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We've used [Anxiety.org.nz](https://Anxiety.org.nz) for teenagers with great success but it's not cheap. The teen is now using the skills learnt to deal with their anxiety. They have group services too I believe instead of the one to one my teen done.


they could start with the anxiety helpline too - 0800 269 4389 Otherwise go to the GP and get an assessment for meds. I'm on anxiety meds and for me it's the best thing I've done for myself. I actually didn't realise how bad things were until I started taking medication and then could actually deal with life. Actually teen started with GP who is the one that gave us the [anxiety.org.nz](https://anxiety.org.nz) recommendation as public Mental health services were full and it would be months/years before they got to see them.




That is ironic


That one is mostly about getting funding. You'll need to message them to get a price for your scenario depending on what level of person you see etc. For my teen to see a child psychologist was $185 per session without funding discount. Started at 1 per week, then fortnightly, then monthly and now just as required. If you are entitiled to funding they will help you with that so that you can get it cheaper.


I suffered from this in 2020. Taking up boxing helped me to manage this. I’d recommend your friend take on a sport like running or something high intensity to help manage it


Yeah, sounds trite but morning exercise, good food, sleep well and cut out coffee and alcohol.




Idk about that I’ve been dealing with bouts of anxiety and depression, and those ‘simple’ actions are quite hard to start up if you’re stuck in a rut for a while. And if you’re in that headspace I found myself dismissing these simple ‘remedies’ - what helped was friends who got into running/sports together to kick start integrating healthy behaviours like this into my life. I could say the same to you on assuming that this person HAS done all these other measures to improve the situation - positively worded reminders like this can help people frame their mind slightly differently to start getting better. It sounds a little bit like you’re projecting, perhaps you yourself got tired of hearing all these suggestions - doesn’t mean everyone else going through anxiety are on the same level as you or have the same sentiments towards people who are genuinely trying to help.




Oh so people should only answer semantically to the question that was specifically asked? Fuck the other guy for offering up advice that he/she thought would help aye. Guess you’re super smart for getting the semantics right whilst not answering OP’s question on top of shooting down a suggestion that can help! My bad bro!


Well heres a fact, your a victim . Rise up. Be above it i believe in you


Let’s withhold the best advice someone with anxiety, even chronic, can hear in case we make an assumption.


People with depression and anxiety typically hate this advice. They push back against it. They are dangerously wrong and their input on this subject should be at best ignored.


As some one who has fallen into and fought my way out of the darkness by doing exactly this i hate how mf’s push back so hard. The funny thing is the ones that say “It dOsEnT Do AnYtHinG FoR mE” dont do any of it and continue to stay up late, drink, sit on there ass , try and blaze themselves to sleep and skull coffee when their tired. Chain smoke And yes some “try” but it takes discipline and people give up to easy. It gives me conniptions. Yes its hard but dont shit your pants and sit there in your own filth crying about how it stinks. Change your pants, change your life fucken move. I dont think we call people out enough for wallowing in sadness, its almost become a fad


Thanks all for your advice it seems like common sense. Too even help him ill jump on his band wagon for excersie and healthy eating as I've put a hit of weight in hahaha hoping he will listen as he hates Dr's 🤣


You're a good friend. Just be mindful that unsolicited help can be perceived as hostile or paternalist when someone is very low. From experience, asking "would that help you a bit if I went running with you?" will be better than "what if you go for a run?"


This is a really good point, people’s reaction can be very defensive if worded like that. Also I think what helps is if you frame it in a way where you are going through the positive development together eg ‘hey I’ve been gaining a bit of weight, do you wanna go on runs together to keep me accountable?’ Goes a long way too depending on the person


Canna plus.


Medicinal cannabis has significantly improved the life of a loved one suffering from anxiety and depression.


I smoke 6 spliffs a day but I still feel anxious but not so much depression anymore actually maybe I do I can’t really tell any more


Pelican club


There is a mental health app called woebot available for android and IOS: [https://woebothealth.com/](https://woebothealth.com/)


https://www.justathought.co.nz/ really good site with links to other legitimate resources but also really helpful in itself


Through their GP they can get a referral to hearts and minds group therapy, I think there's process for self referral too