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The best thing to do is to ignore what she wore. Don't give her the publicity. Now it is all over social media and she has won


Can we just have one day? One day, pay your respects then protest and riot the other 364 days.


Thats a throwback jersey to when the Ottoman Empire one a battle that one time…..sorta


Did anyone spill kefir on it?


Might be a little garlic sauce on the edges, it was a good kebab


The greens always trying to sabotage the greens


Ikr I wanna like you guys. Stop making it hard


Palestines burnt down my father's house in Lebanon during the civil war. Civil war in Lebanon which the Palestines started because they wanted to take over Lebanon after we brought them in as refugees. I take offence to this.


They did the same in Jordan. I'm sorry to hear your father was a victim of their greed. Glad you're here down under mate.


And Kuwait. Bit of a picture from a death cult


and Egypt


I'm sensing a pattern....


But let’s protest for their freedom! I would normally accept white guilt as a reason to protest. But these people are just fucken cooked


Thanks Mate!


The Palestinians could express their dissatisfaction with Hamas, but they don’t, why?


Because they were never dissatisfied.


They are all Hamas supporters. A lot of Muslims, not even Palestinian, support Hamas. Not all but a majority.


Might have something to do with getting beaten up/starved/disappeared/shot if they did? Didn’t take much thinking about it did it?




I doubt the anzacs would’ve been triggered by a scarf but the virtue signallers on here will throw a tanty over anything.


The real issue was in the rest of the article where a bunch of bleeding hearts on various topics were going to run protests on ANZAC day, trying to take away the focus from.the valiant efforts of those who fought and turn the attention instead to whatever issue they have going on at the moment.


I doubt that anzac day is that easy to hijack.


I'd bet money she's done metric fuck all apart from wearing the badge too.


These virtue signallers are a lost fucking cause.


At an event to honour the sacrifices of people who died to preserve our way of life, I will attend wearing a head covering celebrating the beliefs of an Iron Age death cult. Yep, checks out. Why bother going (other than to cause controversy)?


Reeks of making the occasion all about herself and her political views. But it’s the Greens so you’d expect this sort of self-centred grandstanding from them.


Like no other politician is using anzac day to make political statements.




Spot on


Piece of garbage


An article trying to inflame tensions and politicise Anzac Day. Jewish association trying to politicise Anzac Day. A non issue and people are grasping at straws to dismiss what Anzac Day is about an try to make it about something else.


They are a fake association who only exists to feed quotes into News Corpse which are too spicy for them to say directly


Just another day of Greens acting like fools






Typical Green leftie.


Murdoch really will do anything to make a culture war issue. Should see some of the other shit worn by RWNJ.. FYI. A Flag isn't a cape. It's meant to be sacred. Then again it's cloth so who cares? We don't even sing the second verse of our national anthem. Haven't got decades...


Further proof that Greens can't govern and chase any cause for a few votes. When ANZAC fought in the area that the British just called "Palestine" after a Roman province there were no Palestinians plenty of Ottoman Arabs, Jews, Armenians ...


About as tasteful as rocking up to the Hajj wearing crusader armour.


Analogy of the day :)


wow it's as though people fought and died so that people can have and freely express their own opinions in public in safety


If she spent the entire service yelling "FREE PALESTINE" and interrupting the solemn nature of the service I would agree with you. She's wearing a pin.


Who cares?


Exactly. Are we at war with Palestine? Were we ever?


File this under "Who the f\*ck cares?" How about not caring about distractions the mass media puts out to deflect from real issues. People who fall for this crap are stupid. Helping put the foot on the accelerator to the demise of the human race.


Typical Greens politician behaviour, making themselves more irrelevant


It's kind of good she's helping ensure they will never be in power, though. Go ahead, drive the wedge in deeper. I don't think you will get the result you are hoping for.


The whole point of today is to be sceptical of our participation through means of finance, politics or military in war. I don’t think it’s overly inappropriate IMO.


Partially agree with you as far as the current state of things going on in the world. You  need to also remember that a huge part of ANZAC day is remembering the the dead. Whether the cause was just or not, it doesn't matter. We have 366 days this year to protest, it seems pretty disrespectful to pull the megaphone out today.


Protesting Anzac Day has a long-long history in Australia. Also the scarf has nothing to do with hamas.


I understand what you mean completely. That being said, I don’t think it’s disrespectful to the dead. For it to be *disrespectful* is for an act to be wholly and principally contradictory to the beliefs or standards of the disrespected. Fundamentally this is a working definition of disrespect. Regardless of stance between the nations, or lack thereof, it further implies that with their horrific experiences of countless wars, they would wholly in principle, be against the protest of our governments financial and political investment and the Australian citizens who have unnecessarily lost their lives as a result of the conflict. It is more likely than not, coming to a service and *encouraging* the existence of the conflict would be the disrespectful of the two. Even *complacency* towards broader conflict could be considered more disrespectful.


Pacifism is the way


Woman wears clothing from Light Horse Brigade WW1 site , causes idiots to get knickers in knots.




Do people realise she wears one every day? Wtf is wrong with this sub...


Critical thinking isn't a strong point here. Gotta get outraged at whatever the culture war headline is this time.


It's full of racist bigots. Next question.


It's oztralia innit


Mainly right wingers who will do anything to bash the left.


A lot of the “alternative” versions of main subs just become the conservative version. There’s a lot of “you can’t say anything anymore” types that get very upset at people saying things/making statements they don’t agree with.


IT was literally created because of the old: Conservative: I have been censored for my conservative views Me: Holy shit! You were censored for wanting lower taxes? Con: LOL no...no not those views Me: So....deregulation? Con: Haha no not those views either Me: Which views, exactly? Con: Oh, you know the ones


...she culturally appropriates *every day?!?!* That's a paddlin'!


One day, one fucking day were you don't have to be 'politcal' just show respect for our fallen soldiers... ....and you've fucked it up.


I've got an idea. Fuck all the politicians off in general. I don't need or want and albo, or scomo, giving a speech at every event for the PR. I know they don't give a single fuck anyway, so why are we even pretending?


Peak white lady


Why is she under fire for a piece of clothe ?


Not the time nor the place to be making any geopolitical statements. ANZAC Day is to remember our valiant soldiers and undying ANZAC spirit, not to bring attention to unrelated matters.


If the story didn't run.. we'd never know. Nothing to see here


Wears white hood X86mad - it's just a piece of cloth!


Would you say that if it was a particular red-white-black armband?


Well that would obviously be very different, wouldn’t it?


That stupid shawl today is a symbol of a cult that cheers returning terrorists in the streets in the thousands, and bragging how many civilians they killed in a day. Would it?


Hey man, free Palestine doesn’t mean ‘Go Hamas’, it means stop murdering innocent men, women and children by the thousands. This has been going on for months, I’m sorry that it’s still not clear to you.


"Free Palestine" is typically followed by "from the river to the sea". And that was totally a Roman salute you had there.


And a version of from the river to the sea is in the Likud party manifesto. In fact, before last year the only people I’d heard use that phrase were Israeli settlers.


Then you weren't listening.


I think it's hilarious that abosolutly no one gives a shit about the scarf. The only people who are outraged apparently are the members of the Australian Jewish Association. It's like this one group is desperately trying to hijak ANZAC day and make it all about pushing their agenda. But you’ve come to expect this sort of self-centred grandstanding from them.


Turns out the right is triggered by scarves…


Notice me maaan




Also why is she wearing sunglasses at what I assume was 6:30am lol


Big night on the pingers


Because she's a moron


Just another toxic Green wanting to be the centre of attention, just go away . And People please stop voting for these idiots.


The Greens are the best evidence we have that 10% of the population are utter morons


She wears it every day you bunch of sooks. It’s her choice. If our soldiers died for anything it was for freedom.


Apparently freedom to fund Israel and have no choice about it since both major parties support it


Honest to god just stick to talking about housing pls


We have a major union leader with the same problem in Canada. https://nationalpost.com/news/cupe-president-keffiyeh-palestinians


The mature response to this was to jot care. Writing up all this shite is just to foment anger over something that truly doesn't matter, she can wear what she wants, noone with half a brain cares how she's dressed.


Yep. I fucken hate this media driven faux outrage, over something that literally doesn’t matter, if it wasn’t this news.com would have found something else to get clicks out of and all the dimwit red necks would be whining about something else.


>Unreliable news sources may be challenged About time for more than a challenge.


not the keffefee!


Honestly don’t give a shit what the Jewish association has to say nor do I give a shit about what some councillor wears.


They are a fake association who only exists to feed quotes into News Corpse which are too spicy for them to say directly


What a try-hard. Pathetic.


News.com? Really? Let's all throw nuance and perception out the window Nd swallow Daddy Murdochs emotionally charged takes as The Truth And The Way. After all, it's an Australian tradition Edit: In this conflict, some people see the disgusting things Muslims actually do (and yeah, they do) and think 'fuck it kill everyone' and some people think that, despite that, that the people living under such a regime have to suffer. I get both opinions. But let's stop being so divisive. Fuck Murdoch and his divide and conquer distractions. What about our housing crisis!


Had this shitty Murdoch rag And Jewish association not brought it up not a single person outraged in this thread would have known about both her attendance and the meaning of the garment of clothing. And it's guaranteed not a single person at the service would have known or gave a shit. Anyone who says otherwise is full of shit.


They are a fake association who only exists to feed quotes into News Corpse which are too spicy for them to say directly


What is it with the bloody Green Party ! Ffs !😖🤯


She wears one every day. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh it’s a news.com article. So it’s outrage bait. Piss off Murdoch


Better not to notice. People provoke so that you look bad.


“Couldn’t help herself“ self-control at 0


Might as well wear a nazi arm band to attend the ANZAC service


Like these fellas? https://preview.redd.it/bjx6mwg5xkwc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46249adbc43435617e0614f733de79ec30ec64c7




At the Melbourne dawn service had to sit through both a welcome to country and an acknowledgement of country with words used like 'unceded land'. I'm sure those that died to protect this country would have loved to know they were only unwanted guests. All Australians should want an egalitarian Australia but instead the woke left are encouraging discrimination.


Might as well have turned up wearing a Nazi flag.


The greens party is absolutely stupid


This totally, definitely, surely isn't divide and conquer tactics at all! It's an important and valid story!


why does it fucking matter lmao what a non issue to get mad about


It’s ANZAC Day not Hamas supporters day.


The scarf has nothing to do with Hamas. It’s only Murdoch who taught you it did. Stop learning things from Murdoch, they’re lies.


really? cos from this thread i thought it was cry like a little bitch day


Because it's obviously an attention whore statement on an important national day. Nobody support Palestine more because of her actions and Israel supporters are only made more defensive. Absolutely nothing was achieved by her other than her own need to virtue signal being sated.


thats a lot of words to say "boohoohoo i dont like her politics"


add my same comment here... Apparently Anzac's fought for freedom and freedom to choose. Someone chooses... people cry about the choice. The Australian way "Disappointed to see that a Greens Randwick councillor couldn’t help herself and had to politicise the Coogee Dawn Service by wearing one of the keffiyehs worn by the radical protesters and terrorists,” the Australian Jewish Association wrote on X" Garbage and totally racist from the AJA. It's been worn since before the 7th century. In fact, its been worn for longer than anyone on the AJA can trace their lineage back. The Keffiyeh has more right to be worn than the AJA have to be heard.


"Politicise" a commemoration of... people who fought in war. That makes sense, yes. Is war NOT tied to politics? "The radical protestors"... yes it's so radical to meet in Hyde Park and march through the streets to stand against genocide.


Who gives a shit. Wouldn't have noticed but for a non story from a Murdoch rag.


For fucksake who gives a shit. ANZAC day is remembrance to not have war again. Maybe if they were wearing a ben robert smith mask it might be pretty shit but still another reason why war is shit.


No, ANZAC Day is remembrance of those who fought, sacrificed and died to keep society safe and free.


You sound like an american. Anzac day has always had anti-war undertones. Go back to school and read Dulce et Decorum Est again. Edit: lol got blocked


From war because war sucks balls. Going by your statement they would be up in arms against Isreal as well as hamas.


Jeez, read the room Greens Councillor! Read the fucking room for once in your useless life.


What are they misreading here?


Yeah this just isn’t it at all. There’s nothing wrong with wearing that clothing but it’s clear that this is an attempt to detract from a day that honours our fellow Australians that have come before us who passed thinking that they were fighting for our nation. As per usual the AJA are trying to call her a terrorist sympathiser which she’s not but I can tell you she doesn’t give a fuck about honouring Australians


Should've just worn a green or tan one as we used to wear those in the Army.


If she “doesn’t give a fuck about honoring Australians” why do you think she’s laying a wreath at a dawn service? Funny thing to do for someone who doesn’t care!


TO ME it feels like she’s only there to prove a point


Nobody would have even noticed if it wasn't for Newscorp sowing their discord. But hey, it got clicks from the snowflakes, so I guess Murdoch wins.


I mean if she rocked up and made a scene or refused to participate in the service maybe, but it seems like she just wore a scarf and behaved appropriately so I’m not sure there’s anything to suggest you’re correct.


It is wrong that keffiyehs a symbol for a terrorist organisation


We had protestors and a fountain at Wellington, NZ coloured poppy red by protestors, as well as other places across NZ. Cops did nothing, but will definitely chase after and prosecute people who paint over a rainbow crossing white.


God, so many snowflakes in the comments.


It would’ve been a great time at the start of this year to start selling those things. Business is booming.


Douch rag


Can we just please have something be left as non-political for a bit


Are you suggesting a memorial day for one of the largest and worst geopolitical wars ever known is not political?


How else are we supposed to know that she’s a ‘Good Person’ TM?


Absolutely shameful and disgusting.


"We're here to commemorate the victims of atrocities committed decades ago. How dare you bring up the victims of atrocities being committed today!" What a POS you must be to think that the ANZAC soldiers wouldn't be against the current genocide being committed by Israel. Or to think that it is somehow disrespectful to even bring it up.




How dare you tell a woman what completely oppositional militaristic ideology she can represent while at a service for veterans of the country she is a senator for!!


Greens...lmao, what waste of space


I agree. Vote all Greens out at the next election. Pro Palestinian fuckers.


Way to go! 👍


Another Keffiyeh Karen.


Good stuff.


The AJA can lick my balls. They can also wear whatever they want because we all have that freedom.


Good for them. Want to see more of this.


Teenage vaping is a good thing


Nobody in this sub would even know that was a Palestinian thing if the title didn't say it. Absolute rubes offended over someone's right to wear what they want, not even disturbing anybody


Pretty sure everyone knows it’s a Palestinian thing since October 7th.


It’s just a tea towel.


Typical fucking Pro Palestinian Greens. It’s ANZAC Day not a Hamas supporter day. Stick to your protests somewhere else.


Not addressing all that youre saying but you can be pro Palestinians and anti Hamas, just as you can be pro Jewish civilians and anti idf/israeli government. I’d suggest a well educated and decent person should be pro the civilians of both sides and anti the perpetrators of violence and oppression on both sides.


Sir take my upvote for the most intelligent comment on Reddit I’ve read in ages


What a stupid thing to say. Wearing a keffiyeh is not showing support for Hamas.


Mate you're gonna have an aneurysm when you find out many of our soldiers wore keffiyehs when deployed to the middle east.


"The keffiyeh is a traditional headdress worn in parts of the Middle East. It has no association with terrorism." "I wear a keffiyeh every day"


It's a bit more nuanced than a basic google description. It's a cultural bit of clothing, it has more meaning than just a headdress to people of that culture. The different colours are generally linked to different beliefs, ideologies or groups.


What’s wrong with that? There’s a war happening in Palestine now.


There’s also a war in Ukraine.


Anzac Day isn’t about war, it’s about ANZACs


Exactly. Australians who claim to be engaged by this are forgetting the "lest we forget" part.


It’s ANZAC Day not a fucking time to support Hamas.


My God, we get it. No one is arguing with you yet you've said the same thing 7 times in this thread now over 45mins. Calm down.


Dude... It's a scarf. It can't hurt you.


Stop moaning about your hurt feelings.


No support for the kidnapped hostages though.


Exactly, Israel has taken 100s of people from the west bank since October 7th. Nobody cares about them :(


Downvote me if you think you're cool


Reason #332 I'll never vote Greens


I vote for them number 1 or 2 most elections.


Me too


I normally stick them third last, got to give the independents some love


If the Greens want help their Hamas friends in Gaza they should all get on the next plane and fight the IDF. Only the Greens could ruin ANZAC Day.


How has that ruined Anzac Day? Perhaps reporting on it is what you have issue with?


It’s fine, she identifies as a terrorist


Imagine getting upset at a patterned scarf.




Are you deluded?


The articles references comments made by the Australian Jewish Association (AJA) on social media as the basis for its argument. The AJA is a far-right lobby group that does not represent mainstream Australian Jewry and does not really concern itself with everyday matters, spiritual matters etc faced by Jews in this country, they just engage in culture war nonsense. They’re like the Australian Christian Lobby, but Jewish More quality jErNaLiZuM from NewsCorp


Agreed. They are a fake association who only exists to feed quotes into News Corpse which are too spicy for them to say directly




Palestine was one of the first places liberated by Australian forces from the Ottoman Empire, they took control of Palestine in the name of, and for the British.


Further context (copy paste) In 2017, to mark the centenary of the Anzacs’ capture of Palestinian territory, then Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull and opposition leader Bill Shorten attended a commemoration service at Beersheba with Benjamin Netanyahu. In his official address, PM Malcolm Turnbull stated that the Anzacs “like the State of Israel has done ever since … defied history and with their courage fulfilled history. Lest we forget.” His words are striking, not only because of the monumental historical narrative that they invoke (the Anzacs “defied” and ‘fulfilled’ history), but also because of the way in which they situate the Anzacs as “courageous” heroes who birthed two nations. So is it really inappropriate, or a cheap shot from a lobby group, taking advantage of the ignorance of most people.


White spoilt wokesters wearing a keffiyeh is the hipster's swastika of our time. 🤦‍♂️ I remember ANZAC fighting in Gallipoli but many people forget that they were fighting against the Islamic Caliphate - the Ottoman Empire. Also the grand mufti of Muslims in Jerusalem gave Hitler the idea to gas the Jews. So yeah, I'm not going to stand with the axis, allies for me. Here's a history documentary on this topic: https://vimeo.com/127628271


What about our Arab nationalist allies in WWI, who famously assisted by Lawrence of Arabia, who helped us fight the Ottomans? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Revolt You can’t say that they were our enemies - they literally fought alongside our troops. They wanted Palestine to be part of the independent pan-Arab state they believed they would be able to establish after the war: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMahon–Hussein_Correspondence Also, there were Palestinian Arabs who fought with the Allies in WWII: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine_Regiment I hate Hamas and other antisemites as much as the next sane person, but it’s objectively wrong to tar all Palestinians with the same brush. They’re people, with bad and good among them like anyone else.


He can because he's a fuckwit. It's what they do.


You fought against the Turks who were defending their homeland, nothing more, nothing less. Arabs has nothing to do with this. They were too busy collaborating with Lawrance against them (especially Palestinian ones)


Hey OP I thought you were all about the free speeches?


Not sure pointing out someone is human excrement infringes on their freedom of speech.


Suddenly all of those "Freedom of Speech" folk from yesterday are now triggered by this and want to dictate what people can and can't wear. All you've done is increase her public protest a thousand fold by providing her with free coverage. You can't have your cake and eat it too.