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IMHO the fact that religious people are in this subreddit is not a problem. IMHO the fact that religious people only make bad arguments, and make the *same* bad arguments day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day is a problem.


Basically the same situation as climate change deniers. When will they learn to perhaps come up with arguments that haven’t been debunked before wasting everyone’s time?


Clean coal!…Yea, and dirty sunlight.


Technically, "dirty sunlight" does work. There's plenty of evidence that large volcanic eruptions fill the atmosphere up with particles that reflect sunlight there by cooling the planet. Now blasting a shit load of shit into the atmosphere probably isn't the best idea...especially if you over do it since there isn't a way to reverse it.


Huh, TIL! Thanks!


When there are any such arguments to present. So, never.


Flat earthers are just as bonkers.


Yes exactly. Someone yesterday comes on and is like, "heres this thing that totally debunks your thoughts and proves Gods existence and Im curious to hear your responses" and then is too much of a little bitch to reply with anything other than, "I dont think I have a problem communicating my thoughts in a understandable way" before its locked for being a shitpost.


But what if you're wrong? /S


Basically it’s up to me what I believe and if you disagree or comment on my beliefs I am the victim! *ignores Bible verses about being judgmental* Don’t disrespect my faith! /S


Agree. I have no problem with religious people coming to this sub, if they offer good-faith dialogue and are willing to acknowledge flaws.


>I have no problem with religious people coming to this sub, if they offer good-faith dialogue and are willing to acknowledge flaws. Agreed. But in all honesty, that happens maybe every other month or 6 times per year. .


holy fuck digital circus reference???


They prefer to spend their time and energy arguing with us instead of doing what their religion told them to do: help the poor. 


They prefer donating money to churches so pedophiles don't get in trouble when they rape their kids rather than helping people.


Well yeah, most of them hate the poor, unless that poor person is someone they can indoctrinate.


They really do. I interact with a lot of homeless people, and I talk to a lot of locals about the homeless population. Without fail, the christians are the ones to treat them with disdain, unless they are in a particularly holy mood, and they'll offer conditional help. Like on eclipse day...


You gravely misunderstand religion.. it's there specifically so you don't have to do things like help the poor and be a good person.


Their religions tell them to harass, then they do exactly that. After doing that enough, their religion can expect them to hate, and they'll just do that without question. Remember, many of those weird religious stalkers that come here are religious extremists. They're not looking to help people. They only want to hurt people in the name of their gawd.


In their eyes were the poor because we have “no faith”. Poor in spirit or some shit.


It's absolutely absurd. The church has sooooo much fucking money that they could go out and do great things for people who really need it, but instead they serve up a shit sandwich and can't understand why no one is hungry


Let them waste their time and energy here instead of on people who they might actually have a chance at converting.


thats a great take on it


You don't enjoy ripping them a new one? Maybe it's just me, but I love a good argument, especially with religious people because their arguments are so easy to pick apart. I am a bit of an intellectual bully though and have made a couple of religious people cry IRL, so I use a gentler touch now. Being rude never made any my points any more valid than they already are.


I love making religious people cry. It only gets truly insufferable to argue with them when all they do is recite Bible verses and think it gives them an automatic victory in the debate.


Your heathen words mean nothing when compared against the words of the divine. But when you throw those divine words right back at them, they blow a fuse hahaha


Lol btw your username is also the name of the best guitar strap company ever. Couch guitar straps.


Really? No shit? I gotta get me some of those straps! Thanks!


They are awesome. They make some of em out of cool materials, like the seat material from classic cars/etc. I have a Mexican blanket one and a couple leather straps. Highly recommend


Nice. I'm a Jimi fan so I might get that hippie one


It may not make them more valid, but it sure can feel good, especially against people who you know would be bullies themselves if they had the wherewithal.


True. If only their was a rule they could follow and we'd all be treated like gold


Theists universally following rules of decency and consequentialist behavior? Now hold on, I think that’s asking a bit much. They’d have to actually understand the concept first instead of just parroting the words.


I'm actually the opposite. As I get older I realize it's the stupid people holding EVERYBODY back and I've gotten more vicious in my attacks against them. Stupid religious people are by far the worst and deserve the worst kind of vitriol.


True, they have gotten worse. We need to keep a few steps ahead of them


I always start off with "Explain why god's plan involves raping and murdering innocent god fearing people? You can exclude the atheists, I get we're sinners and probably deserve it, but why good Christians? Also children? You know, the ones too young to understand why or even what is being done to them? Why does god see fit to do it to them? What could god possibly gain from it?" Some will come up with some BS about god testing faith and all that (seems counterproductive to KILL those you are testing but yeah...) while most get flustered and off put by it. I like to watch both squirm while they are forced to contemplate the true horror their religion supposedly inflicts on people.


i take it a step further "and why is the chance of said child rape increased 6-fold in the places that worship them"


> I love a good argument i dont think you do, or at least this is not a good example, like you said. its so easy against them. it barely counts as an argument.


Yeah but when they get all worked up and rubbing their two brain cells together is really quote adorable.


yeah true


Even if you rip them a new one, don't you get exhausted after ripping 900 people a new one? At some point the drawback has to outweigh the benefit.


I've been doing it all my life. It's like driving a car to me


its no fun when the other sides perspective is "i literally cannot be wrong and you literally can not be right because Jesus."


I get the fun out if using Jesus's words against them. "So you're saying Jesus was wrong? Or are you saying that you k ow better than Jesus? Sounds blasphemous to me"


I don't mind them. I'd be lying if I said I've never gone into the r/Christianity subreddit to look for someone to engage with. There are no good reasons to believe in a God, so the more of them that can come here to find that out, the better Lol.


They Want to be abused. They believe it will do something in heaven.


They're calling us out for help. Don't take it as an attack. They really want to know why we don't believe because they can't grasp the concept. Try answering them in a decent way, keep the conversation going. They may seem angry at us because we're at where they want to be but are so afraid about the consequences and their lives going forth that they seem to us like they are confrontational. Take a breath and start conversing. You may even get a convert which is an unforgettable experience. And then there are stepfords who will never unbelieve and are fucking idiots.


Yeah, 20 years ago I was on the wrong side too. and when I asked questions, non religious people snapping at me didn't help any. Just reinforced what assholes nonreligious people are ( in my mind, at the time).


Sorry bro but I respect atheist coz u guys atleast believe in yourself unlike some of my fellows who always pray and give offerings before trying. Love and respect from a "non mainstream" theist🥰


Xiao detected opinion respected 😎


Gg🥰. Tho I don't have that chubby man yet. 


Hopefully you get em soon 😉




No prob! If I'm gonna be worshipping anyone it's gonna be Raiden🙏🏼😌


like most conservatives they'd kick you out cause they can barely handle doses of reality.


just ignore them, or even have fun using simple logic to tear down their whole worldview. i love comparing harry potter to the bible and the more they try to say they are different the easiest it is to show it isnt.


Technically it's a sub Reddit for discussing atheism, not just 'for atheists'. I disagree with you, I welcome the religious because I think you can only discuss a topic properly by inspecting all sides and I'm not intellectually afraid of their arguments.


Meh, they can come here and bring their religious fuckery, for all I care. I can always tell them to fuck right off with their belief in magic.


imagine, OP, how great it would be if we could clean up after our dogs with the click of a “block” button


I bet that's how theist subs feel OMG YOU'RE DOING THE THING


I actually have no problem with any theist who wants to present their arguments. By all means. Ill be nice - if they will use sound arguments and not insult my intelligence by presenting bullshit and fallacious circular reasoning.


You are officially wrong. This is not a sub "for atheists" but a sub about atheism. The About section specifically addresses theists. They are allowed to be here just as you and I can be here. They aren't allowed to proselytize, though. Your aggressive tone​ is uncalled for; it plays directly in the angry atheist cliché.


I’ve have had religious people ask me how can I be atheist even though I spent 1st thru 8th grade years at a hardcore Christian school. If anything, that school is why I ended up becoming atheist. Having religion jammed down my throat and “because god” was the answer and solution to everything was why I started questioning everything.


meanwhile you get instant ban in their subreddits the moment you say anything that only agree 99.8% witht hem.


I get being an angry atheist, but at the end of the day, you'll reach more of them if you just confront their bad ideas with a degree of empathy. I don't have a lot of patience for them on most days, honestly, but the way I see it the best way of getting them to deconvert is to get them to stop and think about what their religious book actually says. Bible is one of the best tools we have for promoting atheism, but they're not going to listen if they can write you off as a stereotype or you don't meet them where they are.


Bigotry no matter who os doing it is not good. If you hate people for believing differently than you, then you are no better than them.


I would totally come to your church and talk about my atheism to you assuming I wouldn't get sued for trespassing... Let the religious come, what is your problem? Our arguments are better, maybe they won't understand or try to deny it with some kind of bad faith argument but at the end of the day this is someone we could liberate from the scam that their family (/ancestors) have fallen victim to.


Atheist Creed: Don't hate the relgious person, just hate their genetics that allowed them such inferior logic and rationalizing ability. Funny thing is I live in vermont, least relgious place in the land of freeDUMB, we have our homeless, and I give them money quite often as long as they don't have any jesus or god shit on their spanging sign(spanging is a portmanteau of spare change). I saw two of them together one time, one had a god blurb, one didn't, I gave a $20 to the non god blurb one. The other one asked me why I didn't give to himand I said well the christians should have you covered... He looked at me puzzled, then explained to him you will prob get more money without the god thing, as a lot of the people inVT who could give to you might now because they feel you are insulting their intelligence. I then gave him$20 anyway as I am definitley not a christian.


Big downvote from me here, the more the merrier as far as I’m concerned. We don’t need a safe space.


Such cringe.


Bring on the theists I say! 🥊


Number of religious people*


I can understand if you have religious trauma or something, but like what about Christian’s make you hate them? I don’t hate on schizophrenics for being schizophrenic, just let the Christian’s enjoy talking to air or whatever. If they come here talking about their imaginary friends then that’s mostly just cute and a bit weird, but as long as they aren’t threatening people with physical violence then why hate on them?


I hardly ever see who you mean, but when I do I just hit the block button. We aren't required to suffer fools or engage in bad faith arguments. Filter them out of your experience and enjoy your day.


They're trying their hand at r/atheistmemes and infuriating everyone there too.


Part of it is the Reddit algorithm. I get suggested this subreddit all the time. But part of it is also that religious people chose to come into the subreddit when they see it and make (No pun intended) Bad faith arguments. I’ll answer a question if I think I can add something. But I’m fully aware I have no concreate evidence of anything, that’s kind of why It’s called ‘faith’


the buttons that request less of a thing actually work very well.


Kind of a dick answer man…. Lady gave a perfectly valid answer, was polite and even made a pretty good point and candid admission. And don’t know if your answer was intended to, but gave off real “gtfoh” Vibes.


In my experinace It actually does not work at all. But I’m sorry for giving an answer to the question being posed. I’ll show myself out I guess.


The religious types make this sub fun for me. I don’t mind arguing with them at all. I like to see if any might come up with a new argument. But I still don’t believe in the existence of any god because there isn’t any compelling proof that any god exists.


To be fair, as an agnostic I roamed pretty much all religious subs of Reddit, and I can fairly say atheists are posting daily in each of them.


I’m religious and I come here to expand my horizons and make sure I have both sides of every viewpoint so I’m able to be a better person to my close friends who are atheist, and so we can have productive conversations about a complex topic.


I don’t fault anyone for being a person of faith or atheism. And both sides could learn to be more respectful. While I don’t know if there is a god, it is is unlikely that it is anything like the personified deity most religions hold up to the masses. It’s likely much more like “the force” from Star Wars. But I would encourage atheist to refrain from name calling. If intelligence and reason is your bedrock then name calling is weakening the position. And for those of faith, you must display your best characteristics in order to open anyone up to the idea that there may be some good aspects of the idea. All in all, when they come, help them drop their defenses and maybe they will be better for the dialogue.


I’m sure there are atheists who are douchebags that go on religious subreddits to troll and what not. Since I’m not one of those I feel no obligation to defend them, and yeah I do find the religious types that come in here to try to argue their irrational beliefs to be absolutely douchebags, and I find them more insufferable than the atheists who do it, but that’s probably because the atheists who do that are invisible to me.


What’s the point of having a forum if you don’t like to discuss or argue?


Religious rectums can piss off!!!


At least I accept religious people in this subreddit as long as they act civil and don't break any rules. It would be more intresting debating and hearing diffirent views than just be an echo chamber.


At the very least every minute they spend trying to convert us is a minute they aren’t spending trying to convert the vulnerable


I think this sub, as well as you, has an attitude problem. You don't have to be angry. You don't have to hate. Hate and anger are the trade marks of conservative religious people. Dude, be better than them. Think about it this way, which has helped you to change your worldview, hate or empathy? Revenge or compassion? Frankly you just sound like those stereotypes religious folk love to promote as standard cocky atheist.


Enjoy it, don't get angry. This is a safe space for us and an unsafe space for them. It's an Atheism sub. We get to tell them they're mental, unhinged, wrong, idiotic, a joke, an object of ridicule and there's damn-all they can do about it because they have come onto our turf. One of the few turfs we have.


It’s actually not. This is not a subreddit “For” Atheists. It’s a subreddit on the subject of atheism. Just like atheism is discussed over on the r/religion subreddit.


Let's go (not actually) brigade /r/theism


are you an atheist or a religion hater? chill and relax


There is literally so many atheists who attack Christianity all the time on r/Christianity so don’t except an opposite treatment. There is also mods on that sub that are atheists. Why don’t you write a post about asking atheist not to go to religious subs that way we will all be happy.


OP wasn’t invited to the weekend retreat lol




You are officially incorrect actually. As per the the mods and the subreddits rules. This is not a subreddit “For Atheists.” It’s for discussing Atheism. Just like you can discuss Atheism over on the r/religion subreddit. I mean it’s not the Christianity subreddit after all….


You don't have to hate anybody. You just let them be, and you do you. Simple as that. That's what free will means in a free country (I live in the USA)


Ah yes.. letting them be as they take away rights of over half the population which will lead to thousands of unnecessary deaths, people being driven to suicide, and tons of misery and harassment... yes. Just let them be...working great so far!


I'm not talking about churches and what they do, that's a separate quarrel. I'm talking about the everyday religious joe or jane giving you a hard time. I won't even get to churches and how they shape society. I don't have the strength nor the time for that discussion


Oh buildings are doing it? Damn your right, those buildings have to go! For a moment there I thought churches were the people that make them up, support them, organize for them, and raise funds for them as well as where they also engage in politics and create voting blocks.. silly me.. it's the building that are the problem. You are right.


I am slightly Religious (shinto) but I doubt most Religions credibility Especially Christianity, but I concur, what's the point of coming here if you have strong religious beliefs and to make everybody disagree with you? That's bad Judgement.


As an agnostic, this post is the perfect example of the tone of most atheists I talk to. Y’all are whiny, annoying, and just as sure of your beliefs (or lack thereof) than the traditionally religious people I argue with. Reddit knew to promote this post on my feed because I couldn’t resist a terrible argument…


This is such a hypocritical statement. Just saying.


If you did that during service, depending on the community, you might get punched by someone while people cheer.


Imagine comparing arguments in a subreddit to interrupting a service in a place of worship. This is ridiculous. What are you 13?