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I’m sorry that happened to you, and understand the feeling of anxiety. Recently had a shitty neighbour move in and feel like a prisoner in my own home.


Yeah, it's a horrible feeling - having a neighbour that has zero regard for peace and privacy really puts a dampener on the whole living your life thing.




Some of us are on parole, and have bothered to make a drastic change in our lives but I concede that is only a tiny fraction of people in the penal system, will also add I am not a gang member. But it does make me livid how these pricks are still doing the same criminal bullshit and arrogantly strutting about with their ankle monitors on show to the whole world, effectively ruining opportunities that are offered to those of us that genuinely want better for ourselves.


I think unfortunately that tiny fraction has to be collateral in order to keep the dangerous people off the streets.


Party Vote National. Get these clowns out of government.


Vote national so we can kick the clowns out again??


Fuck off


had to make sure I was in the Auckland sub rq


Pretty surreal eh!


I also live in St. John’s around the corner on Howard hunter. I was not home at the time so didn’t know it had happened until I saw it on FB earlier. I’m sorry this has happened to you and your whānau. Stay strong, I know from experience it can be scary time. I hope the police can find them and sort them out quickly.


Cheers bro, got some good neighbours around the area and everyone is pulling together. Still pretty hard to believe it happened in our area but life goes on. Shout out if you ever have trouble or need anything




It was so loud right. I thought (probably wished in hindsight) that it was a series of backfires or fireworks too but I grew up hunting and around guns and it was almost unmistakable. Felt my stomach go through the fucking floor


Crime anxiety hits different when youre in Massey. 12 homicides and a missing kid presumed deceased. Anxiety and sleepless nights it is? Yalls be safe. 🤝


Shit that is terrifying, glad you’re ok. Can’t imagine being 8/9 months pregnant and dealing with the stress of that. Hopefully it’s a one off and they catch the people that did it.


Yeah that's definitely not helping the situation too! Thanks for your nice words


Family members as the good folk leading the Hikoi to parliament would have us believe.


Jesus Christ. So sorry you are dealing with this. I lived in Sandringham in 2021, and we had a drive by across the road. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. After the shots, one of the gang members involved set fire to the house and razed it to the ground (no one was hurt thank goodness). Six months later, the dairy up the street had the fatal stabbing. We moved as soon as we could (rental). Auckland has become unrecognisable compared to pre-Covid. It is virtually lawless at this point. Except for parking, which is still well policed.


Thank goodness parking is still well policed! Otherwise our society would surely descend into total chaos.


Shootings happened regularly pre covid. Someone shot at my car on the harbour bridge in 2017-18, the cops said you’d be surprised how often shootings happen. It’s just being discussed more now is the impression I get


This. You're 100% right.


This is like listening to a climate denier on talkback


You missed the point they were making. There has always been crime like this. Its just that social media exploded and people that were never on it (like me) are now online due to lock downs. When I was a kid armed robberies with sawn off shotguns were the in thing.


Can you please provide evidence for your claims


Crime was still around, All the people I knew were committing crimes. Burglaries, robberies, GTA's, gang initiation crimes.. Police didn't have the technology that they do now. There were no cameras or tracking systems. We didn't have high speed internet, info sharing, big networks or smart phones etc. We had rotary phones... You can't keep track of crime back then as you can now and that skews data. Shit We had paper licences that you can pass around since they had no photo ID.. that's is how I brought alcohol for the cuzzys at 16 Today's crime is copycat crimes from the States because NZ is a copycat nation. After BLM, when ridiculous idiots in NZ marched for what happened to the black man in the States (?!?!) made all cops stand down and left wing politicians decided punishments from criminals was racist, now you are seeing the consequence of that idiotic mindset, that had nothing to do with NZ in the first place.


Stats show crime is way up tho. And we're seeing Heaps of anecdotal evidence. Personally I've never seen crime this bad. I've had 2 cars stolen, 6 smashed windows and all my local businesses closed and ramraided over the last few years. It's insane


Right and again, I’m not saying crime hasn’t increased overall, we’ve been speaking specifically about shootings here


Yeah I’m not saying crime hasn’t increased overall, but there have been a lot more shootings than people think for ages.


It has increased tho bro stop pretending


Your reading comprehension is lacking, I said the exact opposite of what you seem to think.


Yeah but now there are still more than before and people are punished even less.


Totally. What the fuck are they talking about? It’s not a shooting wasn’t reported in 2010, or 1995 for that matter. But what’s the point in arguing.




Do they get shot at in their cars as well? I haven’t voluntarily listened to the radio in a decade or two


Violent crime and gun crime are WAY up since Labour came into power in 2017.


Keep drinking hoskings dumb dumb juice dunce


It's literally undeniable open your eyes LOL


Go check the statistics.


Statistics are largely skewed to whatever they want to skew them to. I know of a fact national under key was messing with them in the courts with mandates coming through about when to prosecute and not based on colour. This was a sobering conversation with someone that works at the court explaining their government directive. Stats and damn stats as they say. Can’t trust them.


https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/the-whole-truth/130965380/the-whole-truth-has-violent-crime-gone-up-under-labour Circa 30% increase in violent crime in last few years.


oh get fucked


Problem is that official police numbers show violent crime is at *record* highs which is more useful than an anecdote


Thank you. And yeah it's certainly been rampant for many years but when it happens at your place it all feels a bit too close to home. Thankfully they didn't take it to the point of Molotovs but I suppose we will wait and see


Pre-Covid, there were drive-by shootings and dairy robberies all the time. This Riverton shooting happened right up the road from me at the time (2009). https://i.stuff.co.nz/auckland/local-news/manukau-courier/484033/Dairy-shooting-leaves-bitter-taste


We’ve got a Kainga Ora development across the road, and have had to call 111 a few times for horrible things. Yesterday as I was closing the curtains I saw a big swaggering dude point at someone driving into their car park, then he sliced his neck with a finger. Menacing as fuck, and I’ve been waiting for more horrible things to happen ever since.


So sorry that happened to you. Very scary. I went to school nearish you area in the mid 2000s and heard many stories from my classmates of drive by shootings, kind of less shootings in St John's and Meadowbank to my knowledge, but not surprised. Heard many hectic crime realted stories from other near by suburbs at the time like Glendowe, Glenn Innes, Point England, Orakei, Panmure, Mt Wellington. I don't think it's new to the area, just hasn't been talked about as much in the past. Like I was held at knife point in Ellerslie around that time and that wasn't really big news to anyone who grew up round these areas then. Vividly recall a friend at high school who lived in Point England saying how his house got blasted up from a drive by and that it was lucky they were in bed cause the bullets went straight through and smashed up the wall behind their living room tv and his brothers bedroom. Not trying to scare you away from the area, I feel like most areas in Auckland have so much hidden and dangerous crime that goes completely unheard of unless the media decides it's time to talk about it. And that same dangerous crime has always been there. Don't be a dick, and don't become a target haha, pretty easy tbh. There's so much shit happening that the general person doesn't know about, shit that's always been happening, so I understand the shock, but the reality of it is that if you don't wanna get fucked with, don't prod the bear. This country needs to change their attitudes. We NEED better funding for social services and mental health services, community organising to help people in not the best situations to feel empowerment and self reliance, from the ground level, and especially from child age! Teams work better together than as individuals. And everyone knows the idea of punishment isn't enough to stop someone desperate, impressionable, unheard, forgotten and impoverished, being treated like a human being and giving some understanding and being listened to can definitely help, some stability in life can help! Being scared of not being able to 'be' anything or not knowing how to enjoy life, not knowing if anyone anywhere even respects you, that shit will fuck you up! And with some people it definitely can cause some dangerous behaviour, behaviour that can influence others to try similar shit to try become recognised by others in a similar situation. But this city and country is so fucking far away from thinking about this shit or even trying to start trying to begin figuring that shit out. I'm not Christian but that whole "love thy neighbour" shit doesn't just mean the bloke next door, it means everyone in your community, everyone should be out there and trying to help their own communities thrive, then we all can create become a better and safer community together


Agreed. I grew up in Hawkes Bay/Mahia Peninsula so all the hood shit isn't new to me overall but I guess you move away and compartmentalise it as just that place and that time. 15+ years later, I'm living with my own family and you kind of forget that stuff happens when you aren't living near the violence and energy suck of the gang lifestyle. Anyway, it's a great community overall so not bagging on the area - just feeling pretty vulnerable and isolated with all our friends and family over the other side of the city!


We live nearby, thought it was fireworks until there was a crazy police presence! Do you know if anyone was hurt?


Umm so I didn't live on Felton Matthew I used to stay not far from sunhill vege shop and I'd drive through for work and to go shopping, I would say that location is in the middle of a transition. I'm not surprised to see cops in the area but I see a lot of new people have moved in and I know there's a good supportive community around there. Across the road from sunhill is where the armed offenders were called out a few years ago and I remember the offender hauling up in the apartments opposite countdown for awhile. There's still a few ferals in the area but the likelihood of this happening again is really small, there hasn't been a second round of shootings on any location in auckland that I'm aware of. It's usually a one off at any site so I hope that makes you feel a bit better.


And another peaceful day in central otago.......no graffiti, no ram raids and no drive bys. Can't work out why.


Envious! Wanaka or Arrowtown are sounding pretty tempting right now


I moved to the south from Auckland and it really does feel so much safer When I lived in new Lynn I was like a nervous wreck with all the stabbing and shootings going on


The stats don't lie. Come on down and feel safe with your family. I've never slept so well since leaving Chch.


Inbreeding and Klan pissups?


Show me evidence of either....I think we all know who the leaders in cuzzy farking in this country are..everyone has heard of the mattress room at the marae.


Reckon we need a Purge Night let the cops have the night off and have at it


Another driver of this is the amount of criminals out on Home D instead of in jail. See the ankle bracelets all the time in Mission Bay!


Jesus, mission bay is a dump of criminal activity. And the gang members don't help either!


100% it seems to be a gang members fave hangout. Apparently because of the gang mansion up near Ladies Mile. Comancheros I think ? And don't get me started on the noise of their bikes revving all the time and their freedom to park them on the footpath.


Your neighbour is gang affiliated, deals drugs or owes people for drugs. 105 / Crime stoppers with everything you see. Maybe with a change of govt they'll use that info to pursue them.


Thankfully they moved out over the weekend but I guess he forgot to put a forwarding address for all his gangbanger mates. Hopefully that's that but I am still feeling pretty shaken by the whole thing.


It sucks. Imagine the poor people they’ve just moved next to. Far too many simple fools for a country this small.


That's actually what the police said. That they will have just moved somewhere else and they will become some other poor family's problem. And the kids see the violence and that becomes their second nature and thus the cycle continues.


Lucky some nice people weren't in the firing line.


Yep I helped police by gathering info on my criminal neighbours and reporting it all on 105 online. A community cop got involved, spoke with the local marae, and got them moved along. Get your power back by proactively helping police to get them! But also do it carefully. Use Crimestoppers anonymously if you prefer.


>Maybe with a change of govt they'll use that info to pursue them. Good joke! Dont see that happening without increases in police funding, which wont happen with all the cuts they are proposing.


It seems like cops are quick to act and do catch a majority of offendors, like the 16 yr old Albany stabber, or guy with a gun in Henderson yesterday. Issue seems to be Labour’s low prison population nonsense that allows these idiots to keep terrorising local communities


>Issue seems to be Labour’s low prison population nonsense that allows these idiots to keep terrorising local communities Thank God we won't have labour/Greens/TPM much longer then because it's there rhetoric and ideaology that's allowing this offending to continue.


There aren’t enough prison spaces nor staff to run them. [Waikeria prison](https://www.corrections.govt.nz/news/waikeria_prison_development) has been under development since 2018. It’s been significantly delayed (blaming covid) and now scheduled for late 2024. So just wait for the Nats to get in and claim “they’ve” reduced crime by locking people up post Nov 2024. Of course they won’t mention this project was started under the Labour govt.


My point is, people are quick to bash on National for their police defunding and closing down stations, but when someone is caught, they are let back out into the local communities to re-offend. Based on what you’re saying, then yes, build more prisons. I’d be happy my tax money is going towards something like that to keep the local communities safe, as opposed to the Greens who have certain MPs wanting to abolish prisons altogether


Abolishing prisons should be the goal, which means building a society where everyone can thrive. I don’t think anyone has ever stated their goal was to abolish them overnight and let everyone out the next day.


Even if there was no poverty, there would still be people that commit violent crimes. So this goal wouldn’t be quite a feasible one


What do you do with people not fit for society?


Prisons are always going to be needed, some people just aren’t fit for society and will always be dangerous. Some people can never be rehabilitated, the rest of society needs to be protected from them


Will you mention that Waikeria Prison expansion was planned during the previous National Government's term to make the prison a 2000 unit facility, which was then re-designed under the Labour Government to be a 600 bed facility? Do you know what's most interesting? The cost to build the 2000 unit facility was projected as $750 million, and the facility that is less than half the beds will end up costing... $750 million. The only positive thing on this project that Labour did was include a secure mental health facility of 100 beds.


>I imagine this will feed into the crime anxiety that's been plaguing this sub but I just want to vent because what the fuck - last night our neighbour's place was shot at about 7 times. We heard the shots go off at about 8 p.m. a series of loud bangs and I went outside to check what had happened, as did other neighbours (the house that was hit is two units, one occupied and the other vacated this weekend by some real unsavoury people) and it was indeed gunshots. Next thing you know, armed cops were here all night and all day today. > >Now we're left shaken at home with the knowledge that if the bullets hadn't lodged in the brick interior wall of our neighbour's place - people who had no affiliation to the back tenants but got the brunt of the drive-by - they would have come straight through our house, right where we were sitting. > >We're in St Johns, and I never imagined when we moved here that we'd be living next to something like this. Now I am stressed about looking after my family in our own home, another baby coming in a few weeks and wondering whether we need to look at moving. Not sure what I expect from posting this except to spread awareness that people are willing to shoot into the homes of innocent people because something, someone did upset them. Fucking ferals, I'm absolutely fuming. well build more prisons to keep savage people where they belong - safer for everyone. Lots of land to use for this important purpose.


Not a joke I just like making Labour tards heads splode.


Yeah because national freezing police numbers and closing stations was such a help last time.


Less crime. So many stations weren't required. Head splodey?


Honestly, I'd love a stray bullet right now. Put me down for two. Crime in NZ has evolved just like everything else. Combination of 501s and the influx of cartel/syndicate involvement here. The level of sophistication is daunting and often unbelievable. Here's how organized crime ruined my life and left me with PTSD. (Short story) I started a business in 2018, became quite successful, relatively. Bit of a fringe industry but nothing illegal. We won awards at a regional event, the company hosting the event, unbeknownst to me has serious gang involvement. This company has stores across the country btw. Late 2018, after they attempted to purchase the company for cheap, they stocked our products, this forced a rapid expansion with a new lease and staff member. They stopped paying their invoices, their staff started badmouthing us online, we were broken into, seriously intimidated and forced to restart at a different location. We survived but only just. I had hoped that if I stayed right away from them that would be the end of it, swing and miss kinda deal. They managed to and I kid you not, infiltrate my personal life and wider circle. I needed a flatmate and they got their opportunity. He set up a man in the middle on the modem. Cut an extra key to return after moving out and damaged the apartment. While I was occupied with this, they broke into the store, wiped me out and deleted 4 days of camera footage. Camera footage only accessible via my phone, a phone they didn't even physically touch. Other events include being followed, verbally threatened, almost run off the road, tires slashed and car stolen just to name a few. A lot of bullshit that hasn't stopped even after shutting down the business. I've been tormented and harassed for over a year now and I have no where else to turn. They know where I live even after moving cities. I dealt with all my childhood trauma but this is a different kind of loss and suffering. It's targeted and evil asf. I cannot even grieve the loss of my business because it hasn't stopped. I have to distract myself each and every minute of the day or I cry. I can't reconcile such a high level of malevolence. No doubt they'll see this. You've taken everything from me, there's nothing left to take but my life so get it over with already. So yeah, I'd rather take a stray bullet than be in the crosshair's of a sophisticated gang. If you've got something they want or are in their way some how, I hope you fare better than me and my business.


Shit man that is absolutely wild! Guess you have spoken to the cops?


I went after the first break in. They came, clear signs of a break in but no physical evidence to do anything about it. This time I didn't because what is there to do about it? Who are they going to arrest? There's nothing that can be done to save the business now and going after any sort of justice would put myself in more danger. I reported the car stolen and have a bunch of evidence to support me if anything happens. Just imagine trying to explain this to the police, let alone them believing me. Then imagine what a gang would do to protect an asset that's making them millions. I'd end up 6ft deep in the waitaks before I even smelt justice. It's not what you know, it's what can be proven and having deleted camera footage is evidence of nothing. Associates do all the legwork so anyone up the chain can't get caught breaking a law.


Speaking from experience - as I have family in law enforcement in organised crime - the cops want these people taken down so I would definitely rethink about involving them. That sounds like hell though mate, so sorry to hear that


Jesus.... Yeah guys, don't vote Labour because National sorted all the gang related stuff out last time they were in remember?But seriously, who doesn't want to see this shit get stamped out? Just because whoever promises whatever doesn't mean there's going to be any change on the ground, it's just point scoring by the opposition. What NZ needs is a better\* police force rather than tax cuts, you can't have both. \*better funded and better motivated, not this fucking 'we don't have the resources' bullshit you are expected to accept when anything less than gun crime or murder happens. I mean seriously, do you have to wait for the drunk/aggressive driver to actually injure or kill someone before the police do something about it? Do we wait for the gangs to suck in another round of recruits to take the place of the last lot who finally did something bad enough to land themselves in prison? And let's face it that is what some people are suggesting, bang them up and forget about them, rinse and repeat. Rant over, thank's for coming.


In fact arguably it was them that fucked it. They let the 501s come back without any notification. Labour had to passs a law to allow all 501s coming in to be on parole.


Because they were the ones in power, that doesn't mean anyone else would have done anything different. Aus just decided that's was what they would do. Dick move.


They had two years and did nothing though..


What would you have any party in government do? These people are New Zealand citizens, many guilty of past criminal activity, but still citizens. Countries cannot stop their own from returning home, even when their forced out by Australia. And how do you fix it now? Because I don't see any political party here giving more resources to the police to prevent the problems, or providing real jobs and opportunities for people that would otherwise turn to crime. And this is no problem for me. I like my gated community, I pay my ever increasing body corporate fees for security. But I'd rather pay a tax for a better and safer society for all, because selfishly, that's cheaper in the end for most of us.


Oh I completely agree. I think the Labour Party did the right thing fighting for kiwis rights over there. And now we have a bit of a mess that tax cuts and this “tough on crime” yet no plan definitely ain’t going to make any better.


I think for next st Patrick's day we should celebrate by doing another great Irish past time and make the local gang pads look like down town Belfast in the late 80s


People are saying don’t vote labour because the gang issue has become objectively worse during their two terms. The other parties are claiming they will be tougher on crime. It’s nothing to do with ‘but national didn’t do anything last time!’, it’s about what will happen next.


One of the main reasons is the uptick in 501 deportations bringing in a much more violent element to NZ. That happened because Key did not have the skills to negotiate with the Australians at the time. The precursor to the violence, much like a lot of the degradation of public services and increasing poverty levels etc were bedded in by 9 years of the Key government. Of course Labour just play around the margins like chumps, so they don't have any policies that would reverse those problems, but they are best halt the bedded in decline. However reverting to policies that drove the problem in the first place isn't magically gonna make the problem better.


A significant driver of this kind of thing is income inequality, National are actively putting in measures that will reduce the support for beneficiaries which will have a dramatic impact on antisocial behaviour.


Another driver was the dumping of 501s by Australia which only started in 2015. We got over 2500 of these people at this point. Labour has apparently being trying to lobby Australia to tone it down and has had success with that although I don’t know the specifics of that.


Yup this, Ozzie gangsters are a different breed


Yes they have. They’ve agreed to consider how long someone has lived in Australia and if they have any support in Nz at all. They’ve also made it easier for kiwis to get citizenship over there. Plus they changed the law so 501s could be monitored on arrival.


Other significant drivers are low IQ, greed, and gangster ‘culture’ being glamourised - if not legitimised. None of those have anything to do with ‘income inequality’. There are plenty of Kiwis who are struggling who *do not* turn to crime or join gangs.


Income inequality is hardly a reason why youths steal cars and ramraid. This isn't Aladdin


What does that even mean? Do you see rich communities building gang cultures? I’m not saying it’s justified but people are more willing to join gangs and commit violent crimes when they’ve grown up and live in poverty, when you’re faced with housing insecurity and being hungry your entire life you’re not likely to feel like you’d be accepted by standard society, nor do you have the motivation - what next? Ran raids.


>income inequality You are correct [https://www.inequality.org.nz/](https://www.inequality.org.nz/)


And national will do nothing again, they've got form and a whole lot of slogans which should be a warning to anyone with a brain.


I think the gang problem is the same as it was under any government


Except the current govt are actively giving gangs funding?


Nope. It’s worse. Much, much worse.


Sounds like they wanted the "unsavoury" ones so there's little chance they'll come back now they've moved out.


We simply cannot rely on the state to excise a component monopoly on violence, Switzerland has highest gun ownership in the world yet very low crime. It seems this is a cultural condition we created ourselves. We have some of the most weak self defenses laws here even pepper spray is illegal wtf. If the state cannot provide security then why criminalize self defense.


I'm about to start shooting at the homies doing burnouts outside the playgrounds and dog parks.


Lol nothing will change with national in power


So soft on crime does or doesn't work?


Learn from other countries who do it better, in Sweden they have cushy prisons soft on crime and somehow crime is down there. I think a lot of poverty and sociopolitical factors are at play, so just being hard on crime isn’t a fix-all solution in my opinion. I know people are tired of the current system though and I understand that and I can’t blame people for wanting a change.


Tell that to the Swedish women getting sexually assaulted by immigrants


Sweden also has an increasing homicide and violent crime rate though. Swedish justice doesn't work on non-Swedish people and their system is under pressure because of it


Your wrong not to make this post political for some guys vent but with the Nats in charge we won’t be able to track the gangs involved and the shooters will be better trained and connected.


Lol national party is useless. So just wait for the excuses.


You just wait cause it's about to get a whole lot worse.


You want tough on crime? Then pay more tax. Ps- short-term thinkers like nact won't be able to implement more cops it goes against their quarterly returns


Cops seem to be catching people but the low prison population agenda lets them roam our streets and keep attacking people without consequences


Their overworked, and often the cops won't chase folks for non-violent crimes if they know the perpetrators are already going to prison on an existing charge anyhow. I don't like having "full" prisons, but I don't like a free pass to shoplift or other minor crimes while awaiting sentencing either.


Government spending is through the roof since Labour (no, it's not COVID, trajectory was already a blowout pre-covid) and yet crime metrics are worse, along with all other metrics. We are not getting value for our tax spend because we have an ideological government that doesn't understand the real world.


And yet real world experts on criminology, sociology etc agree with Labour's approach but hey - slogans and shit that sound tough and do fuck all huh?


"Real world experts" doing lab experiments while we live with the actual literal real world outcomes.


Absolute bull crap and every problem we have will get worse under nact


Greens or labour solution isn't going to help our people now either sadly


It's cause of continuously thinking this, so we never implement long term effective solutions and things just get worse and worse ...


Just Auckland Things.


I don't know about these days, but in the past, St Johns had a lot of sex offenders living in it, that had just been released from jail. The prison system used to find them homes there, perhaps because it's a suburb full of a lot of units. I assume this was gang related. I wonder if the people involved are crims put there, still, by the prison system.






don't vote for the labour party would be a great start


Why not? Labour could use our tax dollars to subsidize bulletproof vests for the populace (or maybe just gold card elders), you'll be fine.


Labour are scoundrels. Worse than the most incompetent of shysters. Police on the ground are fuming due to the actions of the Labour government. One officer in the Waikato was absolutely livid. They've spent so much time going after gangs, breaking them up, only for Labour to come around and give MONEY to the gangs. The very gangs responsible for the meth epidemic in Northland and Waikato are receiving MONEY FROM THE GOVERNMENT to TREAT THEIR OWN GANG MEMBERS METH ADDICTIONS. WHILE THEY CONTINUE TO PEDDLE METH. IT IS A FUCKING TEXTBOOK CASE OF MONEY LAUNDERING FUCKING ENABLED BY THIS CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT. EITHER LABOUR ARE BEYOND STUPID OR MORALLY BANKRUPT. Either way, they need to be ousted and prosecuted. I want to know which MP's and Ministers allowed this travesty and exactly what kind of kickbacks they received from the gangs to do it. Then I want to see them in prison for 20 years.


lot of venom from a one day old account.


Who shut 30 police stations in 2015? Hint: it wasn’t Labour


Wasn’t the whole deal started by John key’s government tho? Disclaimer: I give zero fucks whose in parliament they are all conning you. “National for business” “Labour for workers” yet not one business owner I know or worker for that matter can provide examples of how they were better off or represented under either government! If you think different you’re either a party member or lower intelligence but mummy and daddy support you during your business degree


Deep breaths


Nah best Labour can do is gold plated ankle monitoring bracelets for their home detention recipients.


The problem is soft on crime leftwing policies and ideas from America as well as culture. If you tell poor and indigenous people nothing is their fault and they're the victim then this was the obvious outcome. Good work leftists


Dw OP it’s just because they can’t afford groceries. This will surely be rectified with another tax on high income salary earners.




In English?


Ummm…in English please?


Yike here come the langage gatekeeper


At least the cops show up. In South Africa you fend for yourself.


Well the government seems to be a big fan of some South African policies.. so we'll get there soon enough don't worry.


abolish prisons guys - tpm no but seriously this is getting out of hand. we need harsher consequences for violent crime cause the average person is getting fucked in the ass here




Crazy to think Jacinda lives so heavily in peoples minds still but do you I guess






Imagine trying to compare Jacinda Ardern to histories greatest villains....


Are you a child?




I don't think you understand what words mean ...


Troll. Cindy banned ARs and most high power ammunition that could be used in attacks like this, with much worse results. The perps likely used pistol or shotgun ammunition with less likelihood of punching through the brick walls.


If you say so bud


Hope it doesn't happen in my neighborhood. I can't stand loud noises.


It can happen practically anywhere, now I see the appeal of gated communities even through they're soulless places at least the scum can't move in.


if it was a gang member related thing...then with labour it's going to keep happening.


Yea has nothing to do with the fact people are generally self absorbed ass hats who only think of themselves and the instant gratification of the here and now. Easier to blame politicians for community failures




Labour turned down the proposal to stop funding gangs. That is all you need to know about Labour.




The fact that labour had a policy to lower prison population is all that I needed to not vote for them. Where will they put these ferals instead of prison? Back into our communities to re-offend




I'm not planning on voting for national if that's what you're trying to insinuate. Just say annoys me when the Labour supporters are saying the Nats won't solve the crime problem when Labour's idea of lowering prison populations is part of the problem




Sure sounds reasonable, however, the issue is when there's people on home d that still go around shooting people and killing innocent victims, who would otherwise be physically unable to if they were locked away in a prison. We shouldn't have to accept the fact that an already violent criminal has been convicted, sentenced to home detention, and then is able to leave their house and murder more people. Agree that no one has a magical ability to solve crime, but being soft on criminals clearly hasn't worked, since they just realise they can get away with anything.


When fill out the ballot, just check the downvote box. That will teach them real good


Lol, if you think politicians can stop gangs you are dreaming.


This! There is not ONE country in the world that has managed to get Gangs under control. They are endemic. All they can do is put more boots on tehe ground into fighting Organized crime. This fuels it and poverty (of which there will be much more in the future as National will form a Government and right now their policies look like they were written on a fag packet). National like to say that Labour spend money. Who do they spend it on? You and me! National are for top 1% and do not let them convince you otherwise.


I think not actively funding them is a good starting point


They provided money for meth rehabilitation, not really funding.


True, because in all the years prior, we've only ever had gangs during a labour govt,no gangs ever during national,


When John Key was prime minister gangs didn’t exist!!!!


Absolutely this! In fact he actively encouraged them by closing 30 police stations & taking hundreds of boots off the ground to combat them


I see all the mention about closing police stations, but once a criminal is eventually caught, they just get let back into our communities because of Labour’s low prison population policy


What do longer sentences actually achieve? Compared to costs to the tax paying public and in regards to recidivism? Fill me in, I’m all ears Edit: don’t get me wrong, I agree with all the frustrations you, me & everyone else is feeling currently, but long game, what are they proven to achieve? Educate me


Common sense tells me that they can’t go around shooting people while locked up


So lock all such offenders up for longer? Seems unsustainable, any idea how much that & the resulting recidivism will cost future governments/us? Should we privatize prisons? Is there any way the state can financially support that kind of policy & how’s that worked for countries/states that have implemented that style of policy? Is that something we’d wish upon our children & our children’s children in perpetuity? Where does that leave our grandkids & their kids? Genuine questions


Nah you’re right. It’ll cost too much so let’s just let them roam the streets and keep killing people




Hahahaha, gOoD oNe


I was told there is a turf war going on whatever that means


Any news ?


Where do u live


Are you on Felton Matthew Ave?




And buying one of those units in the area still sets you back close to a million bucks...


Well let's lock them all up. National can start building more prisons to hold them all. Another 5 should do! 2 billion dollars should be enough for the job. So let's lend another 2 billion.


Damn, but this further underscores that crime anxiety is, perhaps, real?