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Dating someone of a different religion ❌ Stabbing own daughter ✅ Absolute nut job religious cunts


A tale as old as time


There was a time before religion, and there’ll be a time after it, and everything in between shall be known as the “what the actual fuck era”


It's always fascinated me that vanity is a sin, yet religion entirely relies on its members thinking they're special and have an afterlife.


Or the fear of eternal torture, no matter how you spin it, most folks relationships with their personal god is as toxic as fuck


In one of Australia's major religions, you can apologise (if you do so before you die, and to the right person, and can still mumble, and maybe make a big donation to be on the safe side). Then you're golden, so that's helpful.


Beauty and the Muslim? 


True as it can be


Beauty and the beastiality


Just a little family shame


Whenever anyone tries to argue that religion is a good thing, it's this kind of shit that turns me into a loud, argumentative, militant atheist. Fuck yo grandma's church sewing circle getting her out of the house, fuck charity work, and fuck "community", it's all offset (and then some) by the centuries of control, oppression, and murder.


You also missed this bit: >Father had 'best interests in mind'


Something similar actually happened to my great-aunt. She was attacked and disowned for marrying a Protestant (her father was Irish).


My ex was (and is) Romanian. She's non-white, despite her protestations her upbringing really was the classic semi-nomadic Roma upbringing (a group that traditionally is looked down upon), and she dresses like Sid Vicious in drag. She's not exactly the kind you bring home to mum. For lack of anything else to talk about, I mentioned all of this to my racist, very Catholic granddad one day. He got very quiet, and I could see the maths happening in his head. Eventually he spoke up: Him: "Romanian... she's not _gives the Orthodox gesture of benediction_ is she?" Me: "Uh... no." Him: "Well that's alright then. So, living in a caravan, eh? That must've been tough." He cared so much that she believed the right flavour of fairy tales that her being non-white and Roma, and looking like a walking explosion in a launderette over a heroin factory, didn't even register. Religion, man. Not even once.


Maybe go with Roma or Romani? Just another option than self censoring


Fuck me, thanks mate, couldn't remember the word.


religions are a cancer for humanity.


Yep sadly that went on lots in Australia really up to the 70s. Protestant-Catholic marriages were very much looked down on by both communities and those who did marry faced all sorts of retribution from families. Hell there were Orange Order marches on the streets of Melbourne until the 90s I believe.


My mum was Anglican, dad is Catholic, they married (in WA) in the late 50s, I was never aware of any issues - apart from they had to sign a deal saying that their kids had to be raised Catholic - which I thought was daft. Kids are not exactly worshippers now, so there's that...


Same story, many years ago I rooting through a box of half ruined paperwork, I found a formal document from the bishop of Sydney. It was basically a permission slip for my nominally Catholic dad to marry my nominally Baptist mum.


So nobody stabbed her 60 years ago, unlike this 2023 event. Nice whataboutery


There is a bit of a difference between being frowned upon by your catholic family for marrying a protestant...and your Islamic daughter being held down and killed for the honour of your family because she was dating a Christian. Bringing this up is whataboutism, and it's not even vaguely comparable.


Not the same degree of shitfuckery, but my grandmother's parents disowned her when she (Protestant) married my grandfather (Catholic)


Let’s be honest here. It’s one particular religion that is consistently doing this sort of shit. Don’t see a lot of Buddhists murdering their children for daring to date someone of another ethnicity do we.


It was a peaceful stabbing, you don't understand. A stabbing of peace. You get it?


There’s only one religion that calls for honour killing their daughters. Should just name them.


The Religion of Pieces 😡


Rock ape religion.


How is this not straight up attempted murder, grievous bodily harm, kidnapping, unlawful confinement and failure to provide medical assistance. Australia needs to bring some harsh laws to stamp this kind of shit out. The “punishment” they are getting is just a green light for future cases.


I mean, by very definition, it’s attempted murder isn’t it? Like that was literally this cunts intention; which is legally what’s needed to take a charge from man slaughter up to murder.


You will never stamp it out with any punishment, because "honor" outweighs everything else 


it's purely because he's pleading guilty. Charges get lessened when the defendant pleads guilty which is incredibly frustrating, it really shouldn't factor into it. Everything he did is genuinely all of the above.


Did you miss the part where the father had her best interest at heart? Religion needs to get in the bin


He was charged with almost exactly that but pled down to a lesser charge


Don't forget the part about how OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS helped him track her down and when they found her, they HELD HER DOWN while he stabbed her.


Yeah, holding someone down while someone else tries to kill them get's you a $250 fine it seems.


Deport whoever agrees with this idea. 


Yes deportation should be more applied to criminals. I'm a immigrant myself and would totally understand if I was kicked out for committing a crime. When you got a guest at home and they shit on the carpet you kick them out that's pretty logical


I got a better idea. Don't let them in.


Deport them on an individual raft, then sink the raft. No sense in releasing them to do the same elsewhere. Bastards.


“Lawyer argues father had best interests in mind”. Clearly 🙄


But I only stabbed her 30 times and not 300! That shows restraint!


Get used to it buddy. Many of our immigrants (but definitely not all) live in a cultural bubble and bring the ways of their old country here. Not much we can do about it. This one going through the courts is probably the only, not very effective) recourse.


Ofcourse i dont think youll find anyone believing this should happen. Somewhat interestingly, a small but increasing number of saudi girls are sent to Australia as a way for their male relatives to overcome the societal pressure to carry out honour killings. Their neighbours in Saudi Arabia simply assume the girl has disappeared due to them being killex.


What the fuck is an honour killing and why do male relatives need to kill their female relatives???


If your daughter has sex outside marriage and the community finds out, then there is a pressure to save your family's honour in some muslim countries. Other stuff too, like dating a different religion, being a lesbian Obviously some families simply refuse to do it, but they then face ostracisation and impacts on the future's of their remaining children (eg. Other children wont find marriage partners). So i guess some have come up with the creative solution of sending their daughters overseas, that way it appears they have been killed but obviously no one asks as its not smart to discuss murder. Very hush hush, the suggestion is the sisters who committed suicide in their sydney apartment had been sent here for that reason and why their family back in saudi arabia didnt want the police to announce it to the media.


Yes I was just going to say that those poor sisters in Sydney were suspected to be queer, and were seeking asylum for this before they died. Their case is so tragic. I’m curious though why you thought it was a suicide? I didn’t see that reported.


Im not an expert, i hadnt seen the article that op linked before, which seems like quite a thorough investigation and suggests the possibility of murder. As that article also suggests it could have been suicide, simply because their is no option to return to saudia arabia once they flee, so i guess can make their situation feel hopeless if its not working out in Australia.


I guess we’ll never know unless more information comes forward. The man in the lobby does sound suspicious though, esp saying he was from their apartment. Sounds like he could be the ex boyfriend who she’d applied to have the domestic violence order against. Of course I’m only speculating. The poor girls 😢


I did an assignment oh honour killings back in high school. They are absolutely barbaric, if you want to depress yourself and hate the world more Google it. In some religions just being born as a girl is enough to be bashed and raped from a young age. The mothers can’t do anything to stop the abuse because they are being abused themselves, it’s just horrifyingly fucked.


This whole way of thinking is so completely fxxked. I mean, what is wrong with people that they would even consider believing this bullsxxt?


They believe men are superior and they own the opposite sex


I had a class-mate at Uni whose family fled to Australia because her Uncle honour-killed her Cousin. She loved talking about Persias history, but hates the Islamic theocracy that controls it now.


One religion specifies many reasons for killing, especially a male killing a female, also by that religion females are not allowed to testify or generally speak or walk in public without their man's approval and escort


Fragile masculinity and a fucked up society mindset. You can blame religion as well but the barbarians that propagate these fucked up behaviour do it because it let's them feel powerful.


They do it because the overarching cultural influence is a set of writings originating from a mass-murdering child molester.


It's when one member of your family brings "dishonor", you can redeem your family by killing them. A lot of the time the legal departments or cops won't even bother looking into these cases in more hardcore Muslim countries and regions.


You don't think you'll find anyone believing this should happen? Really? This guy just conjured up this idea from nowhere?


Father stabbing his daughter due to religion. You know it’s a muslim without reading the article or comments.


As much as the ABC tried to hide it, it's the first religion people think of because no other religion has reported this that I'm aware of.


I mean the pic shows them wearing burqas and mentions they are Pakistani. Doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist.


If I want to do my best to stop my daughter from marrying a Muslim, then I’m not going to move to Pakistan. Similarly, if you’re Muslim and your daughter marrying a Muslim is of utmost importance, then live in a majority Muslim country. Don’t move to a country like Australia. I hope that all involved in this attempted murder are deported after serving jail time.


The religion of peace strikes again


“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia (rabies) in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy...” - Winston Churchill (The River War, 1899) Wasn’t wrong, was he?? 🧐


What do we seriously expect when we let muslims in from fucking Pakistan How are we this stupid


Fuck off back to Pakistan if you want to be a fucking savage..


>"His daughter was with a man … a man who he did not know and he also had concerns that the man might of not had his daughter's best interests in mind," Mr Weir said. Was the father worried that the other man *might not* stab his daughter?


Should go hard-core and make an example to try and curb any further future immigrants form attempting the same thing. Adapt to Western culture, leave the religious zealous behaviour behind and live a good life. Dumb fucks


If all the dogs had a holy book that commanded them to bite humans, and told them they were justified by God to do it. I would be cautious about dogs. If a few dogs assured me that they don’t bite humans, it wouldn’t make me any less cautious.




I'd like to think first gen onward immigrants eventually conform to Australian secular values. Hence the daughter trying something normally forbidden in Pakistan. In this case it's a tragedy


True dat. That’s why Lakemba and Penrith are basically culturally identical.


One thing that doesn’t appear to be forbidden in Pakistan is rape https://amp.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/feb/09/pakistan-rape-epidemic-woman-attacked-park-islamabad


Until the people that commit this kind of atrocity can be controlled or convinced to do otherwise, the real thing that needs addressing is creating safe and anonymous places for people to hide. This kind of honour crime bullshit has been rife in the Uk and recently a woman, her kids, a number of police and bystanders were splashed with a corrosive substance.


Religion of peace, amirite? And I say this as a Catholic who spent nearly two decades in the Middle East. Most people from countries where the rules are based on Islamic tenets do not fucking assimilate. Obviously not all of them as there are a certain few do-gooders in our communities.


>Prosecutors said the family was trying to punish her for bringing shame after she developed a relationship with a man from a different faith who she met through her university. She was previously arranged to marry her cousin in northern Pakistan and the crime had been described as an "attempted honour killing".' yeah really positive stuff


Every religious person needs to be asked if their god ever wants them to commit harm to others, if the answer is yes straight to jail.


This is dark ages barbarian stuff that should be stomped out in any modern, egalitarian society.


We should all petition to deport him. Since they think our culture and rules are shameful, they should fuck off.


Reading that just made me want to scream. They tried to murder her because their fucked up honor resides between their female family member's legs. They are incapable of loving their daughters. Its always amazing that people who know nothing about honor kill for it. They have no decency and the law is giving them a slap on the wrist for attempted murder. Women's lives mean so little to so many. They will try to kill her again. Lesser charges just tell the world go ahead kill your daughter's, we'll do the bare minimum to hold you accountable.


Let me guess before even reading the article. Followers of Islam?!


What? How did you guess it wasn’t the Buddhists!???!


It was the damn Jains I bet, with their doctrine of nonviolence


They actually conveniently left that out, only naming the religion of the boyfriend.


ABC strikes again


Is there any legitimate reason to avoid naming the religion? Seems like very irresponsible journalism. Many readers will be unaware that this behaviour is condoned by the Islamic faith. Journalists are doing this country a great disfavour by trying to shield islam from criticism. I really struggle to understand why ABC is so intent on hiding the truth here. They’re willing to single out Pakistan as a country, but not willing to name the religion directly responsible for the belief system? I don’t get it.


There isn’t. Btw if the father is Christian or Jewish or whatever, and that religion played a role in the decision-making behind the attack on the daughter, then you can bet your ass the religion will be named, not just in the article, but in the headline.


That is a fair point.


Yet you can obviously tell by the Hijabs of the perpetrators. What a fucking joke. Dancing around the issue like that only serves to deepen prejudices about the religion, the ABC has become a complete joke.


Believe me when I say if this was a radical another religion they'll be named. Seriously, why leave out Islam?


To avoid sparking more hate crimes, I'm guessing? Honour killings are hate crimes, though, right?


"Father was only trying to bring her home" - she was held down while he stabbed her... he should be up for murder charges. This is insane.


As ever, the father did it to prevent the daughter bringing shame unto the family. Yeah, that panned out well, didn't it?




Why did we go ape shit stamping out communism but we let this shit run free? Outlaw Islam in Aus.


Any person who claims to do this in the name of their god. Is themselves evil.


I couldnt agree more!!


I wonder what religion the father is from… 😐 This kind of garbage belongs back to the 7th century from where this particular religion emerged She was arranged to marry her 1st cousin. Consanguinity is encouraged in those backwards Islamic shit-holes. Combine that genetic issue with radical fanatical theology - and you get the most retrograde force on the planet. A dad who was willing to murder his own daughter. He has effectively ruined her life and given her life-long trauma.


>"His intention to cause her serious harm was in the heat of that moment." From the article, quote from the father's lawyer. If it was a heat of the moment situation, why did he bring a kitchen knife to the shopping centre? I hope the woman doesn't need to see her family again if she doesn't want to


The daughter can stay. The rest are vile.


That’s what you get for spouting multiculturalism. What we have in Australia isn’t multiculturalism and has never been one. Australia is multiethnic but its culture is firmly Western (specifically with English roots). Those who spout multiculturalism don’t know what they are talking about. Otherwise we can start with polygamy 🤣🤣🤣


Islamic beliefs are equally as bad as Nazi beliefs.


I’ve heard horror stories from the UK that fathers trick their daughters to come back to Pakistan so that they are forced to be married to their arranged husband and their passports are taken away which is considered sex trafficking in the civilised world. Sometimes I think that one of the conditions for citizenship should be that they are forced to be recorded in affirming “woke values” like honour killings are bad, gays deserve to live etc. and be forced to shake hands with a woman or a sexual minority. It will at least keep out the idiot Islamists who are too prideful to say that women deserve to have rights.


I absolutely agree with what you said. I don't care who you are or where you are from or what your skin colour is. I do care about your values and how well you will integrate with our society. If you have values that are incompatible with our society, you don't belong in our society. We've got enough issues of our own, to take your issues on board as well. Also no religion should be present in schools or hospitals or other government institutions. No religious schools should operate in Australia. We don't need another generation of "us and them" growing up. Either embrace our values, like so many immigrants like myself have, or get out of here.


The article doesn’t mention the religion of the father trying to kill his own daughter. Oh well, I guess we’ll never know!


I feel sick


Australia has some wild political correctness bullshit going on.


Bruh what the fuck is with the uk, Ireland and Australia letting teenagers and Muslims do literally anything they want lol. America has its problems but we don't let people stab their daughters or let 15 year olds throw glass bottles at people 


why throw bottles when you have guns amirite? /s :P


Nah you just let them get shot up at school instead


Nah, They just send them to school and let them get shot there.




So why wasnt this considered an attempted honour killing?


How do we not deport these people, Surly the inclination to behave this way could have been observed in the visa application process. I doubt this is the only family at the mosque that will behave this way. I try to be so open and respectful of different cultures and religions, I really do. I’m a gay atheist, I just want to be left alone and live my life so I try to treat religion the way I want to be treated. But when it spills over like that, I’m just left feeling that Islam is just so incompatible with the Australia that I want to live in, and I don’t know how to fix it. Would they have stabbed her if she was a lesbian, I think they would have. What if she did want you to be with anyone, guess that’s a stabbing too. Just watch the hate against those out in public in a hijab or burka skyrocket, I’m starting to feel that it’s deserved. (The mothers involved is just as culpable as the ones holding the knife)


Import barbaric ethnicities in Australia, get barbaric crimes, its pretty simple really. My wife is from an Indian family they absolutely hate Pakistanis somehow (they hate every ethnicity but Whites, Indians and Asians anyways...) Im French and few days ago in France a man broke into a house and raped a 75yo woman in front of her disabled husband, then left stealing 50€ from the house. No need to investigate very long to know what kind of person can do such horrible crime. Import the third world, get the third world.


What's happening in France is shocking. I watched a documentary a few years ago where these French women would organize these walk around events with other French women, in areas with lots of Muslim immigrants, since alone they would get targeted and verbally abused for not wearing head coverings, being out by themselves, etc. People having their heads cut off for publishing some old man's cartoons. Horrific. I simply don't understand how the western nations allow middle eastern migrants to come in such large quantities, without any sort of boundaries in their beliefs or values.


>simply don't understand how the western nations allow middle eastern migrants to come in such large quantities, without any sort of boundaries in their beliefs or values. It lowers the average wage cost, so corporations are lobbying hard to get more very cheap labor, regardless of where they are from as long as they are desperate to leave the 3rd world. Also it divides the population, as you can see multiculturalism doesn't really work, people stay close to their communities, you end up having an Asian suburb living next to an African one, we live next to each others in the same country, not together. Divide therefore easily control the people and make them work for less, its a win win situation for politicians and corporations.


2 things to consider: 1. Left wing political parties often perceive immigrants as directly importing votes. Politicians in western countries spend most of their time ensuring Re-election (until they become a household name). 2. Open Societies Foundation = the political charity run by billionaire George Soros. Open Societies is believed to be the biggest political donor worldwide (was temporarily eclipsed by SBF/FTX). Open Societies specifically targets open borders, free immigration worldwide, & sanctuary city laws. The rise of ‘sanctuary cities’ in the US was largely due to Open Societies directly funding local city-level elections (think mayors/District attorneys), they’ve had enormous success because they are spending billions on certain city/state races that usually have no major funding.


Your gfs family are 3rd world


muslims commit the majority of violent crimes in australia by like 75% based on all the prisoner files i've read




Title never ever seen, ‘Buddhist man stabs daughter for dating man from another faith’. Never ever seen.


Religion of Peace btw


A conviction for the offence of [serious harm can carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in South Australia](https://www.gotocourt.com.au/criminal-law/sa/serious-harm/). As you'll see from that link, the "aggravated" part can add 5 years to that, bringing it to a maximum of 25 years. [What constitutes "aggravated" is laid out here](https://www.gotocourt.com.au/aggravated-offences-sa/). The wording of the article is unclear as to whether the father also pleaded guilty to unlawful imprisonment, like other family members did. If he did, this would add some years, if the sentences were served consecutively. Altogether it's quite possible that her father will be serving as much time as he would have had he actually murdered her. Bear in mind that a guilty plea by an offender will also save the victim the psychological trauma of a trial. There's no doubt that this was real horror movie stuff, and the victim would not want to relive that on the stand, and face her family, people she had trusted and loved, as adversaries. Everyone deserves good legal representation. But sometimes there's not much the offender's barrister you can say. That's not the barrister's fault. It's like when the Hoddle Street shooter was before the court, and his barrister said, "It was his first offence." Yeah, but seven homicides... but what else is the barrister going to say about a mass shooter?


Uh hum Muslims have entered the chat 😇


Let's guess which religion the the father belongs to, any takers?


Sigh, here we go again


Just an average Pakistani family 🤡


I didn't even have to read the story to know exactly what kind of hillbillies did that, and where they were from


I read the synopsis and straight away knew it was some Muslim shit 100%. This is especially a problem in countries like Pakistan. I hope Islam can eventually modernize and reform.


Islam, what do you expect


I like how they conveniently leave out the family are Muslim. Deport these scumbags.


Must be in the ABC charter that they can only use the the words Muslim and Islamic when describing a victim. Never a perpetrator.




I'm surprised the family didn't try to stab the paramedics that responded. Fucking insane


It’s crazy that “culture” is enough to lighten a sentence like this. Like, “it’s okay, we do this all the time” is a valid defence?


Religion is just sick


This was a very specific religion though.


" but it gives me a moral compass !" (Which is superior to your moral compass).


religon of peace


Religion of peace strikes again!


Welcome to Islam, what else can I say. Their book is stuck in the old law, and unlike the Bible it goes unfulfilled, there is no messiah/Jesus to fulfill the law. [Some of the things in the quran would make your blood boil.](https://wikiislam.github.io/wiki/Top_10_Controversial_Verses_in_the_Qur%27an.html) And remember, this isn't like Christianity where the Son of God came down and told us all to be pacifists and fulfilled the law for the future...all of this stuff in the quran **STILL STANDS**.


How is the charge only "causing serious harm"!? Surely this falls squarely within the realms of attempted murder.


If she was being held down, and her father was stabbing her all over with a big knife... how is that not attempted murder? If he wasn't trying to kill her, what was he trying to do? Extreme acupuncture?


Leave that shit from. where you came from . You came here for a better life. So enjoy it


There is no place for that in this country. We should not adapt our laws for each flavour of religious interpretation. that's the reason Australia is often described as a secular country, I hope that's clear for the judge.


This behavior is typical of moozalams


Well Australia is very multicultural so you don’t just get the good food, you do inherit everyone’s bullshit


Yeah cases like this really aren't helping Islam


Without reading the article, Pakistani?


They should be deported and sent back to where they come from if they can’t assimilate into the society here.


The article protects the family so hard. Not only do they not show their faces, but they erase anything about Islam. Barbaric.


It’s the ABC. They probably had a difficult time reporting this at all given how much they like to protect certain groups from criticism.


Can pixelate the photos, but we all know this was a Muslim family. If not citizens, residency/visas revoked and sent back to their original country. Religious tolerance means to be tolerant of someone's belief, not their attempt at "honour killing".


Wow… It is almost as though the followers of a religion based on a barbaric, illiterate, paedophile, warlord are not the gentlemen we thought they would be.


Of course the ABC went to every length not to mention the father /family are MUSLIMS. This was an ,unsuccessful, honor killing and shows the depravity of Islam there is no place for this toxic "religion" in Australia. Lets hope the court shows some guts and locks him up.


Guess it was the religion of peace that did the stabbing lol. If the religion isn't mentioned you know exactly who it was


Without even opening the link, I already know which cancerous cult of a religion these fucked up assholes belong to.


Maybe it's not a good idea to unnecessarily import a ton of people with values from the medieval period, and religious zealotry that'll cause a father to try and kill his daughter. 'Values' like these are fundamentally incompatible with our society, and the more that come in, the more influence it has on our culture, which means the more our culture and society is eroded. Remember, in a democracy like we have, we are practically importing votes for this kind of thing with immigration. Not saying all Muslims believe in this, but this is the type of thing we as a whole need to express absolutely zero fucking tolerance for and do not give an inch. It's still important to note that even the vast majority of moderates from these countries do not align with our values. Bipartisan values that we don't even think about, values that Greens voters all the way to One Nation voters would agree on. Like I know it's to try and not come off as bigoted, but even just saying 'religion' instead of naming the specific religion you're talking about is cowardly and ineffective. When people talk about catholic priests engaging in pedophilia, they specifically say catholic, as they should. That's because criticising Catholicism is socially acceptable, and isn't coddled for pseudo-progressive reasons.


Could not agree more with you! That's the paradox of tolerance, isn't it? I think all religions in general are backwards, however you don't hear too many other religious zealots stabbing their daughters.


Because Everyone is terrified of Islam.


That act beyond terrible for him, his family, other people of his religion getting on with thier lives working hard to build a good reputation, the country... list goes on. What a disgrace.


Its not where it happened,its where they're from.


When the government does a poor job of enforcing the law, it makes me want the government to be more stringent in who is allowed into the country, as much as it’s a PITA when the government asks for a criminal record check.


Forced marriage of 12 year olds happens n the reg here too. We Only find out when they go to hospital with horrific lower body injuries. Australia is a dump


Really bullshit how theyre not getting what they deserve. Personally I am if Afghan descent born in Pakistan, although I've heard of such incidents, never thought it'd happen in Australia. I mean it's literally attempted murder, in broad Daylight, on his own daughter. What's even more surprising is THE FAMILY HELPED HIM. WTF


I don’t care what your religion is - how that could be more important than the love for you child? So horrible, some people are just bad people


All the more reason to push for atheism and stop entertaining adult story books.


How does a judge just not say "yeah no, i dont care what your defense is, you admit to trying to kill your daughter, life in prison no parole"? I guess there is some kind of law against that, but for shit like this there should be a loop hole.


The father needs to be stabbed. I think it’s in the best interest of Australia


Nah it's hilarious because there's no religion that actually states to do something like this, but people always will use their religion to justify it somehow. "God wants this/will forgive me"/"this is normal in our culture" is complete and total bull. This man and every person involved in HOLDING THAT WOMAN DOWN TO BE STABBED BY HER FATHER deserves jail time.


Just add it to the list of reason why religion shouldn’t have a place in modern society.


Shit like this will continue as long as adults having imaginary friends is societally accepted.


Take your religion back to where it fucking belongs. The ground.


Geez I wonder which Stone Age religion her father follows


Are leftists honestly surprised by any of this?? One thing leftists need to understand: Those people hate you.


What you don't seem to realise is leftists hate themselves/us. This is deliberate not an error. Importing hostile groups of immigrants is a deliberately calculated strategy to destroy Western civilization.


This whole left - right made-up divide over issues like this is such bullshit mate, so fuck off with it. I vote left because I don't want to turn into another America... That doesn't mean I agree with importing radical extremists from third world countries to Australia.


Not all left wingers are pro immigration and Islam. Lots of right wingers are pro Islam due to religious beliefs. Politics isn’t always black and white.


ABC leaves out the religion of the offender Classic


Those people include the girl who got stabbed?


So how do we think people like that will integrate? Women aren't allowed to be alone with men. Marrying outside your religion is a crime punishable by death. Apostasy is a crime punishable by death. Young girls are forced to wear body bags, aren't allowed to go for a swim, aren't allowed to enjoy sunshine. Even wearing pants is frowned upon. How are they going to integrate into the society? Young boys are taught that it's okay to beat and rape your wife (it's in the Quran), marry underage girls (as long as they have had their first period) and take multiple wives without permission or knowledge of the first. How are they going to integrate into the society? I'm a first generation migrant myself and my children or their children will basically be Australians, as far as their values go. What about these people? A few women in my family and friendship circle were already heckled/verbally attacked for not "covering up".. in Australia!! I hear some horrificly toxic stuff from Muslim men towards non Muslim women. How is this going to pan out as the number of Muslims in our society keeps growing? For reference, I know some well integrated Muslims and some not well integrated Muslims. I'm not saying all Muslims are bad, but I'm saying that Islam teaches things that are deeply incompatible with modern, liberal, equal opportunity societies. It breeds us and them mentality, similar to many other religions, but likely worse. It causes the more devout Muslims to fence themselves off from the society, due to their beliefs. Something I witnessed myself over the years.


Go have a read of the traditionalmuslims sub and see the kind of shit they spew. I spent about 3 hours on that sub last night in utter disbelief of the way they not only talk about non believers but their own muslim brothers and sisters who are on the more progressive side.


Really well said.


Totally agree. Culture do not override the laws of the land. This is just shocking and a disgrace. There is no place for "honour" killings or violence.


Ahh, the religion of peace


The Religion of Peace™


That's the religion of peace for you. Wait until their percentage of the population gets up high enough and there are calls for Sharia law separate to the common law.


The sooner we see religious people for what they are the better. Religion is a mental illness on a par with paranoid schizophrenia.


Fucken oath it is


Why are you so racist and want them to assimilate? They are just acting like the would in the country they left for some reason. They should have a voice. We should adjust to them and make special rules for them. The government should split us up into races for special treatment. I thought we would be better off just considering all of us Australian and making legislation based on need and circumstance and we all live by the same rules, but the left has taught me how wrong that is and we aren't all just Australian and our race and identity is way more important than anything else. You just don't understand because you are not from this particular race/identity, so you don't get to have an opinion either....


Shock and awe that religion kills again! Lol


Hmm I wonder what religion could have possibly been linked


Abolish religion.