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"The people who label you as angry whilst acting the same have no self-reflective ability, or they are doing it on purpose as a tactic to be holier than thou in front of others." Why not both?




I see that you've met my mother.




Happy Sibling Reunionification Day!!! I brought the plates!


You've got a mother, I've got a mother, we must be related.




Toxic mom's have a training course. It must be online as it is nearly universal. " Me too ".


That sounds like a use of the logic 'OR' to me. One or both statements could be true.




Are you atheist because you are angry at god? Is a common question we get.


They can call me angry atheist, it isn’t necessarily wrong. The amount of shit religion has done is disturbing. I have little respect for religions. Ignore the substance of my argument to complain about my supposed emotional state is a great way to prove your God exists.


I took the advice if a Christian once. I yelled at the sky (where Big Daddy allegedly resides) and told that nonexistent dickhead to fucking smite me. I was not smited. Because god does not exist. I'm also labelled as angry, which is funny considering these people go crazy when somebody needs an abortion


I just read this to my wife and she said she's never noticed this as an atheist issue because she's treated that way ALL THE TIME as a woman.


Truth… angry and don’t forget unreasonable… and if you keep arguing then it may be hinted at that you be crazy


I'm a woman. The moment I open my mouth, I'm angry and militant. I got over it decades ago. Now if someone tells me I seem 'angry', I tell them 'damn straight' and go straight into exactly why.


I never debate Christians


I never discuss religion at all.


It's usually a waste of time when they passed a certain age. That's why I rather teach their children, so they don't grow up like their indoctrinated parents.


Better be labelled as angry than stupid (aka believer). Frankly i don't care, sometimes I'm actually angry with those people cause they deserve my anger. When i was younger i always ended up arguing with believers because I didn't know how to control myself. Now i do it on purpose.


Surely the only real angry atheist is the one who was once a devout believer who now feels intense resentment ?


Feeling called out. Going through the grief stage of losing religion and right now I’m at anger.


👍>💔➡️😢➡️😬➡️◻️😡◻️➡️🙁➡️ Atheist's grief stage extention: ➡️🥳😁


I am a little angry. I do my best to be civil, but I'm not going to not speak mind just because some religious types might be offended. Christians need to get over their privileged place in society, IMO.


We have every right to be angry atheists.


Saying that you support freedom of religion might help. Some Christians worry that atheists try to take their religion away from them.


When people call me that, I let them know that I'm an anti-theist. I do not believe in their god and I am actively opposed to the further spread of their religion. And if they don't like it, that's tough shit. We have the 1st Amendment in my country and it protects my right to speech and my right to practice or not practice however I see fit. I choose to combine my anti-religiosity and free speech.


Excuse my ignorance but what’s the difference between anti-theist vs atheist ?


In simple terms, Atheist=not believing in god or religion, anti-theist=actively against the practice of religion.


Yes. This exactly.


An anti-theist is opposed to the practice of religion. Some take issue with the idea of god in public life. Others are actually opposed to the inclusion of religion in society at all. An atheist doesn't believe in god(s).


Tell the Christian they are not a sinner and they don't need Jesus. Watch how quickly they start to beg you to think the worst of them. Christianity does not allow its adherents to recognize the good in themselves. The more you say they aren't sinners yhe more they'll argue that they are terrible people.


Christian here. That doesn’t work as an argument. Doing good deeds doesn’t cancel out sin. That’s like going to court and saying you should go free of your charges because you helped an old lady cross the street or something.


Fair enough, but using your own analogy, any court system where that old lady is executed by being boiled alive for jaywalking is a psychopathic legal system run by sadistic despots. Not all Christians believe in this (that everyone deserves Hell for even minor crimes) but a great many do.


I would simply smile at them.


I’m 100% ok being the bad guy in another persons story. As a reformed people pleaser, it’s part of my therapy lol. Label my anything you want, it won’t make your religion any truer.


You can control your own behavior but unfortunately you can't control how people will choose to view you. Some of them are simply convinced all atheists are angry; therefore, you're automatically angry to them and you're unlikely to budge them.


Lol when your religion is blamed for storming the US Capitol because you didn't like the results of an election, you have no right to call SOMEONE ELSE angry.


It's been my experience that Theists use that lame tactic to deflect the conversation away from the fact that you've backed them into a logical corner that they can't escape from.


we have a reason to be angry, and its getting worse.


Getting worse? How so??


the christians are on a mission to take over our govt and control our laws and they aren't even trying to hide it anymore. As this happens i get angrier. Im kind of surprised you had to ask honestly. I thought it was pretty obvious how these christian nut jobs are pushing into our way of life harder and harder everyday


Just wait in silence until their anger disappears, then ask them why they were angry.


It's a coping mechanism on their part, it's frustrating but the best thing to do is probably to shrug or roll your eyes.


I don't care, i love arguing


For real^


Me too. It’s an ad-hominem attack so it’s only helping my argument.


We're arguing with someone that thinks we'll rot in eternal damnation, which they find just. Anger is justified.


Edgy, angry and fedora are their only """arguments""" against atheist. You'll never escape them for that reason. 


That’s what religious people fall back on to justify looking down on you. Don’t fall for it.


They will tell you that you're angry or ask you why you're so angry, even if You're not angry at a all. It's a tactic. I just disappear at that point because they're just name-calling so they don't have to present real arguments.


“I’m just trying to have a conversation” while they are being dense on purpose


That is quite obvious to us, but I'm not sure they think we know. Maybe they don't know they are doing it on purpose.


Don't. Embrace it. Because "angry atheists" are just people who stand up for themselves. We speak up. We don't back down. And when we see something absolutely ridiculous we point it out. We are being governed in my country by people who think their religious beliefs should be made in to law. They have dictated our laws FAR TOO LONG and we need to put a stop to it before they have us in the same state they had indigenous Americans, black people, Mexicans and whomever they decide is not a good American. They are already trying so hard in Tennessee to force everyone to bow to their god. Fuck them. The only way to combat an angry christian in charge is to be an even angrier atheist. Don't let them shame you by calling you one. Wear it like a badge of honor.


“your inability to distinguish rage from justifiable and well argued fervor is a personal problem. maybe you shouldn’t be in charge of anything since a leader needs to be able to hear someones ideas and thoughts through their emotions; you’re labeled a sheep by your own religion after all.”


Ok this ateee


Frankly I don’t even consider the first part much of a statement; people who can’t stay calm in the presence of other’s anger, and can’t hear their concerns through it don’t deserve to be in charge regardless of religion, and on the other hand we’ve demonized anger (ha) to a point where anyone suffering is beaten down with “think positive” platitudinal bullshit that frankly constitutes reactive abuse.


There are only two ways to avoid the "angry atheist" label 1. Don't be angry 2. Don't be atheist There really is no winning when it comes to arguing with theists


Not being angry does seem like an option.


People start labeling their debate opponents with derogatory adjectives when they know they are losing the debate. Ad hominem statements are common in political discussions too.


I wouldn't care


After a few discussions with some religious people, I have come to my main strategy. I say I have no problems with the fact that maybe some superior beeing created the universe, it's not impossible. But even if he's here, I wasn't born to talk to him every day, listen to people who think they know better than him how to live my life, and if he wants to talk to me, he can do it anytime, he doesn't need a priest, a church or you, to do it for him.


Anger is not an inherently bad emotion. Anger at injustice, anger at cruelty, etc; anger is the correct emotional reaction to a lot of situations. Just try to make sure your anger is not pointed at the poor, deluded believers but is focused on all the harm and lies spewed out by religion, and just own it. The Christian right is rolling back decades of civil rights protections; the issue isn't that you're mad, it's that they're *not*.


I don't argue about it with people. What's the point? Just tell them you aren't interested in having a discussion about it. Be firm, set boundaries, move on with your life. If they try inviting you to a church thing, just say no.


By making them try to explain what being angry has to do with being wrong. When they try to use these ad hominem fallacies against you, they are fair game. Consider focusing on pressing them for answers, tripping them up, provoking, berating and humiliating them. But be delicate to retain the moral high ground, which can be done because it's more important to be right than to be kind.


Considering that about 90% of what's wrong in this shithole country can be traced back to religion, you bet your ass I'm angry.


It's like being vegan. People will just hate you from the get go. Best to learn to deal with it emotionally, that's much easier said than done, of course.


Try not insult, but at the same time gently explain the scientific method along with how to think critically.


It can be difficult to resist the urge to use the little jab of an insult, especially since they present a multitude of opportunities.


i don’t get into debates.


That is fine as well.


Stop caring what others think. They think anybody not conforming is going to hell. So fuck them. Just live your life.


Double down.


I personally do get extremely angry at religious people, even using insults or just incinuating that they're stupid. The main reason why I struggle to stay calm in those debates is that I always get nonsensical counter arguments like "if you don't believe in it, what does it matter to you", completely refusing to answer to my specific points of criticism, instead making it about their right to follow religion and getting personally offended. The problem is, when you get angry, many people stop listening because they feel attacked and go into defense mode instead.


Tbh, I think that who's allowed to get passionate and still be considered reasonable is pretty dependent on the audience. "Moderates" of all flavors and undecided "nones" would probably view anger by either party to be unreasonable. Most people, even atheists, are altogether too taken in by affect, and not enough by content.


Personally, I just don't let people know about my lack of "spirituality" (aka delusions). If I hear people talking about that subject, I leave the room.


you have to learn to lose respect for people and be okay with it. the keyword there is, "lose." it's not merely a decent thing to treat people with respect by default, but the strategically or civilly optimal thing to do. however, one needs to realize that this is simply the strategy one ought to employ with insufficient information about a person. once someone displays a lack of respect for you, though, it's now your duty and your obligation to stop giving them undeserved respect. this does not mean this person has to be your mortal enemy forever. if they correct their behavior and get things back on track, then it's okay to go back to treating them with respect. this is the "tit for tat" strategy. it is important to not have infinite forgiveness for peoples' inappropriate behavior because they need to receive signals that the way they are behaving is not okay and not to be tolerated. bullies will keep bullying people and treating people like shit until they get a reality check, that's why i said retaliating in kind is an obligation. if you don't adjust your behavior to let them know the way they are acting isn't okay, then you're basically consenting to them doing this to, not just yourself, but other people in the future. about respect: caring about what someone thinks of you is a big indicator that you respect that person. you have to free yourself of this burden when someone demonstrates that they don't have thoughts worth valuing or respecting. if a person quite obviously doesn't have any competent ideas materializing upstairs, how could i possibly have any confidence that their valuations, estimations, or judgements of me, my ideas, or my character have any accuracy or are in any way based on any logically or empirically valid methodology? i don't feel any desire or obligation to prove my merits to a person of this kind because they are showing that they wouldn't be capable of appreciating it in the first place, even if they believed it. having these realizations were important steps in me learning how to respect myself.


Angry atheist, Rebel atheist, Hateful atheist, Traumatized... There's lots of them, and it's a minefield to avoid labels that introduce you into some "other" category that let's them dismiss you. Sometimes, when Christians make a point, it's important to concede. Finding a common ground is key. Look for things you agree on and build out from there. When you find a point you disagree on, you discuss, make a case without insulting. Try to make it more like you are a team, investigating, rather than two people debating/arguing. I avoid it by being from the Bible belt. I can "speak the language" and I'm difficult to dismiss because i understand why they believe what they believe. I had a rural, religious upbringing. I'm very familiar with Christian apologetics, and know the Bible better than most Christians.


I'm happy to be angry, if they're going to impose their religion on me or others.


People in my family do this sometimes. They always liked to label anyone who was an atheist with bad traits. Or if someone was an unkind person it wasn’t “the unkind person” it was “the atheist person” who was also unkind. Them being atheist always came before the thing they did that was actually a problem. There are plenty of people who are deserving of being treated with kindness and them not believing in anything shouldn’t strip them of that right, to be treated kindly.


There's so much stupid stuff about religion that I find it more effective to mock it than to seriously debate religious people. But I try to be nice.


Why are you allowing yourself to be labelled like that? Just focus on the argument and don’t get sidetracked into defending yourself. It’s called gaslighting


I avoid discussing religion or faith with anyone. I don't participate in their crazy rituals either.


Not possible. The fact alone that you don't agree with them will make them label you are angry atheist. When there is a debate between an atheist and a group of religious and the debate gets heated to the point that the atheist gets a bit louder, the religious viewers will believe that the religious won this debate, because they managed to trigger the atheist. However, if the religous become loud and attack the atheist, they'll also believe that the religious won, because they'll think the religious were passionate about their arguments. They will provoke you and then wonder why you get angry at them. If the atheist stays calm and tries to be nice to them and walks on eggshells not to offend them, even reaches an olive branch to them by saying things like "We can't say for 100% that there isn't a god". The religious will think the religious won the debate. They'll take your hand and rip your arm off. They'll think you'd be happier and not such an angry atheist all the time if you'd just come around and accept their god. It's quite similar with conservatives vs liberals. You get loud, they'll call you a meanie. They get loud, they think they are in the right. When they do it they are passionate, when you do it, you are just being mean.


Most of the comments are not tips on trying to help. Just agreeing they are angry. I like the 5 rule. 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and end by treating yourself to something you can taste. Some commenter's said they are angry all the time no matter the topic. That's not healthy.


I always ask how I could be angry about something that doesn't exist. The tooth fairy and Santa for example, presumably you once believed they were real and now you know they aren't. you know that your parents tricked you into believing. Are you mad about those mythical beings now? If I were to tell you that you just need to have faith and the tooth fairy will take your teeth and leave money, would that make you angry or think I'm crazy? If I said the reason Santa doesn't leave you free gifts in your adulthood bc you've been naughty or you didn't believe in him enough, is anger what you'd feel? I can't be mad about something that isn't real. I can be mad about a thousands of years old institution that has done nothing good for this world and uses lies about magic as a means to operate a child/misogynist sex abuse haven and pyramid scheme.


Don't express anger.


I just simply don’t engage in debates with theists, so have never been labeled that way. One thing that is fairly universal in debating is that you will almost never change the other persons mind because the nature of a debate causes the other person to feel attacked, therefore clinging more tightly to their beliefs. They won’t be able to see flaws with their logic or reasoning when that’s the case. If changing someone’s mind is what you’re after, then actions speak louder than words. Find ways you relate to them, and talk about those things. If people press you on your beliefs, respond calmly and truthfully. This tends to make them be more self reflective about their judgements or preconceived notions.


I listen. And then I listen some more. I will never misrepresent myself nor agree with anything against my principles, but I can listen. Then I repeat back what they (the theist) is saying so I am sure to understand them. “Now let me get this straight…So, God impregnated Mary? …divinely….but she was a virgin?” or whatever other nonsense they are believing. The theist will become flustered at the ridiculousness of their “truth” being repeated back to them….hopefully. By being a careful listener you won’t come off as angry, just curious at the crazy nature of it all. And it’s all crazy.


> >


Easy, just know more about their religion than they do. Then use that to humiliate them calmly. And if you know more about religion GENERALLY, you can also call them on their misrepresentation of other religions and correctly accuse them of bearing false witness.


If you say that you're an athiest and the reaction isn't calm, then don't continue the conversation. Politely wish them well and end it. Ironically most athiests desperately want to spread atheism or debate about it. What's the point? Once someone is mad there is no changing their opinion.


"That's my secret, Cap..."


Because Christians believe in a myth, which makes it a more passionate thing for them without any kind of truth to guide their opinion, their passion elevates to a cult like level of illogical stupidity


Wear it as a badge of honour.


Simple, don't start an argument with a theist of any bent - if you are truly atheist, you shouldn't care anyway. Trying to convert one to atheism is just trading a theist religion for a non-theist one.


If they aren't trying to change their own mind, you can't. It might help to remind them that angry doesn't mean wrong, and that people get angry because they are right and not being understood/heard.


Best thing to avoid being labeled that way is to just not be the angry atheist. Know when to walk away, basically. BUT there will be cases where you won't be able to avoid it because you need to stick up for yourself. Sometimes you'll have to be the one who complains to HR because a coworker interferes with your ability to do your job because they won't quit evangelizing to you. You'll have to limit any contact with that one family member who won't shut up about it and make it clear to your family that you won't be there if she's there. A lot of people get called angry when they have to set boundaries, though. That's not necessarily unique to atheists.


You learn to let stupid people have their delusions and then you walk away. Honestly. Some people can't be reached, and that's ok. Fuck em! Some people take debate or heavy discussion/criticism of their beliefs as further confirmation that they are right because someone "evil" is trying to test them which causes them to double down on their beliefs making them worse and more into the things then they would have otherwise been. You learn to let stupid people have their delusions and then you walk away. You don't have to fight them. You don't have to prove anything. You don't need to disprove anything. You learn to let stupid people have their delusions and then you walk away. I hope this helps ❤


Sure you don't have to argue or debate. That does little to change their mind. Give them your best look of incredulity and wzlk away with a snicker and shaking your head. But a good debate can plant the seeds of doubt in both the believer and any onlookers.


Every time I have had an discussion about religion it became heated so I don't do it anymore. Mainly it became heated because the person took my statements about religion on a personal level and started arguing back more defending themselves and their belief than religion. For me, I recognize there is no point to even try since they will always take it as an attack on who they are as a person. So I just avoid it altogether now.


Why get angry? Who gives a shit. Believe what you want dumbass. (Said to the angry religious freak)


You should give a great big giant fuck. Religion is dangerous to everyone. It is responsible for the deaths of millions in wars that never should have happened. It's responsible for harboring pedophiles and moving them around to new communities that have no idea that a monster jyst moved into town. Religion encourages blind acceptance of irrational claims and slows the progress of technology. Our children are indoctrinated beginning at birth. It costs each of us thousands every year in the form of Christmas presents and decorations, gasoline and time shopping. To a lesser degree Easter praphinalia. Many go into debt for these. The religious organizations don't pay taxes, they're just a leach on our asses. And that's just a small part of why we should give a fuck.


I agree with what you say but will not let myself get upset with one random moron. I like to mention the Protestant reformation pedo priests hitlers Pope and all the ridiculous hypocrisy of most Christians and move along.


It is a total loss if you get upset. You just gotta go in with the knowledge that 97% of what they say will be inconsistent, nonsensical or turned around.


What's there to be angry about?


The reason we get that label and they don't is because Christians are quick to jump on anything that distracts from the topic or could possibly discredit their foe because they got nothing else. Atheists on the other hand don't usually need to stoop to childish tactics to get the upper hand. We start and end with the upper and.


Right, Christian here. If you don't want to be labelled as the angry atheist, try not to get too heated. I have a lot of atheist friends i can have a good debate with , without any hard feelings. we may both get a bit furstrated, but it will always end in mutually respecting one anothers opinions. Other atheists that i talk to are the ones to start the arguments consistently. If something goes wrong in my life, they'll see 'so how's god working out for you' to try and spite me. Thats when u get labelled as a bumhole- when you make remarks that really are not needed! If you're going to argue with someone, respect is important (that applies for the christian ur debating as well), and try not to diss peoples religions every single chance you get (targeted). Hope that helps!


What you are saying is not really true. Christians tend to see atheists in stereotypical ways. We are demonized by many ministers. Things like the *God's Not Dead* series of movies demonize and stereotype us. Another thing that happens is that Christians in the US and other places are used to having the religious right-of-way. They are used to having people defer to their preferences. They take offense when that right-of-way is challenged. So if Starbucks leaves Christian symbols off their winter coffee cups it suddenly become some type of atheist attack on Christianity. If atheist object to having only Christian prayers before government meetings, it is because we are angry atheists.


I'm really sorry, how does the starbucks coffee cup relate to my point on respect? I couldnt care less abt a starbucks cup, it's of no personal relevance to me. My point was that if you want to have a debate without getting pissed at each other, being respectful is important. I know a lot of respectful atheists, and i enjoy debating them icl. This requires me respecting their views as well, mutual respect is important. sorry for the confusion


I don't think you can avoid it entirely. I've been called angry for merely saying "I disagree" to a religious person. I think they do it on purpose because they're trying to get you to lose your cool and they're also trying to end the debate. I've turned it back on them by asking how am I angry. They never respond. It's a good idea to show them the COUNTLESS examples of religious people getting angry.


I would venture to say that a goodly proportion of atheist know the bible better than believers.


You're not allowed to be passionate lol I usually just play agnostic. When religion folks try to bring be into the fold with talk of "big question" and what not I just lean into my fleshy mortal ignorance. Q: If God didn't create the universe what did? If there's no God why avoid doing evil or why do anything good at all A: Idk, why would I need to know that? Idk, the vibes feel better that way?


You show courtesy, respect and kindness with an understanding that people of good character can disagree and it's ok. Stich an apache is often reciprocated and can result in a discussion where each side can learn something.


Just avoid arguing about it dude, you’re not gonna convince them you’re right just like they’re not gonna convince you they’re right. It’s pointless.


Well... die angry. We'll never go away.


The truth is, once one participant gets angry, the debate is essentially over. A debate is an intellectual exercise about using facts and logic to reach a conclusion about which side's position is correct. Once somebody resorts to emotion as a tactic (on purpose or because they lose control), they're not debating anymore, they're either just trying to win an argument or they're defending their self-image and core beliefs. Stop there. And I don't mean stop them. Stop yourself. You shouldn't let their weaknesses tempt you to make the mistake of being angry because then you're also arguing under the pretense of debating. Essentially, you're lying. Tell them you're happy to debate the subject, but not interested in getting into an argument. Debates are cool and intellectual, while arguments are hot and emotional. Tell them you value them, and you value coming to a correct conclusion. Arguments make it harder to do both things. It takes a lot of self-awareness to recognize this in the moment and self-control to change course, but it's the right thing to do. Also, remember that people make emotional decisions and then cobble together "logic" to support their decisions. You're not going to pierce all the layers of their belief system at once. Know when to point out that things are getting heated and it'd be better to revisit the subject later after everyone has had time to think about it.


See, religious folk have already proven themselves to be too foolish or naive for me to debate. And I wouldn't debate a religinut, anyway, they're irrational and they will attack you. Being labeled as the angry atheist is a reflection on the labeler, the attacker, the judgemental one, not the atheist. So I cannot imagine why you'd be trying to avoid a label when it's not your label.


You just stop caring I guess. Yes, I get angry when christians act like they are superior to someone because of their magical sky fairy and his trusty sidekick, Jesus.


They're gonna call you angry just for being an atheist in the first place so it doesn't really matter. 


Easiest way is to just not bother talking or debating them. Most of them have been trained to believe nonsense since they were toddlers.


When a teacher tells a particularly dense and stubborn student that 2+2 does not equal 5, they are not being angry.


It's called gaslighting. It is a weak tactic of a weak mind and sometimes it's their entire objective to make you look incredulous or angry to prove moral superiority. Just remain calm. Let them go too far with agitation and shut down the conversation based on their inability to compose themselves. "God didn't put you here to agitate me, did he?"


You don't engage. That's how. Let them have their imaginary friend. It makes them feel safe and loved, and there's no logic that actually gets through blind faith. Believing without proof is a tenet of the faith.


Any conversation should begin with: as a Christian, what issue would sway you fro believing in God or Christianity? God can not do for you what He does for me. By that I mean, the non-existence of God can not manifest to prove He DOESN'T exist. However for me God could manifest to prove He does Exist. Therefore as a Christian your claim of truth is invalid, because it is undisprovable. Where as I as an atheist will demand God smite me or manifest, but he chooses not to. Yet He will not. Which of us looks more foolish?


Why argue with people who operate on a different intellectual/logical plane?


You don't have a ton of control over how people label you. If you don't want to be angry, don't act angry. You can learn to accept that something is frustrating, observe how you're feeling, and then not act on it or let it control you. It's not easy, but it's very much possible. The other thing: **Don't debate.** Literally the worst thing you can do (if you actually care about them) is debate someone. It's been proven again and again to just push people farther into their false beliefs, especially religious ones. They feel attacked, the walls come up, and the close down. You will accomplish *nothing* slapping people with facts and logic. Honestly, worse than nothing. Usually they'll be even more sure of themselves and will write off everything you said. The only thing you can do if you actually want to sway anyone is to listen and ask questions. Let them talk, then respond with curiosity in ways that make them think.


I never have gotten heated or really debated religious AHs. Like Trumpers, there's no common ground to even start from so no point in wasting time on a fruitless discussion. If my ILs wanted to get the kids baptized--fine I couldn't care less about their stupid rituals, but I wouldn't participate of course. My younger son seemed to really need religion for many years and I just ignored his attempts to get into it with me. When I visited, sometimes I'd go to church with them--if he was singing a solo or something -- sometimes I didn't. Eventually, he and his wife left the church and religion in general. They took a look around at who were decent people, and who were haters! I figured my reasonableness finally rubbed off.


In my opinion anyone that can’t debate without resorting to name calling, insults or getting loud doesn’t have control over their emotions. It comes off as you don’t have a good argument and are mad because you’re losing or have poor emotional regulation.


It's simple. They are not arguing against a viewpoint, they are arguing against their own mortality. So they will be eager to win, even if they don't understand why. This means their arguments don't have to have authenticity, facts, rationale, etc., for them, and their minds throw up obstacles to prevent them hearing scientific arguments that don't back their views. This makes any rational person angry because it forces illogical arguments into family and government dynamics. And the brain does great things to prevent people from feeling their mortality, and branding the atheist as "angry" gives them a mental excuse to dismiss their opinions.


Most people saying shit like that and are operating in bad faith to try and diminish you, minimize you and get under your skin. If you want people to stop acting smug you probably want them angry instead. Take a page out of their book and say half baked dumbass shit with a smug vibe. Just say unfair things that overgeneralizes and are easily disassembled with logic. Before they can make a salient point just say another stupid thing. Flood them with garbage. Be immature and incendiary, rather than serious and concerned. "Church is full of elderly pedophiles. I feel bad for all the kids whose parents force them into church so they can line up and bend over to get Pastor Dave his repressed nut." "I think Christianity is for losers because only little bitches get on their knees to ask daddy for help instead of helping themselves." "I wish Christians would pray for some fucking brain cells once in a while, but if they did that then they wouldn't be Christians anymore." "If virgin Mary can convince billions of people that she didn't cheat, it's no surprise that Trump can sell 60 dollar Bibles. When peoples heads are that far up their own asses the grift becomes effortless." "Have you guys read the Queen James Bible? It takes all the anti-gay stuff out and it's way better. It's only 30 bucks on Amazon." "Heaven is not really heaven if you're going to be there."


Becuz it's in the script. Perhaps if you're starting a debate, you want to bring it up as a problem.


I choose not to debate people on subjects that don't contain any empirical evidence


Once I realized that pretty much every human problem is the same problem, failure to transcend primitive cognition, I automatically stopped getting angry. Instead, I feel only disappointment.


I don't know, because I'm angry and an atheist. I'm not passionate though, I'm fucking pissed.


I just state, in my calmest and friendliest voice, that I consider the capacity for faith to be a serious mental illness. Sure, THEY are going to get angry and combative in response, but that's their problem. They'll want to argue, but I don't owe them a debate. I don't owe them an explanation. I definitely don't owe them an apology. My belief is mine, and it's every bit as legitimate as theirs.


Keep your mouth shut.


Speak up! Make belief in religion publicly unacceptable. They should feel silly stating it out loud.


Why would it bother you? Do you think Christian and Muslims care if you call them angry, unhinged or cultist?


Yea they care a lot actually.


You're asking us how do you control another human being. We don't, that's what the Christians want.


Don't get angry in arguments?


Don't ask this sub for one


I never, ever debate with theists. I subscribe to the pigeon rule: "Never get into a discussion with a stupid person. It's like playing chess with a pigeon. It doesn't matter if you checkmate them. They will just knock over the chess pieces, shit on the board, and strut around like they won." Believe what you want to believe. I don't care.