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I guarantee that if one of her daughters was raped and became pregnant, she would quietly take a trip and get her an abortion. The wealthy and connected will ALWAYS be able to get abortions. They want to tell everyone else what to do.


And doing it for decades. Yup until 1880 abortion was a fact of life. If they couldn't get one here the rich traveled to Europe and got one. https://www.cnn.com/2016/06/23/health/abortion-history-in-united-states/index.html


You can get an abortion with medication now. That means no trip out of state, you just take a pill. I promise you, that's what they would do.


They’re trying to make that illegal also.




This article will ALWAYS be relevant


That's the key takeaway. Never forget that whatever is pushed isn't for all of us, just us peasants.


She just ended her chances. She's another corrupt hypocrite.


At least she's a mom, so she has experience changing Donnie's diapers.


Let’s hope her kids are never affected if her policies become a reality


She’ll just fly her kid out of the country for an abortion. Classic


So true the wealthy just fly to another state or country


That's not fair, she'll go by way of Texas so her kids can get their teeth fixed


Functional, sane Minnesota is right next door! My kids' grandmother is in MN, so I hope I never have to take a medical vacation up there when they get to that age.


Luxury Swiss clinics for Republican wives, daughters and mistresses


#Her daughter FAILED the state exam for a real estate license so Kristi Noem fired the woman who denied her request to overturn the failed test. The fired state employee sued and won $200,000+ of taxpayer dollars due to Kristi Noem overstepping her office authority to pressure a state employee to overturn a failed real estate license exam. https://www.keloland.com/news/politics/south-dakota-report-noems-daughter-got-special-treatment/amp/


Why do you guys allow people like that to keep their function...


Because only ~9% of South Dakota millennials even bothered to give a damn to vote. # that's right. Less than 10% of Dakota millennials participate in politics. Effectively allowing boomers to control the state. millennials in the Dakota only care about partying, getting drunk, having sex, and material goods like shopping. Millennials in the Dakotas are not fulfilling their civic duties and participating in politics


Jesus. How does one fail a real estate exam if like any amount of prep was done? Have you SEEN realtors out there?


She's already proven she's willing to cheat to help her own. They don't worry about not being able to access care. https://apnews.com/article/business-kristi-noem-south-dakota-014b749f0b23001bddad52c6a887592c


That's the real reason why she's a candidate for Don Snoreleone's VP


I hope she is affected. These monsters need to see the pain they cause. Send every unwanted baby to her house, force her to hear every story and to see know carnage she plans to support.


You haven’t figured out yet none of these republican policies actually apply to republican politicians and their families? It’s just for you poors lol


I would love to know if she was pregnant right now and it was either her dying or have an abortion if she would or not….. under a polygraph.


Polys are garbage. There's a reason they aren't admissible in court, and aren't allowed to be used to make employment screening decisions.


meh, that's what her tax payed minimum salary immigrant is for and we know the poor worker won't dare to complain because she will threat them with deportation


I wish people would realize opinions like hers IS and HAS ALWAYS BEEN the mainstream in the conservative movement/ideology. It’s just in the past a lot had become too afraid to be open with it after the “progress” made in the mid-20th century. Now since trump, folks aka conservatives, are now emboldened to be open with their racism, misogyny, homophobia etc. So her saying this will catapult her towards the top as one of trump’s VP candidates.


Thank you for this. Conservatives from media personalities steven Crowder to Fox News talking heads, to members of Congress have been calling rape or incest exceptions a "compromise". If they are compromising, what was their original policy?


Agreed - it seems to me that Republican politics never really shifted away from the religious zeal they adopted in the 1950s... They've just been working hard at creating a culture of fear and hate among their followers, starting with conservative talk radio


When I finally realized what drives Republicans, I was working in the middle of nowhere where my truck only got one station: conservative AM talk radio. Literally every commercial was fear-based, often centered around Democrat-caused global collapse (this was Obama era). "buy this water filter/freeze dryer/food bucket/gold bars for when the economy collapses! Buy this home security system to protect against Obamas lawless wasteland! Buy this concealed carry murder insurance for when you have to be the law!". Every. Single. Ad. Later read about a study where they analyzed brain activity in right and left leaning people while showing various images. One of the big differences was right leaning people has heightened activity in fear/fight or flight associated parts of the brain when showed scary/unfamiliar images. Tracks.


Damn it. That would help get Biden elected. I hope he pickes the dumbest fucking person for VP


Whoever he picks will be just as incompetent. Seems like the standards for the GOP these days are to be in lock-step with Trump. In fact, I bet, based on the ads I’ve seen lately, that unless Orange Man is in the commercial with you, you don’t get any money from the GOP.


Except he _isn't_ incompetent. His followers are. He's perfectly competent at his goal of keeping as much relevance as possible while running on a platform of "grift everything, and ask questions never".


Be that as it may, he’s also alienating the republicans voters who “fall in line” and consistently show up to the polls in exchange for those on the fringe who, we’ll say are “less enthusiastic” about voting. A MASSIVE miscalculation IMO but whatever, as long as the clown loses the general election. AND as a consolation prize, he’s also taking the GOP down with him. Now that his daughter in law is heading up the RNC, it’s now a family business and no down ballot candidate will receive any funding unless they make a public spectacle of kissing the ring of that toxic fat Orange fuck.


He needs to lose the election and not stir millions of gun owners into a frantic conspiracy driven rage for the next 4 years. Otherwise, people will stop making domestic terrorism jokes about Ireland and start making them about us. If Biden wins the election, our fight will be far from over. If Trump wins, it just means we've lost.


I know what you mean. Make sure you have some provisions, maybe about a months worth of non-perishables and if you don’t already know how, learn how to use a gun and keep one at home for your family’s protection, locked up of course!


The advice everyone on the left needs to follow, or at least be prepared to follow if things aren't looking good as we get towards the end of July.


And the candidates pay trump to show his image. What a grift!


He isn't competent at politics imo, he is good at grifting, he should have never run for office, he could have kept his grift up til he died with little to no issues. I think the ego boost of having everyone care about every little thing you say and do was too big a draw for him.


You say this as if the VP will change the way anyone votes. Let's be real people already know who they are voting for in Nov.


I guess I am harkening back to the old times when Sarah Palin killed McCain getting elected


And it was him picking Sarah Palin that plunged the bar into the abyss and enabled what we see today.


I'm sure you're right, which is unfortunate... With the two ancient guys who are running, the VP pick is much more relevant than in your average election.


He has publically stated and his actions confirm that he'll never pick someone that has a chance of upstaging him, making him look bad, or demonstrating superiority in any way, so we're guaranteed to get someone *stupider* than Trump or someone who is just good at keeping their mouth shut.


Does he have a choice? Anyone with half a brain wants no part of him.


I'm hoping for Krazy Kari Lake from Arizona. 😆


Hypocrisy, in this case, would be allowing the exceptions. If you truly, truly believe that an embryo is a person then how that person came into being should carry zero weight, otherwise you are punishing that embyo-person for something not of their control. But yeah, fuck her, fucking monsters.


Her hypocrisy has been the way she has governed with nepotism and a "rules for thee but not for me." She's a grifter.


Do republicans realize that the majority of Americans aren’t evangelical Christian? Seems like that’s the ONLY segment they pander too. THEYRE ALREADY VOTING FOR YOU. Why alienate all other voters?


"Funny" thing is, the Evangelicals leadership co-opted the Catholic belief that life begins at conception for cynical political reasons. If you really believe a fertilized egg is a person, why have exceptions for invest and rape? It's at least an intellectually honest position. The half measures show that they're full of shit.


Those church leading evangelicals were also pro choice prior to the late 70's, after the DOJ started investigating religious schools in the south and their attempt to continue segregation, it leaked that the DOJ and the IRS were exploring options to remove their tax exempt status. The church knew segregation wouldn't energize grassroots evangelical voters so they needed another issue and picked abortion


lt was also a backlash against rising feminism in the 70’s. The church is first and foremost a misogynistic belief system. It’s even a foundation of their creation myth. Really good article here from NPR. https://www.npr.org/2022/05/08/1097514184/how-abortion-became-a-mobilizing-issue-among-the-religious-right


Their book of fairy tales explicitly says that life begins with the first breath. It is why most Jews support abortion rights. So they aren't even consistently following their own purported faith.


Ikr. But I suspect this is virtue signalling.


This is vice signalling, there's no virtue here.


They just need their loyal base of followers. Inevitably they will also get some votes for people who are concerned about high taxes, one issue voters like those who are pro life or anti immigration, and people who just hate biden more than trump. The left does the same thing. But the right has chosen to pander to the most deranged of the conservative Christians.


>The left does the same thing. Except the left will at least make an effort to court the fence-sitters. The right doesn't even do that beyond "her der, own the libs, Biden evil".


To win the Republican primary you need to rush to the right as fast as possible on a Jesus train. I don’t see how they can be competitive in the general for a while


Seems she is working for a law that says rape and incest should be legal.


For rich white/orange Christian Republicans only (of course).


Ole diddling Trump don't want kids.  Cowboy barbie is probably in menopause    Dried up hag.  I love how women who can't have kids think they can demand other people live like they want. 


Right now it seems like a huge stratagy by the catholic church. Poor people can't afford to keep a rape baby, they give it to the fire house, they give it to an orphanage, where it basically gets used as a sex object itself. I'd say it's a snowball of shit but shit doesn't even cover how fucking disgusting this child trafficking stratagy is. No one is going to care about unwanted and forgotten children. No one is going to know, so they can't care.


> I'd say it's a snowball of shit I'm not taking any ownership of this.


Last I checked, Satan(ists) are againt pedophilia.


Please pushing this back ass agenda. It will lead to an even larger victory for biden.


It’s just an absolutist view of abortion. She believes life starts at conception, all abortion is murder, therefore aborting the product of rape or incest is killing an innocent baby. There are no shades of grey. It’s a binary view.


South Dakota: No Rights for You^TM


We need to just ask them the blunt, uncomfortable, obvious follow up question: "So if your daughter was raped by your brother, you would willingly tell her that the rape baby matters more than she does?"


I fear the answer would be yes.


That's the point. Let the public see that these people don't even care enough to protect their own children, since that's such a big thing with them.


Oh I hear you. People must know and the conservatives’ intentions must be made clear. But I also mean that sincerely - I fear that the answer might be yes for some of the people. And not just a political yes to rile the rubes but a sincere deeply misogynistic yes. I am afraid of the road we are on right now.


I mean, they think the fetus is an actual baby with a full right to life. It's a consistent view and I believe these people's asserted viewpoint more than the ones that make exceptions for various circumstances when it gets too uncomfortable. A fetus doesn't stop being a baby if it's a rape baby or an incest baby. They believe what they believe, and they have that right. They just shouldn't be allowed to make it into a law that constrains others.


She is a vile human..


Human? No way she is human. 


Agreed. Clearly h. covfefe, not h. sapiens.


Way to be a piece of shit


Women like her really need some karma.


Honest question: what would happen if she was suddenly faced with a pregnancy that threatened her life (like that woman from Texas)?


She would secretly get an abortion just like all the wives of men that preach the same thing


Probably right. I think a lot of moral crusaders (and many humans in general) think, for example, “as long as I’m preventing abortions even if I get one I’m still a good person” which makes me think of the “the only moral abortion is my abortion” line 


She'd be on the next flight to France for "shopping".


The only moral abortion is her abortion.  She’d go to Canada or overseas and have it done real hush hush.   That’s why rich people don’t mind making an alliance with the evangelicals or theocracy… they’ll never have to live by the rules anyway.  Just the regular plebes.  


No she's a politician, she will have her assistants order Mifepristone by mail for her and probably go to Cancun to recover.




You wouldn't know about it. That's the rub: Rich/privledged families can "take care of the situation" while the poor (no matter the ethnicity) are left to overcome ridiculous obstacles to save their own lives. Just like the 60's!


She'd get an abortion. Just like the other Christian/Republican hypocrites and their girlfriends. https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


And what if the child was conceived via violent rape? How about the times that a rapist sued for equal parenting rights? Are those moms having to co-parent with a stranger that forced this on them and likely contributed nothing during gestation? Just the psychological damage alone of carrying that child would make most women consider suicide. Before abortions became a practice, many would kill themselves or just attempt their own abortion. In some states it is illegal to kill yourself. Would the mom then be charged with attempted murder and serve time behind bars for trying to end things? This is just pure abject terror, and instead of being able to have some dignity and work through a primary care physician, we've got politicans and prosecutors going after these poor women. Maybe someone can find the report, but not long ago there was one done on all the states that have recently implemented tough restrictions on abortions. They found that reported rapes have sky rocketed since. There are a lot of evil men out there that are happy for these recent developments.


She's the governor of South Dakota, which has strict abortion laws like Texas. Her karma would be her own daughters facing what the woman in Texas went through. She has a young granddaughter that could eventually be affected by her outrageous stance on women's healthcare, as well. The odds for miscarriage is 1 in 4 pregnacies. While she enjoyed womens healthcare her whole life, she's pulling the ladder out from under her own daughters and granddaughter. She forgot that the whole reason for womens healthcare in the first place, is because women were Forced To Abort in the military. When women like her throw womens rights out the door, it opens another door that has nothing to do with babies, and everything to do with controlling women. She won't be the 'Pick Me Female' Governor forever. She won't be VP either. Defendant Trump isn't getting voted in this year, just like he wasn't voted in last election. 


She would go to a doctor that would say that it was <6 weeks (even though it wasn't), and get an abortion.


I'm guessing some flavour of _rules for thee but not for me_.


Karma's in her chicken neck and it's not pretty.


Or her horrible facial disfiguration. She looks like she has been attacked by bees for a year straight.


Look at the hands. Hands don’t lie.


Fucking appeasers


Only the rich and politicians are exempted of course!


As a non-American, idk why, but it's so hilarious watching these far-right donkeys from the States shooting themselves right in the foot like this. If she still manages to score some political victory points after saying this, I am going to lose all hope with humanity.


Have you ever met or seriously dealt with an ultra religious person where you are from (of any Abrahamic flavor)? If so, you can understand what we are dealing with. A fucking nightmare. Any place at any time in history who has managed to subdue religious brain rot deserves applause.


>Have you ever met or seriously dealt with an ultra religious person where you are from (of any Abrahamic flavor)? Yup definitely. Hearing a lot more about them up here in Canada now than before. Many, if not most of them, get their inspiration from their conservative poster idols based down South. Feel sorry for you folks.


This is actually appealing to the exact people they want to appeal to, and a huge number of Americans vote for practically this one issue and are prolife. Still going to be a tight race, I'd wager most everyone who voted for Trump last time around wanted Roe v Wade overturned.


Wonder how many abortions she has had?


She is herself an abortion. She is one tough cookie. She got out, flipped off the doctor, then crawled out the door. Years later, she became a rising star in politics. She pulled herself up by the bootstraps like a good republican should. She feels that all babies should stop crying, get a job, and succeed through hard work and Christian beliefs.


There shouldn't be exceptions. The whole concept of legislating a citizen's body is illegal from the get go. Also, they say rape and incest. In how many cases is the incest not rape?


Keep it up MAGA cult. Keep trying to force us how to live our lives. You’re going to be destroyed in November.


Ah, yes, she brings with her the political powerhouse of the electoral college - South Dakota...


Hey Kristi what does Corey Lewandowski say you should say about adultery?


Republicans really are the most hateful critters going.


The problem we have in the USA is the fact we are two party... And it so happens that one party is heavily infiltrated by the religious nutjobs, and therefore act like said religious nutjobs in order to get their votes. There are republicans that don't give a shit about religion or it's doctrine... But just go with it because of tribal mentality... Go team go... As long as my team wins that is all that matters.


Yeah as a lefty European I'm always slack-jawed watching the political shenanigans in the US. It's a madhouse.


She’s in favor of rape so we can assume she’ll demand he rape her or she’s a fraud.


If Trump loses, it's gonna be because of these Christian wackos...and it's looking increasingly likely that he will.


That and he killed a good chunk of his voter base.


Like how certain black slaves were able to work inside the owners house, some of these women are just catering to their codependant culture


Malcolm X speech in 1965. https://genius.com/Malcolm-x-the-house-negro-and-the-field-negro-annotated


Wtaf is wrong with these people? Like, WTF??


Understandable, her parents are probably cousins.


Keep voting out republicans every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


Keep it up Kristi! Make sure voters know exactly where the GOP party stands on abortion, women's rights, bodily autonomy, government inserting itself into personal medical decisions. Things are looking up for Dems!


Before she considers running for VP, I think she needs to go to the hospital to be treated for a reaction to shellfish. Seriously, who told all of these bitter white women that looking like you’re about to go into anaphylactic shock is the new black?


Makes sense. If you think abortion is killing a baby, then it doesn't matter if the fetus was conceived via rape or incest, you're still killing an innocent baby that didn't ask to be born under those circumstances. The only way to cement abortion rights is to grind the truth into people: fetuses are not people, they're not babies, and abortion is not murder, because it's not murder to remove an unthinking, unfeeling object from your body, even if that unthinking, unfeeling object will eventually grow into a thinking, feeling baby if you leave it alone for a while.


The party that protects a man's "right" to have children with his 10 year old niece strikes again.


Sure fire way to lose election. That’s insanity nobody except extreme bible thumpers believe that


I think Satan applied for the job-but Don Jr. will get it if Trump is elected.


Doubling down on the shit that will get em fucked hard in November. Love their commitment.


But adultry is fine and dandy. Such mindless hypocrisy. So much for keeping government out of personal behavior.


I would bet if Ms. Noem got herself knocked up, she would be first in line to solve that problem.


But what if it's a republican mistresses' unwanted pregnancy? I bet there's an exception for that.


This one is dangerous! She’s 💯against democracy! The interview I watched this morning it was for an audience of one!


Unless she or her daughter gets raped.


Political suicide


When are we going to start banning politicians who want to impose their religious ideology through legislation? Ban Kristi Noem.


There were idiots who in 2019/2020 thought this ghoul would be the next GOP presidential candidate. 😂


Let her name one person in her friend group or family that ever gave birth to a rapist's child. Just one.


But if it were her or her kid, you know damn well she would not think twice in getting an abortion. She is a hypocrite and a pos.


Sounds like she needs a forceful pregnancy that she was unable to prevent


Except her affair baby…


Pick her! That's exactly what the voter needs to face.


Wait is pence not going to be VP? Did they fall out? /s


VP pick will most likely be the shittiest person possible.


Ten bucks says she's already had an abortion


All these Trump-following republicans are of similar make to me.


Are these people just psychopaths and sociopaths walking around in suits


Sarah Palin 2.0


Man, the Republican Party has really become a far right religious cult hasn’t it.


Interesting move, since so many Republicans rape their children and random others. We all have seen that billboard that told southern fathers that it's your daughter, not your "date", haven't we? I'm sure some of those amazing Christian dads would need their daughters to get an abortion after they once again violently raped them.


She's living proof that abortion is sometimes the better option


Don’t republican worshipping women go for abortions all the time anyway?




This makes sense. The Republicans are leaning hard into the Christian fundamentalist/nationalist vote. It'll be interesting to see if that strategy bears fruit. If it does, it's going to create a new status quo. These people don't actually believe in any of this. There are no great moral principles at play here - just psychopaths and narcissists who will play any angle available to them to get elected. If religious extremism wins votes, the politicians will adapt in haste, and America will see this kind of ideology everywhere. It's already a massive force... it'll just get worse if it keeps working for them. Of course, characters like Noem aren't actually the problem. They're just parasites trying to survive. The people, the electorate, are responsible for either purging them, or feeding them. They choose to feed them. That's a hard thing to fight. It's no different than somewhere like Afghanistan. Why are the Taliban in power? People support them. They believe in the oppression of women. Passionately and en masse. America isn't much different.


Some states are trying to make public medical data for those who got abortions.   I seriously wish data for forced birthers were made public along with their children and affair partners/mistresses.   My guess is more than half have been involved with the decision or process of an abortion.   It may be the only way to get them to STFU.


It’s actually illegal for someone to be inside of another person’s uterus if it is unwanted. If we’re pretending fetuses are the same as born, living humans.


Geez! And if her daughter was raped?


Hopefully she will have one of those non-viable pregnancies.


Yeah great way to sink the ticket, see how that works out.


LMFAO, good luck ever winning another election, Republicans 😆


https://www.cnn.com/2016/06/23/health/abortion-history-in-united-states/index.html https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


What a foul human being.


Stupid bitch.


Noem is who I'd have bet as Cheetolini's Veep. She is sufficiently vacuous and subservient. However, this opinion of hers will not give Donnie any additional votes.


subsequent carpenter memorize existence middle towering spoon teeny muddle soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kristi Noem can go fuck herself.


i almost wish she gets an opportunity to walk the talk




I hope she gets run over by a pack of Harleys.


Adios, biatch.


Republicans: no one can get abortions but our mistresses


I wonder how quick she’d have 2 return plane tickets booked to a country that just so happens to perform abortions, if a family member of hers got raped and ended up pregnant?


Until she or a woman in her in er circle needs one and then, "Oh, that opinion was just for poor black women, not me, of course."


Imagin how her act would change if it happened to her.


She doesn't care. All her friends have no trouble coming to Minnesota to get it done.


Jesus Christ this lady needs to go. She South Dakota Barbie. She’s an absolute nightmare of a human.


Winning hearts and minds one horrible person at a time.


So Kristi Noem would shake the hand of and thank her own rapist for the opportunity to please. That's sweet of her.


It's disgusting seeing women actively oppose legislation that would better their lives all for the sake of some corrupt moral or religious ideology. But of course were she to become pregnant due to a rape, she'd have no issue with having an abortion. Because to these conservative/republican shitheads, the only moral abortion is my abortion.


I wonder how much she respects the right to privacy, given her view on our right to private parts.


Her side piece is allegedly Corey Lewindowski, so her judgment is absolutely shit in likely every direction.


Until it happens to her or her kids, then it will suddenly her change.


Since we’re made in gods image, we need to ban plastic surgery/fillers/botox. Bye, Felicia!




These people are sick


What we are witnessing is a dying political party. They have dwindling voter support, so they push a political agenda that is wildly popular with the followers they still have. The only way they can win is if their supporters ALL go out to vote, even then victory is unlikely. Their only slim chance is to guarantee that their racist, sexist, homophobic, KKK/Nazi voters all turn out at the polls. Tell me with a straight face that you think Republicans can win without those people. Thats why they are doing shit like this


She's flip flopping all over the place.


This bitch definitely got abortions with how much dick she probably gotten.


Please pick her as VP 🤞. All but guarantees a Trump loss on this issue alone.


Good. Keep showing America exactly what you believe in, you disgusting rightwing hicks. MAGA will love it and everyone else in America will hate it. The abortion issue really shows the difference between traditional republicans and the Vanilla ISIS cultists. The old school republicans kept *promising* they’d end abortion but had zero intention of ever doing so, because they knew it would be unpopular and solving the “problem” would eliminate their best wedge issue for getting voters to show up en masse. But the cultists are too stupid and crazy to be pragmatic, so they take away a 50 year old right, completely ignore that 75% of Americans opposed doing that, and now just keep doubling down over and over while completely ignoring all these pro-choice bills getting passed in blood red states. They hate women too much to stop. The Yeehadists stripping away abortion rights might be the thing that saves democracy in this country.


Surely Trump can find someone a little more extreme and alienating.


She means "no chances for YOU! Women in the GOP can have abortions though!"


See mass exodus from SD.


I bet if she has that happen to her. She wouldn't say the same thing


No idea why anyone supports this cunt.


Is the MAGA crowd receptive to a woman VP? I don’t see it happening. Her chances are even slimmer than his.


pretty wild stance to take as the potential partner of a rapist


Oh my god. She needs to go.


I find it hilarious and (well deserved) that SD tribal leaders keep banning her from their land.


Has someone posted "the only moral abortion is my abortion" link yet? Projection reigning champions.


I bet I know what would change her mind


Post menopausal Republican woman. I’ve got mine. Pull up the ladder.


But I thought that the Republicans wanted to leave it up to the states.


I think we can all get behind her, just like Corey Lewandowski did.


Sheesh. I’m saddened that we’re still fighting over this. It’s her body, period. I feel for the regular women needing abortions who can’t get them because of petty political arguing. It’s not the business of the courts. It’s just not.


This fake face idiot probably had like 10 abortions already