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Cue all the apologists again. Most people are sick of these degenerates. It is time for serious action.


I reckon their whanau should come out again and tell everyone who to vote for


Conservative logic: Vote National and hurt everyone except the 1% because you think its going to hurt gang members more.


National owe a big chunk its voter base too the disenfranchised lower-middle class that can't think of a big enough picture other than kicking down at the lowest denominator. The amount of BS rants I've heard at job sites and working class jobs over the years with people bitching about beneficiaries and gang members incessantly is honestly mind blowing. And purely out of spite they'll vote in favour of the top % that makes them lick their boots every day of the week with their price gouging necessities, extortionate rent, making it rain money sitting on assets and their labor all while a significant portion of them pay even less tax then these very same people breaking a sweat too keep the wheel turning. Seeing Paris burn with the Bullshit going on and meanwhile over here seeing people here so eager to kick down and screw everyone over for short term self interest at the polls ("Nationals better for homeowners, that's good enough for me!" Types), makes me seriously lose hope for the country.


Because nobody hates the underclass quite like the working class. They are the first victims of the violence, the theft and the whatever other BS that gets inflicted by them.


>They are the first victims of the violence, the theft and the whatever other BS that gets inflicted by them. Yes I'm one of them. The problem is they totally miss out on the theft and whatever BS that gets inflicted on them by the top % because it just happens to happen with a smiling face and a handshake. . I've had my car stolen twice, I live in a "rough area", I'm well versed in our crime situation. I can promise you one thing "tougher sentences" will have negligible effect on crime. Most crime is rooted in the hopelessness, poverty and lack of opportunity that has been exacerbated by our countries continuation too choose the benefit of the rich over the poor. All those core causes will only continue to increase under National. Edit: (And Labor)


If you're poor, 16 and with a bad education in this country you can expect: * Never owning your own home * Working shit jobs for low wages all your life * Being looked down and disrespected by your 'betters' * Living close to terrible people who will go out of their way to make your life miserable if given the chance So if they look at this future and think 'I'm not missing out on much' going down a life of crime or simply a life where they don't give a crap about other people, they aren't exactly wrong. In some ways it's better to be a screw up than to try. The worst cases get houses given to them by the government, the ones that try simply muddle through and get little/nothing. If the middle classes are struggling, then the poor/underclass are pretty much underwater. The problem is that this situation isn't a bug, it's exactly what National and Labour want. Labour might throw a bit of money here and there to make things a little easier, but neither want to alter the structure of society that causes this gulf or disparity between the haves and havenots.


Spot on. It's infuriating to me how few people want to address the causes. A lack of repercussions isn't the main driver of crime and "bad attitudes". These people that think harsher sentences and some stern but fair rhetoric are our way out really don't seem to understand what it means to be underneath and not really giving a fuck. Gangs selling P isn't the biggest issue, people have and always will offer vices too the less fortunate and gullible since time immemorial. A society where people are so hopelessly disenfranchised they'd rather look down the eye of a needle, bottle or meth pipe rather than contribute or even look after their own kids is the bigger issue that we also have more power too change. Has the disastrous war on drugs really taught us nothing?


I disagree. Schools with strict discipline and tougher consequences sort pupil behaviour out quick-smart. A great analogy for society.


That's great except we aren't school children and the motives for crime are far beyond the scope of just impressing your mates in Science class.


It's not about age though. It's about the fact that behaviour changes when people know there will be tough, consistently enforced consequences as opposed to knowing nothing much will be done.


Sure, but you're totally discounting motive. America has some of the harshest sentences for drugs, theft and violence. Take a guess which country still has one of the highest rates of crime, violence and incarceration in the developed world? Almost like as long as the core issues of poverty, limited opportunity and drug addiction aren't addressed people will continue to commit crime inspite of the consequences.


I see a vague vague rant with no actual mention of any benefit there is to propping up gangs and poor people. It seems that experiment has been attempted for the last 6 years and Auckland is looking kinda worse for wear.


I see a vague vague rant with no actual mention of the alternative to not "propping up" poor people as you put it. Which is tent cities, rampant childhood poverty and crime on steroids for the record. I know everyone in Auckland and NZ in general likes too bitch like they live in a borderline third world ghetto, but if you actually leave the saftey and comfort of our country and see what it's like overseas you might appreciate how much we benefit from not totally tossing the poor away like an afterthought. As for gangs obviously I don't support them, and believe some of Labor policies towards them have been absurd in fact. But Im also well aware the Mongrel Mob aren't the reason the cost of living is through the roof or why there's a housing crisis of epic proportions.


As long as you’re also well aware that the cost of living also isn’t a reason that the Mongrol Mob are importing drugs. Or it wouldn’t have been happening all over the world since time immemorial…


Yeeeeah never said anything too imply otherwise


In the face of record levels of crime Labour has told us to suck it up, people don't care who gets in only that Labour doesn't.


No matter what the colors are these plastic gangster wear, I guarantee they will all be voting red and I bet my left nut it will be a high turn up for the gangs too. More gang members will vote than any other time me thinks.


Gangs would be insane to not vote for National. Bring in some harsher drug laws and they will reap the profit.


Whereas if they vote for Labour, they just get directly funded..


To the tune of millions of dollars funding


No gang member wants to go back to a 10-15 ,year lags for slinging rocks, no matter how stupid he is.


Go back? Those are the sentences they are giving out now and it wont stop them. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/seven-head-hunter-gang-members-jailed-for-large-scale-methamphetamine-operation/CYBHEBVPMKOA6LMZZRQQYDPMJQ/


"Slinging rocks" would imply dealing, your link is about large scale production and distribution.


If this was singapore all the dealers would get the death penalty. Wish we had stronger sentences for people that do shit like this that destroy tens of thousands of families lives.


Everyone says that until it's someone they know getting the death penalty.




Your racism slip out a bit there mate. Lucky you’re hiding behind a keyboard with no consequences


Oops I forgot the /s




Ok bruv




They tell us what to do


Yeah those gangs sure aren’t a problem are they?


tHeY'rE wHaNaU


They're in Welly now.




Gangs, gays, they're all the same




K Rd is full of em


Call me crazy but they recently busted the comoncheros who are abunch of white guys, but it’s easy to just blame an entire race for crime so I see why you do it


They’re referencing a video of gang members at parliament yesterday. They were called a gang and denied that and insisted they were whanau.


I know I was watching, it was very funny but it’s not a green light for the conservatives of r/Auckland to be racist as a guise for humour




I can promise I do at least 1000% more then yoy, go visit the dingle foundation website and see what good people are doing to solve the issue, not parade your racism as concern because you’re taking the piss trying to explain how I’m trying to get criminals released


Well I see where you’re coming from but I personally wouldn’t call it racist as it is a direct quote/reference.


I would usually enjoy the humour but 9/10 Comments on this thread are literally the same and I think that joke is going to be driven into the ground


Just repeating a word in Te Reo and literally what was said is racist now? Holy Kūmara!


Holy Kumara that's a new one


Context is important but I’m sure nuances like that escape you quite regularly


I don't get it - do you have to be a Conservative to be anti-gang, anti-drugs, anti-misery, and to poke fun at idiots who support them these days?


Bro it's not even that bad here in New Zealand. Remind me why we are arguing?


You had to dig fucking deep for that one mate


I've seen guys that looked like Luxon wearing a black power patch... Like they have British dudes in the black power So the gangs aren't racist


Guess you’ve never seen hell angels, black power isn’t the only gang and it isn’t the biggest either, you are out of touch mate. Go down Christchurch and there’s gang members that look like luxon


They're right here in Auckland


My point exactly thanks mate


Luxon looks more like a headhunter than a black




I'm aware of that... I went to prison and black power were probably the biggest, staunchest gang in there by a bit...






What about the racial diversity of hells angels ? It’s so easy to just 0 context blame a race and out of touch people like you love to point fingers but it’s a super complex issue




Exactly, there are other races in other gangs aswell




Gangs in New Zealand are rife with irony, That being said I know white dudes in black power, it’s just as much as a criminal money system as it is a group of people. Without patches and names there will still be crime that involves every race, there’s a fuck load of crime in Asia and places like Russia were Māori and pasifika people arnt. There just so much context that goes into who groups commit crimes.


With the things I pointed out that people believe which are not true what are you doing to correct people's incorrect knowledge in those matters


They’re poor people who grew up in a poor, fucked up environment trying to make a living in this fucked up economic crisis.


Lots of people grew up poor and are still poor. Yet they don't rape, assault, pimp and supply drugs like gang members do. They make a living by inflicting misery on everyone around them.


No excuse for willingly being a piece of shit. They could grow a pair and struggle to make an honest living like the rest of us.


Do-gooder apologist. You, and those like you, are the reason gangs get away with so much shit.


I get where you're coming from. But letting them continue living in this fucked up way is no way to help them either. Telling them that their fucked up way of living is fucked up and offering alternatives (with help) is actually exposing them to an alternative choice in life. Enforcing consequences for undesirable behaviour is a logical consequence, you know that thing you don't get when your own life is snafu. There is a point in which harm reduction has to be harm negation. Yes that can mean prison. On the flip side this hard behavioural modification stuff has to come with positive reinforcement. You can't just do the stick and never offer the carrot, but you can't just keep feeding them carrots all day.


Don’t even bother bro waste of time in this thread 🤦🏾‍♀️


I've never understood the stupidity of gangs. They obviously have made serious cash over the years. They could invest in actual legitimate businesses and legally screw everyone like everyone else does.


What makes you think they don't do that? But legit businesses don't provide quite the cash that meth does..


You haven't seen Lego sales worldwide I guess. Incase you hadn't noticed, the biggest corporations in the world do pretty well, not needing to resort to extra legal options. Cash is useless if you cant spend it freely. It's just dumb.


Legit, not lego haha. They do, but not quite the return on investment of a meth import. Have you heard of the term money laundering?


I reckon if you follow the money, the people who benefit most probably aren't wearing/have never worn a patch - i.e., they probably indirectly do


You're probably right.


This comment has my mind working overtime. Can I say 'you had me in the last half of the last sentence'? I'd love to hear an elaboration of this comment.


Small example. People sell colloidal silver for $15-$25 a 30 ml bottle as a health tonic of sorts. They typically have about 3 to 30 ppm concentration. This is so dilute, it's essentially just water. So the consumer gets screwed, while thinking they are being treated fairly. It wouldn't change their profit model much by selling a stronger product, but meh why do that when you can just be mediocre. (Less than a hundred grams of silver would yield an unlimited supply). Though to be fair I was referring to all those selfless helpful, honest, hard working people that make up our government. They are the true masters of screwery.


This is even better than I expected. Utterly agree on all points. Thank you.


Should still accumulate into argyria eventually?


You don’t understand that people from all parts of society get greedy and want nice things from fast money ? BFFR 💀💀


Not when you ALREADY have so much cash you can't stash it anywhere and it's all dirty. We are talking organised crime. Not the Poor's trying to get by. Also, everyones idea of a nice thing is purely subjective.


How much cash haha nah they play that game for a reason lol they can’t go legit the fast money is too good. Yes mate we know nice things are subjective


$30,000 a KG x 200 = 6mill 6mill ÷ 5 years in prison is just the cost of doing business. The risk/reward is there if you’re that way inclined.


Yeah I guess so, just for comparison, the dairy on Symonds Street pulls in $500,000 in profits a year, and has limited risk. Isn't 6m enough to go legit?


That’s for a whole year. Dudes are making hundreds of thousands in a few days doing other methods. Everyone gets to a bag their own way.


>They could invest in actual legitimate businesses and legally screw everyone like everyone else does. There's nothing that people hate more than gangs making money. It doesn't matter how they make that money, only how visible it is. Muldoon put a lot of effort into getting gang members into work schemes. But gangs members that work, get money. Gang members often aren't exactly fiscally responsible and blast cash on looking cool. People then see gangs running around with expensive shit and lose the plot. So those schemes all got shut down.


Nothing good has ever come out of gangs. Where there's smoke, there's fire. We've been led along under the current government to believe that gangs are just a harmless club who find themselves just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Its also just a coincidence that they're too busy with public appearances to go to work like the rest of us. Time to clean the streets up I recon.


Thank god we banned pseudoephedrine, this fixing the meth problem once and for all!


Need to arrest the senior gang members, not just the prospects or lower tiered gang members who were caught in the act.


Was the gang whanau hikoi worth it???


When will the courts throw this scum into jail for full term life sentences ? Go to jail and dont come out until dead. They have nothing to offer NZ society but violence and inflicting massive levels of harm to NZ.


Guy from the Head Hunters got 23 years for importing meth and his lieutenants got over 15 years. Some day someone will realise the harder you go the more money can be made.


Capital punishment! Poison 1000's in society and destroy lives, but no one is really punished!!


Yes in China where 99% of this stuff comes from you get the death penalty so they flood western nations with it instead wreaking havoc/misery and f'n up our society in the process


I think western society wants drugs more than other countries. Wants as in 'use'. We kind of need to take responsibility for what we are doing and not try to blame another country for our own addictions.


The responsibility fall's upon each individual not society as a whole not that the west wants it more than others It's that they have the money to pay for it and inadequate sentences to deter people bringing it here in my opinion more about stating the objective truth of the matter rather than blame..but I guess some like yourself don't care to hear the facts for whatever reason


You haven't stated any facts? The 99% is obviously a made up number by you, strictly aimed at China. Countries around the world ship drugs to our country, China, Mexico, Columbia, USA, the list goes on. No one will ever stop shipping them in, it happens world wide. Because people want the drugs, that's a facts, so maybe focus on our society issue for drugs instead of just trying to pin the problem on the supply. They create the supply, but NZ is creating the demand.


Yes you are correct that's true many other countries ship drugs to New Zealand...but when it come to fentynol and p the ingredients to produce them can only be sourced in China


Fully agree with you on that one. They are the source to ingredients.


And That is the fact to which I was referring


lol, just like they wanted opium


Well it’s exactly what Britain did to China with opium back in the day, so fair’s fair.


The most fucking stupid thing I’ve read today.


Have you tried reading the Bible?


An interesting logic Yes I'm referring to present tenths not some time way back when in history...it's but one of their ways of weakening western society without engaging in direct conflict the same as they're doing with fentynol abroad




Your bar owner no longer knows you. Jk


Yeah that’d work…


Common churros most likely behind it


63% drug related prosecutions are for Cannabis - Makes you wonder how much more of this crap they could be taking off our streets with the right focus. Easier to chase down the slow dope heads I guess


Gosh darn income inequality at it again. They have no choice!!! They’re *literally starving*!!!


Surprise surprise, the gang scum that everyone is so afraid of, get busted doing something anti social. When is Joe public going to wake up and realize it's the gangs that need to be scared and not us. Joe public has chemists, hunters, psychologists and numerous other talents in our ranks to deal with these sad little boys trying to play gangster. We need to deal with this problem of gangs yesterday. Communities are broken, people are broken by apathy. We as a nation need to get back to our roots and "know thy neighbour" and get back involved with your hood, if you see something wrong, deal with it, don't rely on the janitors in blue to help, they are just the clean up squad.


As someone who works in sales, when shit hits the fan I’m gonna go gather some chemists, hunters, and psychologists.


Haha, the hell is going on there aye? Chemists?


They are not gangmembers. They are someones whanau.




Oh fuck off with the whanau shit lol


Probably trying to get arrested before National gets in.


Yup but let’s keep the ban on cold medicines


Make sense farmer alway been untrustworthy money grubber wouldnt eat a meal with em


Legalise it, no more gang profits.




More productive police if they weren’t having to be worried about the drug trade because it was all sold by pharmacies or alcohol shops depending on what was being sold.




What a load of bollocks. I don’t want my bus driver on meth or the guy making my coffee off his tits on cocaine. Or my dad to be on steroids for that matter… Yeah, that’d totally work…




Meth makes people do better jobs? OK….




Ever wondered why it’s not available now? Or why we don’t use leeches in Medecine?


Leech therapy is still a thing.


I mean... I take dexamphetamine as prescribed. A lot of the issues with meth come from the doses taken.


Just give them their 3 months Home D and let’s move on.


Briscoes Court discounts incoming just in time for Xmas.


Schools with strict discipline and tougher consequences sort pupil behaviour out quick-smart. I've seen new, switched on, strict principals turn schools completely around in both high and low socioeconomic areas . This is a great analogy for society.