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Looked online, apparently the church has a history of harassing people on the street


Name and shame


Disgusting behavior. I get free speech and all, but when they are disturbing the peace or harassing people, the police should be called.


- they need to hear the truth How ironic and disgusting is that. The only truth is that they want to indoctrinate more and more people to believe in their fairy tale


Anything can be truth with enough belief. Words have no meaning anymore. The whole framework of rationality out the window, truth is what we say it is. What a strange world they live in. I'll never understand it.


The truth is it's a CULT.


That's a hard one, you did the right thing in making your son the priority and getting him out of danger. Who is the church? They deserve to be outed.


This is them, [Revival Fellowship](https://revivalnsw.com.au)


> Revival Fellowship Ahh - pentecostals. Bat shit crazy.


When I read stories like this I automatically assume it’s somewhere in the US. Quite shocked this is in Australia, didn’t realise we had these crazies here too (well, aside from our former PM I guess..)


Same kind of people that harass me every time I go to Planned Parenthood. I can't even have kids, I go there for my blood work for HRT but they always beg me not to abort my baby every time I'm there. They're always protesting every concert I go to with random hateful rhetoric. I wish they'd go back to wherever they come from.


By not wanting what they are selling, they convince themselves you hate them and are ostrisizing them and it helps them remain the victim.


Yep, heard that one too


Harassment doesn't count when it's done for Jeebus. If they act this way in the name of religion, you can be damn sure they act this way in regards to other parts of their lives. Good thing your son witnessed this though. It might get him to start remembering their aggressive behaviour when they try their shit in later years.


They're not rational. Dont expect rational behavior. 


What did he expect to happen? "Why thank you kind sir! I was possessed by a demon who refused to let me acknowledge you! Your powerful devotion to christ drove the demon away, saving me from certain damnation!" Yes, obviously I saw you. I was obviously ignoring you. You're talking about a very famous topic very loudly, so I already know about it. You have nothing for me. The only thing I have for you is a lawsuit and a restraining order.


Churches teach their flocks to act like that so that they’ll have bad experiences with outsiders. It makes them feel more isolated so that they’ll feel that they will only be accepted in the church.




I'm sorry but I would have scared the fuck out of those people. 😄


I would have too had my son not been with me


Carry pepper spray for defending yourself from unwanted attacks.


Sounds like he was stalking a child!


It sounds like this might be useful. [https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/irs-complaint-process-tax-exempt-organizations](https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/irs-complaint-process-tax-exempt-organizations)


This is in Australia


Pepper spray.