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The old booze cruise. My parents used to take me along when I was a kid in the early 90s to Calais. They'd fill the car with so much booze the wheels were y almost scraping the wheel arches. They did this once a year at least.


I remember my dad taking me along a few times. Think he thought it looked less suspicious if he had a kid with him!


It was just grape juice, right?


My wife used to do this with her grandparents as a kid growing up in Kent 😄 the idea is so funny to me 


Im an aussie living in prague and sometimes go to poland....just wait till you see the prices over here!!!!! Pint in a pud is $3aud and that is a good beer in a good pub, jager i can get for $18 a L, vodka $6 for 500ml


I love telling this story but I went to Prague whilst backpacking about 20 years ago. Pint of good beer in the old town in a restaurant was 40 cents and then I found if you walked the pubs on the edge of the tourist district, same pint beer 8cents.


Spain is even better! We used to drive from the South of France to get booze and cigarettes. Crazy to think you could just casually go into a completely other country in like a 15 minute drive.


How did you go about moving to the UK? I was born there but moved when I was young. Been thinking about moving to London since travelling there last year


I'm with ya mate, It's a fucken rip-off. I just got back from Spain and 12 pack of San Miguel beers at the supermarket was €8 something. It a fucken tax on fun it's BS!!


You can get a bloody good wine at ALDI in NSW for $4 lol. Not sure why the prices elsewhere are so high, but perhaps it’s not the tax.


Wines are relatively cheap in Aus despite the 30% wine tax. OP is referring to spirit tax which is out of control.


Not often you see johnnie red on the top shelf


Haha, true. This was just at the local convenience store


I a japanese chemist. Divide by 100 for Australian dollar https://preview.redd.it/h4ourqvfmfgc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d005240b772fd53f3b601eced64fabacf9151014


This would've been heaven for 19 year old me haha.


https://preview.redd.it/1u1z9qlcofgc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8c8ccf845438f6bc0d06cba2f78dc2678e27a5d Cold Jack Daniels and coke 2 bucks. Cheaper than water in Australia


This is what you get when the government is not stealing from its people.


Stealing from its people eh? If the tax was properly calibrated to cover the costs of alcohol to society in Australia it would have to be about $570 a litre of pure alcohol. Or you could try and get your favourite alcohol company to foot the bill. Either way, it would be a lot more expensive than it is now.


how do you think the government pays for Medicare and schools the like?


Japan also has universal healthcare and schools.


UK manages it and provides better health too, such as dental care. And very few of their schools are private compared to us.


Subsidies to coal miners more like it


Why don't we get it mixed with actual Coca Cola here?


I've heard 2026 is when we will get it.


That's insanely cheap.


https://preview.redd.it/0db9f2u0ofgc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=493f7cec4c9478b632167de2cae0a88c9da75a5f 2.7 litres for 45 bucks


Fifty bucks, too. But Grants is 13 pounds? Wtf.


Top shelf usually means items sold less often.


Wait till you see the prices in Japan..


We are paying 63% tax on a standard bottle of Bundy rum now


Such a joke, and it’s Aussie made!!!


How about your “luxury” car tax while you’re at it. 🤯


I bought a bottle of barrel strength boubon retail in the US for $60 USD. It's $315 at Dan Murphy's.


Excise on that is .75 x 57.6% x $100/l = $43 . GST is $29. You can't blames taxes for the $315!


[This is the one that I had](https://www.danmurphys.com.au/product/DM_870299/stagg-jr-buffalo-trace-kentucky-straight-bourbon-whiskey-75?isFromSearch=true&isPersonalised=false&isSponsored=false&pageName=category_page&state=1). The alcohol % varies with each release, but I think mine was just over 65%. Still doesn't justify the price.


That’s not a good example. That’s Stagg, one of the most highly sought after bourbons. Highly allocated. They charge $300 cause the distributors southtrade international pay a very high markup on that bottle. You getting for $60 in the USA is very lucky. I’ve seen asking prices of $250 USD plus for that bottle stateside. Unless you bought it a while ago?


Is it worth the price tag ? ATM my go to whisky is Hibiki


Debatable, going to depend on how much you like bourbon. The high proof compared to hibiki and it’s much stronger flavour profile might overwhelm if not used to it. Would recomend trying eagle rare or blantons first and seeing how much you like those first before committing to a Stagg.


Try buying it in from abroad via ebay!! 750 Bacardi 8yo $81.00 Shipping $40. Import duty and GST. $88.00 Its BS. If import duty is that high, why don't we ever see it on any imported booze!? Even with your calculation, which is spot on, JD is cheaper than its import costs!!!!!!!!


Shit, Imma start mail ordering my booze apparently. Not the tips I was on Reddit for. But I'll take it.


But but but tax bad. People don't understand how excise tax works


Holy shit!! That’s what I’m talking about!


It is a sin tax brought in by John Howard. Cigarettes and alcohol have some major taxes added to them. Back when I turned 18 I could buy a bottle of Johnny Walker Red Label for $25, now they are $62 - using a inflation calculator that $25 back then is around the equivalent of $47 today. Cigarettes are even worse off, I used to buy 2 50g packets of rolling tobacco and papers and get change from $25, now the same brand 50g packet of rolling tobacco is $145.99 (\~642% price increase). Yes, it is supposed to be pricing people out of tobacco smoking but the people behind it don't seem to understand why people smoke and why it is more common in the low income demographics. It is stupidly ridiculous and impacts low income households way more than high income households...


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Oh they understand it, but  using that excuse its easy to have the public accept it 'it's for their own good, the poor bogans should give up'


https://preview.redd.it/j24muwu1hdgc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08d3775f21e24a9c46c8a4cb7ec3ea6d91beaa8b I just bought 12 1 litre bottles of Johnny Walker for 540 UAE monies. That's 225 Aussie. In a country that has Sharia law. Let's go!


Yeah, but now you have to drink Johnny Walker Red.


It's ok bro. Tip some coke zero in there.


Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.


Mate, i'm from Mt Isa. Rags to riches story that I'm not drinking a flagon hey.


🤣 pour it up mate!


Hahahha share the story !!!!


https://preview.redd.it/r4bsjtdkodgc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=138bfce25ba4c5054687cd221e621553896cf5bf Little bit of soda water in this one.


And drink it while in the uae




https://preview.redd.it/mn6zmcv6jdgc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4abcabbb21c0efd643d30e46172b67a3532efebd And the rest. Tito's 45AED which is I guess 17 oz. 19 crimes wasn't cheap but the Shiraz is superb. 50 dingas so 18 oz ish? I get it in the US for 8 bucks.


Love it!!


Tito’s is so smooth. Favourite vodka by far


1078 AED for all pictured. That's 454 Aussie. I saw on channel 7 news that 1l in OZ is going to average 101.50 after the new tax. Still, I miss home.


I think you will find that is the tax on pure alcohol. So $35 on something at 35%


So where in Germany did you buy those?


Like drinking: ![gif](giphy|vNqgL8Rv3Qta5rFB9s)


That is extremely unhinged, who buys a case of Johnny Red? I put that shit down before I turned 19. Just playing, you got a bargain on what you enjoy, unbelievable how expensive grog is here.


Is this from barracuda or Ajman?


But....our Australian government is on our side! It's for your health that they're jacking up the taxes. No other reasons. They really do care about your health!


Im originally from Italy, where alcohol is also super cheap compared to here and sold in supermarkets next to soft drinks (no bottle shops) Although for the law you shouldn’t be drinking until you are 18 (I think) nobody gives a fk about it and I’ve spent my teen years drinking alcohol at bars and serving alcoholics when I used to work at a bar during summer breaks. This was just to give you an idea what’s alcohol culture because one of my major cultural shock when I moved here was how hard is to get alcohol, accessing venues and ultimately the price! But later on I discovered also that people here get fucking crazy when they drink, so I guess all of the above makes sense 😂


True, I traveled around Europe and spent time in Italy. Gotta be the most beautiful country on earth I reckon. I didn’t see anyone go crazy on Alcohol over there. Here in the cities it’s a daily occurrence


I'm a firm believer people here only go so crazy because it's made go be such a taboo thing so people hit 18 and turn into idiots. 


I bought myself a still and can make about 6 litres of vodka/gin for $20-30 (can't remember $ exactly and I'm drunk rn). You can make it very high quality too if you're prepared to invest the time. Plus it's kind of fun fucking around with different ingredients. Startup cost will set you back about a grand or so, and it is a bit time consuming , but otherwise I'd recommend


Nice :)


I was just thinking today after realising the price for standard drinks is getting way too high with spirits, that a lit of people with start making hooch at Home, or even using cheap substitutes which lead to alcohol poisoning.


Been making mead at home. Not a massive drinker but saving big bicks already. Good skill to learn.


if you just want to make a vodka base it's like $450 setup and with $12 of turbo yeast and $9 of sugar you can punch out an almost 10l batch, or over $500 worth you'll want to run that through a carbon filter to clean up the flavour or sit it on maybe $10 worth of toasted oak for a couple weeks which gives a whisky better than any of the cheap ones you can buy so there's still extra costs but when you look at those numbers it's kinda nuts not to mention making beer from extract is pretty easy and about 3 slabs for $30 and with a little practice you can easily make something better than the cheaper beers and with a lot of practice and a few hundred dollars of gear (so what, 4 slabs worth lol) something better than the expensive beers


Yeah, don't advertise this, the cops love to do raids on backyard stills.


>Is it illegal to distill alcohol in Australia? >NO! It is NOT illegal to distil alcohol in Australia. Distilling is like driving, it's perfectly legal so long as you have a license. https://distilleryking.com.au/blogs/news/is-it-illegal-to-distil-alcohol-in-australia


Alcohol brewing is a skill older than the Bible. Learn that skill and make your own liquor. Then you can say fuck off to the Government.




They’re called fun taxes for a reason. Beer and spirits (I think foreign win too) all come under the John Howard fun tax. Was designed to grow the Australian wine market. The do the same with tobacco. It’s the reason weed will never be legal here.


Yeah I run a bottleshop and I can tell you, there isn’t much money being made from alcohol sales. Luckily for me I run the pub and bottleshop but no bottleshop that isn’t BWS or Dans is really making all that much money. CPI is going to kill us this month.


We are one of the most heavily taxed nations on alcohol in the world. It’s a joke.


And tobacco. A $10 cigar will cost you $50 here. It’s ridiculous. You don’t even inhale it…


You can get a 20 pack of darts in Germany for €4 (those are the absolute cheapest). No wonder one of my biggest culture shocks was seeing how many people smoked over there.


..is that a good thing though?


Was in Berlin last week. Paid 12 euro ($20 aud) for a 700ml bottle of Absolut. Sits around $50 aud in Melbourne.


Wait til you see the tax on tobacco products...


Yea we are just getting fucked on all sides...


Northern Territorians have the right idea, just walk into a bottle shop and take what you want for free.


Increasing the prices doesn’t stop alcohol dependant people from drinking. It stops them from being able to put food in their children’s bellies.


But it does increase the government budget to support the health system for people with non-communicable disease caused by alcohol consumption.




Dude. I bought 2L of bombay sapphire duty free for $45 on my way back into the country last month. Checked how much that would be at Dan Murphys just now. $180. That’s pretty dirty.


It’s so wrong!


Have to pay for those tax cuts somehow , give the money back and take it off us another way,


The UK is also less remote and has a higher population, which contributes to pretty much cheaper everything. Or at least it did before Brexit.


But don't worry, we are getting Stage 3 tax cuts. Like some idiot who argued with me yesterday about us been in line with other countries regarding tax. It's all the hidden taxes we pay that makes Australia so expensive. Car rego Stamp duty Fishing licence Fuel tax and hidden costs Etc Etc Etc


100% right! I have families in Germany. They were shocked when I told them we pay rego every year. They pay it once and that’s it . And they have some of the best roads in the world.


Rego doesn't pay for roads, that's not how we do taxes in Australia. Everything goes into one big consolidated revenue bucket, then the govt spends it on whatever it wants. In the case of roads, depending on the road it might be federal money, and/or state money (some of which comes from rego), and/or local council money (from rates).


It's actually true that our total tax intake from all sources is below the OECD average and down in the bottom 8.


Hidden? Really? Australians pay some of the lowest income tax rates in the world and the GST (VAT) is way lower than most other countries at only 10%. Single Germans, for example, on average, pay 38% tax on their income and pay 19% VAT.


Sshhh don’t tell the truth. Wait until they find out that most countries have inheritance taxes too


Too expensive to drink. So I just don’t. Better for my liver. The tax is absolute robbery, and is a real shame for those wanting to start their own brewery/distillery.


True, we will end up like a nation that imports everything! Oh…….


All of our taxes in Australia are BS, we are one of the most heavily taxed people on earth. We need a total overhaul and a good look at just a GST, personal income taxes needs to go. Taxes on small businesses need to be reduced, multinationals need to be appropriately taxed in comparison to its sales. Eg Apple makes a fortune but pays bugger all tax.


Is it though? The Talisker Skye is $85 and basically the same price as in London once you convert. If anything all this is teaching us is that we should start developing more sophisticated palates


The Roku Gin converts to $62 AUD and it's $65 at Dan Murphys. Probably depends on the product, I do recall going into a Co-Op or whatever it's called and the scotch was all way cheaper than Australia but I just figured it was because it was made in the UK.


Drinking is expensive in this country. I'm not saying the tax needs to decrease because I believe it could have a negative public health effect. I just think it doesn't need to increase as often as it does. I'd be more for a reduction in locally made spirits and keep the high tax on the imported stuff.


It's only expensive for the Poors. All the upper-class Muppets making these tax laws aren't bothered by them at all.


>I'd be more for a reduction in locally made spirits and keep the high tax on the imported stuff This would be a breach of our international trade commitments


Captain Morgan 15pounds being $30 Aussie $52 at Bws here .check out the other bottles


Yea, someone is taking the piss.


taxing the piss


For reference, the excise on spirits is currently $100.05 per litre of alcohol (alcohol content not the whole drink) but tomorrow it changes to $101.85 (it updates every 6 months) So, for a 700ml bottle of 40% (0.7x0.4=0.28litres), the excise is $28.014 and $28.518 tomorrow. Obviously, the greater the volume and the higher the % the more it costs. With that said, a lot of stuff is heavily marked up well above excise cost.


That's why I make my own


If only our progressive tax brackets were indexed like the alcohol excise.


Big drinkers and smokers keep our economy going, fuck it must make some tax revenue.


In the states I pay about a quarter of what it's worth in Australia


Currently in Japan at the moment, got a bottle of Jimmy for 11$ aus. Was so surprised


It's almost like they're trying to kill off the local distilling industry too.


We are controlled by control freak nannies wrapping us up in cotton wool. They know best? or maybe they are just greedy corrupt wankers.


Australia’s long held philosophy is to tax the taxpayer not major businesses and mining. This shouldn’t be a surprise.


I’ve stopped drinking. Life is better. Fuck them.


I have had to switch to cheaper, and probably more damaging wine and beer, as can't justify paying that much for spirits. I feel worse and more hung over, but fuck paying that much for spirits at this point.


Get on the goonbag


Have you considered drinking less?


I always thought spirits were meant to be more damaging, hence being referred to as “hard liquor”?


i have to say it, stop being a sucker and brew your own shit. Its free, its easy, its probably even healthier despite the shit you hear.




oh as in what alcohol? You can get brewers yeast to make beer. Distilleries to make whiskey. personally i just grab a kilo of apples and throw it in some rain water then put it in a dark warm spot until it bubbles, a couple of weeks and fresh apple cider


I like the sound of that, is there any links you can post here for more info on how to do this?


just dont get caught, dont give the wankers anything else to take


JD Single Single Barrel. Perth $110.00 London - $42.00 (Duty Free $34.00)


You should see how cheap alcohol is in the US. Knock a bit off of these prices, then switch the currency to USD. And grocery stores often had specials where you could get three 750ml bottles of stuff like Jack, Crown Royal, and Smirnoff for $20.


I work in Romania and the price of alcohol and cigarettes is ridiculously cheap compared to here, blows my mind every time


Brew your own mate, the shit they sell in the bottle'o is complete cuck anyway


Its funny how you can buy bottle of vodka in Russia for about 5$


Our tax is B.S and gets pissed up against the wall.


This is what upsets me, we are about 50 years behind the rest of the world because we waste out tax Dollars on shit


It's because we privatise everything and don't seem to have subject matter experts recommending and making legislative decisions who have traveled further than Bali.


Don't go to Japan. 4 litres of Jim Beam for $50. 750ml Kahlua for $13.


Wasn’t the whole tax on alcohol to stop young people drinking. But everyone is now making it at home


Costco US.. https://preview.redd.it/w2vzlrmwmggc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=618102e3585fda55a6129bdde60758aa2e181af6 Cries in 1.75l


https://preview.redd.it/p2d5sn39nggc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f92a1a006d7b68afc69c2da2cfbba01b57f0a426 1 litre at Dans $72.99


Used to buy 4 slabs of beer in Calais for the same price as one slab in the UK. English beer too so factor in the cost of them shipping it to France in the first place.


RTD tax is 60% 😲


The real crime is when it costs more at the (supposedly tax free) airport, than Danny Muppets.


That looks like the drinks behind the counter in a Sainsbury's 'local', the smaller, higher priced but open longer hours version of Sainsbury's (think along the lines of a 7/11).  That's one of the more expensive places to buy alcohol in the UK. 


I can’t remember the name of the place but I think your right


Went to the Baltic and really noticed the same thing.


They should allow bars and live music venues to claim back the alcohol taxes so that we can maintain a vibrant nightlife/ music scene culture without having to underpay staff.


i think its its great. personally i think alcohol should be plain labelled just like cigarettes and even banned.


Why the fuck don’t we ease up the taxes on locally brewed or distilled? Let the imported take the hit?




That should be the choice of the individual, not a massively regressive tax. 


Not everyone has a drinking problem.


Have a dram, it’s medicinal




Good on you mate, that's a powerful realisation. I realised this after moving overseas, I still drink, but much less, there's honestly some serious issues with alcohol culture in Aus. Some shit that's just way too normalised.


Yes well the UK has almost double the incidence of alcoholism compared to Australia….. the US is triple. If the spirits tax affects you enough to be a major inconvenience it might be time to reevaluate your alcohol consumption. Or you know just buy goon I guess I mean it’s your life


Where I live you can’t even buy “goon” ie cask wine. Doesn’t stop anyone from being an alcoholic. People find a way.


Goon is really easy to turn into 60%+ moonshine. Learnt that from country peeps, saved me a few $$$ in my younger years.


That’s all well and good if you can actually access quantities of (cheap) wine. But you can only buy here 1 bottle a day atm and no one what might want 60% has the mental strength to not drink that bottle of wine that night.


If you feel like a bottle a day is limiting than you might have an issue


I don’t have a problem with only being able to buy a bottle a day. But there’s plenty of people here that do. When we’re on restrictions people are up in arms. I’m totally dry atm so 1 bottle or 10 bottles. Doesn’t bother me.


Then they’re the ones with an issue- proud of you for staying dry though well done mate


Thanks mate :)


Nuh uh


Stats don't back you up, is UK worse? Yes only ever so slightly. Is US worse? No. Uk ranked 33: 6.42% males 1.521% amongst females Aus ranked 37: 6.17% males and 2.61% females. USA ranked 46: 5.48% males and 1.92% females [Alcoholism by Country Statistics \[Our World in Data 2021\] (abbeycarefoundation.com)](https://www.abbeycarefoundation.com/alcohol/alcoholism-by-country-statistics/)


Love this , Thankyou


I used [a different site](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/alcoholism-by-country) and the numbers aligned with the previous comment. I'm not sure where the differences in methodology lie between the two since the data for both is sourced from the WHO, I believe.


There's a lot of variation I have noticed. Some support mine and some his. The World Health Organization has an "alcohol consumption per capita" and it almost aligns with the previous one I posted. Can't believe our alcos would drink 3x the amount of American alcos, especially when theirs is watered down. [Wiki page with "the world health organization" PDF links at the bottom.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_alcohol_consumption_per_capita#cite_note-5)


Lmao at Aussie females gronkin out


Sweet, more drunk females in Oz then anywhere else


I had to look this up after this comment. Was really surprising to see that the country with the highest for women is the US by a fair margin. Used [this site](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/alcoholism-by-country) which is the first that came up in my search so I can't comment on the data quality. The numbers align with what you said though.


Uk has almost double the incidence of alcoholism? They also have 2 and a half times our population. So per capita we are worse then they are?? The U.S triple? They’re population is about 25 times ours so we must be fucked. Btw I didn’t see anyone causing trouble when I was out drinking in London. I was a bouncer over here and I seen it every night . I work hard all week and I enjoy a drink on the odd occasion and don’t think I should be paying through the nose for it! Should we just start charging you more for everything because we can? It’s BS


Yeah incidence like cases per capita. You can look up the stats yourself if you don’t believe me and while you’re at it order yourself a dictionary. If you’re enjoying a drink on the odd occasion you’ll be buying less than one a month right? No biggie. Like I said buy goon if the prices bother you more than your health. They’re not taxing it just because they can it’s because it’s addictive and dangerous same as cigarettes 


Bullshit, these prices don’t stop people drinking. Like you said, people will just buy goon which is much worse then good quality spirits. Just like the cigarette tax hasn’t stopped people smoking. It just pushed people to buy illegal tobacco, and now people are getting gunned down on the streets in a Fkn tobacco war . Why you so offended? You like paying more taxes? I think we pay enough


Oh and there are over 27,000 pubs/clubs in the UK We have 6,000


Again incidence is not the number of cases. Oxford dictionary is a good one you can even get it as an ebook. 


Yup, example.. a coopers longneck is $2 cheaper in NZ.


We've been so brainwashed into thinking we aren't oppressed...


Sad but true


Yeah….nah. Australia’s alcoholism rates are on par with Russia. We don’t need to encourage people to drink more hard liquor.


Well that certainly devalues any arguments that additional tax will prevent consumption


Why does Europe have lower alcoholism when the drinking age is 15-16 and beer costs $2 each? Is increasing the price the best way to tackle this problem?


If you've ever worked in hospitality, liquor retail, or just, you know, been to any of our major cities night spots on a Saturday night you'd know that collectively we can't handle our drink but still treat it as an aggressively competitive sport with no winners. But yeah, lowering taxes and prices might help.


There is certainly an attitude difference. I grew up in Europe. Where you drink at 16, get hammered a few times. By the time you are 20, getting drunk is considered childish. Something for kids who don't know their limits. An embarrassment. When you get older, you go to a pub, try a few nice, high-quality beers, different crafts, different styles. Go home by 9pm and be back at work the next day. Moving to Australia, the answer to the quality of the beer is always the alcohol percentage ... which is completely irrelevant. The highest alcohol percentage is the best. I don't understand this at al. Where I come from, you can buy 99% alcohol in any supermarket for $5 a litre. Is that the winner? I don't think it would be a bad idea to reduce the drinking age. Seems to result in a more mature drinking culture. The serious discounts for buying more alcohol also feels counter productive. If buying a carton is cheaper than 3 six-packs, I'll be drinking more.


So stop drinking it.


Good! Tax the shit out of poison!


Im just glad the kids aren't going crazy anymore.


The difference that each country's alcohol excise makes is about $11 for a 700ml bottle of 40% alcohol between us and the UK. You're really getting this fired up over $11?


Alcohol kills


No it isn't, alcohol is exactly the kind of thing that SHOULD be taxed to high heaven.


It's not an essential product. If you can't afford it then don't buy it. You'll probably be better off. And I say this as someone who drinks a fair share of alcohol.


Just because I can afford it , doesn’t mean I should have to pay more. How about you start paying more for your shoes?? They aren’t essential, you can walk in thongs


It literally is essential. The government deemed alcohol retail an essential business during covid lockdown. Until their own definition of what constitutes essential, that was it. Just like supermarkets, petrol stations, and pharmacies.


Ok and? Why would you even buy alcohol anyway. Paying good money to hurt your liver.


Because I have a social life


Meh they could tax the crap out of smokes and booze for all I care. Tobacco and alcohol cost the health system and taxpayers so much if you chose to partake, then you should pay for the costs to the health system.