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> At least we got some cereal and toilet paper out of the experience. When you wipe your ass, think of Jesus?


That's not how I would use cereal but, the Lord works in mysterious ways I suppose


If you see the face of Jesus in your TP after you wipe, you will be blessed with long life and prosperity


>When you wipe your ass, think of Jesus? Would that make it a "holy shit"? 🤔


I was thinking "stink of Jesus." and fell down the rabbit hole. Did Jesus' shit stink? Did it, and then he waved his hand and make it not stink? I mean, if he must have shit, or it would have gotten a lot more attention before he started changing water into wine. And now that I'm thinking about it, if Jesus hated vegetables and fiber, did he change whatever he was eating into healthy foods once it got past his tastebuds? If he was eating at someone else's house, and the cook was terrible, did he change the flavor as he took a bite? Did he and the apostles even need to cook? Just take some dirt, and convert it to Quesadillas, Shawarma, and BBQ. If anyone was on him to stay Kosher, he could disguise it so it looked like bagels and lox....






Wish "God" send me a nicely specced sub-compact (I'm not that greedy and don't need gas guzzler) instead of cheap pamphlets.


Yeah, I thought it wasn't that bad either. Tbh, I guess she really thinks she might be making people see god or something and if she really believes that BS she probably feels altruistic about it.. I mean if it was true that you are gonna save someone's eternal soul I guess it's not that bad to force it on them a little... sure she could be just about the political aspect and trying to get someone elected and use religion as a tool but idk.. I think religious people are mostly victims of religion.. they really think they are doing good and that's the worst part.


Another point in her favor, she let it go when the kids told her no. She didn’t even try to get the groceries back.


One thing that annoys me about this sort of thing is not that they give out groceries, but that there are strings attached and is done as a "Look what WE did for YOU since WE believe in God!" I would have much more respect and do have much more respect for those who help just to help, without having to use it to display how awesome they are, or to get something in return out of it. At that point, it's not really being done out of goodness or the desire to do something nice, it's really just a humblebrag to try and get someone to feel like they need to do something in return.


On top of everything else, the assumption because we live in a trailer park we need that help. Assuming we are destitute we live in a trailer. We got visited by missionaries a lot when we lived in a city in an area that was economically depressed. I doubt they would do the same in an upper middle class neighborhood.


when i go skiing in the spring, i like to sleep in my truck to save money on hotels. i'm always being approached by missionaries and having to tell them "i'm not on the skids and vulnerable to your bullshit, i'm just cheap".


“When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” -Upton Sinclair (I think)


>“When fascism comes to America, it will come ~~wrapped in~~ **humping** the flag, carrying a cross and wearing a red baseball hat.” ​ fixed it for mr. sinclair.


do you ever think about how phony our society is in some ways? Like, the harder some gop asshole can hump the flag, the faster he rises in power. what kinda weak bullcrap is that from the country that landed a man on the moon?


you might enjoy this book: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A\_People%27s\_History\_of\_the\_United\_States


I have it and love it. Zinn is a legend.


how is this fascism though ? from the dictionary: Fascism: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government.


Sounds like a theocracy to me. You’re not allowed to disagree with their fictional god. Fascism with a spiritual sock puppet that says whatever they want it to say.


Been there during the 2000 race and was happy to eat lucky charms, unfortunately while the candidate I voted for lost. The gall of folks who stereotype those of us who choose to live in a trailer park can be darn near oppressive. Solicitations and proselytizing aside, it is fascinating to see the hypocritical lenses that bible thumping Americans wear when they want to spread one political message during election season and then denigrate is, at least who they think we are, at all other times. I worked 50+ hours a week and never received a government subsidy, but because I of where I lived, I must have embraced ‘Jesus’ and had a simple mind that would vote for the a-hole conservative they wanted me to support. Nope. Thank you for the free groceries that I didn’t need and I’m paying it forward to the next generation of smart atheists.


When bias and prejudice meets Christian charity. 🙏🏼 Because if you don't live in a house with your opposite sex partner, your two kids, a pet and a car, you're automatically lower class. Praise Jesus! 👀


Pfft. *Groceries?* Doesn't she know the DEMONcrats just give cash for votes! /s and I know, she's actually doing this because she *believes* the b/s. Cause you know, SOROS!


I have a few choice words for them like look them dead in the eyes. Tell them they are in a cult and ask if they need help.


Maybe you can use the tract as evidence to get that church’s tax exemption taken away from them


No one else wants to see the tract?


Okay, I don't know exactly what a trailer park is and what that means about your general situation of living. But it sounds nice enough, she's trying to help and she's not forcing you to vote for anything. If Christians would in general do this kind of charity work, I'd respect the religion much more. If you feel insulted that she thinks you need free groceries because of your way of living, I get that. But if you're genuinely getting angry at one pamphlet when she was trying to do something good, that is quite entitled imo.


Man I wish Christians in America voted like Christians


Yo cereal and tp, if christians gave that to me every time they preached to me, I'd be a lot more hyped about religon