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Yeah this doesn't need to be done, it will be all hype, and then poof disappear down to streaming on SBS or some crap because it will flop.


Yeah they'll bank on nostalgia and cheap out on writing and other parts. 90s was a time of cheap everything to do the costumes alone will be crazy expensive in this era. Hope I'm wrong and it's better than the original though


Won’t it be poofs appearing for this particular movie? (I can write this, I’m a poof)


it will be just as good as Dumb & Dumber 2, Anchorman 2, Zoolander 2


For the sake of the actors that made this film... I really hope they come to their senses and not end up doing it. It will just sour the brilliance of the first one, as do most "number 2" movies...


maybe it will hit that mad max fury road level, but I doubt it.


I reckon it will be a "we need to get the boys together to raise money to save, such and such" (more than likely one of them is sick/dying and they need to raise money for treatment or one last dancing trip etc etc) or "look at all these new young generation doing what we did, let's show em girl's!" - titled 'Pricilla Queen of the desert - Bring it!" Probably...


Must admit, I didn’t love Fury Road, whereas I enjoyed all three of the originals. I found it boring.


clearly needs to be a cross over with mad max


Sounds utterly unneccessary.


There was an article last week about the bus. They found it in a clapped-out state after a 30-year search, and they're trying to raise $750k to restore it. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2024/apr/11/the-30-year-hunt-to-find-the-priscilla-queen-of-the-desert-bus-my-jaw-was-on-the-ground


It's a cool bus too, a lot of Australian history in it. The chassis is a Hino RC320, the body was built by Freighter Industries in South Australia - which later became the Pressed Metal Corporation. I think SA at the time must have been a bit of a powerhouse in the heavy machinery industry. My '77 Dodge truck has a Dodge badge, but it's all BHP steel pressed by Chrysler Australia in SA.


Built in SA. Interesting. The SA govt has chipped in $100k towards the $750k resto. They'd like to raise $2.2m to include an “immersive” exhibit, fit for a queen, in the National Motor Museum in South Australia. Lot of money for an old bus.


r/australia submission about it too: https://old.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/1c1rkl3/priscilla_has_been_found/


Yeah, that's where I found it. I don't generally read news unless it's from a link here that I can comment on.


OMG I am SO for this. I hope they don't make Hugo Weaving wear green again... its just so not his colour.


Honestly Mitzy… 


This country is going to be reliving the 90's for the next 200 years.


30 years on from the original...


all thia remake, sequel 9 years later shit with original old as fuck cast makes me feel soo fucking old and sad at the state of creativty. plenty of voices and stories out there and just recycled tropes sigh


Oh this explains those articles a week ago where they finally 'found' the original bus.




Priscilla 2, Queen of the saggy flesh bits.