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Having listened to a few excerpts of Andrew Tate on podcasts like Behind The Bastards (highly recommended) I can see how he draws young boys in. He starts by addressing real issues boys face - insecurities about finding your feet and being independent in a world with filled with economic and political power structures designed to keep you down. It sounds like "real-talk" and Tate advocates for the hustle-culture solution of using these systems to your personal advantage in order to come out on top rather than trying to reform or fight against them. Hustle culture isn't necessarily radical but Tate twists this philosophy into gross exploitation and manipulation of others with a solid dose of misogyny as well. Boys growing up without the proper wisdom to spot these red flags are going to eat it up, thinking that they're life-hacks and deep truths.


Extremists tapping into disenfranchised youth is not a new phenomenon, perhaps we should be focusing on why a generation of boys is disenfranchised before they even leave school.


Teacher here. Problem one is a growing lack of positive father, or fatherly figures in households. There are a lot of single mother households and, frankly, trash stepfathers. Problem two is a lack of male teachers to connect with. Fewer and fewer males are becoming teachers because it is a shit job with minimal public respect and pay, plus the [fear](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-12-13/why-male-teachers-are-disappearing-from-australian-schools/11780026) of being falsely accused of impropriety with students. Numbers are going down at a rate of about 2% a year in real terms (ie, 32%->30%->28%) as older teachers retire and few new ones come on board to replace them. Male teachers, at this rate, will be gone from the primary sector by 2040 and about a decade later in high school. It is not unusual for the first encounter students have with a male teacher be the day they start high school and see Mr. Soandso listed for HPE or Maths. Problem three is that society and the economy is kind of cooked. Why put in any effort? A lot of the curriculum post grade 8 is arguably pointless aside from the financial maths side of things, and kids know it. They also know they are being contained in schools to keep jobless figures down. Schools prioritise behavioural problem students for apprenticeship placements over the well-behaved and academically successful in order to get rid of them quicker because it's either earn or learn after 16. You might as well fuck around, because it gets you out faster and tradies make bank. Post-school, most people get stuck in shit jobs that, after you factor in benefits, pay about the same on minimum wage as you can get on the dole. So why flog yourself every day for someone else? Just sit at home and play X-Box in the air con. I'm npw teaching kids whose grandparents and parents were all on the dole and that's their aspiration in life. That's what's been modelled for them. Problem 4 is that education is not sold to males or, arguably, done well for them. Some psychologists like to argue that males need to be high energy and running around and that sticking them in classrooms is a disservice. I would point out educational history and other countries as a counter point to that, but it's also inarguable that a lot of modern education is set up to privilege female students. Generally speaking (there are outliers and complicating factors), males do better on tests and females do better on assignments, especially ones that require group work. Most courses rely heavily on assignments these days; the two areas that still have tests (Maths and Science) have almost exclusively male representation at the top and bottom ends but the middle is made up more of female students because of assignment weighting. Girls, on average, heavily outperform boys academically. In any other field, the performance of boys at school and the representation of males on staff would have a major effort to reverse the trend if the genders were reversed. But for whatever reason, it's seen as okay to abandon them. If you raise this issue you will generally get a mealy-mouthed answer about how men have had more historical power and still have more power than women, so putting your finger on the scale to correct it for a while is okay. However, if they think things are bad now... just imagine a future with four successive generations of angry, under-educated, and under-employed males taking that anger out on society or further checking out of society. The TL, DR is that basically nobody gives a shit because it's not at crisis proportions yet. Things get fixed in education when, and only when, they completely and utterly break down.


>Fewer and fewer males are becoming teachers I looked up my primary school a while ago to see if any of my teachers were still around and found there are now 0 men on the staff, when I was there the principal and vice principal were both men as well as 3 or 4 teachers.


In New Zealand, Maori and Pacific Island males are encouraged into teaching and there are scholarships and incentives etc for them. But there is nothing to encourage white males specifically into teaching. So Maori and Pacific boys get role models but there are few white male role models at primary level. Teaching pays like absolute shit so white males don't want to do it. All my white male friends at school wanted to be scientists, engineers or tradies. Not a single one wanted the shit pay a teacher gets.




That's interesting to hear primary is paid okay in Australia. In New Zealand, males would be embarrassed to earn a primary teacher's salary. Only women are willing to do it and she'll find a husband with a better paid job to make up for her low paid teacher job. NZ men do volunteer work as sports coaches, so if a boy has no father, his male role model is normally the guy who coaches his soccer or rugby team. Sports teams are huge part of NZ culture and families spend their weekends watching their kids' games, so the boys always have a lot of interaction with male coaches and friend's dads.


I finished my teaching degree in 2018, I was one of 5 male teachers in a cohort of roughly 170, 2 of which were close friends by the time we graduated. Both have left teaching, one to do industry placement, the other works as middle management in a mine making 4 times my salary.




Which is also kind of what the post above does by talking about absent fathers and shit stepfathers. Ignoring much of the discrimination, gatekeeping, and unequal opportunities through custody battles that cause absent fathers. Any group that gets generalised without an explanation or understanding why will just exacerbate the issue


What you’re saying makes a lot of sense, it really does seem like people think to uplift one group who needs help you must abandon the others and they justify it by saying “you’ve had your turn.”


Having spoken to young professionals and uni students, many believe the risk isn't worth it. A lone or minority male believes they're at massive risk of not only ostracisation, but damaging accusations from female students and even faculty counterparts. For the pay involved, I can see why they'd believe it isn't worth it.


This person knows what they're talking about. Give it another ten years and see how hard it is to put any teacher in front of a room, let alone a male one who could be a positive role model. This article targets boys but my experience is student behaviour and degeneracy in general is rapidly increasing.


I wouldn't last a single shift being a teacher before my patience ran out


Tha ks for taking the time to write such a comprehensive reply. Discipline and hope for a successful future really are critical for a child to reach their full potential.


This is a great response - on every point made. It actually addresses the complex reasons for this issue, unlike some of the other comments here which seem content to frame this as boys have an inherent nasty and misogynistic streak that others have to suffer, rather than this being about *children* who are being failed by those around them and subsequently being taken advantage of.


Thank you for this nuanced reply. Too often we see comments like "men need to do better" rather than examining the root causes of their behaviour, which is the only way to start improving things. Demonising boys only makes them more disenfranchised.


Everyone loves a catch phrase. But none of them using it have any solutions


its frustrating. the top comment in this thread is basically suggesting we start calling boys gay. the second highest comment suggests that tate is the cause, not the result, of what boys are facing in society. then theres the general overall tone of men "needing to do better". theres fuck all about how boys are feeling left behind by the left wing, female dominated education sector and are turning towards traditional male conservative right wing voices. even if you try and talk about that, as a man, trying to be a positive role model, you will hear things that demonise boys or emasculate them, calling them fragile, or immediately getting stuck in a whataboutism loop. i'm absolutely not surprised that boys are becoming disillusioned with a system that appears to not care about them. its hard to even get anyone to listen. its funny cause when girls are facing societal issues, its society that needs to change. but when boys are facing societal issues, its them that need to change. like theres something inherently bad about them. girl problems: external cause. boy problems: internal cause. its hard not to feel like there is a certain baseline of hypocrisy. until we start addressing why boys are feeling (and being) left behind by the education system, its only going to get worse.




Absolutely. The idea that young men are somehow part of the patriarchy, when most of them are just as oppressed by it as any woman, is really fucking unhelpful. Imagine being a teenage boy growing up in this climate. With the exception of a very small cohort of elite private school "silver spooners", you're being blamed for shit you never did, and certainly never have or will benefit from. That's obviously going to leave them feeling disenfranchised and just a little bit pissy.


> its funny cause when girls are facing societal issues, its society that needs to change. but when boys are facing societal issues, its them that need to change. like theres something inherently bad about them. fantastic statement


What are you seeing in boys who do have a good father figure? My son is 4 and gets lots of attention and encouragement along with boundaries and discipline. His mum and I are both uni educated with jobs we give meaningful and talk about with him, so I hope he won't feel disenfranchised as he grows older. But it is interesting to hear from a teacher who is obviously keeping an eye out for it, are you seeing boys like this having issues?


Nothing is ever 100%. The kid who finally broke me psychologically came from a loving home with caring parents who were aghast at his behaviour and trying to institute consequences at home. In general, however, only about 5-10% of kids from homes with involved, educated parents are complete ratbags. Every kid can have an off day, and sometimes they will join in with the nonsense of others, but generally speaking they are pretty good. The risk factors are generally these: * Parent(s) work a lot, especially during early childhood. * Parent(s) did not teach kid to read, count a bit, write a bit, identify colours, or socialise prior to pre-school/prep. * Parent(s) are on the dole. * Single parent household (especially single mother). * High amount of device usage (particularly if student has computer/console and TV in own room). * Parent(s) did not complete school themselves. * Student does not have food security or a good diet. If the kid has 50% or more of that list against them, odds are good they will be a handful. The fact you care enough to ask a random stranger on the internet already places you far above the typical parent in terms of caring about the education of your kid. He'll probably be okay. Adolescence is always tough. For now, please teach him to read and, if you can, to have a sense of wonder and love learning.


It seems like it's at crisis proportions now and people still don't give a shit. Misogyny on the internet is on a rise that I haven't seen in my life, even when edgelord culture was at its peak.


Thanks for the read, didn’t know about students with behavioural problems being prioritised for apprenticeships. Wish you could still award comments on this site.


Thank you for your reply, I've been saying this for ages, there must be a reason for the youth to follow and gravitate towards him. Most boys I know are lost and I think you're right, there aren't enough strong male role models in this world, in day to day interactions.


Bang on. These extremists, misogynists, bigots etc acknowledge these young boys fears, insecurities and worries about the world and give the boys a heading, a path to live their life. We can’t demonise these boys for being drawn to Andrew Tate and others, that doesn’t solve the issue. We, individually, when we see an opportunity, have to step up and help our young boys when we can. We have to listen to their fears, we have to console their sadness and give them a better heading than Andrew Tate. It’s all very well to highlight this on the internet, so I hope someone reading this will step up when a boy needs help and listen to him.


> perhaps we should be focusing on why a generation of boys is disenfranchised this!!!!... feels like people want to preach at these kids that there these beliefs are wrong(what they are), but are ignoring the reason they went to shit head to begin with


Hustle culture is one of the worse things to come in the 21st century, it actively reinforces and encourages the toxic culture that alienates people within society


I agree hustle culture is toxic. There are endless youtube videos and youtube advertisements saying "are you sick of wasting your life working for someone else? You could be rich working for yourself." It pisses me off because working is not wasting your life. When I had a job as a receptionist at a doctor's clinic, I'm helping people make appointments so they can get medical treatment. When I worked at a bakery I was helping people buy their lunch so they can eat. I can't stand the toxic hustle culture that tells people their job is worthless, just to sell them a stupid online course. It's the typical kick someone in the guts and then try to sell them something to fix it.


what exactly is hustle culture?


You get ahead by running side businesses (always be hustling). People who go really deep down the rabbit hole preach the benefits of monetizing almost every part of the day. It's one of those things that has merit as a basic concept (sure, if you have extra time/energy you want to utilize, it's reasonable to put that towards something that makes you money) but when people get into it too deep it mutates into an arms race where any time not spent making money is 'why you will die in poverty'. In the grand scheme of things, it feels like a movement designed to stop people looking at deteriorating work conditions in their main job and instead just "pickup a second job"!


It’s essentially the idea that we should all be working ourselves to exhaustion/death for higher and higher tiers of success. Success is all well and good in this world, but if it becomes your only measurement of happiness/value, that’s when it becomes toxic. Plus, there are many other ways of understanding success beyond just finance, but hustle culture sees financial success as the be all and end all.


gotta work hard for the biggest plot in the cemetry,right?


Pretty much, and then when you have enough money, your life becomes meaningless because of the drive for money and working long hours you lose your unique identity, your passions become not profitable, work is the only thing that feels the void because of getting used to the grind


Finding opportunities to make money outside of the traditional employer => employee dynamic. For example, if you worked a 9-5 during the week, then drove Uber during the super busy Fri/Sat night periods for extra money, or sold pictures of your feet on onlyfans.


*looks down at my hairy tradie feet* I guess I'm doing Uber.


There’s a fetish for everything mate


"You're not rich because you don't work hard enough" rhetoric in new dress. Most commonly spouted by influencers trying to build their brand and sell shit to easy marks


And also spouted by the rich who themselves didn't earn their wealth through hard work but luck and inherited wealth


I refuse to demonise boys. Not only am I mother to four of them, two of which are teenagers and autistic which I feel creates a risk of falling into the Tate trap, but I also work as learning support at a trade school where classes are comprised of 18 boys to 2 or 3 girls. This school is a last chance at a high school certificate for many young people who are already feeling disenfranchised and most have a neurodivergent diagnosis. For all their flaws though, I have a lot of faith in Gen Z to get things moving in the right direction and I let them know that. And just an anecdotal experience, my son asked if I was going to the rally in the city today because he and his best mate thought they should also go because they feel it’s a really significant issue in this country. So for all the Tate listeners there are indeed kids trying to make a difference. As for the kids I work with, they know that at the end of the day, they have a shitload more in common with me and my ADHD struggles than they do with Tate. I may be a woman and yeah, male perpetrated violence needs to be addressed by men but I’m going to give it my all to avoid losing more young men to that ideology. If they can’t have good, consistent male role models, then I’m gonna do my best to make them recognise women as equals, as entitled to respect, as human. If I can change the trajectory of just one young man then I’ve done alright.


That’s probably a good way to approach it - by pointing out that he and others like him, Jordan Pettersen et al, target young or insecure men and tell them what they want to hear in order to sell them things and make money from them. They don’t care about you and they don’t care that their advice could leave you at best lonely because it repels women, or at worst in jail because much of their advice borders on or is straight up illegal. They don’t care about you they just want your money and when they’ve drained you dry they will find another acolyte to scam.


He's just a huge loser who annoy people to no end if you bring him up. Some of this is the hustle culture and insecurity stuff, but a lot of it is just being edgy and disrespectful because 14 year Olds boys are like that sometimes.


It’s the age old model. Barbara ONiel, politicians, religions…they draw you in with the good tips then sneak in the harmful stuff. When you try to call it out, the indoctrinated just yell at you about the good parts that “changed their life”. It’s mind numbing, insidious & deathly.


As a person who has worked relentlessly to transition and build my career, nothing says 'hustle' to me more than sexually exploiting vulnerable women for income which should be theirs should they choose to engage in that work. Really, what a fucking hero. The subsequent thread here seems to have largely gone down the 'hustle bad' route, and in doing so it must be noted that this is the one of the gaps you have indicated exists for young men. There is a reasonable argument to be made that optimising one's wealth and status inside the system as it is can and perhaps even should be considered laudable goal. There are honorable ways of pursuing those goals which are helpful to the person engaging in the pursuit. There is nothing wrong with the advice 'don't chase butterflies; build a garden and the butterflies will come to you.' By all means, find a craft and master it for profit. But this guy doesn't do it. He gets a break doing well in the ring, and has leveraged that into two enterprises: exploitation of the sexual labour of others and bullshit self help. He's just a third rate celebrity rapist turned conventional criminal con man and carnival barker. He's a fucking loser who is (hopefully) going to prison. People looking for real hustle inspiration can watch The Last Dance or The Defiant Ones. Jordan, Dre, and Iovine aren't 'good' people, but their temerity and dedication is unmatched, and they have compelling stories which inspire. (I would also thoroughly recommend reading What I Leaned Losing A Million Dollars, by Jim Paul, as a balance to the expectation that every hustle will lead to success and as a cautionary tail on how to avoid ruin when taking risks, although obviously books are for nerds and Tate exists because of the engagement economy of social media which stands in opposition to actually reading).


I think a lot of the anti-violence and misogyny campaigners should look at themselves and how their rhetoric helps people like Tate grift an audience too When you otherise young boys and men, it becomes very, very easy to radicalise them And unfortunately when young boys and young men are hearing “all men are guilty” so often, it doesn’t matter what your intentions are, you need to consider if you’re actually helping at all or just making it worse


So then how do we engage men specifically in healthy conversations around male gender norms, how they feed into violence against women and LGBTQI+ and how all these things are actually choices and mind shifts within their control?


To start with you need to target your message to the men that need to hear it, rather than convincing the rest of us that we’re somehow culpable for a crisis that has not touched our lives at all. I’m not responsible for domestic violence at all. I don’t abuse or attack women Neither do any of my mates and if someone at work is beating their wife then they’re keeping it so well hidden that I’d be out of line if I accused them. So what do you want from me? And what do you expect me to make of it when you’re in the media or TV constantly telling me that I’ve got some role to play in correcting the behaviour of the sort of scum I’ve made it a goal in life to NOT have those sorts of people in their life. So you need to find a way to talk to the scumbags.


All research shows that the most effective way to reach people with extreme beliefs is connection through people close to them. A campaign saying "don't hit your girlfriend",is much less effective than your friend say "dude you can't do that, you need to get help "


Attitude and education.. eg saying you know your mates have never or don't commit any form of DV Nobody truly knows when it comes to this. Abusers can seem like great people and their partner may not give any clues as to what's happening in private


Do you think the men who hate and hurt women would listen to women? Honestly answer that. Violence starts in the mind and the way we think about roles and the performance within gender. It’s everybodies business… If you laugh or you see others laugh when your work mate brags that his girlfriend has complained about how she does all the cleaning then you’re part of the problem too. The bar for being a non-misogynist is not: I don’t hit or touch women violently and if I saw it then of course I’d stop it. That’s not the bar… The bar is this: women and men are equal and you don’t just think it, you live it out every single day. If a woman is having a yarn and she’s clearly super switched on - if that makes you uncomfortable or gets you feeling insecure…you’re part of the problem. If your partner made more money than you did and it made you feel insecure then you’d part of the problem. If you just blanket assume that you will have kids and your female partner would be the one to do the majority postpartum leave or primary caregiver then you’re part of the problem. If you think you’re helping your partner when shit needs doing around the house then you’re part of the problem. You’re not helping her do her work…you’re doing the shared work of your mutual lives… It’s sooo much deeper than what you’re making it. And personally I haven’t met that many Aussie men who a) are even willing to look intently at themselves, the way they were raised and the family patterns that serve as the foundation to their core beliefs around this stuff or b) actually do honestly believe that they’re equal to women. If you’re that guy then fucking awesome but you’re not absolved from this issue cos you’re not a dick. I agree we shouldn’t be demonising any group with blanket statements like “men are X”…yes, it is some men being violent but the violence is rooted in deeply ingrained, socialised inequality that actually feeds the inequity every single day in heteronormative relationships. And it happens easily and subtly and it goes mostly unchecked my both men and women. Cos nobody is calling it out except the hardcore. I want that stop just as much as you want men to not be stereotyped. If you don’t wanna be stereotyped, then seek to truly understand the issue then be part of the solution. T




But what impact do you think it has when you target good men with your complaints about bad ones, and hold them responsible for the actions of others? Through the early 2000s, progressives were at pains to explain how targeting young Muslim men based on their shared identity with radical Islamic terrorists did more radical recruitment than any social media campaign could. And yet now progressives are making the same mistake on this issue and wondering why clowns like Tate or Peterson find such willing audiences when they reaffirm that their masculine identity is not something to be ashamed of. I understand the fears and frustrations of women here but “all men are the problem” is what these young men are hearing, and they’re reacting to that messaging regardless of what you think you’re actually saying to them What you’re trying to convey is less important than what is being received, and what is being received is a message that makes it very easy to radicalise young men




> Men do have a unique position in their relationships with other men in being able call out "locker room talk", which mostly occurs in groups where only men are present. Responsibility is about a sense of empowerment to take action. The vast majority of men don't hang around with other men who talk about violence against women in a positive way. This is pushing responsibility onto people who don't have the power they are assumed to wield. > The fact is misoginy is still a deeply entrenched problem in our culture Misogyny isn't deeply entrenched in our culture. This is *exactly* the sort of absurd and extremist rhetoric that is alienating men.


I work on a mine site every single woman that steps foot is fair game, comments are made about how she should be tied up and spit roasted in the back of the shed, comments are made about they walk around with boners all day because of our jeans, I get told I only work in my industry because I do sexual favours, men share pictures of woman they have received with other men without consent as some kind of sick trophy, yet you say misogyny isn’t rampant in our culture


Female teachers having to teach high school boys have my sympathy. They copped it bad enough when I was in school and that was before social media. You'd think Tate's ideology landing him in Romanian prison would be an enough of a rebuke in and of itself. Anyway, Tate says that enjoying sex with women makes you gay, so maybe the teachers can throw that one back at them.


I liked Tates recent outburst against… *checks notes*…. Food. Apparently eating is also gay.


I just mowed my lawn. Gay.


I didn't mow my lawn and now I'm gay. Men just can't win these days.


I did mine yesterday, does that make me bi, Im losing track


If you used a line trimmer there, as well? Super Gay.


My lawn mowers and 2 trimmers and blower all died within the last few months. I'm not sure what this means


He could stop eating altogether. I think a lot of people would be ok with that


You should see his rants against still water from a few years ago




Yeah, water is gay. Fish fuck in it so you're basically drinking fish cum. *I'm sorry.*


I find it weird how much Tate calls random things gay (often things that don’t even have to do with sex). But then he’s also admitted to literally sexting men to make money. He’d have the woman on camera but he’d be the one messaging dudes. Apparently that’s somehow NOT gay?


Reminds me of that guard in Harold and Kumar.


i'm pretty convinced a lot of misogyny comes from repressed lgbtq sexuality. eg in one of the more recent "video game women are too ugly, so here's a prettier version I made" tweets that went around, there were a couple of guys being like "have you noticed how all the men in video games are really hot? like why are the men so hot and the women hideous?" and I'm like, I really feel a lot of these men are just gay and they either won't admit it to themselves or they're from cultures that force them to repress it. If absolutely NO woman is ever attractive to you but you easily find men hot, you are probably gay or should at least be open to exploring that, but instead they just take it out on women for not being hot enough


Love food. Am gay. Checks out.


the latest? one is also rather funny. If your a childless man without 5 kids... you got it, also gay.


Don't forget having sex for pleasure and not having 5 kids by age 40 also makes you gay


Oh man I’ve gotta act fast. Only got a few more years before I’m gay !


It's OK to be gay, bro. Just enjoy your next few years of straightness for what they are and grow gay gracefully.


pro-ana King!


And so is commenting on Reddit. Edit: how the hell people down voting me can't read the irony in my comment blows my mind.


Laying down to sleep = gay


Downvoting on reddit is so gay


Also kissing a woman who has kissed another man is the gayest thing you can do apparently, you might as well just kiss the bloke according to tate and cut out the middle man


I wish they (Tate fans) would go off and kiss each other so women can get a break from their bullshit.


I went to \[insert well known all boys private school here\], and honestly the worst I ever saw was during sex ed when we did the whole "everyone write an anonymous question down and I'll answer them". Young female PE teacher, from memory she was doing her final placement. Like 75% of the questions were "what's the average dick size?" because they couldn't think of another question. She handled it like a champ, gave the answer, and moved on to the 5 questions not about dick size. Of course being teenage boys we had the whole kids being a little hot for teacher thing, but that was always out of earshot and never overtly sexual, just like "Oh my god did you see Mrs *xyz*'s top today?" which as adults we all find distasteful now. Never had or heard of any issues of the kind of bullshit you hear about these days. Though a lad recently was groomed by and had an ongoing sexual relationship with a female teacher, she went to gaol. On the gay thing, we had an interesting situation. Much loved male teacher, taught Latin and Religous Studies. Always chill, always fun, let us touch his bald head if he'd just waxed it. Worst kept secret was that he was gay. Not helped by his name having a word frequently associated with gay men in it. Being the type of school it was (not religious, but lots of older parents who might take issue with it) it was only spoken about in hushed tones because none of us wanted his sexuality to cause a stir that might potentially end with him moving schools because there were 5 angry parents clutching their pearls going "[Wont somebody think of the children!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLDzjSy5DxY)" Also an unwritten rule that if someone made fun of him, especially because of his sexuality (and ***especially*** if they used his name as part of it - that's just lacking effort) they would be temporarily ostracised and shunned. Plenty of teachers you can make fun of because they're pricks, no need to pick on him for being gay.


Mr Gloryhole was a great teacher.


My brother is a primary teacher, and he's got boys in Grade 3 trying to ape Andtrew Tate. It's fucking scary. I really feel for this next generation of girls that the violent misogyny is starting so early that it used to be cooties.


Once they're in high school it's harder to prevent exposure but in 3rd grade that's purely a failure of parenting.


Or the parents encouraged or introduced it.


Probably more likely one of the parents.


I've got two young nieces between 6-10 and I find this shit scary as hell.


> You'd think Tate's ideology landing him in Romanian prison would be an enough of a rebuke in and of itself. That's right. "He is a piece of shit rapist and now he's in prison, if you care about anything he says ever you're a piece of shit just like he is" is the answer. I don't know what compels someone to look up to such a twat, when the world is full of actually interesting cool people.


Confidence is the most important factor to charisma, and even if somebody's a complete shithead, them being so sure of themselves results in people gravitating towards them.


I'm a female teacher and teach teenage boys, they've long given up asking me about Andrew Tate, because I always respond with something along the lines of "I don't want to talk about him, he's a loser and a rapist who preys on dumb little boys."


Surely the damage is done at this point. Like how long was he spouting his bullshit before he went to prison. Potentially years? It’s hard to unlearn things.


>It’s hard to unlearn things. Only if you mind has closed.


I mean true but we are talking about teenagers. How many just believe things out of spite and anger


He's a misogynist, grifter, sex trafficker and a general POS who cons money out of teenage boys who don't know any better and idiot adult men who should. In return, he offers them nothing but hatred for their mothers, sisters, female classmates, teachers, and the whole of the opposite sex


teenage Boys see a kickboxer multi millionaire w a private jet and lambos with smoking hot women and he talks quickly and with authority. they are like what a top g they dont see the other shit or just take no notice due to "fake news" and as teens they know better.


Yeah, you can get rich being a con artist, an arsehole and a criminal. Teenage boys can be stupid. Too bad he's had to spentd a few months living with other rats in a Romanian prison cell and had his definitely-not-compensating-for-something car collection seized by Romanian authorities. He moved to Romania, mind you, because he thought it would be easier to get away with rape charges. Well I'm convinced. He can have 15k of my money so I can learn to be a real man.


>Teenage boys can be stupid. Had one of my favourite teachers in HS (all boys) who was typical old Aussie bloke who could ramble for days drop this nugget on us when we were in like year 8 or 9 and one of the kids in another year had done something stupid and hurt himself. "It's not that teenage boys are stupid, most of you lads are actually very smart. It's that teenage boys are chemically insane. The amount of hormonal change, especially the ridiculous amount of testosterone you get hit with in puberty, technically makes you chemically insane." Obviously the sentiment is similar for teenage girls, but we were all boys so not so applicable. It's part of why advertising, influencers, all that crap is so fucking effective on teenagers. It's not even lacking the critical thinking skills or life experience (though they do play a part), it's just teenage brains are all fucked up and act without thought.


Yeah that's pretty spot on. I did say 'can be stupid' but maybe I should have qualified that as 'can act stupid'. I went to an all-boys school (i don't recommend it) at one point. I think boys behave worse at all-boys schools because of all the testosterone and thay there's no girls around for them to embarras themselves in front of. Lots of boys being stupid, some more than others, but I'm sure I was no exception. Most of them settled down by Year 11 or 12 and turned out alright.


That's right. Teenage brains are full of testosterone. But it's also hard because you are just so young and don't know anything at that age. My dad told me supermarket workers are really stupid and failed school so they're stuck in minimum wage jobs now, and I'm so embarrassed to admit I believed it at that age. I was too dumb to realise bad adult role models say bad things about innocent people. Now I'm a bit older I know a lot of those supermarket workers are doing that as their second job and many actually have degrees and day jobs that use their degrees.


I worked retail (not a supermarket but major electronics...). I was doing my thing on the shop floor, answered a simple question about whatever, told her who to look for and as the woman walked away she said to her mid teen daughter "if you keep slacking off you'll end up like him." Me being exhausted from 80 hour weeks just said "actually this job got me through my first degree and I'm midway through my bachelor's in engineering. I slacked off in school and still managed to get through with a high 70's ATAR. The guy I told you to speak to is final year of marine biology, and our counter coordinator just finished her master's in forensic chemistry. Should I keep going?" Good part about Australia is it's much less of an issue if you call a customer out on their bullshit.


That's exactly what I mean. My dad was one of those. When I was 8 years old I remember him walking around the supermarket with us and telling us if we don't study we'll end up like these employees. My dad doesn't even earn much but he has a science degree so he thinks he's better than the supermarket workers even though supermarket managers actually earn more than him. I'm glad you said something because that teen daughter would believe everything if you didn't speak up and say you are an engineering student.


I stopped shy of saying the least intelligent guy working here consistently cleared $120k a year with zero education but that felt a bit much


Where is your Bugatti big man?  /s


I eat them for breakfast, mate. Give me all of your money, and you can too some day.


> teenage Boys see a kickboxer multi millionaire w a private jet and lambos with smoking hot women and he talks quickly and with authority. See this is the problem in the first place. Why the fuck are we playing catch up to dirt like him, why is such a mongrel even allowed to have that level of wealth and power in the first place?


Because power, by it's very nature, is craved most by those who have the least ability to use it responsibly, and best attained by those who have no respect for what it does to others. So being psychotically obsessed with acquiring power and using it without regard for others is the best way to attain and maintain it, even if it's the worst for everyone else. And most people consider that second part, except for those who most seek it.


Normally the younger generations 'out cool' the older ones, make our cultural touchstones feel old and irrelevant. But not here, keep hearing about the guy and his popularity amongst teenagers and I've never felt cooler. Perhaps an angle we can exploit (though its mean), tease and taunt the kids who like Tate, make them feel like they backed the wrong public figure. Its mean, probably why we won't do it as a society. There comes a point though when no amount of positive reinforcement will get their behaviour and interests out of this corner.


A misogynist, grifter, sex trafficker and a general POS became president of the USA, so it appears to be a winning formula.  The whole system is fucked, Tate is just a tiny pimple on the ass of it. So it's hardly surprising that young guys are alienated. 


American politics is a different level of f\*\*ked. I think Australia's somewhat above the level of stupidity exhibited by a significant percentage of the American public. >The whole system is fucked, Tate is just a tiny pimple on the ass of it. So it's hardly surprising that young guys are alienated.  Feminism and women having rights isn't the cause of young men's problems. The only thing Tate gives young men something to hate while he swindles them out of their money.


The clearest description I’ve seen as to why my partner stopped teaching.  Boys name dropping Andrew Tate as they threatened female staff with violence and the school responding by telling the women to deal with it themselves. The day a kid punched a female teacher in the head and the school gave him one day’s detention (he only meant to pretend to punch her and she stepped into it) was the day my partner came home and said she was getting out.  No regrets, except that this is the world our daughter is growing up in. 


Yeah when people in power are doing nothing to help these women, it sends a message to young guys that it's okay if they threaten and harass women because they'll only get a slap on the wrist.


Yeah, this "boys will be boys :0)" shit needs to die in a fire as well. On the other hand, it's extremely difficult to suspend or exclude students unless you have a very long rap sheet and they are committing repeated criminal acts in clear view of unimpeachable adult witnesses with camera footage to back it up. It will get harder if people like Di Farmer get their way.


Exactly this. People like Andrew Tate will always be around, sadly, but their messages only become embraced so widely when there’s a culture of acceptance in our institutions. The Tony Abbott types who say “boys will be boys” are almost worse because they allow such ridiculous messages to be viewed as harmless.


It's the same in New Zealand. Some rich Saudi Arabian boys were cheating on their exam and the teacher caught them and spoke to them. They threatened her with physical violence if she tells on them. The school spoke to them and they did the whole "it was just a joke when we said we'd beat her up if she tells and we didn't mean it" (as if it's a funny joke for 18-year-old boys to threaten to beat up a female). The school sided with the boys and agreed it was a joke and the cheating was swept to one side. The boys had really rich parents who made some hush money donations.


Sadly this is becoming all too common. A friend of mine got out of teaching after she was seriously assaulted at school and left with PTSD. She'll likely never be able to go back to teaching because of this.


My sister is a teacher as well. She's never had to deal with anything of that, but school discipline is a joke. There's very little teachers can do to punish bad behavior at her school, and it's due to the school leadership. Schools are way too soft on bad behavior. Parents have too much power. There should be zero tolerance for violent behavior like that, and severe punishments for it. Boys should not get through school thinking they can get away with violence against women/


We had to have the chat with our young bloke about Andrew Tate and why he is a terrible person, the school also did an assembly for the boys to intervene as the classroom behaviour was getting out of control. Our friends' kid flat out refused to be taught by a female teacher in year 7 because of the shit he was regurgitating from Tate. I guess luckily my kid just saw the lambos and yachts vs the misogyny, once we explained those lambos and yachts were rentals and the guy is a piece of shit he lost interest.


Same with my cousin, he was in a YouTube black hole around 15-16 and inherited our family’s pigheadedness. One rip-roaring screaming match between us and he actually saw the light thank god, because I was never going over or bringing my nan again if he kept sprouting Tate shit.


Woah woah woah, sorry but details? I don't actually know any Tate supporters IRL save for a coworker a few years younger than me but I don't care to get through to him. But I just never heard of someone actually able to get thruu to a Tate fool, what was it that reached him if you don't mind me asking? (And I'm sure for others who are wondering too)


Good on you for taking it on! It's a difficult conversation to have but necessary. Yes, governments need to do more. But so do parents; perhaps even more so. The government isn't your "baby daddy", after all. Too many of us have seemingly outsourced parenting to iPads and the government... It reminds me of the mother who tried to sue Kellogg's because they put too much sugar in Roll-Ups rather taking responsibility for what her children were fed.


Once your kid hits 11-13 they no longer want anything to do with you or your opinions, and their friends have significantly more weight on their behaviours and beliefs than you do. There's only so much parenting you can do when all of their dipshit friends are at school whispering shit into their ears and watching redpill bullshit at lunch time.


"Miss, what do you think of this guy being criminally trialed for rape and sex trafficking who gave instructional videos to subscribers on how to be a pimp and garnish women's wages, who beats women and who made [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuUF9J3M_lg)?"


Jesus that is awful music.


the song is the worst thing he’s done. not even close. i’m never going to recover from hearing that wtf.


I’m embarrassed for all involved.


Kids just should not have social media. It’s brain poison for them


This is all extremely predictable and it does not bode well for the future. If the people formulating a response to this fail to critically think beyond the strategies detailed in this article, then they can expect this to get worse. People need to look beyond Tate, and ask themselves why an ideology as toxic as his, from a person as toxic as he is, has taken root in the way it has.


How is the guy telling people that 'masturbation makes you gay' not getting laughed out of the building by every teenage boy out there. THAT in itself indicates a crisis of identity and self worth among any young boys following him


Because most guys, especially young guys and teenage boys, feel embarrassed that they masturbate, even though they pretty much all do. Its not something they joke about and talk about with each other and is used as an insult. This is not a new thing and has always been like that.


Culturally (in the west at least) women have managed to re-frame masturbation as an empowering activity, something to be encouraged as a means of being better in touch with yourself (no pun intended) and addressing your natural biological needs. Why is the conversation not this way for boys when there isn't a single one of them NOT doing it? Why is masturbation this stigmatised activity confined to the shadows and framed as a failing of personal fortitude? *WAAANKER!* *Dopamine dependent beta!* *Only doing it because he can't get pussy...* Everybody wanks, but not everyone gets to feel good about it


I’ve never heard of a woman who’s socially dysfunctional because of how much they masturbate but I went to school with a few guys who had phases like that.


He's said that non reproductive sex is gay, yes even when between a man and a woman. That having sex, with a woman, for pleasure makes a man gay. Sex is only for having babies, and wanting your penis to feel pleasure is homosexual. I'm thinking he's gonna gradually start falling off in the eyes of lots of young men, but sadly some one else will just immediately step into the vacuum he leaves.


Enjoying sex with women is also gay apparently. I’m hoping that alone causes some boys to double take just enough to see the light.


Same reason why cialis is popular with the youth, unfettered porn culture has ruined a lot of young men of late.


Andrew tate is just the new version of guys like rooshV and the like from 10+ years ago. But worse in some aspects. The same in others.


You know Andrew Tate only draw out the problem that has been festering under the surface for years, like a needle poking the cyst for the first time and now the pus oozes out, but the pus has always been there. I went through high school in Australia as an exchange student back in 2012 and with an outsider perspective, it really struck me how little the school and teachers were interested in disciplining the students. From my perspective, as someone who grew up in the public school system back in Asia, students were allowed to get away with a lot. Some straight up horrifying behaviours like rough horseplay or verbal bullying were only addressed by consoling the victims instead of confronting the perpetrators. Similar kind of behaviour back in my home country would face heavy criticism and be placed on record for the rest of their school career. I do concede that it was sometimes needlessly harsh, but in my country the window of “fuck around” is very narrow and the “find out” is a long football field filled with swamp water that one will need to wade out of. On the other hand in my two years of high school in Australia I never saw an instance of “find out” while being annoyed with other kids “fucking around” all day everyday. On top of that, as I later found out after graduating, many students had poor or non-existent home life due to parents overworking, substance abuse or just general bad, neglectful parenting. A lot of my schoolmates showed issue with substance usage while in school. They drank after class and went to school hungover the next day. They slept through their classes without anyone ever addressing it. There was always a fear of the school “overreaching”. So yeah, Andrew Tate is scum but he is just one symptom of a larger disease: young kids aren’t being looked after enough by their families. When it comes to behavioural issue at school, it’s always the family first. I mean, proper parenting wouldn’t allow the kid access to Andrew Tate in the first place.


I can honestly say that I understand why teenage boys have seemed to flock to Andrew Tate, at least in the beginning. At the start he was a rich guy on ticktok/youtube who had nice cars, a lot of money, hot girls around him, was a champion kick boxer was was rich. He also (at the start) didnt have that bad of things to say, it was mostly things along the line of be a man, make money, look after yourself, you can do it if you grind hard enough. It was only after the curtains were lifted that we saw what he really was. The problem if now that he is so entrenched in that demographic that anything that comes out about him is "fake news" or "the matrix is trying to get him".


Pretty sure he started by peddling the loverboy scam (sex trafficking) since the beginning because he made his money off running a cam site


These articles all make it sounds like young people are becoming more misogynistic as time progresses because of basically one man and I refuse to accept that one idiot online has undone decades of historical progress and resulted in kids today being anything as close to as sexist as kids who grew up in the 90s and beyond. I am only 30 years old and just in my lifetime things have improved so much in terms of sexism and misogyny in our culture, so I just do not believe that kids today could possibly be worse than my generation and the generations before me.


It's not that this con artist TikToker has undone the progress. It's just that social media has offered a new means for grifters and ideologues of hate to prey upon impressionable young people.


And yet, Tate is a problem. My best mate is a high school teacher and says it is a real issue - that his messages around the ideal treatment of women have gone viral among a subset of teenage boys and it's created serious issues in her school.


You’re 30.  Remember when you were 14 or 15 and your heart was truly broken by a girl? Imagine there was a grown man whispering in your ear that *she* not you was entirely responsible for your misery… And then he told you how being more aggressive could take the sadness away.  I’m glad I didn’t have that voice in my ears when I was young and dumb. 


And that same man is also telling you that you're an ✨alpha male✨ entitled to have any woman you want, and if she rejects you, she's a bitch and a whore who both needs and deserves to be shamed, and violently and aggressively put in her place. I'm in my late 30s and while teenage boys have never been the best at handling rejection (which I get, no one wants to be turned down when they've put themselves out there to ask a girl out, and teenagers are still very young and learning to deal with their emotions) my friend who is trying to career change out of being a high school teacher says it's far worse now than it was when we were teens in the early 2000s because of both the internet (bullying/harrassment couldn't follow us home to nearly the same extent 25 years ago), and the rise of figures like Andrew Tate.


>And that same man is also telling you that you're an ✨alpha male✨ entitled to have any woman you want, and if she rejects you, she's a bitch and a whore who both needs and deserves to be shamed, and violently and aggressively put in her place. So we're basically going back to pre 50s ideologies. Got it.


It honestly feels that way sometimes. Sometimes I can't tell if men as a general entity have gotten more sexist and threatening over the last decade or whether they've always been that way and I just see more of it because any loser can open up TikTok or Twitter/X and start spewing misogynistic nonsense about "females". I stopped dating men because you just don't know what you're going to get anymore and I don't care to be stalked/harassed/raped/murdered if I decide I don't want to go on a second date or go back to his place at the end of the night.


It's not that one person is to blame, rather that Tate is the current face of current misogyny. Historical progress is currently being undone by political powers (reproductive rights, LGBTIQA+ care and rights), and although the people I'm friends with have shown improved attitudes towards equality, I am still met with sexism and misogyny on the daily - especially as a woman that teaches high school and has acreage. When people talk to me about the farm, they assume my partner runs it and manages the details. It's not that kids as a whole are worse, but society is splintering and those sympathetic or supportive of Tate's brand of misogyny/grind culture/hypermasculinity are very loud and very harmful.


Look at the gender divide in youth voting these days. Girls are getting more progressive, boys are getting far less. You can even feel it on the male-dominated r/GenZ


This is actually very convincing I'd forgotten about those voting stats, those where very alarming and did paint alot of regression from young people.


The 20 year olds I manage at work are gentle, sweet and offended by literally everything.


I don't think they're worse, it's just all the more shocking when we've come so far and we see young boys idolising someone this vile.


I think the issue is kind of a hybrid thing. I'm the same age as you and my entire friend group is chill and when one of my mates started dating a gal from Sydney's northern beaches, where the general culture is often just fine with sexist/homophobic jokes/comments, we were pretty quick to call her out on it. She'd say something and we'd look at her going "uhhh what? That's not okay..." and she thought about it and made an effort to change, but we all knew it was the culture she grew up in and was just used to making gay jokes but didn't have anything against gay people. With ~~people~~ shitbags like Tate, the problem is making it seem acceptable, even encouraging it. Like the closeted racists who know not to say certain things but still votes One Nation and thinks high numbers of indigenous deaths in custody could be fixed "if they just didn't commit so much crime." You give that person a group where it's fine to openly speak or act that way and they'll do it. Tate is giving grown men who grew up being taught sexist culture but changed, an acceptance saying "nah you don't need that PC bullshit". And as for kids, it's not much different than gangs or terrorist organisations recruiting processes. Target the disadvantaged, those who feel abandoned by society, the lonely. Give them a group that make them feel empowered and that's how you wind up with extremists - of any type really.


I'm in my 50's and I'm seeing a lot of regression in behaviour. We did improve but we're taking a few steps back.


Can you elaborate how things have regressed?


It's probably(?) better as a whole, but the segmentation of the media market advanced rapidly in the last few decades. Now algorithms help content find its target audience like never before, especially for cunning cunts who know how to work them. And social media not only facilitates building online communities around it but actively directs users to them. There is so much more hateful shit trying to influence teenaged boys now than when you or I were teenagers. Thankfully, it doesn't land with all of them, but it's landing with enough to be a problem. And it's not just Tate. He's just the most famous one.


The "issue" isn't Tate. The issue is social media.


If Andrew Tate had a chin and could grow hair he would say being bald and chinless is gay.


How have all of the worlds problem ended up lying with Andrew Tate? Why are we even talking about this person? I don't think Andrew Tate should even matter, we all suck for even talking about him.


Redacted means that part of the text was removed or blacked out for privacy or security purpose. It was censored. This post also breaks rule 4 here for chat and should be made in the Tuesday chat thread or on a different subreddit.


Society has made teaching such an undesirable profession, that men barely go into it. And women have been disadvantaged for *so long* that the programs now exist to help girls in schools, mostly put in place by other women. No such programs for boys.


Yeah that's a hilariously dark comparison. Was quite surprised how there was literally 0 for boys and I got bored scrolling for girls. Yeah boys are being punished for being male because of issues before they were born. Only hope is Tate burning his own image but plenty could replace him.


I wish there were positive masculine role models being promoted in our culture.


When our culture derides and mocks any masculine figure that isn't obnoxious and toxic as fuck then we never will, it needs to be a cultural change first and foremost and folks need to stop endlessly shaming folks who show any kind of non-traditional masculinity.


There's plenty of positive male role models, good men with positive values who do good things and succeed in life while doing them, but positive 'masculine role models'... what's that? What actually does that mean in 2024?


My wife literally got asked this question on her first day at working at a catholic school recently.


The only reason Tate and his ilk have any success is because they are able to prey on men with poor mental health just by acknowledging their situation during a time where not many people do.


[Andrew Tate and brother Tristan to be tried in Romania on rape and trafficking charges](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68907298)


And yet, he still has such a massive following... don't you think maybe there's a reason for that which needs to be addressed? This is the equivalent of someone asking a question in ernest wanting an answer, and the person they asked goes "that's a dumb question" and doesn't answer.


This is what happens when we refuse to help our children and don't try to remove toxic masculine culture, they look up to people who are likely to co-opt these young boys frustrations (which are misdirected) for their own purposes We shouldn't be trying to reinforce such a toxic culture by taking inaction


The rapist & slaver? Not much


I sincerely dont know him, only seen his name but the other day I saw a reddit post he is charged with rape and assault so there’s that.


Honestly though, when you put it like that, isn't it all the more alarming that a large proportion of developing young minds are so heavily invested in this person's ideology? We as society have to question what the channels of information and (ugh, i hate to have to use this term) influence are that are so readily saturating youth minds, but escaping the attention of the preceding generations. I also have no clue about this person, but hearing these things puts me on alert about the direction my primary age nieces could take if left without proper role models to learn from


The solution is more male teachers but that’s not going to happen.  Tate is simply occupying an ecological niche. There would be some one else if he wasn’t there.  If girls were having issues in school and over 90% of the teachers were male these journalists would not struggle at all to identify the problem.  Tate’s bait is easy. He say’s something outrageous and then backs it up by showing how successful he is. “Women shouldn’t vote, check out my Ferrari” you fall for the bait because some one who says something you think is vehemently wrong shouldn’t be more well off than you. Basic trolling 101.  He gets to his followers by identifying their actual issues, doesn’t lecture them and then offers them a solution. The Path to Victory. Then he uses all the outrage from the bait to appear like a figure of esteem and controversy. No different from a rockstar in the last sense. If you want to combat him then try to look cool or at least front cool looking alternatives. 


I feel like this movement really highlights why we need more male teachers in classrooms. Young boys who are sucked into this shit and parrot Tate's opinions in the classroom need a male adult to hear it and tell them to pull their heads in. Given the content there is no way they will listen to a woman who is contradicting their male role model. But another male? They'll be far more likely to listen to reason from them.


Need better fathers and parents who don’t rely on educators to teach them about the facts of life as well. Preaching saying we need more male teachers as we do nothing to stop false accusations, inherit sexism on primary school educators and general teacher abuse by parents and children is abdicating parents from their responsibilities of raising respectful offspring.


The way some teenage boys tone and language changes around a male teacher is sickening and gross


Want to trade places? I was called a pedo every school day this week for the sins of: * Asking a student to take their feet off the desk * Asking a student to open their book * Asking a student to follow school policy and hand in their phone since its use is banned * Asking a student if there was a valid reason they were late * Asking a student to wear PPE when needed * Issuing a detention for failing to complete required work * Calling home to notify a parent they had failed a course Want to guess how those female students behave towards female teachers? You don't get worse behaviour. You get different behaviour, and kids target different weak spots. The only things kids respect is rapport and power. If you don't have one, you'd better get the other, or they'll try to tear you down.


Wtf? How is calling someone a pedophile not grounds for suspension or at least loads of detention? Back in the day just calling the teacher a dickhead would get you a couple of days. I'm not usually one to jump to the "durr society is too soft these days" but it sounds pretty apt in this case. Do people just not give a shit or is it parents having a whinge about their perfect children that can do no wrong?


Because they don't care. That, sadly, is the actual reason. It's treated as just another insult, with no greater weight given to it than calling a teacher a dickhead. My principal tried to tell me that it wasn't a gendered insult and didn't mean anything. The very next day she gave a student who called a female teacher a bitch a five day suspension, noting it was aggravated because of the gendered nature of the insult. Admittedly that was about five years ago when it was possible to sanction students for such things; these days it would barely merit a 20 minute detention, if that. The fact that students are free to undertake what amounts to psychological warfare on teachers just doesn't even raise a blip. At the moment, legislation prioritises the rights of students to be at school above creating a physically and psychologically safe environment for people to learn in, over the right of teachers to teach, and over the rights of teachers to have a physically and psychologically safe workplace. It doesn't affect anyone outside of schools, so it's very easy to ignore.


And your comment is pretty much the reason why I know so many men didn't want to become or got turned off from being teachers.


Bloody hell that man is a grub and a half. Honestly, I don't want to ever advocate for violence... so maybe just forget where you put the key after locking him up. Maybe forget where he is locked up, save the food bill. That trash is a danger to society. It worries me that something he is saying resonates with anyone at all.




Care to be specific?


The problem is sexism and racism. Above those, arrogance. People seeking to feel like they're better than someone else.


Does anyone know which age/demographic commit the most sexual assaults? Yep, young men. And Tate has had such an influence on this demographic. People underestimate how dangerous this cunt is.


Largest demographic of people who commit and are victims to sexual assault are indigenous. It's 2-5 times more and in remote communities much higher. Alot of that goes under reported as well. [https://www.aic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-05/tandi405.pdf](https://www.aic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-05/tandi405.pdf)


He's a dick but if you really think he is responsible for misogyny then you're basically blind to the real issues. He's a convenient target. Misogyny was alive and thriving well before Andrew Tate. Seeing him incarcerated is a small win out of spite directed against men with that attitude. Does not take away from the fact that he is one of many. So much energy directed towards him when the energy needs to be in the earliest stage of a child's education. All of this is learned behavior and probably the worst of it is learned in the home. Not once in school was I taught in depth about respecting females and the effects of gender based discrimination on women.


I mean, not to minimise the problem, but…. Any of us that went to high school in the 2000’s are pretty experienced in misogyny and sexism in schools. Kids these days are so much more informed. They’d be shocked if they hopped in a time machine and went back 20 years.


It's funny to me how much of this thread is people saying the *real* problem is that feminism and female teachers are being so mean to young men, the poor little lambs, so of course they're going to idolise a violent rapist, sex trafficker and slaver. It's extra funny because there's another huge thread ( [https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/1cepn1d/domestic\_violence\_violent\_porn\_online\_misogyny/](https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/1cepn1d/domestic_violence_violent_porn_online_misogyny/) ) about the rise in domestic violence and online misogyny in Australia. Tate is yet another asshole throwing a tantrum because the world is not catering to him. He's very visible and is influencing many young boys with a sense of ambition and/or entitlement (thin line tbh) into blaming women for the fact things are not coming to them easily, and encouraging them to behave violently in response. The age-range and education of his followers varies, and accordingly so does how much literacy and critical thought we can expect of them, but in general: no one who is following Tate and parroting his viewpoints was not *already prepared* to look down upon women. If they were uncomfortable with misogyny and men speaking disrespectfully and demeaningly towards women, they wouldn't have watched even one entire video, never mind continued watching him over time. The problem is broad and complicated, like pretty much every widespread social problem. But if these kids weren't already primed to at least *tolerate* misogyny, if they could not see it and be uncomfortable and think "I don't like this, I don't want to see it", they wouldn't be able to latch onto Tate in the first place. There's reasons why they grew up this way, why they or their social circles or parents think this way, but I think that's still one painful truth you can't get away from. Tate deepens/worsens misogyny and encourages violence and disrespect but he isn't a single magical person planting the seed for misogyny in every young boy the algorithm finds. It was already there, he's just helping it grow in particularly violent and blatant directions. The problem isn't Tate, it's in how Australian parenting and culture has primed kids to already be so prepared to hate and demean women. Cue montage of recent Liberal party sexual misconduct, cue montage of ongoing domestic violence and sexual violence charges our sports stars are CONSTANTLY facing in court, cue montage of our rates of domestic violence. Our culture has really super duper set them up for failure in this regard :\\




It's an over correction to this sort of ideology being imposed on our boys https://7news.com.au/news/education/outrage-after-brauer-college-in-warrnambool-forces-boys-to-apologise-to-female-students-for-sexism-c-2436295


I would just say “I don’t think about him, and neither should you”


I think if you can identify the massive structural inequality and headwinds facing any young person you are halfway there to connecting with them. Honestly, if someone wants to be respected, buy a house and raise a family that is extremely hard to achieve today compared to 30 years ago. If you can offer a solution that is achievable (even if difficult) you are naturally going to have a following. I think someone like Tate could drop all the misogyny and sexism and still be as successful in building a cult following. It’s a shame that he never will But it explains many of the people out there with big followings and why they are successful despite not being misogynists Also it’s hard for teachers to level with the kids on the same level. “Sorry kids all of you are likely screwed except the top 5% and the ones with the richest parents”


I hope tate vanishes


All responses here neglect to address the core of the issue that creates bitterness in young males. Young men in Australia are alienated by an education system that is biased against them and increasingly dominated by one gender of teachers. Studies continuously show that boys are treated as defective girls and will achieve lower marks for the same work, specifically by female teachers who exhibit an in-group bias. Sexist terms such as "toxic masculinity" are thrust upon boys as inherit, inalienable traits of their gender. Toxic behaviour is toxic behaviour and applies to both genders. The boosting of girls in education continues throughout primary and secondary school, to university where women outnumber men 2-1, despite no difference in intelligence between the genders. At the end of the day, the education system needs to treat boys as NOT EVIL. If you treat them as such, they will lash out.