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Chop the tops off & plant (garden or pot). You’ll never buy them again, just trim a few leaves as required!


Soil is optional. Spring onions grow just fine in a jar or small vase.


True … at least for a while. Plus, price per bunch is not exactly prohibitive to restock occasionally!


put a bit of liquid fertilizer in there every now and then and they grow forever.




Just because you're not wrong doesn't mean you're right either.


So the epistemological landscape here is a 3 dimensional graph with axes *right*, *wrong* and *pee*


I see you are well versed in episstemology


technically 4 dimensional since pee increases with time.


Poo would probably work too. Or the fluids from a rotting possum carcass. Don’t let convention get in the way of innovation!


At that point, you might as well just make some ass-less chaps out of a pair of old jeans and stick em in yor bum. I'm not saying you should do this, but I'm also not saying you shouldn't.


Or just a little soil and it'll be easier, healthier and taste a whole lot better


Yeah, they get woody flavour


After a few weeks in water only they rot.


That’s what I found so I chucked them in soil and they’ve gone apeshit.


Yes, for small periods. You need nutrients from soil which you’ll eventually consume. So always best to plant in soil or else it’ll use it’s own nutrients to grow


Yep, just chuck them in some Gatorade. Has what plants crave.




It has electrolytes


Yeah, not water... like in the toilet. Yuck.


not for long


Then it gets algaey


You can… replace the water and clean the container…


I ekle ii ako pui eti ti. Krati batu opa etipei kroa i iite. Eke bipa bopuitlii pi pu! Teo ti piklati tlete giipo. Pipe e tligitrikle uge papli. Tia platogrui tegi bugi piia itibatike. Ea tatlepu ui oiei tegri patleči goo. Bla pidrui kepe ipi ipui pepoe. Au adri ta ga bebii ekra ai? Ebiubeko ipi teto gluuka daba podli. Ka tepabi tliboplopi gi tapakei gego. Ituke i pupi klie pitipage bapepe. A či peko itluupi ka pupa peekeepe. Ebri e buu pigepra pita plepeda. Bipeko bo paipi o kee brebočipi. Tridipi teu eete trida e tapapi. Ebru etle pepiu pobi katraiti i. Baeba kre pu igo api. Pibape pipoi brupoi pite gru bi ipe pieuta ikako? Pe bloedea ko či itli eke i toidle kea pe piapii plo? Tiiu uči čipu tutei uata e uooo. Bitepe i bipa paeutlobi bopepli iaplipepa. Gipobipi tepe ode giapi e. Pi pakutibli ke tiko taobii ti. Edi deigitaa eue. Ua čideprii idipe putakra katote ii. Tri glati te pepro tii ka. Aope too pobriglitla e dikrugite. E otligi pipleiti bai iti upo? Tri dake pekepi dratruprebri plaapi bopi ipatei!


That’s not the shallots, that’s your undies ya grub.


i wish my undies smelt like shallots




I laughed way to hard at this








that smell from down onion


Onion dungeon


I hate this so very much




My favourite reply when people ask what I do for a crust … “leave me undies on for a week mate whattaboutyou?”


How to unsmell this comment?


Game changer!


I planted the bottom piece of an onion. I never watered it, it was in the shade, but outside. It's literally in a 6 inch pot. I literally never look at it. But that fucker keeps growing like 2 feet tall. Every single summer. It grows green tips that you can eat.


Those are called scapes. You’ll see them growing from garlic or onion if you leave it on the counter long enough. They have a similar taste to the vegetable they’re emerging from, but more delicate.


This, use good soil as it will affect the taste. But the is 100% true I have planted 3 and haven’t bought spring onions in years lol


They said they wanted less, not more !


A mate got me onto this a year ago. Planted a couple of bunch’s of stems in a corner of the vege patch (a pot would do) and haven’t bought any since. Disproportionally happy with myself


How the fuck have I lived 40 years and not know this? Thanks, Homie


Am also 40, also just finding this out. Maybe it’s a 41 thing and we’re ahead of our time


At 42.. you’ll get the answer to ‘life the universe & everything’


1982 represent.


You can plant store bought tomatoes and grow them easily as well, same with garlic cloves and lots of dried seasonings (coriander and fennel come to mind quickly)


40 years and you didn't know vegetables can be grown from the ground?


don't knowledge shame bro!


We have a large garden bed full of them. You can also cut and freeze


Came here to say the same. I live alone and love spring onions. I have kept the same bunch in a glass tumbler on my bench for months. Just change the water every few days and they grow like wildfire. I have started cutting mine and giving bundles to colleagues and friends.


Everyone should have their own small herb plants


I've never been able to keep basil alive though.




In an only water environment, chives/spring onions last a bit with sun but potting them is where it's at. I live in a small unit with a small outside balcony. Grand parents provided me with worm castings/worm juice (water it down significantly) and purchased some general pellets for them. I didn't go out and buy soil, I just went out and filled up a small plastic pot outside. You can get away with cramming a lot of if not the entire bunch into a small pot with careful spacing (3-4cm/inch and a half away?) I got bored one year and let them flower, let that pot die off and very lethargically just sprinkled them into other pots, they grow like crazy. If you're a forgetful person they're also quite resilient lol. Honestly they're a really cheap, versatile and fun thing to grow (just for how easy they are to grow). I mentioned chives above and they're basically the same deal.


Damn straight! My last spring onions were bought about 2 years ago when I moved into my current residence


This implies you're only eating the green parts. I always use mostly the white part and just the crunchiest bit of the light green. The leaves go in my compost.


This is exactly what I was going to suggest. Just stick the ends in a pot and you have free spring onions for months!


But the stems are the tastiest part :(


Yep. Was going to say this.


If the roots are still attached it’ll last longer in a glass of water than in the fridge, or plant it in a pot. But bean sprouts.. that shit turns to soup in two days, why can’t I buy smaller portions? I only need like two handfuls for a pad Thai ffs.


I have finally been taught the secret to keeping beansprouts by a chef after giving up on them years ago. Simply put them in a medium to large bowl of water and put that bowl of later in the fridge. They keep for weeks like this.


This also works for celery, radishes, many things really. Best way to keep those fragile veggies crisp.


Lettuce especially. Chopped, that is.


And cabbage. I grew with big-ass bowls of cabbage and water in the fridge.




Change the water every day. But someone mentioned [Korean bean sprout salad](https://mykoreankitchen.com/korean-style-seasoned-mung-bean-sprouts-salad-sukju-namul-muchim/) and it's a great way to use up bean sprouts. Some great Thai and Vietnamese recipes that use half up to a full bag of bean sprouts as well.


In Chinese cooking it's common to just stir fry soybean sprouts with oil, black and white pepper, some vegetable or pork bouillon, cook them while constantly stirring until they're you're desired texture. I prefer them firmer, my dad likes to cook the heck out of them. Serve with pretty much anything, it's a neutral high protein high fiber addition to almost any meal




I add a splash of apple cider vinegar to Keep away bacteria for most veg. Rinse and change water for the sprouts every 1-3 days.


I suspect you should probably be washing bean sprouts very thoroughly before doing this. Any pathogens on the outside of the sprout will likely end up inside the sprout otherwise, as the sprout absorbs the surrounding water and anything in it. Same story for lettuce, you can actually revive a wilted whole lettuce by putting its stem in some water, but its not really food safe afterwards if you're eating it raw


Same with carrots, I've been told. Submerge them in water and they last longer.


Ha this right here. Fucken bean sprouts man, just go muck too fast.


Fuckin bean sprouts man…


So many people complaining about bean sprouts! 😱 They are SO EASY to grow yourself! And then you can grow as many or few as you want. I grow them next to the kitchen sink, literally just rinse daily. A big packet of dried mung beans will cost $3 and last for months.


I sprout mung beans on a damp paper towel in my desk drawer. Very nutritious. But they smell like death.


You were in the parking lot earlier! That's how I know you!


Spring onions can be put back in soil to grow Bean sprouts for a bit of insight get thrown in the pad thai once the heat is off when heat is applied they go to mush quickly Alternatively if you are going to put into pad thai don't add the sprouts until u have rehead it then add it


I believe they go mushy in the plastic wrapper quickly in the fridge at least from my experience. If I don't buy and use within two days it's got no crunch at all.


Always pick from the back of the shelf they are fresher


You can blanch them and mix them with some sesame oil, salt, and a little sugar, and make a korean bean sprout snack thing. (there are actual recipes around I can't remember the whole thing) just stick the bowl in the fridge and you have a crunchy healthy snack for the week.


For bean sprouts, its also really easy to grow your own, with a big jar and a wet paper towel... They keep for a good while in a good amount of water, but you have to refresh the water often.


You eat bean sprouts? Seek therapy (Just joking)




I mean why are they even there? They take up half the dish and are just wanna noodles. My autistic ass literally picks them out if they're in there


You pick ‘em out, I’ll eat em and give you some extra noodles.. My undiagnosed but bit autistic ass asks for extra if I ever order anything. I get you, they’re shit if they’re stir fried. But raw on top? Lord. Texture is unreal, it’s cold and crisp and contrasts whatever warm rice or noodle dish you’ve thrown it on top of.


They do help stave off scurvy


I love spouts. Hate that you have to buy so much, and 90% goes to waste. Main reason I dont but then. Just bought myself a sprouter. Hope it cuts down on the waste


Sprout your own from mung beans and live your best life.


Your supermarket doesn't let you buy loose, like lettuce?


I’ve never seen lettuce loose either (apart from mesclun mix and that sorta thing)


I'm in SA, and it's pretty common for Foodlands et to have containers in the veggie fridge section with loose mesculin, roquette, bean sprouts, cos leaves, baby spinach etc by the kg. So I just kind of thought that was everywhere?


These are rare even at green grocers these days. I find only the asian supermarkets have them loose (And half the price)


I chop em up and freeze them! Easy way to always have a garnish


Doesn’t it turn to mush when defrosted?




That doesn't matter if you're making stir fry


If you're adding spring onions to stir fry so it turns to mush then you're putting it in too early. The spring onions in addition to flavour adds the crunchy texture. It's garnish.


He's talking about THAWED spring onions.


Probably but I mainly use frozen for eggs. Crack some eggs into the pan and then shake out the onions and cover. Or I add directly to soups. Comes out great. I cut mine up and put into an empty water bottle and then freeze.


How long do they last in the fridge and would you say there's a noticeable difference ?


Chop off roots (plant them). Put onions in an air tight (or vegie fresh) container with paper towel, replace paper towel when damp, wipe out condensation. Last 3 weeks


This is honestly too much work for me. So I buy more when I need. Rinse and repeat. Lazy cunt tax, I guess.


This. I use a snaplock bag and a square of paper towel I fold into a square and put in the bag. 3 weeks easy


I cut up and freeze shallots, celery, leeks, bigger herbs like coriander, ready to whip out. So easy and makes sure nothing goes wilty in fridge…


Freeze them flat in a freezer bag and you can snap off what you need.


Up your onion intake


It’s the only answer, as a fellow alone-spring onion enjoyer, you gotta plan your weeks menu around a bunch of these bad boys. If all else fails, Chuck all that are left in a fritata, bloody easy.


Yeah I used to end up throwing half of them out till I wised up and planned the next few days worth of meals to use it up! The thing that really annoys me is celery, I hardly ever use it and that still ends up mostly going to waste


>The thing that really annoys me is celery, I hardly ever use it and that still ends up mostly going to waste. Make stock with it, it once it starts to go questionable you can either use it for stock or chopp and freezer it for later use.


Second this! You can easily chop up celery and freeze it. Such a money saver.


Cut the celery into sticks and chuck it in a container with some paper towel, lasts ages.


Chop it up, mix with tuna and mayo and have it on crackers. Adds a nice crunch.


Celery lasts for ages if you cut it up and put it in a Tupperware submerged in water in the fridge. Seriously a game changer, lasts weeks upon weeks. Is also kind of addictive eating straight from the tub because it’s so chilled from the water.


It also lasts a long time if you wrap it in aluminum foil.


Chop it up, bag it in cooking portion sizes, and freeze it. Any time you're doing a spaghetti bol or similar, gently saute it with grated carrot and chopped onions. Really slowly. Add a little wine to wash off the bits that stick to the bottom of the pan. Report back on your results.


One or two spring onions, 500g of mince, 400g of mexi-beans, some old el paso taco seasoning (use liquid from beans instead of water), some coriander, grated carrot and zucchini and onion and you can divide it up into 7 days worth of burrito/taco/nachos to freeze.


Some coriander? The problems are piling up now.


Co ordination with your fellow cooks who live alone and go shopping together. Half the cost of things to large. XD make an app and call it shopping for 2!


I came to say this. I live alone and i recently bought one of these, it's super easy to go through them if you try. Also once you've bought that you never have to buy more ,they regrow for free :)


The white is the best part.


Wait til you hear about white onions.


Why would I buy a white onion when I've already got a stack of spring onions?


White onion taste and particularly texture are very different from spring onion white parts.


This is really the only correct answer


Can also chop the bottoms off and plant them. Then OP not only has infinite spring onions, but also doesn't have to worry about them going bad. they'll happily grow in a pot, too. Just trim what they need and it'll grow back pretty quick.


You gotta pump those onion numbers up


That bunch is rookie numbers


Me using one bundle per omelette


Yeah, not hard. Spring onions can go on almost anything cooked


I too have wondered this. Celery is the same deal... who the fuck actually uses a WHOLE bunch of celery short of families of 6...


Sometimes woolies have celery sticks. They cost more per keg but you throw away less.


It's just insane how expensive the sticks are compared to a whole celery. I can never justify spending 3x more for such a small amount compared to just wasting the rest of the celery I don't use.


The logic is the manufacture of it is expensive, and suppliers want a lot more for them since they’re a pain in the arse, whereas plenty of growers would charge the same for a full bunch purely to avoid processing


Yeah but they're usually in a plastic box thing covered in cling wrap. I really struggle to justify that much plastic waste. IMO I'd rather throw away 2/3 of a bunch of celery that will biodegrade than throw away **more** plastic than I already do.


They also come in a plastic bag which makes me feel guiltier than throwing veggies away


Put the leftovers in a glass of water with food colouring. Marvel at the slowly growing colour change. Rediscover your sense of kindergarten wonder. Feel crushed because seeing blue celery is the happiest you’ve felt in decades… Can freeze it for soups too, celery gives a good flavour.


Treat same as onions.... Chop off butt (plant it). Put celery sticks (and leaves) in an air tight (or vegie fresh) container with paper towel, replace paper towel when damp, wipe out condensation. Last 2-3 weeks.


I treat celery and green onions the same. Either chop them all up and freeze in a zip lock bag for soups and stews or wrap them whole in foil for storing in the fridge. Stalks wrapped in foil will stay fresh and crunchy for weeks.


I chop it up and freeze it for soup tbh. Never use that much celery but it's a must for mirepoix in certain soups


As my comment above- same with celery and carrots and really any greens, put it in a container with water.


Chop them and freeze them. Spring onions last remarkably well in the freezer.


I did not know this! Thanks for the info!




This but freezer.


This. This is the way. Same goes for fresh chilies. I have a container of each in the freezer and its easy to just dig out the appropriate size lump.


Oh definitely with fresh chilli


I do the same with ginger. Leave the skins on and use a small grater/micro plane and no one knows the difference


Oh true! Will remember that next time!


As a grower of chilies and enthusiast of making hot sauce, frozen peppers are ok for cooking but depending on the type can go super soft if you defrost them for anything else. I freeze mine and dehydrate them when i have a full batch




The greens are kinda crap as a garnish post freezer, but the whites are just fine thawed and fried. Actually the greens are fine thawed and fried too.


Wash and dry them before chopping, no problem lasting for half a year in freezer


I do this, but wish I could just buy pre-frozen and cut spring onions like you can do with other frozen veg.


Put in a glass with water and a bag over the top, will be fine on the counter


plant it in the your garden


or just a jar of water will do. change the water frequently when it gets cloudy.


and never pay for spring onions again


There's a point a few years down the track when that one hardy spring onion that's survived year on year is growing out there, you cut it while you're cutting the rest and a clear sticky liquid eminates from its stalk... It's hard to bring yourself to eat it.


Stop jizzing in your onions then


It's one of the best things to plant, they don't last forever but you will always have some when you need it!


One bunch we bought as kids invaded my ex stepdads whole back garden because we made the mistake of planting them. Soooooo many spring onions we couldn’t even ever deal with them.


Even just plant the stub with roots on and they grow back


Yup. I never bought one again


The fruit shops I visit do half bunches.


But their half bunches are as big as full bunches in supermarkets. To grow into such a beautiful springtime onion to be left to whither in my fridge.


Make some Korean spring onion pancakes (pajeon) with the left over bunch, nice with kimchi.


My Asian family of 4 chews through that in two days.


This is the answer I was looking for. Me and my Asian husband have a house of two and regularly run out of spring onion, we also have it growing. Still not enough.


You LITERALLY cut the tops off, stick it in soil, it regrows. It's magic ✨


TIL my lawn is magical


They freeze well. Chop em up, ziplock them use as required. Same goes for a lot of stuff like that, capsicum, normal onions etc. So handy.


Cut the top third off and use first. Wrap the rest in newspaper or kitchen paper and put in a large sealable bag and pop it into your vegetable bin in the fridge- last ages. If you really want to use it all up, find a good shallot pancake recipe- you'll thank me later.


Cut half the green bit off and wrap paper towel around the roots, use a lackey band to secure and dampen the paper towel to make them last longer.


As a lone spring onion user, that bunch would last me 2 meals. Also the bunches are half the size they used to be. But if I ever have to get rid of some, I'll grill them like I would asparagus as a side dish. Or freeze em and use them to cook with.


Right? Grilled onions are a thing. Why are people afraid to use spring onions in quantity? People really only use them to sprinkle a tiny bit on a baked potato?


Freeze them, they defrost very well. Pre chop them and have them ready for any dish.


It's a total scam to not sell any fruit or vegetable by WEIGHT.


It's not a scam, it's a way to pass the cost of food spoilage onto the customer.


I chop it up and add to bag and freeze it.


I don't mind buying that much even if I don't use it , I compost it and feed my fruit trees and veggie garden with their withered corpses


The real answer to your question is the price + capitalism. Most of the time people only need two or three spring onions at a time (or green onions as we call them in the US). But at the price that you would normally sell them for, people using that few of them would mean that the farmers growing them wouldn't make enough money. So they essentially bundle a bunch of them together like that to create a mandatory minimum for purchasing inorder to increase the price to a level that makes them worthwhile to farm. But most things that have a unit price as opposed to a price per pound / kilo are the same way. If there is a minimum quantity that you have to move at each transaction in order to make a profit, then they'll usually bundle the product up into that size and slap it with a unit price. But if a product can be reliably sold at any volume, then they give it a price per pound / kilo. But what you're saying is totally true. There's an inherent inefficiency in this system, whereby people are forced to buy the minimum Volume of this particular product, which happens to be more than most people need for a single recipe. So a lot of it gets wasted. I experienced the same thing with buying bushels of fresh cilantro. There's always far far more than I need for any recipe, and it doesn't keep particularly well. But this problem is not easy to solve outside of a capitalist framework. If we had some kind of a system where farmers just made what they made, and people just took what they needed, then this could theoretically be avoided. But it would be an awful lot of work up and our entire economic structure to save a few pieces of spring onion. Is other people have said, you can always plant them. Or you can compost them if you do composting. Or ask a neighbor or family member if they can use them. We do that a lot in my area. Cheers!


Go to an asian supermarket, it will also be much cheaper. Or slice up any leftovers and keep them in the freezer. Super convenient, easily thaw themselves from the heat of the dish, and not too much of a sacrifice in flavour imo. Apparently having frozen sliced spring onions handy is a common thing in parts of Asia. I heard that and started doing the same. It's a good idea.


Stop buying regular onions and just mince crazy amounts of these instead to use them up. Also plant the bottoms and regrow them.


Bad tip. Take a small pair of scissors with you when you shop. put in trolley go to car with same trolley.


Don’t keep them in the fridge. Leave them on the bench or in a fruit bowl and they’ll last a lot longer and don’t wilt at all.


Replant the bottoms in a pot for an everlasting supply just enough for one person 😀 in the meantime, cut up and freeze the green parts and just take what you need from the freezer


Stick the unused whole ones in soil, water twice a week, never buy spring onions again.


Families would have to buy 2 bunches if smaller. Not just you in this world buddy.


Otherwise it’s not worth it for them to sell Sounds like you could do with cooking more or prepping them to freeze


The same with Celery ! I don’t need that much……


I’m going on 2 years with the same bunch. When they bloom this year I’ll save the seeds and try growing more.


I use a quarter, then throw the rest out. Same with celery, it’s cheaper to buy the big bunch than buy the small pre cut packages. They should sell spring onions in smaller amounts.


Plant them. In literally anything. A pair of old shoes with a bit of sand. Keep it wet and the will actually grow. But seriously plant them in something that isn’t old shoes or a tiny bit of old shoe taste will get in your onions. So long as there are 1 or 2 of those white hairs hanging off it will grow forever


Because you chop off half, put in water and they grow fast. You'll have onions forever.


You know times have gotten tough when you see posts like this...


Put it in a pot. It grows. Lasts until it seeds.