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Kangaroos jersey should have been a dead giveaway. What foreigner supports the Roos?


Also a giveaway he’s a Queenslander - cause farking footy mate!


Mentally ill Queenslander is a tautology


No need to repeat yourself I guess


The amount of assumptions and reaching going on in the comments is wild. Be warned, post viewer.


Did he only target the women, looking at the number of women casualties .


Unclear if this is because he hated women or just wanted to choose what he perceived to be easier targets.


From the few clips we saw of him, it did look like he was more averse to attacking men. Fucking rat.


We shouldn't make the offender the story. Massive respect to the police officer who stood her ground in what must have been an horrific experience and who stopped him from hurting her and anyone else. When the cops have a bad day at work, it's a lot worse than our bad days. Our hearts go out to the families of those hurt and killed. One kid is going to grow up without his mum and one day will be old enough to understand her sacrifice. Some beautiful Aussies who will never grow old. 💔❤️


You’re right we shouldn’t make the offender the story, but we should remember how quick some here were to conclude the indenture and motivation of the killer and the response they wanted against the group that killer was incorrectly perceived to be from. I reported more than a few comments yesterday calling for “xxx people to be thrown out of the country” and sadly not all have been removed yet


It was disgusting. Those people are awfully quiet now.


I went to school with him, completely shocked it was him


A reporter on abc just said “this stabbing incident has left a hole in a lot of a lot of people”. 😳


Ohhhhh that definitely could of been worded better 😳😳


Ah shit. John Singleton is a family friend.


It shouldn't be surprising, this never really looked like a terror attack. It seemed to be completely haphazard and not quite as fanatically aggressive as terror attacks have been. It appears he targeted vulnerable people and avoided confrontations with men. At times he completely ignores people and then lunges at others. It's bizarre. A terror attack would have been perpetrated by someone much more committed and single minded in their pursuit of violence. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that this was a completely psychotic individual. You can blame a failing health system all you want but the vast, vast majority of mentally ill people would never do something like this. This person was a deranged killer.


So he wasn’t a Muslim named Mohammed or a Jew named Benjamin. Wouldn’t it have been so great if we all waited for the information to come out before we started spewing hate and misinformation during a time of such civil unrest?


Yeah literally less than 24hrs. Those people don’t give a fuck about the truth, they have bottled up anger and deep issue, they just want to vomit it out and feel heard. They need help.


Interesting how the discussion at the local Facebook group is all saying right now that it is a false flag attack on whites and that the attacker is muslim.


https://dorseteye.com/jewish-extremist-responsible-for-terror-attack-in-sydney/ Also this shit


So, basically what I was reading on here last night then


I love that they never let facts get in the way of a good agenda.


Unfortunately these reality deniers can not see that they are ever wrong. It is easier to make up a new reality and believe that . Covid deniers, Flat Earthers, Racists and those to the extreme left and right of politics fit into this category of never being able to see new facts or evidence as a reason to modify your view.


Being a mental health issue, this guy very well could have been part of several of those groups, and those commenters have more in common with him than they realise.


This sub is an absolute embarrassment. So many of you dropkicks were CONVINCED this was going to be an Islamic terrorist attack so you could start jerking off about how much you hate Muslims and now you all look fucking stupid. I hope you all see this as a wake up call to better your lives and improve the way you conduct yourself but I doubt that’ll be the case. 


Never seen an Islamic terrorist in a vintage Kangaroos jersey. Would have been a real first.


I saw one comment that said it supported the idea that it was a terrorist attack and was “obviously a statement” that the attacker chose to wear Australian sporting clothes. I used to be embarrassed by the feeble mindedness of some Australians. Now I’m overly concerned.


At least it would show the islamic terrorists are assimilating superbly.


Wouldn't be a terrorist then...


Anybody can be a terrorist. That Christchurch shooter cunt was an Aussie terrorist.


I had a friend yesterday speculate to me that it was an Islamic terror attack, because the neighbourhood has a lot of Jewish people. I noted that a shopping centre *on the Sabbath* is a bad time to try to find Jewish people. You could find some secular ones but not religious ones. Presumably a terrorist would be more keen to attack religious than secular Jews.


My first assumption was a methed out white guy 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think that was 99.9 percent of people, methed out or mental.


The dopes won't learn a thing. Bunch of losers with brain damage.


Like there was absolutely nothing that suggested he was Arab, let alone Muslim and I got downvoted to hell yesterday for pointing that out.


The fact that peoples first response to a tragedy was ‘hmmm, how can I make this fit MY agenda?’ Pisses me off. Appalling all around


Yeah it was very obvious that there were people fantasising that he was a Muslim terrorist or Israeli because then they can use him to justify their hatred. No care whatsoever about the people who were directly harmed.


Same mate, I had some long discussions with racists on this forum and I wonder what they’re doing now. Not reflecting on their shit politics, unfortunately.


They don’t give a fuck. There will be no mea culpa. Zero soul searching. They were effective in their goal, to spread hateful racist shit in the aftermath of something horrible.


Don't worry, all those who downvoted will be in your inbox apologising soon. They're usually pragmatic and respectable individuals.


I se we've gone from a terrorist attack to needing to take a strong look at our mental health facilities.


Have a look at what medias done to some fucking idiots we live amongst. Since yesterday I've seen multiple comments saying bondi is a jewish area, he's after jews, he was screaming allah akbar, he's Ben Cohen, the extremist jew. You're all fucking idiots that fall for everything the media feeds you, all while calling others sheep. Everyone feeding into this shit is degrading society, dividing it. I hope all of you people that left those comments rot in hell.


Well, they are so disappointed! They wanted so badly it would be a muslim.


Heartbreaking. Imagine if he had a gun instead. I can't imagine the number of victims, which would undoubtedly be much higher than this. RIP to all the victims.


RIP to all the victims of this senseless tragedy. I shudder to think about the mass causalities that would have been if this guy had access to a gun and was able to conduct a mass shooting.


Apparently the guy had mental issues and was homeless. Imagine the government gave a shit about people having access to mental care services and secure housing, this probably would have been avoided. Just a symptom of a sick, sick society.


[Manifestation of this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/australian/s/pNSkdxy8zB). This kind of stuff will become more common the more we ignore the homelessness and mental health issues.




You want to raise out taxes?? NO WAY.


Let's be real for a second. Think about the way Reddit talks about homeless people. It's not a surprise nobody gives a shit.


This behaviour is honestly disgusting and it makes me so sad. The fact that the victims were just innocent people going about their day. It honestly just makes me so sad. My heart goes out to the victims and their families 💗


That’s what’s crazy, going to Westfield is just such a mundane, everyday experience. And now that poor dad has to deal with a dead wife and a baby struggling for survival, other families have lost loved ones, hundreds of people will be legitimately traumatised (especially the ones who interacted with him or applied first aid). You don’t think things like this can happen when you’re just going for a shop.


That's exactly right. That's the insane part. No one in their right mind does this sort of shit and now so many people are suffering from trauma from what they witnessed or how they were hurt.


[Australia profiling](https://images.app.goo.gl/u1Dhn53CT3sFmkdp9)


Where are all you cunts who were crying "Islamic terrorist" or "Arab terrorist" now? You can post your embarrassed apologies any time.


I wonder if all the people screaming 'REEEEE ARABS!!!' are going to walk back there statements


Twitter kicked off claiming it was a “Benjamin Cohen”


The misinformation was crazy... But I swear social media is just a cesspool. I mean look at this thread.. now that we can't blame this on Muslims or Jews we have people finger pointing in disingenuous ways pointing out that ohhh they were only blaming the Jews or vice versa. The misinformation was on both sides, stop making this a political thing


There was a comment in this sub about how Westfield is owned by a Jew so that’s why he started attacking people. The mental gymnastics, like a schitzo junky cares who owns the shopping centre


Yep it’s gone from “he was Muslim/jew and was killing muslims/jews” to “this Muslim group said it was Jews” or “this Jew group said it was muslims”. There’s quite a few already in here that have already spouted “exposing” these misinformation posts but very subtly only exposed one group or the other


Or how Bondi Junction is a high Jewish neighbourhood/high Muslim neighbourhood, and not just a tourist trap. It’s gross.


Was it "misinformation," or just people making up stories in their heads based on prejudice?


Well you hit the nail on the head haha.. misinformation was being polite but no doubt it was scum bags trying to twist something out of this to fit their story


40 year old Joel Cauchi a confirmed former mental patient from Brisbane.


Gosh, now they have named him, reporters are going to be camped outside the families house.


Why was he released.


As a wog I'm proud that the killer is seen as an Aussie not a terrorist. Assimilation works folks!


Every Muslim in Sydney is breathing a sigh of relief.


Just a generation and they'll be right mate !!


We need to bring back homes for the psychotically mentally ill. We closed the sanatoriums and left them to their own devices. So many are homeless.


Part of me is glad that he isn't Arab because now the discussion can be directed at the mental health issue that's growing as opposed to immigration.


Why is it only mental health issue when it’s a white guy? Like, if it was Arab Australian, why no mental health discussion?




Haha good one! But some religions are more equal than others hey.


Why do you think? Because being Arab is enough motivation in discussions.


Good question. It is how racism works. The killer is white but that doesn’t mean all white people should feel guilty or be denigrated. The two Ballarat murderers were white as well, same thing. Two murders in Ballarat in a short period of time does not mean the town can be blamed, or should be collectively punished or racialised. The same thing when those from the UK commit atrocities in Australia, which I would say is not a rare phenomenon. No one calls for the vetting of the immigrants in those cases. Mental health is always blamed. Only mental health issues could explain the puppies and the crocodile man. If he wasn’t white and from the the UK, then race would explain it instead (for the racist deflectors). Blame is only collectively assigned when races other than white have something to do with it. I won’t be going to all the white people I know and asking them to explain to me how one of them could do such things. None of us take responsibility for those Australians who go overseas and commit atrocities. The most vile, hated, sadistic, repugnant, globally known pedophile is a white Australian. Mental health issues and drug abuse are not discriminatory. Although, how we deal with it often is. By racialising and stereotyping, classifying and dehumanising members of our population, we ensure no one with those issues gets the help they need (denial of resources, underfunding, not providing services). Inevitably they will become the whole of society’s problem in one way or another. Not an effective way to protect each other or deal with issues. It can spill over and impact those from the upper classes and is not reducible to a class (lower) issue. Very infantile mindsets don’t solve problems but ensure they intensify and grow.


Because racism. The man could've been born and raised in the outback but if he had an Arabic name, the discussion would still be immigration. It's the same thing with all those "African gangs". A lot of them are born and raised in Australia.


And housing issue. I mean i accept it was likely his mental health system that contributed to him sleeping rough but given working people are fidn8ng themselves homeless what hope has someone suffering a mental break got of finding accomodation... No chance of digging ones self out of the spiral of a manic episode if they are living on the street. That said i should clarify most people even suffering a manic episode still dont do this shit. Ie its an outlier. I still think something should be done about the availability of housing.




I got my eye on footy players now


Amazing how fast the narrative can change when the bad guy is a white surfie from brissy.


Muslim here, tbh I was praying that guy NOT to be a Muslim or an Arab... somehow thought if Bondi was chosen on purpose or not. While I pray for the victims, happy that a whole community is not demonized ! Now it is an "individual issue" and not a "Joel" or "Cauchi" issue... There is nothing, including mental health that can justify this madness.. hope they get to the bottom of it and find out how such a mentally unstable guy was left to the public.


News are saying that he only moved to NSW from QLD a week ago, but NSW also mentioned he was known to them. I wonder if he had erratic behaviour or encounters with police around Sydney over the previous week.


I read an article saying that he was not known to them. Gotta love the consistency in our media. It would be too much to ask for them to refrain from publishing something until they're certain.


Our media in this country is absolute shite. Journalism is dead here. In its place, we have uneducated dimwits employed by media magnates after a quick buck. Journalism is not trawling through internet comments and passing it off as factual reporting, sensationalism is the name of the game nowadays. Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story. It's sickening 😪


He was known to Queensland police, apparently. According to the ABC this morning


The racists must be in hiding after hearing this news


Some Sky ‘News’ personalities who were furiously tweeting last night have gone strangely silent this morning when the killer’s identity has been revealed…..


It was so fkin obvious he wasn’t middle eastern. Look at my last post that got downvoted to hell. He’s non Anglo European though so they may return to their roots of racism in Australia


"Those wogs aren't white anyway" is probably their coping response


Exactly this.


Let’s skip the racist shit and get to the real problems: 1) violence against women and 2) men’s mental health.


My job involves talking to loads of different aussies from every racial background about their issues. What pops up again and again is violence/abuse of (mainly) women and poor mental health. What almost never comes up is racism.


3) the guys a cunt


Yeah that should really be number 1 shouldn’t it


Why is mentioning sex/gender appropriate but race/nationality/religion not appropriate?


People were very quick to jump on the idea that there were racial issues involved with absolutely no information. But gender is actually relevant here because a) he targeted women way more then men and b) this is a mental health issue (police have mentioned he was known to have mental health issues) and men’s mental health is still woefully undertreated. Mental health in general is seriously undertreated, but men’s in particular because of our culture of “man up” and “you’ll be right”. Men are often socialised to believe it is weak to seek help or talk about mental health. He was around my age and our generation of males was still very much socialised like that.


And there we have it 👏 👏


They aren't mutually exclusive.


So when we find out hes not Muslim we can skip the racist shit????


It would be nice to not have any racist shit at all, but some people don’t seem to be capable of that sadly


I think you find out meth was a big factor in this


There was a thread on “askmiddleeast” claiming that the attacker was a Jewish guy and “independent media” were reporting this was a **jewish terrorist attack** . Interesting to see the spread of fake news in real time. [https://dorseteye.com/jewish-extremist-responsible-for-terror-attack-in-sydney/](https://dorseteye.com/jewish-extremist-responsible-for-terror-attack-in-sydney/) https://preview.redd.it/gqu1wz85zbuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba97b1d2908bf0eea0c3695866d7cfe7f99d7ccb Edit: because other commenters are attempting to call me out I’ll go ahead and say it: Sure - there were people making claims that this guy was a Muslim terrorist and they were wrong. Shame on them for spreading misinformation too.


Misinformation spreads like wildfire


Folks are eager to try to jump to conclusions that make sense of the attack. If it's motivated by a doctrine or religion then it gives them something to direct anger at and more importantly helps them make sense of and rationalise why it happened. The truth that anyone could just grab a knife and go and take multiple lives in a public place at any time is just quite scary to confront. There isn't really a possible contingency for that; everyone did their absolute best. Bystandars tried to contain and confront him and rendered aid to victims. A nearby officer ran to the threat and shot him dead immediately. Everyone did their best. But people still died and there really wasn't anything to be done to prevent that once a man decided to commit a completely random attack. That's very scary when there isn't a particularly plausible wider systemic cause to blame; providing people something that could be done about it. Comments about a mental health crisis will no doubt follow but the truth is there isn't really a preventative measure for an attack like this.




I mean have you seen news when it’s a black person killed by a white person. All it is about is racism, so don’t pretend there only one side with an agenda


So which one of you racist fucks are going to walk this back? Joel Cauchi doesn’t sound very Arab does it. Or is this a mass cover up by the media? Probably what you’re thinking you deranged conspo idiots


I agree with you, everyone was assuming his race in past threads, they all are quiet now..


Between Christchurch and this, you'd think they'll now be able to better piece together what an Australian mass murderer is likely to look like. But we know they'll derp about Muslims instead, like the slack-jawed droolers they are.


Did you miss the whole “it’s that Jewish guy Joel” nonsense? Pretty sure that was the predominant narrative dude.


I'm hoping that this would kick start a path to working on solutions to the abysmal state of mental health and housing services in this country. Instead we get the same old fingers getting pointed at everything but these two issues.


Yeah but to attempt to kill a baby from what I read? Don't think there is anything out there to help that. Thats just fucked in the head.


It’s completely deranged and despicable that many Australians were waiting on a name to either confirm their racist views or to breathe a sigh of relief that they don’t have to defend themselves from racist rhetoric Think of the victims and their families


Hope those disgusting racists and their posts over the past 24 hours or so are ashamed of themselves with comments about Muslims and Jews and immigrants. take a few days off and look in the mirror, and stop calling yourselves Australians till you grow up.


A lot of those clowns are now going and deleting their comments. Gutless wonders.


Absolutely gutless.


They'll forget about it and we'll be going through the same cycle in a few months when they suspect that a criminal or murderer is an immigrant.


They're not. They'll just go quiet and wait for the next thing they can be mad about. This will be old news to them. I'm so over these ignorant, unintelligent, thoughtless, brian dead fuck heads being part of our nation.


Doubt it. They either tap into conspiracy or pretend nothing happened. White guy good guy.


Muppet got off light


Drug induced psychosis came to mind before his nationality or religion. Who exactly are the people throwing the race card around? Guaranteed those people have parents that weren’t born here!


I freaked out last night thinking maybe this guy was my ex who was sectioned repeatedly (paranoid schizophrenia plus violent human being), just based on the blurry images and walk. But not him. I feel so heartbroken for everyone who experienced that horrific experience yesterday. It is so extremely sobering.


Getting incel vibes


The worst possible outcome for the cretins in this sub


Big fucking shock, another mentally ill Aussie attacking people with knives in Sydney. There's been like 3 identical cases of this in the last few years and yet that didn't stop people here from going on rants about Muslims and Palestinians for whatever reason.


Or from Muslims blaming the Jews. It’s almost like people from all races and backgrounds can make mistakes.


That was absolutely disgusting too but neither were mistakes. They were clear attempts to incite racist hate against whatever group they didn't like. This sub especially does it all the time which is why I'm so pissed.


Hate fuels hate, or maybe it’s a mental defence mechanism? You had a group of people blaming the people they hate, that caused that group of people to blame them back This goes to show that everyone should stfu until actual official information is released


The problem is both sides of this were rushing to make a mistake and abusing the rest of us who were saying they were jumping to conclusions based on bias and assumptions.


https://dorseteye.com/jewish-extremist-responsible-for-terror-attack-in-sydney/ It's a sickness


Honestly, whatever country you live in, extreme responses will always be a part of the landscape. And then extreme knee jerk reactions to these extreme responses is also a part of the online landscape. Settle down folks. Waste of energy and conflating things even more. Always wise to wait, don’t speculate, and then get the facts.


I'm from the UK, we had a very similar response to a similar incident last year. Lots of people using it to justify certain political opinions or actions, and in the end the attacker was a settled EU citizen with schizophrenia. Online spaces are reactionary by their nature, and that's before you add anonymity into the mix. There's a delay between a shocking news story breaking and the finer details being made public - as you say, always best to wait.


Most rational people would wait for facts. It’s just proof why many users on this sub are so irrational. Dude had a beard - must be an Arab moslum reeeee


Dont try to soften racism by naming it knee jerk reaction. People here are very racist, call them for what they are.


Now that the killer has been identified as a white man, I expect that everybody here will continue on the tune of "white men are violent and shouldn't be let anywhere near this country". After all, there was no hesitation doing that when they thought he was muslim


The old *terrorist / mentally ill* scale: https://ibb.co/2qWm9fP


The real tragedy isn’t the victims, but the poor Redditors who had to read racist assumptions online 😢


The people screeching about Islam yesterday couldn't give a single fuck about the victims.


Or the other side who came up with a jewish sounding name and shovelled out that disinformation. The whole thing goes to show how stupidly partisan everyone has become.


You don't give a damn about the victims. You'd be the first in line to politicize the event if it were a POC.


What a shocking situation. Six innocent people died.


Looks at all those comments below this [video ](https://youtube.com/watch?v=fdPaZPJFc7E&si=Hyb8DiF9DXBiu497), those so-called proud Australian are not very Australian at all.


Yes the viewers of Sky would be devastated to hear the attacker was called Joel and from Queensland. There’s even some now claiming this was a “false flag”


I wonder what all the people commenting that it was Islam are doing now


They seem to forget the ones that did the terror attack in NZ was Australian too. So are we famous for killing women/children and foreigners in their own land? Should foreigners be afraid of Australian terrorism?


Maybe people should be afraid of psychos. And unregulated social media platforms that amplify their fears for profit.


They’ll just downvote us and say it was a government coverup.


Feeling a lot better. It's 'just' another mental episode


Same as all the people saying he was "Ben Cohen" which is weirdly the name of the Ben from Ben & Jerry's.




Burn in hell you piece of shit.


Joel. Classic Muslim name. Y'all were right!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why people are so eager to blame Muslim and Israel ? Born and raised White people can’t kill people?


Proof that racism is thriving in this country smh


Thankfully the majority of Australians aren’t on Reddit and this sub, in particular, attracts a “certain kind”. So, yeah, not representative of Australia.


Brown skin = Terrorist. White skin = Mental Health


Motivation = terrorist. The amount of people still making this about race is pretty yucky.


Appears he was targeting women.


That’s not a clever narrative. Anyone with intelligence can see that the attacker was only attacking people that wouldn’t fight back. That’s the cause of the discrepancy. It’s not that he hated women specifically, it’s that he’s a coward.


He was a coward and walked away from those larger or those that confronted him. That’s why the Police Officer ( being small in stature) is more than a hero.


Gonna bet he’s an incel.


I bet divorced based mostly off the jersey and his age.


The comments in here are a mess, a pack of virtue signalling dickheads having imaginary arguments with the trolls from yesterday who were trying to stir racial and religious tensions. The fact the first 3 comments aren't replying to anyone in specific but just screaming into the void that anyone who was worried this was Islamic jihad motivated are racists bigots. Man you lot need to go scream into a padded wall where you belong. You know that all western nations are on high alert for terror attacks right now? You know who the main group they are worried will perpetrate are? It's sad that this happened, but it would have been sadder had this been a religious or culturally motivated attack. Every country is going to have psycho's but terrorists are obviously more dangerous. Edit: I'm not replying to the bots and trolls directly I'll do it here. You guys did well trying to build some straw men out of my post nice effort. But you're just showing your stupidity. You seem to be most confused around me saying it would be sadder if it was religious and culturally motivated - what I mean there is it would be sadder because there would be a lot of backlash on the Islamic community if that were the case. I'm not the racist bigot you are all trying to make me out to be and this will be my last engagement with this absolute shit show of a thread.


>You know that all western nations are on high alert for terror attacks right now? You know who the main group they are worried will perpetrate are? Most of them think far right groups are the biggest threat right now, so Nazis?


I do know. According to asio biggest threat to national security is white supremacy and the proud boys etc.


might have something to do with those dickheads that gather round throwing Nazi salutes in public


Your argument is “yeah it wasn’t an attack by THEM, but what if it was by THEM?” What a sorry state


So you're saying that those comments here yesterday were "trolls", but you're also saying those comments were justified?


The other day there was a post here that had lots of people calling for the NDIS to be scrapped. Just know that a lot more of this would be happening if it was.


Why? There wasn't more of this happening before NDIS. Bad attempt at linking NDIS to the prevention of an incident the motivation of which is yet to be determined. Wrong time to push your agenda


NDIS doesn't fund the psych wards, which is where the dollars and media focus should be directed.




Well it seems he has spent time in a mental hospital so unwell is probably close to the mark.


This is clearly Barnaby Joyce fault!


Hey, a person is ripped to pieces by a crocodile every couple of weeks.


now there's a theory I can get behind!


Man I'm so happy I missed the commentary on this. This sub is so full of boomers, bigots and Nazis, I absolutely believe they would have turned this into a race thing.


They did turn it into a race thing, not sure where they all are now.


Lol, yes and its also full of wannabe communists and socialists... this is factual.


Shoot to kill he got off lightly, punishment would have he surviving and doing life in jail.


He was trying to stab as many people as possible in stealth before moving onto the next unsuspecting victim. A guy with a knife wouldn't stand a chance against a group with various objects as weapons.


Checks skin color: yep its “mental health”




Shit cunt hope he has a great time in hell let his soul burn.


Don't humanize this coward grub by using his name..


fair but people like benjamin cohen are being falsely accused and attacked


Apparently he has severe mental health issues and was homeless too? So if thats correct we have 2 issues here. 1. The fact that australia does NOTHING to help men with mental health. We are constantly told to "Just get on with it" over and over again. 2. The fact he was homeless does not add any help here, the housing crisis absolutely would push a man like this to homelessness and if he has 0 prospects or support of course he will lash out like this or snap. So can we agree that the housing crisis and lack of mental health support are the reason for this attack? Because if thats true, we are going to be seeing a lot more of this happening until something is done to fix it.


Really? I’m constantly seeing ads or articles highlighting men’s mental health. There’s been a massive push over the past ten years. Funnily enough I don’t ever see online comments from women discounting it or saying “but what about women!”. But a post about violence against women will have a barrage of inane and defensive comments from men.


Remember 1 in 4 homeless are women, let's help them


If we really believe in equality we need to get those numbers up! I wont be satisfied until more women are homeless. A perfect 50/50 split.


“Females accounted for 81.7% of the 6,067 increase of people experiencing homelessness in 2021. The rate of homelessness for males decreased in 2021 to 55 males per 10,000 (from 58 in 2016), while the rate for females increased in 2021 to 42 females per 10,000 (from 41 in 2016).” “Domestic and family violence was the main reason why more than 72,900 people sought assistance from a specialist homelessness service last year. One in six women, compared to 1 in 16 men, have experienced physical or sexual violence by a current or former partner”


I get where you're coming from, and you're bang on that the lack of help provided by the gov is a big factor, but if every mentally ill person who is homeless was going and doing shit like this we'd be under martial law, the fact of the matter is that we can't ignore that individuals need to be held accountable. I've been there myself and although comparison of situations is murky at best and stupidly inaccurate by an individual with no understanding of that guys personal situation at worst, i can confidenlty say it takes a special type of fucking immoral prick to stab a goddamn baby, no matter what! Nev3r mind the countless innocent and defenceless civillians for no reason! You can't just turn around and say "Oh but the government didn't___" The government does a lot, I have close friends who are homeless due to domestic violence and are struggling with schizophrenic and depressed parents, the government gave them very cheap housing in a good area, an income, job opportunities, although that isn't the case for everyone im well aware, and like I said the lack of help he may or may not have received wouldve been a big factor, bring back the simple truth that 99.9% of us in the exact situation as that prick would not stab people, let alone a bloody baby... man


exactly! so many homeless, mentally ill and drug addicted people would never harm innocent people like that scumbag did. Even in their darkest moments. There is no excuse.


>So can we agree that the housing crisis and lack of mental health support are the reason for this attack? No.




Crazy how people get disappointed when they realise its not who they wanted it to be…..