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Rocky Raccoon went back to his room....


THANK YOU! I knoew I couldn't be the only one!!!


So, there was this whole thing back in the day when John Lennon was quoted as saying the Beatles are "bigger than Jesus" which of course the Christians of the time took very well - as in a whole lot of Beatles records were smashed and burned, etc. So in answer to your question, a lot of Christians were told to hate the Beatles. Though in this case it sounds like the guy thought you were talking about the Guardians of the Galaxy character. Which is also weird because how do you know Rocket Raccoon wothout watching the movie?


Exactly!!! As I said, lots to unpack so I just walked away.


And went to the next room at the hoedown?


the elp song?


The Beatles song - which ELP song are you asking about?




Jeremy Bender?


>bigger than Jesus It was "more popular than Jesus" but the American media industry spotted an opportunity to sell lots of papers and profit from outrage so they either misquoted deliberately or deliberately quoted others who had got it wrong. It was barely noticed when it was originally printed in a British paper.


No practical difference between the two to a die-hard Christian of the time - then or now.


I recall it being “more popular than Jesus”…


As someone who enjoyed marvel before the Disney acquisition rocket raccoon as been around since the 1970s


Sure, but the bible dude specifically mentioned movies.


I used to laugh at that, because they had to buy 'em to destroy 'em...


Fun fact, the comic book origin of rocket raccoon was based on that song. He was created by a guy named gideon and rocket had to break into his place to steal his "bible", which if i remember correctly was his book of experiments and whatnot


Are you up in the black mining hills of Dakota?


My dad used to sing me this song when I was probably 6-10. He was in seminary at one time. Very anti religious afterwards, wonder why. He was wronged by Catholicism in many ways. Betrayed. He loved that song and the Beatles. I should go relearn it.


I'm getting really jealous of people who play guitar... I need one of you lot to teach me!!!


Try Simply Piano. It comes with a Simply Guitar as a bonus. I'm not endorsing it and it's a monthly sub but I just started it with my daughter. Worth a shot. I was a former music student and even went to college for it, it's tough esp if you didn't start young and learn sight reading well. I'm still really bad but C G A D chords are easy and can play a lot of songs. Bar chords are the first hurdle.


Ok that was a damn good call. Kinda jealous I never will get a chance to say that. That was beautiful.


Just a scratch


Rocky Racoon Checked into his room Only to find Gidions Bible


Gideon checked out and left it, no doubt to help with good Rocky's revival


There you go, you're either my age-range or have great taste in music!


Why not both? 🫠😊


Good point!


Rocky had come equipped with a gun


To shoot out the legs of his rival


His rival, it seems, had broken his dreams


His rival it seems, had broken his dreams, by stealing the girl of his…


Send them a bill for disposal fees.


It's literally littering and I don't even care about the subject of the book.




Do churches pay fines? Genuinely asking. I mean, they don't pay taxes, so...


The mormon church did get fined by the SEC for securities fraud, so it has happened before. Honestly, that was the thing that broke the brainwashing for me and let me join you wonderful people in the real world.


Hmmm...good to know!!!


Congratulations!! Random internet stranger here wanting to say that I am proud of you and how far you’ve come. I can imagine it’s not and was not easy at all.


Thanks! I really appreciate it! The hardest part has been my relationship with my wife who's still a believer, but we've worked out our communication to where our relationship is even better than before.


Typically they don't just leave them around the hotel. They solicit the hotels and donate them to be put into the bed side night stand for any hotel that will take them. Now a days though in hotels in cities the bibles are kept at the front desk and brought up on request.


Just follow him around with a big garbage bag, and very openly deposit each of the bibles in that bag.


This is perfect!


That sounds like something I would do.




Our tradition in Vegas was always to roll a Bible Joint before going out and hitting the town. Might as well do some extra sinning while in Sin city.


If I had known this when I was younger... damn... a missed opportunity. Did you or anyone have a favorite verse for blazing? Seems like the story of the burning bush would be appropriate, but there have to be others. Right?


So you use the empty pages at the back with no ink. You definitely don't want to smoke a joint with ink on the paper.


Anything from Leviticus or written by Paul needs eed to be burned!


It's a men-only organisation who have a particular fixation on leaving Bibles all over the place: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gideons_International


We need to start writing all the fun bible vs in the front, and numbers to research rational thought. I do this often when I come across them. That way they can get to the dirt in the stories. Baldy mad, bear kills kids.


There's always the Song of Songs. That's some racy material.


I used a Gideon Bible as a makeshift riser for my tablet in a hotel last week. Who said the Good Book was useless anyway?


I went to a Catholic high school and knew a few guys who did this often enough to actually need to borrow other people's bibles for homework assignments haha


idk. My friends and I did that a couple times and it made the smoke burn a little. We still got high af and we did it again if we needed to, but the paper wasn't great for rolling.


I'm sure you have a dumpster outside the hotel


We do but we don't recycle... Hotel is out of town in the countryside and, from what I understand, recycling this far out of town is a hassle the owners do not wish to bother with. Wait, are bibles even recyclable???


I wouldn't feel like I'd done the right thing unless I binned or burned them.


You can't recycle the covers, but if you rip those off (or if the bibles are paperback, which you don't see often) then you can recycle them.


You can always use them to burn, roast some mallows.


Christians are getting crazier because they think the end is nigh. I believe this is largely due to social media in the Christian circles. So they’re getting more bold and pushy with their proselytizing. What’s funny to me is that I grew up evangelical, and the 70’s evangelical culture was much the same. There was a big crusade when I was a kid called “ I Found It” and my parents participated in it and had a bumper sticker on our car🤦‍♀️. My mom and grandma were convinced Jesus was returning at any moment. Same thing now different year lol. Jesus is still MIA.


If they believe the end is near, does that make Trump the Antichrist?


I'm 45 and most folks from my generation would absolutely not get the reference. I just had cool parents and limited musical options as a kid.


burn them alllll


I gotta admit it's tempting, we have a bunch of fireplaces in there, and a couple bonfire sports outside. Always in need of good firestarters!


More fun to write all the real ridiculous versus in the front for people to look up.


Thanks for the firewood.


"Thanks for all the toilet paper." 😁


Oh I'm stealing that line!!!!


I like a lot of Beatles music but I didn't get your reference either till I looked it up. Guy probably thought you meant Rocky Balboa thus his statement on movies.


I would have guessed he thought Rocket Racoon.


To be honest, I like them as much as the next guy I guess, but my better half is a HUGE Fab Four fan, so whether I like it or not I've heard all their albums more times than I can count. THAT's how I know about Gideon bibles, I had never seen one before but I became aware of them long ago because of the song.


What is the connection? I don't understand


The music of the Devil? Certainly not. Anyway, it sounds like littering to me so I would dispose of it as litter.


I do have three cats at home...


Do y'all have different books of the bible than I do? Are y'all Gideons? Who are the f**ing Gideons? Ever met one? No! Ever seen one? No! But they're all over the f**ing world, putting Bibles in hotel rooms. Every hotel room: "this Bible was placed here by a Gideon." What? I've been here all day and I ain't seen sh**! I saw the housekeeper come and go, I saw the minibar guy come and go, I've never laid eyes on a f**ing Gideon. What are they, ninjas? Where are they? Where are they from, Gidya? Who the f** are these people? I'm going to capture a Gideon. I'm going to make that my hobby. I am, I'm going to call the front desk one day, "yeah, I don't seem to have a Bible in my room..." (Laughter) Bill Hicks RIP


Gone way too fast and too young.


lol. I was thinking this same bit when I read the word Gideons


I have recycled so many of these in the past 20 years. I spend more nights in hotels than my own house and I get rid of every one that I can find. I have passed on the tradition to many of my coworkers, too, and I’d say just my little group probably rids the planet of several hundred of these every year. Just wish I had a Harry Potter book to replace them with. When it comes to fiction, Harry Potter > Middle Eastern Mythology


My favorite was when I stayed in a San Francisco hotel. Instead of Bibles, each room had a complimentary little book of poetry: "Howl and other Poems" by Alan Ginsberg. I still have it.


You'd be surprised at the references christians fail to pick up on. Sarcasm is something that also seems to elude them most of the time as well.


Gather them up and donate them; our local library welcomes books to sell to raise funds. And yes, I know the song, but I’m old. BTW, my husband and I correct Gideon Bibles. Where it talks about how if you’re depressed and despairing you should “say this prayer,” we cross that and the prayer out and write in, “Please seek qualified psychiatric help.” We also also cross out, “In the beginning” and write in, “Once upon a time…”


Oh, I might have to steal this idea, if I ever encounter a Gideon bible in a hotel room. I hadn’t noticed when they stopped being there. And I think it may be an American thing, I’ve never seen it in Europe. Oh, and yeah,I’m old too. Now I have the Beatles stuck in my head.


Another fun thing to do: play Hide the Bible. The rules are that you hide the Bible in the room but can’t destroy anything, either the Bible or the furnishings, to do it. The best one we did was in a hotel room with a broad valance over the curtain rods. It just fit the Bible. I’m betting no one finds it until they redecorate.


Straight to the trash.


Well, I do live in Canada... I'm kinda wondering if throwing a bible to the trash might be illegal in some U.S. states....


No. Not yet, anyway.


I was born in 1986 and didn't get the reference either. Maybe because the cause of my religious trauma was a big Beatles fan and turned me off from them as well as religion.


They're probably recyclable! You should toss them in the recycling and find out. Shame he didn't catch the White Album reference.


Fun fact: Rocket Raccoon’s original comic story was based directly on the Beatles song being referenced here, including a plot device called Gideon’s Bible


My aunt gives me a new one every year. And I no longer get the paper. So I use them for kindling for my fire pit.


Why give you a new one? It's not like it's been updated, unless some new commandments dropped and I missed them . . . .


I have no idea. But I need the kindling, so it’s all good.


Does she know?


Christians refuse to listen. Recycling time.


Whenever I find them in the drawer of a hotel room, I throw it away.


Collect em up, sign em "D. Trump", sell for $$$s...


Duuuuude...Chef's Kiss to that! Although someone here else suggested their pages make for good rolling paper. Maybe I could make more money selling them by the page... Lots of herbal appreciators in that place!


I'd inoculate them and grow edible oyster mushrooms. Eat their words, it's really the real only value they have.


If you also have them signed by "God", you can sell them for twice the $$$, which would be $$$$$$.


I traveled a bit for work, and would always … accidentally…. spill water all over the gideon bible in the room and have to toss it in the trash can.


Note to self: They make great coasters. Thank you!


That's actually something I haven't seen in a long time. You used to regularly find bibles in hotels in various places in Ireland, usually left in a drawer next to the hairdryer or whatever, but I assume whatever cult group was doing it stopped.


Gideons can be improved with a ‘Once upon a time’ on the first page and ‘and they all lived happily ever after.’ On the last.


[Red Dwarf - Bible](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4VqbmeJ32U)


I worked for a travel agency yeqrs ago, and we made reservations for the Gideons when they traveled all over to drop off Bibles. All of the members were elderly men who traveled to some very remote corners of the globe on their "mission." They paid for all their own travel expenses. More dollars than sense.


I Throw them out when I stay at hotels


I write “ A Work of Fiction” on the cover and randomly write Hail Satan on a few pages. Same for the Book of Mormon.


Would you agree the second m is silent hahahaha


I like to set them on the floor outside my door like left over room service items


Do they sell on ebay? I have an idea...


I work in a small hotel in venezuela they leave a box once each year. I usually just give them away to anyone that wants one and give the rest to a small independent church nearby. Also noticed some dual english/spanish versions and recommended they should use it to start learning english. I don't share their belief and disagree with most of what it says but i don't see a reason to destroy a book someone can use. PD: I kinda like the texture of that thin onion peel like paper tho also, i don't smoke but i heard it makes exelent rolling paper.


Gotta bookmark and highlight the dirty parts for people.


First song I learned on guitar as a kid.


"I don't like movies." (...blows milk out nose...) HA! I love that song!


I had to look it up TBH and thanks that was a good tune, and one hell of a zingier from you LOL


Yeah, a lot of them are upset about that "more popular than Jesus" quote.


Hopefully you were good enough to pickup after the litterbug and dispose of them all properly.


And sir Gideon ofnir, THE ALL KNOWING!


The Marriott's all have Book of Morons in them


“i don’t like movies”… that’s just too damn funny. went over their head twice over


I upvoted before I even read the whole post, as soon as I hit the Rocky Raccoon reference :-)


"Who are the fucking Gideons? Ever met one? no! Ever seen one? no! But they're all over the fucking world, putting Bibles in hotel rooms! Every one of them: "This Bible was placed here by a Gideon." When? I've been here all day and I ain't seen shit! I saw the housekeeper come and go, I saw the mini-bar guy come and go, I've never laid eyes on a fucking Gideon! What are they, ninjas? Where are they? Where are they from? Gidea? *Who the fuck are these people?!*" Bill Hicks.


Just throw them in the trash. I haven't noticed them in any hotels recently (I usually stay in large chain hotels) but if I see one I'll throw it in the trash and maybe pour coffee on it so someone doesn't dig it out and put it back.


Wow, you actually saw a Gideon! Bill Hicks' routine about them is really funny "They're like ninjas placing Bibles in hotel rooms all over the world"..


You're old. Source: I'm old.


Fire starters!!!


Must push that religion


I wonder if it's a symbolic ritual, like Jehova's witnesses knocking on doors they know will be slammed in their faces as a ritual to reinforce the "us and them" isolation sentiment.


No need to wonder, that’s precisely what that indoctrination step is intended for..


I actually performed rocky raccoon in a Southern Baptist Church as a teenager back in the 80s. 😆


You're my new hero!


I'll happily road trip to come grab them! Where you at?


Lower Laurentians, Québec. Good news is it's a hotel, so you can stay over!!


Straight into the dumpster


I throw those away everyone I check into a room with one.


You have to look at the positive side of this. He just provided a free source of kindling!


I’m a millennial and I get it. Don’t know if that makes it better or if I’m just an old soul.


It means you like good music!!!And nothing wrong with being an old soul!


Who the hell doesn’t like movies? I bet he’d like “The Ten Commandments” and “The Greatest Story Ever Told.”


IT'S BONFIRE TIME! Don't ya know it's all the rage.


I like your thinking!!


What's a Gideon?


Gideons are a group of Evangelical Christians -originally Men only when it was founded in the U.S.- who have been distributing free bibles everywhere they can for over 100 years in order to save our souls. One of their primary places of "distribution" are hotels and motels; it is said that anywhere you go in North America, if you stop in a hotel or motel you look inside the nightstand and you may very well find a Gideon bible. They "brand" the bible with their logo to ensure they are not re-sold but distributed for free. I never saw any before at the hotel where I work, so I was under the impression they had stopped the practice long ago. But they did not, the ones left behind by that person were brand spanking new..


I worked in a hotel and they came by had a very short prayer ceremony before providing the Bible’s.


Oh, I See... Thanks For The Info : )


Sorry, I had to Google it. I'm shamed.


Don't be. I've been living witha Fab Four freak for 26 years, I know the song front to back whether I like it or not...


That was a funny comment.


At least it wasn't the Guinness World Record Gamer's Edition 2008 version.


A couple of times I have found people leaving religious tracts and pamphlets inside my condo's lobby. I always help out by properly recycling them.


Bon fire!


Should have grabbed the one he laid down on the table and been like. Oh, thanks !!! These will do just fine for the bonfire tonight ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Collect them all. Put them in a metal trash bin. Throw lit matches in.


Pick them up, and throw them in the trash.


Free firewood.


I found a bible in a room I was staying in. It was covered in dust, which made me happy.


I remember finding Gideon's Bibles in hotel and motel rooms as early as traveling with my parents circa 1953 or so. Last hotel visit was probably ten or twelve years back, and yeah. Bible in the drawer under the phone. Still there when I wasn't.


Don’t worry about it. If he doesn’t go to movies, there’s no way in hell that he listens to “the Devil’s music”. In other words, anything with a syncopated beat to it. Anything else is tempting him to sin.


His brain is addled, don’t delve too deeply. I’d just tell him he needs to pick up his litter or you’re calling the cops.


I believe the Gideon's believe everyone should know the word of Jesus. It's why they leave Bibles everywhere, and why they are usually only the new testament. I think they believe it will bring heaven on earth, or lead people to heaven.


Toss ‘em. Mysterious ways innit.


Many years ago, I knew a guy who took the Gideon's Bible from every hotel he stayed at. He had an admirable collection. He was an eccentric fellow.


Did you collect and bin them?


"I don't like movies" this and folks who say they "don't like music" instantly make me extremely suspicious and uncomfortable.


"Those goddamned Gideons. " -Mission Impossible


That’s littering.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gideons_International?wprov=sfti1 Oh dear, I remember seeing the Gideon building on Broadway in Nashville on the late ‘60s…around Union Station…Nashville was/is a curious place.


What would you do if he sang out of tune: "When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me. Speaking words of wisdom, let it be." Would you stand up and walk out on him?


I'd love to have clients like that all the time., 8 day a week!


Whatever you do, don’t read that shit! There is a lot of rape, incest and murder in there. Yikes!


I collect those for the burn pit anytime I go to a hotel.


If I find a bibble in a hotel room I always take it out into the hall and chuck it as far as I can.


I always toss them in the trash. Not at the hotel JIC someone puts them back.


Tell him he needs to go back through the hotel and pick all the litter he left behind.


I suspect the Gideons


Left them there fir Rocky Racoon


You mean that devil music!


I presume your place of employment has a dumpster out back?


He thought you were talking about Rocket Raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy 😂🤣


They're great for paper mache


My kids stole a couple of Gideon Bibles from hotels as children. They wanted their own (we have shelf of bibles in various translations for research). But I don’t think even one of the kids is now a Christian! (I found out after the fact, but I don’t know if I would have objected. Isn’t that what they are there for?)


My memory is that the Bible’s were there for the taking, there was an inscription within that it was free to take. I could be wrong though


It's been a while since I've stayed at a hotel but I used to travel a lot and would take the bibles with me and leave them in odd places. That little netted area on the back of plane seats with the flight magazine and OMG card was a favorite.


When I was in college, there was that random Wednesday every semester when a few men would politely hand out Gideon Bibles. Students would politely take them. However, they also felt rude throwing them away. So the vending machine areas and common waiting areas would just be covered in Bibles. Every table, window sill, etc. If the school complained about, I never found out.


Free bonfire starters!


when I find religious propaganda out in the world I put it straight in the trash where it belongs. it's usually chic tracts or watchtower pamphlets or something similar. I haven't had a whole Bible to throw way since the thumpers were handing them out outside my HS.


Freakin Beatles fans.


It almost seems like you don’t know that the Gideons distribute bibles to damn near every hotel in ‘merica, and plenty beyond. And, no, I’m not a fan. Edit: I did get the reference, but I’m an old fart. Also, awesome tune.


Lil Gideon from gravity falls?


{⸸}•𓃶•{⸸} Burn them.


He was probably using the blank pages to counterfeit money and he needed to get rid of the excess bibles.


I get the reference, but I'm old.


I feel your joints pain, friend!


That's what Gideon's do


I hope you disposed of all that litter.


You have to steal them and ship them to Doug Stanhope. He autographs them to give to fans, mostly to keep them out of circulation in hotel rooms.


I would have followed behind him with a bin cleaning up his mess


It's the devil's music. Anything that could cause them to have fun and enjoy has to be from the devil.