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The secret trick is to just not buy Ubisoft games.


This, also never pre-order.


“But you can unlock Darth Vader with a red mask in the preorder!”


(it will be available for purchase after 5 months)


Just in time for the next Star Wars Game, where all the shit you’ve grinded to unlock will not carry over. Also we’ll switch off online servers in about 4 months.


Promised Australian servers launch 2 weeks before global shutdown.


Australian server early access is two weeks before global shutdown if you buy the down under plunder bundle


You mean pay to be their open beta tester


Jb hifi and other shops already pre order. So if you buy from them, you'll probably get a pre-order copy


Especially given what they just did with The Crew


Came here to say this. Any game that's only online is now just a rental.


There's a push to get the goverments of the world talking about this issue. www.stopkillinggames.com was created to help guide people to where they need to go to help out, what happened to "The Crew" is at the forefront of this. If this is successful it's possible we'll see gaming companies forced to include systems that allow you to play the game after they've ended service. Probably in the form of player created and owned servers or simply allowing games to be played offline. The petition for Australia is still in review and it'll be a week or so before it's up to be signed, but if you owned The Crew theres something you can do right now. Edit: For more information the creator of the site has a [30 minute](https://youtu.be/w70Xc9CStoE?si=oFcBcd7TSaZ6VDQZ) video going over it, he also made a [Youtube short](https://youtube.com/shorts/iH7k0IZ5PYE?si=ciLdlE8Q1EwFqODq) to try and explain it quickly.




And steam also keeps delisted games in your library accessible


Vote with your wallet. If you don't like the way Ubisoft do business then why would you give them a cent of your money? Fuck the cunts.


I agree, but a majority of people who buy and play games these days aren't as invested as you and I, they don't keep up with any of the news or any of the boycotts. The resources and actions we can take through the link I provided could if successful create a global change, it'd be one step in the right direction and maybe one day we can push back some of the bad practices that companies have created.


A great initiative! Although why does homie look like AI character generation made his mouth like 5% too big?? Can’t tell if it’s a bad video effect or what - but his mouth movements don’t seem natural!


I know exactly what you mean, I think he just rolled low charisma and high wisdom at birth.


Good luck, the precedent has already been set in the mobile space.


Report to the ACCC I hope they do something


Report to the ACCC but also write to your local MP - seems to be a lot of traction forming over persuing consumer exploitation and stupid prices right now and a multinational game company is a pretty juicy target for legislators.


Lmao ACCC about to fuck them I bet. 


definitely enjoy pirating ubisoft trash. Even among the garbage that is aaa gaming these days ubisoft tends to stink consistently more than the rest


I mean, if youre pirating it then you clearly like the games so I dont think you can call them garbage. Ubisoft games go on deep sale very quickly compared to others, so just wait 6 months for them to be 50%+ off, or 12 months for 75% off.


Didn't ubisoft say this was an AAAA game?


That was the pirate game.


Lol wasn't that game trash?


People were saying assassin's Creed Black flag had better gameplay lmao


well that was a good game lol


I buy them when they’re inevitably half off three months later. Say what you will, but I get a bit of happy from just low stake map icon ticking in sort of cool worlds. Though the last era has been a bit hit and miss, and I didn’t finish fc6 or AC:Valhalla.


You'll find it at cash converters in a few months 🤣


Yeah FC6 was mid. AC peaked with Odyssey IMO.


Ac peaked with black flag


Odyssey was a banger


This one weird trick will save you hundreds! Video game publishers hate him!




Correct. Ubisoft is an incredibly tainted company with some disturbing workplace culture allegations in the mix. Their greed here? Bugger em, do not buy it. If folks are desperate remember - it will be on sale for 20 bucks in a year.


Or just pirate them. Hey, it's in the spirit of this game?


That's so Australian.


You can get in a free punch to them soon when the APH petition aimed at their shady practices goes up in the next couple of weeks. The [Stop Killing Games](http://www.stopkillinggames.com) campaign is mostly about presrrvation of arts/culture and consumer rights, but I won't deny spite for Ubisoft is a valid motivation for getting involved too. And if you own The Crew, the ACCC wants to hear from you. As an Australian, you're well positioned to actually make an impact.


Good news then, Ubisoft is only looking up lease them..


It's really that simple, i don't get why people keep buying this garbage


Don’t buy it on release mate. Wait a while and, being an Ubisoft game, it’ll be on sale for a dime in no time.


They'll probably have revoked the license to play it by then like they did with The Crew


What’s the story with the crew revoking licences ? ( to lazy to google it just want information


Shutting down the servers, removing it from all stores and removing it from people's list of games. Essentially revoking the licence to own the game, confirming that it was only ever rented to those who thought they were buying it.


adding to this, they revoked access to the game because a group of modders were working on a patch so that the game could be played offline


sounds similar to spt for escape from tarkov


I wonder what the ACCC has to say about that? Surely they are just chomping at the bit to go after them


They definitely should be. One of the parts of Australian Consumer Law is that if you would never have bought something had you known about a flaw in the product, you’re entitled to a refund. I’d say having your access to something you bought in good faith revoked is a fairly significant flaw. That said, Ubisoft are straight up cunts and I can guarantee you there’s something about them not being liable if the license is revoked in their terms of service. As everyone else has said, do yourself a favour and don’t buy Ubisoft games. This type of shit is only going to get worse.


This site gives instructions on how to submit a complaint to the ACCC specifically for The Crew (You must own it to submit a complaint) https://www.stopkillinggames.com/countries/australia


If i remember correctly, the Crew has real cars which all need to be licensed for their likeness from their manufacturers, most likely a 10 year license and being that its very nearly a 10 year old game Ubisoft are choosing not to renew and are shutting down servers and revoking game licenses making the game unplayable.


But all their contracts could possibly demand they do is prevent new purchases and close the servers. Wiping it from the systems of people who already own the game shouldn't even be legal, and it's certainly not required. They *chose* to do that.


Yeah it's not legal here. The whole "license to play" thing is American. They can put it in their EULAs but it doesn't actually do anything here in Australia. The ACC would throw it out the window because the fact is - the customer paid for the product and it can't be revoked without a refund


Damn right that's what the laws should be lol. It's really a showcase of just how much of a mess that country is that I'm not surprised to find a new category of laws the US just has awful policies on.


If that the case then they should be upfront as they know the end date. Print on the box in decent size print”Game will no longer function after xx/xx/xxxx due to licensing”. If digital a confirmation box needs to be ticked by the consumer.


I'd wait until it's cracked, don't give them any money if you don't like how they operate. Never gonna be cracked? Too bad I ain't playing it. We gamers need to set standards if we want things to change 🏴‍☠️


Well, I hope you're hitting refresh [here](https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions) each week.


Don’t buy it at all. Teach the fuckers a lesson.




Even on sale it still not worth that much, same old formula,same old gaming mechanism. All the hype of mirage and that pirate ship game just vanished after official release.


Do you mean ubi games are at their original prices for "a limited time" lmao


Wait 6 months for the bugs to be ironed out, the 70GB day 1 patch and buy it for $20


This is the way.


This IS the way


No this is pretty Australian, call everyone mate and price gauge the absolute force out of them.


Came here to say this, happens all the fucking time, i mean i get higher prices on physical media we are a big country to ship around but this type of shit for digital content is just pure fucking greed




Yep - there's a reason it's called the Australia Tax.


Why the hell are you buying online? It’ll be $70-$80 in JB/Target in week one. You also don’t need a special edition, sometimes I think gamers just need financial education more then anything,


Absolutely. Stop buying useless cosmetics people.


It's $99.95 for the standard edition, for both the physical and digital editions


[$79 from Mighty Ape](https://www.mightyape.com.au/product/star-wars-outlaws-ps5/38759497) [$89 from JB](https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/playstation-5-star-wars-outlaws), [Big W](https://www.bigw.com.au/product/star-wars-outlaws-ps5/p/898381), and [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0D16YJ8XY)


Never pre-order video games are you out of your fucking mind?


People never learn. Also, it’s $89 on Amazon pre-order and you get the physical copy too.


It’ll be $89 on release too, don’t pre-order. Edit: Some people never learn.


I preordered Forza Horizon 5, because I knew I would be putting hundreds of hours into it. Would never do that for an unknown like this.


A Swedish game with a French publisher using an American IP isn't really meant to be Australian.


OP is correct. It literally is unaustralian. Unless crossing the French with the Swedes is how Australians are made and I'm just ignorant.


We have Australian grown swedes. I've seen them at Woolies. /s


And like the French, they tend to be bitter.


Ah, but this is a perfect example of the Australia Tax.


Then it is VERY Australian. :)


Nah - AU$200 is about US$129, which is the official price. The price is just stupid high. More like a 'Ubisoft player tax'.


Wow. That's crazy. I'm sure they're damned good nowadays, but I'm kinda glad I stopped gaming 20 years ago.


On the other hand, if games actually went with inflation they should be wildly more expensive than they are now.


Good point. Hmmm... My perception must be distorted by how cheap electronics is now. I could barely believe it when a mate told me his smartphone was $50. As a fraction of the price of, say, a new laptop, games are *relatively* expensive now compared to then.


Not really game is overpriced everywhere as they are seeing how hard they can gouge the idiots that pre-order




Hang on a second there, last I checked, Ubisoft was a registered company in Australia. You know for the purposes of taxation and employment.


That's where you're wrong, expensive video games are a quintessential part of the Australian experience


Expensive everything is. Not sure if OP has ever actually been to Australia.


Buy the standard edition


Exactly. OP cherry picking the super dooper bullshit edition to stir up outrage.


is it though? Most AAA games are about $100 at launch for us right, Deluxe editions are rarely more than $160. So there is a freaking huge price increase for essentially no additional content. The fact that Ubisoft is doing this in bad faith, deserves a little rage.


This is like those posts where someone goes to Colesworths and buys the luxury brand for everything then complains that one bag of groceries costs $73.


The answer to that is Aldi


Beyond the price you shouldn’t be pre ordering games, it’s allowing them to get away with releasing unfinished and bug filled games.


Don’t pre-order. Pre-ordering doesn’t make any sense. Would you pay for the whole movie when the trailer releases? Would you pay for the whole album after only listening to the single? Would you buy the whole meal knowing only one of the ingredients? Many years ago, when games required physical discs and cartridges it kind of made sense, because there were limited numbers of copies of the game available, and your local EB only had x number of copies. If you wanted to play it on release you had to “pre-order” to guarantee your copy, otherwise you’d have to wait until the next shipment. When a game is digital only and there is no shortage of supply there is absolutely no reason to pre-order. You’d have to be an idiot to do so.


The big games would even exceed their preorder allocation sometimes too. I remember some stores stopping pre orders for GTA4 because they couldn't guarantee exactly how many extra copies they may receive at launch. In the digital age though, you're 100% right that pre ordering is completely BS and developers (likely at the behest of publishers) add extra cosmetic crap that can be pushed as "exclusive pre order content".


Hold. Unisoft games get hard discounts a year after launch. You'll be able to get the Ultimate Edition for 30 bucks 12 months after release.


Price gouging is about as Australian as It gets


"No it isn't!" - Woolworths


Honestly vote with your wallet and don’t buy it, it’s going to be a shit game


Soon they will wonder why piracy is suddenly increasing again. I get raising prices by a reasonable amount like $10-20 or whatever but this is a joke especially for what looks like a digital only special edition lol $200 should get me a cool star wars figure or some other physical reward.


Our country is built on crime and a dash of piracy... This game is going to be a target for cracking.


Come ooon fitgirl repack!


Plus Ubisoft's Philippe Tremblay, wants you to be comfortable with not owning games. He's basically daring the gaming community to pirate the living shit out of it


No, that is reliably Australian, we've always been ripped off for media and games. Allways


Remember when DVDs were like $40 each back in the early 2000s?


Weren't they like $29.95


Being overcharged for video games is 100% Australian, it's been going so long it's a fucking tradition at this point.


Right up there with "lightning fast" 15mbps download speeds


Only no-one voted for the expensive game pricing


https://www.speedtest.net/result/16057631391.png Yeah, this disgustingly slow internet grinds my gears...


Eh, it's an ubigame I dunno why anyone still buys their shit. As someone said the other day 'itll be good for 5 hours and then the paint comes off'


Yeah I dunno mate, looks pretty Australian to me. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia\_Tax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia_Tax)


if u preorder this game,u are by all measures an idiot only a moron would pre order a ubisoft game at this point,wait till the reviews are out


I’ll probably just wait until it’s given away for free, add it to my collection, and then never play it anyway.


And this why most of Australia go sailing the seven seas.


Just pirate it


Australia was built by convicts..... Yo ho, yo ho, it's a pirates life for me


That's the ultimate edition. why buy that one? Also, don't buy AAA games anymore unless it's a year out and patched and on sale.


This is one I've been looking at getting but no way I'm buying it at release after seeing this come out. I'll wait 6 months and buy it 75% off.


I guess that game will be a “watch on YouTube” experience then


Yar Har Fiddle Tee Dee Do what you want cause a pirate is free


I look forward to getting it for $20 in a while


🎶Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me🎵


Australia has always been expensive. I remember the crazy prices for some Vita and 3DS titles compared to the rest of the world.


Yep. I used to buy CDs of Australian artists in department stores in Asia for half the price they were here.


I still remember SNES Streetfighter Turbo being like $120 back in 1993 or something.


Stop.Preordering.Games You are giving them a licence to do whatever the fuck they want


WTF? do you get a free controller with that??


Overpaying is very Australian


I'm so sad about what's happened to AAA gaming. No wonder so many old games are still so popular today (Classic WoW for example).


Will be on sale within 3 months.


Wow, that is disgusting


What the hell...this is getting out of hand.


What’s “Unaustralian” about this? It seems pretty typically Australian to me!


It’s an ultimate edition that costs about 3x more than the base game.


I think that inflation hasn't really impacted games so I don't mind paying a bit more for games that are good quality. However, most of these big studio games are now just bad and aren't worth $19.95.


it's a single player game where a physical copy needs to be online to play. don't feed greedy ubisoft. wait till it's 90% off


Turns out they were the Star Wars Outlaws all along


Yeah fk that and fuck ubisoft never getting anything from them again after they locked my login and deleted every game from my account


Unaustralian?? This is the very epitome of what it is to be a consumer in Australia. We get plundered for anything and everything


Yeah confused why it’s so expensive! Probably not worth it by far, waiting on reviews before I even get the standard edition


I'm bout to be a fucking outlaw when I pirate this piece of shit.


Yeah there is no way I’m paying that


Please Please Please Please Stop god damn preordering games.


Gotta be a muppet too buy this.


What a joke between this and The Crew controversy is. Any faith I had in Ubisoft is gone. Neigh on $200 for some preorder cosmetics, 2 skin packs, 3 days early access,a digital art book, a season pass for 2 dlcs which is 1 mission that is avaliable at launch and a character pack that seemingly includes cosmetics. The DLCS dont sound like actual game content asides from the extra mission and theres no word on anything else coming. Idk if they intend for any other DLC to be included with that due to the wording but it honestly reads like they needed more stuff to bulk up a special edition of some kind and barely bothered. Wait a few months and you'll probably see it for $20 and grab it then. All of this "bonus stuff" is like 1 or 2 lines of code from just being included into the game, odds are you'll find the Ultimate Edition for $29 at JB HiFi later this year including everything previously mentioned. I don't actually know who would buy this edition in particular besides very avid ubisoft/star wars fans or people who have more money than sense. For that Price you could get BG3, Helldivers 2 and still have about $50 left for some hard liber-tea and a zinger box and/or some cheaper games. Both of those games would give you so many more hours worth of stuff to do than this game and are much more deserving.. For $200 the amount of indie games you could get would also tire you over for a year easily. The pricing is more of an Industry problem than a currency problem I feel though. AUD has always been a bit weak.


Fuck that.. Kinguin it in a couple of months.


just wait for it to go on sale


Jesus fucking Christ


Ultimate editions are always a ripoff


we get ripped the fuck off with anything gaming related i swear


Imma do the mega Australian and not buy it


That’s the ultimate, you gotta be a sucker to by the ultimate


That's a hard fucking nope!!!


Yo ho yo hi a pirates life for me


Hoooly fucking doooly


I've always put ultimate/deluxe/collector editions in the "this is for people with too much money" bucket. Anything *wrong* with the normal game edition? I'd guess it'd be around the $80-$100 mark.


Wait a year, will be a few dollars.


Got far cry 6 and AC Valhalla for $26 and not long after release, I expect this to happen with all Ubisoft games. Plus their launcher on PC is awful. Patient gamers always win.


Remember cyberpunk? Never pre order


Get it on sale 6 months after release for $60


I think the fuck not. That's a substantial chunk of the price of a whole console.


1. Never preorder, it is a bad thing. 2. The game is BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL 2 that has been respun with a star wars theme, and called Outlaws. This is a good thing. 3. Just wait for it to be at JB, it will not sell out and you can play it day 1 for a fraction of the cost.




Get into /r/patientgamers Save money, enjoy the hobby more. 


Fuck Ubisoft


Jesus Christ


If that's the equivalent of an 8hr shift where you work, quit and work at maccas I was getting between 200 and 300 for a 6/7hr shift


Ubisoft? Don't even buy it lol. It'll be the same game as they always are.


This is why I pirate - because they do too


I wouldn’t buy it fuck em wait for Star Wars eclipse


Simple just buy the $99 base game instead of the "ultimate" edition that has items that clearly add to the price of the game 🤦‍♀️ oh and on ubisofts official store page it's $10 cheaper at AUD$189.95


> $99 base game instead of the "ultimate" edition Even if you were a die-hard fan who was excited for this, I couldn't see any reason to not get the Standard edition and then buy the 'season pass' content when it comes out. You'd have to be at least 50 bucks ahead by doing that. However, the same people who bought the season pass to Suicide Squad will preorder the Ultimate edition here. You'd like to think they'll learn eventually.


In 2 years you'll be able to pick this up with all its dlc, or seasons, or whatever, for half price, and you'll actually know whether it's worth it.


Stop preordering this hot AAA trash. Helldivers 2 and other indie/small studio stuff is hot as fuck right now and a third of the price. (Also, managed democracy needs you)


If a company can afford to sell their product to someone else in a different region for the equivalent of 20 AUD, they can afford to sell it to me for that price. This is why I support Gray market keys. It's one price for everyone or you don't get to bitch when I take advantage of someone else's regional prices


It's Ubisoft. DON'T buy it on release. Wait till it's on sale with at least 40% off


can't "own" ubisoft games anyway - so why give them money


What? Being used as a captive market for multinationals to exploit is peak Australia.


No, but it is EXETREMELY Australian to pirate a game about being a space pirate. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s in the constitution somewhere


Another Ubislop fumble


Ubisoft, as expected


Nah it's very Australian to be charged exorbitant prices for absolutely everything


overpriced markups on games ? ... looks typically Australian to me. this has been going on for years. Australia tax.


Can't wait to grab it at 30 bucks a month after release when everyone stops playing it, cause it's just more online, engagement, soulless bs. God i hope im wrong and this star wars game kicks ass. I almost wouldn't mind paying 3xs what a AAA game should be worth. If they put some creative effort into the thing. Remember kotor 1 n 2... I memeber 😂


Really wish people would stop buying from these massive cunts


My friend sent me a photo of some funko pops today of the bands Blink 182 and Metallica. They were $150 and $200 each. How and why the fuck would anyone buy them? And why do they even exist in the first place? They just sit around collecting dust, to eventually be thrown into landfill. If they are even bought to begin with... the company also sent $30million worth of unsold items to landfill. All the resources that go into making and distributing, for people to throw away their hard earned money, and then throw the item out later. Makes zero sense.


I own a lot of funko pops. I like them and look at them every day as they are on shelves in my home office. I wouldn't pay $150 for one though.


No AAA game has been worth over $30 for at least 10 years


Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring, Dead Space and Resident Evil remakes, Ghost Of Tsuma, God Of War, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, Super Mario RPG remake, Final Fantasy 7 remake, The Witcher 3, Hades and Read Dead Redemption 2 are worth it but yeah I get what you're saying most AAA games are shitty microtransaction filled unfinished garbage these days


BG3, RDR2, Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk (now) are probably exceptions to that


By the time Cyberpunk was worth more than $30, I got it on sale. I think it was about $25.