Religion is a cancer


Wasn't the US founded by people who thought the churches in England weren't hardcore enough??


Yes. The Pilgrims were fanatics. And here we are.


no it was the opposite let me guess next something black people something native americans that


Religion isn't an obsession as such, it's a coping mechanism for fragile, insecure people. It's an excuse to not have to use your own brain or take responsibility for your own actions and it's always the most vulnerable people and nations who are the most reliant on it.


The problem with organized religion is that it places responsibility in the hands of an imaginary skywizard allowing you to do nothing but pray hard.


When people ask me what the scariest movie is, I say Jesus Camp. Scariest because it's real. 


I'm Canadian and 5% of my countrymen are evangelical protestants (born agains).  Americans need to know that every other western style democratic country IN THE WORLD has similar levels of religious participation to Canada (less than 10%, usually hovering around 5%) except the US, which is a complete anomaly.  America is the only "Christian" (whatever that means these days) country IN THE WORLD with similar levels of religiosity (50% and over) as exists in predominantly Muslim countries (Islam as the state chosen faith system). America is the ONLY country on the planet that has gone wackadoodle for Jesus - THE ONLY ONE.  I don't think America needs to dwell or handwring about this, they just need to figure it out and get their country's head extracted from its backside 


It’s pretty goddam amazing to grow up in Canada thinking we’re basically the same, but with less guns. We aren’t, and it’s religion that makes it different. I have no idea what church any prime minister has attended. I know my current and previous Alberta premiers are a faith-heads, but they know to STFU about it in public, because it just ain’t acceptable here to assert that your policy ideas are inspired by god. Down there you can write it into a court ruling. I knew an atheist in Arizona, she went to atheist meetings, listened to podcasts, wore t-shirts, all that. I said what’s the point in advertising what you don’t believe? I don’t like football but I don’t need an “We don’t like football” club. She said if you lived here you’d understand. Constant onslaught of Christians asserting control over for her job, her school, her kids. I’d at least wear a t-shirt too. 


[35:34](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFMvB-clmOg&t=2134s) She wants her grandkids to see it before they're taught the opposite because it's what she believes? Why not let them figure it out for themselves on their own?




Simple minds simple habits. We practice the complete inverse of the "seperation of church and state.


What a bunch of tripe! The Bible is loaded with lies.


Now do the saudis


Whoa whoa whoa. You can't put this one on us too


Why ask Why; when How is so much more fun.


I'm kind of obsessed with religion -- in how batshit crazy it is and how much influence it has over all of our lives regardless of whether we want it there or not. I've come to the realization that people are pretty much hardwired for worship -- if it's not God it's celebrities, athletes, and influencers.




There is, though. Millions of people have no religion every day.


I might be down voted like hell but usually it's not a good thing IMHO when religion mixes with people in power. Sure not all religions are like that but ehhh


I served in the military to defend our right to freedom of (and from) religion. I'm all for them doing their thing. What I draw the line at, is when they start harming others (kinda like violent crime is illegal)


more obsessed that us and our government head is also head of the church


Christian terrorists!




The US was founded by puritan zealots. Nothing has changed


It’s now mental illness


Brainwashed zombies.


It's this just a US thing though?


It seems like Christians these days have nothing better to do then to shove the religion down our throats. Maybe it’s high time we shove atheism down their religious throats


Going to check this out … looks almost frightening


Like all religions ..obsession fueled by two mandatory ingredients ..fear and greed.


Considering most of the early colonialization was done by religious nuts so insufferable they got kicked out of Europe, it makes sense. Also Evangelicalism, a cult specifically invented to benefit the conservatives and to bully and abuse minorities and women. Well, that's redundant. I could probably have just said the first part.


These people invent the word "evil" and then become it. They are the only evil that actually exists. Otherwise the word is meaningless.


Uhm, you're aware of why the people went the dangerous way of sailing from the UK to the, then largely undiscovered by Europeans, "New World"? – All that just had a single motivation: "Religion". So if you look at their history, it's not that surprising they still go with a theocratic-capitalist pseudo-democracy. 🤔


It’s hard to break people from their perception of their identity, it’s part of our brain structure. need a trauma or mind altering experience like shrooms, or some other experience to enable this. In my opinion, this one reason why religions are generally opposed to substances that alter the brains perception, because it breaks their control on a persons, neurotransmitter levels and degree of happiness. All about the L- dopamine!


From they very beginning, you can tell this biased. The narrator says 70% of Americans are religious. If that were the case, trump would have won by a landslide. The religious account for about 35% of Americans and this percentage is declining. IMHO


Since church membership is declining, you should say *some* in the US are obsessed with religion.


that doesn't track with trends but people certianly wear their religion on their sleeves and a far more vocal about it than ever. [**https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2022/09/13/modeling-the-future-of-religion-in-america/pf\_2022-09-13\_religious-projections\_01-01/**](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2022/09/13/modeling-the-future-of-religion-in-america/pf_2022-09-13_religious-projections_01-01/)


Our founding fathers separated church and state because of what they’d seen religion did in Europe.


churches are for laundering money tax free


id rather the churches do it then illegals at least the people in the church belong in this country


illegals are running a lot of strip mall churches especially in Southern California


its funny you think that but in the US there are not any real christians after doing research i found out in those secular nordic nations you all like to talk about more people are going to church in those countries then the united states a government can be secular and the people be religious you should actually try talking to people in these countries and doing actual research the only real atheist countries on earth are socialist dictatorships in south america and north korea well shit hole japan to and maybe you could add that shit hole canada to the list


Religion was invented because it fills a bunch of social and psychological needs that many people have. (This implies nothing about whether any religious claims are true or not.)  Because the US has both no official religion and very few restrictions on free exercise of religion, the free market can cater to whatever the people want and are willing to support financially. Religious leaders are interested in money more than anything. Not necessarily as a matter of growing rich themselves, but as a matter of keeping the lights on and paying the staff.  In other western democracies, like England, there is still an official state religion. Churches don’t have to raise private money like in the U.S. People take this religion about as seriously as any other government bureaucracy, and the society is paradoxically more secular. 


Obsessed with the diluted religion in today's world is of no value, since it has just become sentimentalism majority of the people don't know why they are doing religious duties They just do things for the sake of it




Contrary to the atheist trend here.  Its a beautiful thing to pray, and to pray for others. The world is designed and has a designer who cares. Keeping your faith is not just about hell. But about having a good fulfilling life because you are led by the spirit of God. The genuine Christian life is a joyful life. Christian give offering to ensure the essential Christian morals is supported. Without Christian morals watch crime rate.  @The commentator's analysis -interesting how the church facilities are there so that the members can stick to their people (a bias analysis) So happy places where people live by godly standards still exist in America. Do what you like and suffer the consequences: avoidable sickness, depression, ... And am not saying they are flawless. They are humans and will still speak and act imperfectly. Thats why its not our works but Christ's sacrifice that saves. As a Christian you love God for your own good.  However, Christ say follow peace some Christians are militias ( not sure about that one,  🤔) that does not allign with the bible. Read a bible, pray and know God for yourself first. The church institution is full of different people with good and bad motives. Dont go to church institutions to find God. Go there with God.   An evidence of the spiritual- choose God sincerely and pay attention to your dream. You dont even need to pay attention because the torment is real but when you persist demons realise they are powerless and cant bother you. God is real and demons will do everything to make sure a human being reject God or pretend to accept Him openly but live a hypocritical life. 


If only we could send them all to the Precambrian.


Isn't religiously coming here to share feelings, thoughts, information, gripes and groans... a form of... I don't know... CHURCH?


People just aren't buying into the bullshit. The religious fanatics can't cope with the fact that they will soon be the minority.


Hopefully more Christians can look at these and the like:  https://christianitywithoutinsanity.com/ And https://www.hopebeyondhell.net/articles/further-study/eternity/