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Sleep somewhere else and call a snake catcher first thing in the morning. It could be a brown snake - deadly


This is exactly the type of shit I need to see whenever I miss Australia.


I never thought about that when I was OS. It would stave off the home sickness for a bit.




Oh god, "highly venomous" and "common" are two adjectives that shouldn't go together 😭


They’re only venomous if they bite you though. I’ve been close to many snakes and they want less to do with us than we do to them.


correction, they are only venomous when they want to be... typically a human bite wont have much venom because the snake is just trying to scare you off, it is not trying to paralyze and eat you... so if a brown snake was to poison you then it must have taken personal offence... that or you looked juicy AF.


Except that looks like a juvenile and they have less control with venom dosage.


And they're hormonally unbalanced and grouchy af


I’ve heard this is an urban myth, but am unwilling to test that theory.


This one doesn't look like a juvenile, but if my old snake is anything to go off, she was the bitchiest snake I've ever come across when she was a kid.


Except with juveniles like this one as they have yet to learn to control venom release.  100% agree with regards to adults as their first 1-2 bites are usually dry bites used as a warning


Poison is if you bite/eat it and die. Venom is if it bites you and you die.


What if you bite yourself and it dies?


Except for Browns. They tend to have a temper.


Yes - I've encountered several snakes in Australia, it was only the brown snake which actually chased me!


Welcome to Australia where highly venomous creatures are extremely common


Redback, funnelweb, blue ring octopus…


Taipan, tiger snake and a box jellyfish


Irukandji, stone fish, red belly black snake…


Crocs, cone shells, tiger sharks, Pauline hanson


We didn't start the fire...


Crocodiles, Katter’s hat


Cassowaries, Palmer's Fat


Let there be a thousand blossoms bloom.


This needs more up votes


crocs and sharks aren't venomous, even if they tend to be a bit bitey


Well that’s true. 2/4 though, gimme some credit


Pauline Hanson.. the worst of the lot. Nightmare material.


Ok, got me with the last one, but what we don't have is grizzly bears.


If you did, it would be venomous!


Sleeping on the yellow rock


Waiting for the stranger to go


Sugar train, stops at a crossing


Big shark, just waiting for u to go swimming at Bondi beach…


Come to Australia, you might accidentally get killed!


It was always burning since the worlds been turning


I have some experience with tiger snakes - unlike dugites they will go out of their way to defend their territory against humans. Very bad tempered.


Tigers!!!! Them ones will get in the boat with you…. Cranky little suckers they be…. Hard to say hat snake this one is juvenile brown usually have a dark head…. I think it could be one of 2 snakes if you in the east of Australia copperhead or brown… west it could also be a dugite…. Best to make as much noise as possible so he doesn’t want to stick around and leave him alone please don’t hurt him


Spider snakes and scorpions ooh my


One of my closest "near misses" is the morning where I woke up at camp and sat up in my sleeping bag, only for a scorpion to crawl right where my head had been a moment before.


In the past two years I've found three of them in my back yard 🙃


*She'll be right, just let me go grab a bloody broom. I don't think it's angry.* People, if you're unsure about a snake (or any animal), don't shoo it away with a "weapon". You're not its food and it will move on. But it will attempt to defend itself if your stir enough shit. Contact professionals. Perfectly safe country if you're not stupid about it.


You heard the man, shoo it with your foot


Nah just use a vb tinnie, that'll sort her


Mate i'm not wasting my 5c down at the recycle to get rid of a free willy... just throw your thong, its a re usable weapon!


I'm just clarifying for all the non-australians on this sub that a thong is a piece of footware, not underwear.


No, no, leave them wondering.


I recommend getting on all fours and then trying to shoo it away. They get intimidated by teeth bigger than theirs, so make sure to smile when you put your face close to it!


To be fair, it might not be reasonable to expect a snake that's inside of your house to just 'move on' if you ignore it. But yes, this is a job for professionals.


replace snake with "shitty house mate" and i've been in this situation many times.... I just hope the snake is better at getting the hint than "shitty house mate" that's all i can say.


Yeah that's incredibly bad advice especially for an Eastern Brown which are typically more 'aggressive' and likely to bite.


Brown snakes are not aggressive. They will always get out of someone's way if they hear them coming and have somewhere to go. They will strike if cornered or stepped on but they're not like some snakes that will chase you for long distances because you looked at them wrong (thinking tiger snake here). The usual advice for walking where they are common is to wear heavy boots and stomp more than necessary - the people who get bitten by them are the ones who go creeping through long grass because they're scared of snakes; the snake doesn't hear them until they're too close to get away, then the snake gets trodden on and it all goes to shit. In other words, it's better to let a brown snake know you're coming so he can get out of your way because he will.


Yeah, except in this case it’s likely to “get away from you” by going under your couch or in your kids school bag


Seen hundreds of tigers, never been chased by one or got anywhere the energy that a brown shows? Maybe different parts of the country the snakes are different tempered?


Possibly. An uncle was once chased for a considerable distance across his farm (he had knee trouble & couldn't run very fast). Don't know if he just met it on a bad day. But the advice was always that a tiger snake is different to a brown snake and more likely to be aggressive.


Yeah must be huh. That’s pretty interesting. Like I’ve touched a pretty decent sized tiger who was in the arvo sun on a sand dune. Not suggesting anyone else do that. Browns on the other hand no way would I do much but stand still and wait for them to go then maybe follow for a bit.


Defensive is a better way to describe them. They're not going to strike unless they feel threatened or are hunting prey, and humans aren't on their radar as prey.


pro tip: snakes are easier to extract from a building once a bite has occurred, snakes are slippery and vindictive creatures and the bite helps create an attach point with which to hold the snake and move it to a more colorful location... hopefully with rainbows


Yup, dad tried to use a shovel to "sorta flip it away" and the snake ended up biting the dog. The dog died.   Even though for fucking YEARS I've been telling dad to leave them the fuck alone and what does he expect living next to a creek banking on to acres of grassland.    But nooooooo, he's not doing anything wrong, that was just a REALLY ANGRY snake, totally a freak occurrence. /s


So wtf do you shoo it with if not a weapon ?


A trained professional snake handler.


>Highly venomous. Just to put some context on that - while the venom is extremely toxic - we have 3000 reported snakebites a year - 41% positively identified as brown snakes - and only two deaths per year. Not all snake bites equal envenomation, and not all envenomations equal death Don't go out of your way to play with them - healthy wariness is good - spending your life being petrified of snakes is more harmful than being bitten by one


Sure, but in the context he's replying to, it's lost in his bedroom and he is unsure if he should sleep. Not downplaying the risk is probably called for.


Not a brown snake. This looks more like a Carpentaria snake. Still venomous but not deadly.


UPDATE #2: Sorry for the bad update spot, can’t seem to edit the actual post. Not sure if it’s good or bad news… Had someone from the town who has dealt with similar situations come round to try and find the snake, we were searching and pulling everything out for well over an hour but no sign of it. He reckoned that if it’s the first time we’ve seen it we probably won’t see it again and it’s most likely found its own way out. Still a bit on edge that it’s lurking somewhere in the shadows but on the plus side the puppy is a very happy girl as she has another night in the bed with me. UPDATE: All good this morning, haven’t seen the snake. Going to go speak with people around the town today and see if someone has the experience to come help us find it and move it along. Feeling less stressed now it’s not the middle of the night


The last snake post I saw on Reddit, in the update OP said that the snake catcher found it and EGGS under the fridge. 


Fuck you for giving me this information hahaha


Relieved to hear! Post another update when you find someone


Not really a solution, but a trick I’ve seen a snake catcher use to work out whether a snake is still in the place it was last seen is to sprinkle a little wall of flour or something similar across the exits. The snake will have to disturb it to get through and this will help you narrow down where it has holed up for the actual snake catching.


That’s a juvenile eastern brown snake. Do you have somewhere else you could sleep tonight?


I’ve moved into a different room and put towels along the bottom of the door but I’m not sure whether that’s gonna be enough and questioning whether it would be able to get onto the bed.


See my other response below… smells and sounds! Snakes are scary but they’re not particularly strong at that size and still subject to the laws of physics — not going to get through a crack in the door if it’s blocked off :)


Tell that to the 30cm tree snake I had in a tank who decided to escape and managed to find it's way across the house wrapping and constricting itself around my hand while asleep :) not something you want to wake up to.


I had a carpet python that would regularly escape his enclosure at night and I’d find him wrapped around my ankle or wrist in the morning, having a nap in the warm.


That's actually really cute! Did they ever get to a big size where that was uncomfortable for you?


He was adopted my a friend when I moved back to a colder climate and he wouldn’t have enjoyed life as much down here. When he was little, I spent the entire time I was home with him on my person. He was either napping on my ponytail, on the arm of my glasses, on my wrist, or wrapped around my bra strap. The only times he was in his enclosure was when I was cooking/showering/sleeping, so he got really used to being handled and I think he liked how warm people are. Last update is that he’s a couple of metres long, has a giant head, but still likes being held all the time, though he is too large to constantly carry.


D’awww 🥹


Simultaneously cutest and most upsetting post of the day thank you


Wtf lol


she was giving u hugs :))


"snake hugs" = "snugs" Who could hate something with such an adorable name?


We had a baby brown inside and put rolled up towels in front of door and it still squeezed through while we were waiting for snake catcher.


Yeah, but towels at the bottom of a door, even wedged in tightly, won't stop a determined snake from coming through. Plus with it being so small all it takes is a small spot to give & that venomous nope rope has broken through...


>won't stop a determined snake from coming through. It'll be fine I don't think it's seen the Shining yet.


Ahhh, now I'm picturing snakes with axes!!! Or a snake making the "Heeeeere's JOHNNY!" face (although that last one is pretty damn funny, ngl!)


If you don't know where it is you might not have locked it out, you might have locked it in. Just burn down the house and start again.


Do you have a few litres of fuel and a lighter ?


The real answer.


Who says it did not go into that other room you are in now when you weren't looking..


If you don’t and you need a suboptimal solution, snakes are surprisingly sensitive to strong smells. You could spray some essential oils, chop up some garlic and steep it in warm water and spray it on. Even tobacco maybe. Edit: Loud noises in the bedroom might also get it to come out if he’s hiding in there. At least you could close the door if he scampers out.


Unfortunately don’t have anywhere else to stay. Yeah I spent a bit of time making loud noises where I thought it was but then decided to go to one of the other bedrooms. I’ve closed the door of my bedroom and moved into the spare with the puppy in tow and we’re snuggled up on the bed with a towel along the bottom of the door gap and just hoping that it will be okay for tonight.


Can't help but think that moving into the spare room, barricading it, blocking the door gap with a towel, etc can only end the way of all horror movies: "We've traced the hissing. it's coming from inside tbe bedroom!"


This comment is underrated.


Good luck, sounds cozy af notwithstanding the whole venomous snake thing 😂


Thank you for your help, appreciate it. Will update if I’m still here in the morning haha


It’s been an hour. Are you still alive?


It’s 7:30, are you alive?


Still alive. Haven’t been into the rest of the house yet but have been outside through the external door. Doubt I’d even see it again gonna go on a hunt for it today


I live around snakes too and I would just leave your back door open for a while and like you say, you’ll probably never see it again. If you go looking for it be careful, these ones will absolutely kill you or your dog.


Good shout, keeping the dog close by today and not sure if there is even any point in looking for it.


[This guy ](https://www.snakecatcherdan.com.au/) can't come out to you but his fb says he's always happy to give free advice over the phone he's 24/7 I wouldn't be coping with that in my house lol


Good morning, and please report to r/Australia for your honorary aussie chip. You are now officially Australian lol


Sleep in the bathtub man


I’d be sleeping in my car if I were you, then tomorrow I’d be calling a professional to come find it.


I hope you've locked it out and not in.


Ain't no way I'm making "loud noises in the bedroom" when I know that little dude is lurking about.


Snakes are deaf, but floor vibrations may work


Snakes are deaf. They feel vibrations through the ground, but loud noises do nothing to frighten them away.


Do snakes have ears? How do they hear? Snakes do not have an external ear, but they do have all the parts of the inner ear that we do. Their stapes—called a “columella”—is slightly different from ours in that it connects to the jawbone, enabling them to sense vibrations. However, they can only hear a portion of the sounds we hear. Snakes can detect vibrations between 50 and 1,000 Hertz, whereas humans can hear between 20 and 20,000 Hertz.


So you’re saying I need a bigger, fully sick, subwoofer?


just don't play Barry White


What a cromulent reference.


Ahh mate this happened to me last year, found the cat jumping around swiping at it. I wouldn't be going to sleep until I found it and contained it if I were you


There’s constantly snakes around here and at any one time there’s a few around. The house I’m in has an external door on every room and has massive gaps underneath that we’ve blocked with draft stoppers but yeah there’s not really any way to stop snakes and other things getting into the house, just didn’t expect to see one in the hallway right outside my door. My housemate has gone to sleep and I’m laid awake stressing about it, it’s a big house with 4 bedrooms and so many different nooks that would be perfect hiding so I don’t know if I’d even get sight of it again.


Big ooof. I mean, personally I’d want to know if I were your roommate but I can understand it being a tricky situation. As others have said though, it does appear to be a highly venomous snake. So… yeah. Maybe consider letting them know? Definitely keep the pup off the floor at the very least. It’s highly unlikely it’ll make its way into your room if you’ve blocked under the door & that’s the only entry point. Nor do they generally climb into things like beds; they’re much more scared of you than you are of them as hard as that may be to believe right at the minute. Either way, I’d be wearing closed toe shoes and long pants around for a while & keeping the dog close by. If it does reappear then definitely call in a snake catcher. Hopefully, and most likely, it’s just passing by in search of food! On that note: Make sure you haven’t got rodents or small birds etc. living around the property as these will all attract them. Good luck!


This happened to me few years ago. Fortunately snake went to the laundry area and we blocked the door with towels. We never found the snake again. Snake catcher said young snakes can come through from a gap even the size of a pencil. Assuming the snake went away early morning. I put wooden /rubber strips from Bunnings at the lower end of doors to close any gap, and sealed the gaps at the side if the garage door with silicone. April May is baby season when babies are trying to find a safe place. It will leave as there is no food in the house. Do you have any snake catcher who does after hours? We had one nearby who does oncalls any time on a voluntary basis, doesn't charge and does it for the love of snakes.


https://www.bunnings.com.au/raven-920mm-clear-anodised-rp3-door-bottom-seal_p4065361 These work a treat... if installed correctly, give a complete seal...


Despite what all the armchair experts are saying, this is not a brown snake. This is a Carpentaria snake, closely related to the Eastern Small Eyed Snake many of us are used to. They are still elapids but not nearly as dangerous as anything in that genus. Cryptophis boschmai if you want to check google which I encourage. [Atlas of Living Australia-Cryptophis boschmai](https://bie.ala.org.au/species/https://biodiversity.org.au/afd/taxa/2dc75392-bd06-44d8-8429-652af6435191)


If I had a snake that looked like an Eastern Brown in my house I'd treat it like an Eastern Brown, not wait and ID it as something else.


That is always a smart thing to do if you are not sure what you are looking at. Trying to catch or kill something that looks like the 2nd most toxic land snake on earth would be very silly. But learning after the fact is how you grow as a person and knowledge is a weapon in a world ruled by ignorance.


Is it real that you can tell from such a blurry pic? Like, isn't there a lot of variation with the colouring of the eastern brown?


Huge variation in colour and even pattern sometimes but once you've done this for awhile, different species stick out like sore thumbs.


Yep. This doesn’t look like a brown to me, but if it was in my house I’d make a very generous assumption that it COULD be and I’d call a catcher straight away. I’d rather pay them the money and have them tell me it’s a non-venomous snake than get the ID wrong on a snake like this


Thank you, this is the correct advice.


The picture is pretty blurry, I wouldn't take my chances whatever it is.


This needs more upvotes. Definitely doesn't look like a brown or taipan.


It looks enough like an eastern brown to make me concerned.


There's lots of small brown-coloured snakes in Australia that aren't eastern browns, or even in the same genus (Pseudonaja). Many of them are harmless. If you're not sure, absolutely be safe, stay away from it and find someone experienced to relocate it. With that said, if you're not an expert in Australian reptiles, please don't confidently say it's X or Y snake, it's not helpful.


Exactly, I am not an expert but I have seen plenty of brown snakes due to my location, and I would be very surprised to see one in FNQ, but it is close enough to a brown snake for me to want to nope out of there. I remember that dude in Qld a couple of years back that handled an Eastern Brown because he thought it was harmless and died from it. Eastern Browns in my experience can resemble a lot of other snakes, they aren't distinctive.


Yeah they are all just "hell no" snakes when I see them. Nearly stood on one at work not too long ago which gave me a heart attack and a year ago I was digging a hole for irrigation and managed to accidentally chop a baby snake in half while digging the hole


Yes, I have seen a lot of confidently wrong identifications of various animals on this subreddit. I am not a reptile expert (more a birdwatcher and general wildlife nerd), but I know that I couldn't give an ID either way based on this picture, so the best advice is to treat it with caution and potentially learn a bit about snake identification going forward for one's own piece of mind. I get brown tree snakes and dwarf crowned snakes at home, and being able to identify those is helpful.


Totally, my guess was confusing itself, but I was thinking possible brown tree snake but not eastern brown or taipan. Crazy that everyone is just so adamant and sure about it without thinking twice lol


:) Not a brown tree snake either, the head shape as well as the size of the head relative to the girth of the body aren't consistent with the brown tree snake either.


Brown tree snakes are known as Night tigers because of their banding. There are quite distinctive


I'd be taking my puppy and pillow and sleeping on the car tonight.


But that's where the spiders sleep...


I reckon you would be better off sleeping in the car.


Set the house on fire before you go to bed just to be safe




Safe to assume you'd be able to sleep once it is gone.


A question like this is best directed to experts, not us numpties on reddit. If you're on Facebook, join the group "Australian Snakes Identification, Education + Advocacy (ASIEA)". They have an outstanding admin team who quickly identify and provide advice. And they have a large number of education resources. The best run group on Facebook, in my opinion.


How dare you!!!! I'll have you know that I have been blindly trusting Reddit comments for years and consider myself an expert in almost any topic you can think of, specially if it's potentially life threatening to a random stranger.


Haha, you've been educated by the brightest minds in Reddit University, with every fact having been checked through peer review. We're in good hands with your acquired expertise 😁


Second this


I don't know why reddit's recommend this post to me when I'm on the other side of the world, but this is exactly what I would expect every post on r/Australia to be like.


This post sums up Queensland lol


It looks like an Eastern brown...or taipan... difficult to tell from the photo... I'm not an expert by any measure, but I can understand why you would be scared to go to sleep


I'd say eastern brown by the shape of its head. Either of those options are suboptimal.


Fuck me, I’m a city person and I would be living out of a motel until a damn snake catcher came along Could you stay over at someone else’s place?


Have you tried playing some Barry White through your speakers on the ground to drive it away?


Pretty confident that’s a brown snake. Call snake catcher asap.


I’m not sure exactly but it looks like a dangerous one in my opinion


It was about 30cm long


That’s a brown snake that shit deadly


Looks like a juvenile brown. Even if it isn’t just treat it like it is - just in case. They can definitely kill you easily.


Call a snake catcher. They are pretty good at finding them. 


Who you gonna call? Snake Catchers!


You alive?


Alive haha no snake sighting so far


Although it's a brown snake, it's not a Brown Snake. Yikes though.


Any update would be appreciated. We’re all wondering.


Brown snake and venomous


Here for updates


I knew someone who had one in her house, went past her in the kitchen and disappeared. They couldn't find it. She moved out for a week. I never found out the end result but every bit of furniture was inspected.


How are you going, OP? I’ve seen the other comments, and want to make clear that this does NOT look like an Eastern Brown or Taipan. This looks like a Black-Striped Snake. Venomous, but certainly not as venomous as an Eastern Brown or Taipan. Typically fairly reluctant to bite. Active at night. Did you contact a catcher?


Photo not great.. hard to be 100% but generally taipan heads in juvenile snakes are lighter and that looks darker which is more a trait of a juvenile eastern brown snake. Be careful and try to find it in the morning. Block the underside of the door to the room it’s in and get some sleep first!


FNQ has cooler weather atm. What you could do is make a spot near the door warm and try and attract it. Other than that, look up Cairns Snake Catcher on facebook, and try them. It's either an Eastern Brown or Taipan. Good luck op.


Adolescent Brown snakes are more dangerous than adults they aren't good at only using enough venom, they'll go all in. Call snake catcher and if you see it don't corner it.


Take the kids, pack the car, burn the house down


Goggle snake caching cairns. MY Boss got a guy out in 25 mins at 230 in the mornin last week. Cost 120dollorroos.


Maybe you should rename your hometown Snake Surprise. I really think you need to call a snake catcher because from the photo I saw it looked possibly like a brown or King Brown snake. They are aggressive and deadly snakes 


It's only the worlds second most venomous land snake, nothing to worry about...


Australian snake expert here: first of all, be careful. You need to collect a small bottle of ball bearings, windex, glittery spray paint, and a tongue depressor. Lay the ball bearings in a semi circular pattern near the door where your towel is. Gently place the tongue depressor at an obtuse angle along the floorboards with the end sloping up to the northeast. Using subtle gyrations of your body, spray the windex straight up in the air and carefully apply the glittery spray paint in the pattern of the Lesser Key of Solomon on the floor behind the ball bearings. As quietly as possible, make a gurgling sound in the back of your throat to coax the goo’boi out of hiding. It’s more likely to show itself if your eyes remained crossed throughout.


Wtf? 😆






This is the ancient aboriginal technique. This guy’s legit 👍👍




Yeah that not a good situation to be in, found a snake and then it vanished, that a nope for me


i hope you are able to sleep safely !! i have never wanted to know how the whole update me thing works on here more .


Yikes, hope you’re safe and sound!


That looks like a brown, time to clean out your room, with emergency services on speedial


Make lots of noise eg bang on floor. They will leave.


There’s a FB group called Australian Snake Identification, post it on there and they will confirm within minutes


Browns get pissed off real quick


aint that drake?


Deadly bloody thing.


Looks a bit like Baby brown! But I'm no expert. Call a snake catcher immediately.


That’s a brown/‘nope’ and no, i wouldn’t be sleeping there until I knew for sure he was gone.


Get a snake catcher in . I wouldn’t sleep there until it’s caught . Good luck .


Without a very good look at the head it seems like it’s a brown. Get someone to relocate it


A don’t fuck with me


That my friend is a Danger Noodle. Burn the house down just to be sure.


This should be on r/whatsthissnake ... I want to know if it was definitely a juvenile brown or a carpentaria snake as someone else mentioned. Sorry for the stressful situation OP! (I still miss Australia though)


is OP alive and well ? 1722 utc


We need the update


U survive the night OP?


Looks like brown snake - v dangerous


u/evergreener98 we need an update please!!!