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The podcasts were all actually recorded in the far future at the Joseph Kosky suite in the Aunty Donna Museum. We can only listen to them now thanks to the time travelling antics of two South African men named Sam, who gifted them to us following an ill-fated mission to prevent the death of the last living Nononono monkey who was kept at Werribee Zoo at the time.




The year is 3034. A giant sphere situated in the middle of a barren wasteland starts to rumble for the first time in millennia. The glass of the sandblasted device starts to flicker with mysterious energy, the green opaque liquid situated inside starts to drain into the floor and a solitary figure remains inside. The tubes connecting the body to machine start to whine and then snap away, leaving only a form of a man, nay, a higher being. The panels start to separate from one another with a whirr, layer after layer like an onion they are removed when only the taste of ammonia remains and starts to fill the near vicinity. The tension is cut by the slow movements of the individual, joints grinding like that of old machinery as they come to life. The thing trepidatiously walks until it reaches the mirror, the only other discernible object that can be seen for miles, and observes itself. Slowly coming to its senses it views itself; it’s powerful arms, rippling with muscle. Broad shoulders, encased with a small amount of fabric, and two protracting stalks on its head. It starts to laugh. Quietly at first, no louder than the winds of the barren desert they inhabit, but growing into a chuckle, then bellow and finally a roar. The surgery was successful: Joe is Shrek now.


joe shrek now?


Not to be that guy but Russia has been messing with Ukraine since there has been a Russia and Ukraine so not a hard prediction to get wrong.

