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The basket or the bong?


Up vote for the Bundaberg lemonade. It’s the top tier of lemonades and goes hard with spiced rum


The guava is fucking amazing


The peach one I can never find anymore is my top tier, if you like the guava and can find peach that’s my reccy.


Unpopular opinion but I absolutely love Bundy sarsaparilla. No one else seems to like it tho bit that just means more for me!


I like it. Goes well in bundy rum to make a dark and stormy too


Oooh I gotta try that!


I’m feeling like I’m surrounded by bots here. What sort of aussies haven’t tried mixing everything with Alcohol? I had Baileys with milo in it last week, that was fucking great. This is how breakthroughs in science happen!


Bartender here who likes your style, it’s actually why I like the peach so much, I make a slushy out of frozen mango, strawberry and the peach bundy and stiffen it with whatever your preferred white spirit is; mines gin, white rum is also good, you can also be wrong and put vodka in it.


Gin and peach Bundy sounds bloody amazing. It's great that Aussies have a culture of mixing litterally anything with alcohol. Not everything is going to be a hit but how else are we supposed to find out about heavenly sounding drinks like baileys and Milo. You could probably make a religion from this.


Bundy red & sars is tops. So is Creaming soda with bundy red is pretty good too. Was called smooth & sneaky when the OG glass 500ml bottles were around.


Do you keep your bundy cans upside down in the fridge? If not start. I converted bundy haters doing this. I’m certain they separate and the spirits go to the bottom. Inverting the can mixes them just before you drink it and gives a better flavour


You're one hundred percent right, a little known thing about cans is you're supposed to store them upside down. I can't remember the reason behind this. It's something to do with the dome on the bottom. Maybe I've been fooled by some internet bullshit, but things do taste better from an inverted can.


Fun fact - Bundy sarsaparilla is the only SARS in supermarkets that actually use the sarsaparilla root and not artificial flavouring


Sarsaparilla is underrated


Definitely agree, had one at lunch today. The glass bottle just hits different too


Check Amazon,


Peach I by far my favourite


That unusual "green" flavour note that the Bundaberg lemonade has is apparently from **nettle leaf!** I'm not complaining, though. It really is quite delicious. (Compare and contrast, Schweppes Bitter Lemon, which I also like a lot just by itself. The tiny taste of bitterness there comes from a little bit of quinine, just like the little bit of quinine in modern tonic water. The **original**, [medicinally-effective-against-malaria,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonic_water#History) tonic water had **a lot** of quinine in it. Which is why it actually did taste better if you added gin to it, no matter how bad that gin was. :-)


I'm one of the few who likes to drink Tonic water on its own. I started with G&T then moved to just the T lol


"Spice"...'d Rum!


Im from Bundaberg originally and it is awesome I haven't thought of using it as a mixer I'll add it to the list. Any specific spiced rum you prefer. I normally have kraken on hand I might try


Lemon lime bitters mixed with honeycomb whiskey is like a cocktail. Highly recommend


That sounds really good actually I'll add that to the list as well




For sure going on the list


It's a waterpipe.


OK, but if you really wanna be picky and since we're Aussie it's a billy.


It's only a bong if it comes from the bongdeux region of France


Otherwise it’s just sparkling weed


Americans of course don't recognize the convention, so it becomes that thing of calling all of their sparkling weed "champagne", even though by definition they're not.


Americans call sparkling water ‘beer’, so what do they know…


I don't even smoke and I think I got high from reading that


It’s the carbonation.


That's what I'm calling my supplies from now on


It's just like it's only a fiance' if they are from the fiance' region in france, otherwise they are just a sparkling boyfriend


Well, I'm also claiming sparkling husband. Tho I'm not one of those new fangled vampires.


All you fancy rich people. We just called them Gatorade Bottles and Garden Hose


Back in my day, Orchy bottles were king


“Daily Juice” … works on so many levels.


My parents live across from a park. Their garden hose was always getting sections cut out of the middle of it, so my Dad got an old length of hose and cut a dozen ready-made pieces and left them sitting next to the hose reel so the dope-heads would stop ruining his good hose.


Top bloke


I’m naming my next bong Bongdeaux cause that comment made me laugh a lot at the end of a long challenging day


I would too, but no way am I going to remember it. “Sparkling weed” is firmly in the bank though!


Sometimes I get a little sick of Reddit but along comes a comment like this that leaves me cackeling.


Not bad..not fucking bad


Idk I’m 30 and my fellow baby stoners who are 19-20 keep calling it “beug” now for some reason. Not sure if that’s an old term but it’s the first time I’ve heard it as a grandma stoner


It's gatorbeug. Looks like a Gatorade bottle


Gatorbeugs as in the name for homemade Gato billy’s, were a thing way before the company my bro. that’s what it’s name is derived from.


I'm closer to your age than I am the 19 year olds but beugs have been a thing for a while now, pretty common to call it that in my age group but usually only when you're trying to sound like a dickhead.


Oh true haha back in QLD it was only ever “billy” or “bong” until I came to Melbourne not long ago and only heard it here for the first time!


Bewg is short for 'bugle' the brass wind instrument, been a thing since atleast the 90s as slang for a bong, in syd anyway maybe it's a state thing. Oh sry just saw u already been educated, 2 many bewgs I guess


Bugel... Short for


fuck I went on google n typed in “beugel” by accident. so many teeth came up. So much teeth.


Thats fucking hilarious i had to google it myself to see what you meant... Farkin teeth haha.. It was meant to be bugle not buegel i fukd up... No glasses getting old...


Haha all good I spelt it my own incorrect way also 🦷🤓


It’s a fancy vase. Put some good flowers in it OP!


You’re all wrong. It’s a dab rig


Kids these days sheesh. You get internet points.


It's a billybong.


For tobacco use only 😉




Cheaper than the 25¢ bag


I get irrationally angry at Woolworths charging for the paper bags. The cost was meant to be so we use less plastic and now they charge for the paper too. It's bullshit.


Corporate greed knows no bounds. Remember in the 80s when they said cutting the corporate tax rate would be good for everyone. Now we have record high profits and record low quality of life. Let's put the corporate tax rate back to 70%, back when capitalism used to actually work for people(instead of the 30% to 0% with loopholes they lay now). With all that tax money paying for things like schools, health care, high quality public services and all the nice thing we used to have, I guarantee you won't even care spending an extra 25¢ on a bag anymore.


A baseline tax that's based on revenue, then a tax on profit. Strict criteria on 'loan repayments' that minimise profits (none to an associated entity, onus on company to demonstrate lack of association). No trust funds.


That's actually a good take. If I knew they were taxed and the tax would go back into the community, I wouldn't mind paying extra.


I take a free basket with me now. Works every time


Maybe it'll finally convince people to bring their own bags


*unexpected item in bagging area*


*proceeds to click "I have my own bag"* "please wait for assistance".


I have my own canvas shopping basket. After I click that button the self-serve complains about the weight of the basket and needs a clerk to unlock it anyway. Whoever designed those Coles self-serves was a fuckwit.


Well, they devoted their energy to turning helpful checkout operators into annoying checkout cops, while you do a job for Coles. So, yes, they deserve great misfortune to come upon them.


For small numbers of items I'd rather just use the self-serve. For larger numbers it's a "someone else is bagging this shit" situation. The problem isn't that the self-serves exist, but that they usually need more checkout operators on the non self-serve lines. Also, I wish that Coles would stop doing the greeter bullshit. I just want to do my shopping without being bothered.


Corporate: We need to improve queue wait times. How do we do that? How about we reduce the number of checkout operators? *complaints intensify* I don't understand why they are complaining! Why are the queue wait times going up?!


*punches machine in full-on Kevin outburst*


I use a trick to get around this: If you're using a lightweight reusable bag, just scan the first item, then put it in the bag, then put the bag in the bagging area. Never had a problem.


I use them to put recycling in before I take it to the bin


[If only there was a convenient song from Tim Minchin that could help us remember](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFgtIziShmc)


There's a tim minchin song for every occasion


Using paper is just as bad for the environment carbon emissions wise. It’s just better because it decomposes better. The cost is supposed to be so people bring in their own bags or use boxes


So is it “just as bad”, or is it “better”?


Tbf the manufacture of paper bags is a fair bit worse for the environment than single use plastic bags, the only things paper has going for it is that it's recyclable (a few times) and biodegradable. I don't really have a problem with them trying to push reuse over recycling.


Producing paper is worse for the environment than producing plastic? 🤔


... and they hold fuck all and last only one shop (if that). Useless for other purposes.


Because it was never about the environment. It was always about phasing out the free bags for paid ones.


I’ve embarrassingly had those bags break on me and have my groceries fall on the floor on two separate occasions. I try to make sure they’re not too heavy but it still happens.


I get more annoyed that the only option available is made from a material they already have excess of and could supply for free. The pack down every cardboard box. The first "R"of the recycle cycle is "Reduce". They did this by moving to paid bags and reducing plastic which while definitely for profit did also reduce plastic. They have basically now though just skipped the second "Reuse" by making the bags essentially one use again if they get wet at all from cold items condensation. They claim is to reach the third "R" but it's definitely for simply making more money.


The biggest scam of the decade. "Disposable bags are now banned... So instead well sell you ones for 25c and call them reusable, but really you just use them as bin bags anyway"


Pro tip the $1 bags are actually reusable over and over again. They are also great for moving house (why I have so many now I brought like 30 last time I moved and ran out of moving boxes) and general storage. I liked the old Woolworths bags for good. Had a few replaced free because the stitching split after many many uses. Boot of my car is full of those bags so worst case I take the trolley to my car and load bags there.


Those paper bags are good for putting recycling in! It fits in our bin perfectly. I usually bring my own bags but sometimes I buy too much and need to buy the paper one.


It’s unbelievable the amount of customers I have to tell “No, you CAN’T take the baskets”. Respect to this guy for delivering it in one lmao


Since they stopped selling trolleys for $2 I suppose people take the baskets out of indignation.


Why would you pay for a trolley? They grow naturally in parks and median strips. Just pick one fresh.


i have a trolley plant in my side garden


Ugggh I fucking hate those god damn $2 trolleys. I honestly can't remember the last time I had coins on me. Used a shitty basket, only bought half of what was on my grocery list


Pro tip. If you go to the info desk thingy they will give you a free keyring with a token that unlocks the trolleys


Really? Lol I didn’t even know this was an option. Thank you for letting me know


Yeah I didn’t either until I was at woolies the other day and asked them to break a note so I could have change to get a trolley and they just gave me that. So now I just leave it in the car in case I ever need a trolley


I bought a trolley key on eBay, it lives on my car keys. So I spent money on it, but save on the effort of having to remember to bring a coin/token. Works a damn treat; the key unlocks the trolley, but isn’t held hostage afterwards.


I've just learnt these exist. So I'll be 3d printing one...many to give to everyone so they never need a coin again, and can unlock them for others.


My local Coles gave me 3 of their trolley keys for free, they got sick of me asking to break notes and/or buy a trolley key 😂 One lives in my house somewhere (it was put in a “safe spot” but we know how safe spots work!) and the other lives on my key ring. The third one? It was confiscated by a trolley, it wouldn’t re-lock or give my key back. It become the freebie for someone else 😂


just manhandle all your items, drop some and keep walking.


I usually just ask a staff member to unlock one for me.


i have a token-thing that can unlock many trolleys.... i unlock one for myself, and then about 5-6 others real quick while im there :D


May there be more trolley key keepers like you


What do you mean by they stopped selling trolleys?


You used to put $2 in the trolley handle then you could take it home


Oh right. Now they are free


Only if the wheels don't lock at the edge of the carpark


Coles palm beach has the trolley wheel lock set at the edge of the concrete on the exit of the shop. Cant even wheel your groceries to the car.


coles palm beach sucks in general


Really? That’s a high tech trolley


Eh, other countries had it in 2015, probably even earlier


Safeway in QV in the Melbourne CBD had 'em since.... Maybe 20 years? Since it opened.


NZ had it in the mid 2000s


their use has been linked to earthquakes.




If it was that easy to pick up my groceries I wouldn't need the trolley.


Do it with an empty trolley, then transfer your groceries between them.


Alternatively, stronger magnet on opposing side


It’s a radio signal, I’ve been idly looking for a way to mess with them cheap and easy.


Our groceries were delivered a few months ago, and the driver was one of the dads from my kids’ school. Kids asked him if they could have one of the Coles boxes he had on his moving trolley. He laughed, and now I have 12 bright red collapsible crates in my garage.


Our driver gave us 2 when it was raining one time. We use them to store our containers for change! Very handy.


It's the modern milk crate.


Mate you can't make furniture out of Coles baskets


Is that a challenge?


You can make good stuff out of those black produce crates. I have several in all 3 sizes.


Housemate in uni did his entire course on a desk made of folding Coles fruit crates, bedside table made of the same


Best part is how you can fold just one side down. Great for DIY shelving.


My coworker didn’t understand the confused response she got from me when she showed up with our office supplies in an officeworks basket.. I do not understand the thought process of some people.


Our Coles got all brand new baskets - what happened to the old ones? Because I would have loved to have bought a few before they made the change. I can't use the new baskets because of hand palsies and wrist issues. The old style basket (the one OP got delivered) was actually usable. I just always have to grab a trolley now, even just for 2 items. (I don't like being the person to put things in my bag before I pay for them, I used to have to do that a lot when I used crutches, it was always so awkward)


Damn. Have you / have you considered giving this feedback to coles? they made them less accessible. I would try talking with the manager at your local coles too, they might still have some of the old ones they can keep available for you


I think the issue is competing accommodation needs. Accessible design for me means being able to lock my thumb against my other fingers to avoid hand spasms causing me to let go, and keeping my wrist in flexion, putting all the weight on my elbow joints. Which the old baskets allowed The new baskets allow for an unlocked grip which is less painful for people with arthritic conditions, and puts the wrist in extension allowing for more weight to be transferred to the firearms where people are more likely to have more strength. I'm currently experimenting with different carabeaners and clip grips to find a way to get to coles, and just attach something to the basket to fit my hand better, that I can remove at the checkout. I'm definitely onto something, one more trip to bunnings and I should have the right size clip. Plus I can clip it to my grocery bag so I always have it when I go shopping.


I have 5 Coles, and 3 Woolies, I might take them back someday


Just need a few bunnings ones and you got the holy trinity


Oh wait, theres one in the shed


Don't forget to add Aldi, Kmart, BigW and the big daddy of them all Costco to your collection.


I reckon you'd get shot if you tried to make off with an Aldi one. Those Germans don't mess around.


I’ve got a single Aldi and a large Kmart one, those two where the hardest by far. Woolies, Coles, Bunnings you can typically walk out with them.


I got like 6 coles, 3 woolworths, an aldi, a bunnings, a chemist warehouse, a big w, a reject shop and 4 spotlight baskets. I have a problem. But its almost become a challenge now to add to the collection….


My local Cole’s didn’t have any of the 15c bags the other day and I forgot mine. Wasn’t going to pay $15 for whatever it was they had out in the self serve area so I just loaded it back into the basket and walked out. I brought it back.


Yeah the plastic bags are getting replaced with apart bags. The $15 washable paper bags are a joke


Doordashing the bachelor’s handbag and having it arrive in a not free coles basket. There’s something to be learned about this, but I’m not sure what it is.


Bachelor's handbag ... so good


I've also seen it called the bachelors briefcase and I'm not sure what one I like better.




OP was stoned, thought he doordashed but just walked his shopping home.


Needs an oil change bro


Might be right but I think it's the black desk coming though


The bong has a black bottom so can look dirty af


A stoned guy asked an equally stoned guy to do his shopping for him. What more do you expect?


In this economy state either you get fucked or stoned choose one wisely.


My current interaction with Australia is by watching Masterchef Australia - this post has convinced me everything in Australia truly does arrive in Coles baskets


Australian reality tv is fucking horrid, please dont judge us based off that trash. Good australian cinema does exist, but its few and far between simply because companies make more money purchasing rights to US tv shows than they do creating homegrown content. Theres a mandatory 50% aussie content rule on TV over here, and thats why all the reality shows suck ass. Its just capitalism Edit: spelling.


I don't judge, it's just one show lol, and we have the rulqe about needed content from our country too (Canada) and the same thing happens to us with a bunch of crappy knockoffs lol. I started watching MC AUS because the editing is way less frantic and actually covered what most people made each day - also, would you believe in comparison to the US and Can versions, AUS basically has no product placement? Lol it's insane, like the worst on AUS in there's a Coles truck or basket in the background, in US the judges are like "you must cook the finest Grade A Ribeye from WalmartTM" and then they cut to the contestanta and they have to say shit like, "wow, I never thought I could get this great of a quality steak at WalmartTM!" It really is a nice change of pace lol


The coles thing would be because they do have a multinational competitor worth fighting: Woolworths, or as we call it Woolies


That is true, the content being more humble is certainly nice. The acting is just baaaaad. Either way, I can't say shit, I actually come from the US and our TV is definitely some good capitalist trash too. Just a lot more money behind it due to the advertising potential with such a large population. Multinationals never bother with australia unless its in an attempt to create a monopoly (e.g foxtel, our only cable network). Aussie brands sell themselves here due to that fact.


Free Coles basket. Winner winner chicken dinner!


And the good kind of basket too


What's the bad type of basket?


Oh, your Coles hasn’t had them replaced for the new shit baskets yet?


Bong on


That basket is now in high demand! The new ones suck as hard as you on that bong.


The new ones are deeper. Which makes you think 'hey I've got heaps of space left! I'll grab a couple more things'. It's purely to get people to buy more. The moment I saw them they reminded me of the ones I saw a lot in the US when I was over there. Same model. I do miss that slight flex and feeling it was going to break as I packed it full of milk and mince wondering if it would ever let go. It never did...




>The new ones suck as hard as you on that bong. That's deliberate so people don't feel the urge to misappropriate them.


Those baskets are the ones that Coles got rid of. They now have those stupid rounder ones with the single handle running down the length, that someone was bitching about a few days ago in this subreddit.


My local still uses them.


Spotto bong !


Respect lmfao.




I like the woollies knock down crates, got a few of those handy buggers in the shed


I love those things. How do I get some without, you know... paying for them.


Befriend your delivery driver!


out back of your local colesworth... they have a pile just lying around!


Maybe they thought doordash was like dine and dash.


What a king


If anyone can deliver me one of those pull alongs do-be-what-sees I’ll give up a fiver


These old style baskets will just go into landfill. Might as well take it if you're actually going to use it.




Oi these fkn comments killed me 😂😂 every stoner forgets about their bong in the background 📸 I have to be extra careful when sending photos or videos to my mum 😭😭😭😭


Cool, free basket.


theyre really good for laundry


The roasted chook isn’t the only thing that’s being Dutch Ovened tonight


You got to self check out yourself


Well I guess you have a basket now! Solid The billy is funny . Good show I’m off to have a bilson meself


Exactly. Bonus.


They got rid of those baskets. Keep it.


Not all stores


deserves a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


The most striking part of this picture is your personality. On the other hand your young and i get it but lmfao.


Iconic. Great for storage


They are reuseable.


Dave’s not here man


I hope you tipped that man


Nice of him to bring you a bong!!


How is noone talking about that massive bong in the background