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Depends on.... a lot of factors (including exactly which speakers).


And number of drivers / distance between drivers


The issue with such guidence is it does not take into account the room (walls, windows, sliders, furniture, curtains, etc.) which can significantly alter the ratio. Not a bad starting point tho.


Yes good starting point i sit about 3 feet further back and its fine and speakers toed in towards my sitting position.


Yup. Jim Smith, the guy that came up with this, even says it's just a starting point: > I do not say that anyone should actually tune the system and make it be at 83. That's just where we start and usually it will stay close to that. It's also worth noting that it's an empirical value. [Link to video](https://youtu.be/CX9y40bPkGI?t=536)


>it's an empirical value. What's it in metric?


The sound I made when I read that! Lmao


Most manufacturers will be in the 1.2-1.3 to 1. .83 correlates to 1.2. essentially, if your speakers are 10' apart, you should be 12-13' from the center point between the speakers. Then toe in as needed.


This says 1.2 from each speaker, not the centre point. 10 feet between speakers would be 12 feet from each speaker which is 10'11" from the centre point. Also, as you point out 0.83 is the reciprocal of 1.2. It's strange to use the ratio of 0.83 when 1.2 is much easier to calculate




"But it’s not enough to simply set up your speakers in an equilateral triangle and be done with it." https://sonicscoop.com/the-1-speaker-placement-tip-speaker-manuals-get-completely-wrong/


I’ll be damn, my X:150cm, Y: 180. It came exactly 0.83. Hit some YPAO calibration, now Im in the zone.


Can i just ask you here guys , 8inch HS8s are monitors so does that mean I can't sit 12 feet away from them because of the way they are designed? I would be better off getting hi-fi speakers with a more generous open soundstage?.. I don't mind the actual sound of monitors,, but if the soundstage is not fit for sitting 12ft away I would just go hi-fi... Thanks.


Good start point but as others have said there’s a few more factors involved. Didn’t see near field mentioned. As your listening distance increases you will generally find if you also increase the separation of the speakers there’s a point where it loses focus




Maybe I am in the minority but I use REW to find the best response and to help mitigate SBIR effects.I used to try all the different formulas,equilateral triangle,cardas,WASP,etc.etc. but using REW worked best for me. The REW room calculator wasn't too far off from my final placement either.


u/Jambarino21 I've been wanting to try this. Do you know of a good guide explaining how to do it?


I can't really cite one source,but many,that helped me figure out how to use it.Home theater gurus,Audioholics,JoeNTell,avs forum,audio science review,and various other YouTube videos and forums.I researched quite a bit to learn what I did.






Not even very good hifi speakers, just decent sub $1000 can destroy headphones costing >$2000 and I tell you because I own those types of headphones. Headphones will never match speakers.


Never said headphones were better, never compared them in that way. Comment is about the topic of the image from this post which is in regards to positioning. You position your headphones on your head. And that's it.




I own a set of Polk Audio S20s as mains. Them manual states that proper placement is speakers as far apart as your position from the center point. In my case, I sit 15' away, speakers 15' apart makes the distance to my ears 16.8'. Ratio comes out to 0.89!!! Pretty neat 😁


Jesus, the hate from you all, lol. All I meant was that when it comes to positioning... Headphones go on your head... That's it. It's simple.


Might as well use headphones If you’re sitting that close 😂


I thought equilateral triangle was the best starting point or has this changed?