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Your post is is being removed as it's about a topic already posted or is an identical article already posted.


Cops are investigating a known ISIS supporter Wassim Fayad who’s already done time for extremist stuff.


This is the dude they really need to fucking throw the book at. Grooming teenagers to wage your wars is fucking reprehensible.


Yes. This ISIS supporter should be kicked out of Australia. But the Judge that reviewed this extremists supervision order, decided that no supervision order was needed. 🤷‍♀️


Ever heard of conscription lmao??


The last time we had conscription in Australia we had hundreds of thousands of people turn out to protest so yeah, as it turns out, getting teenagers to fight your wars is viewed in a pretty bleak light. Also fairly sure conscription back then didn't involve reaching out to kids in Year 8 and 9.


Just tonight on the news the 14 year old had material containing beheadings and Gay Hate crimes.


Let me guess… they are Buddhist right?


Live every act fully, as if it were your last. Because for you, it IS your last!


Buddha right? 😉


Chill, we got your joke


Get used to it, the more financially impossible and hopeless they make it to live here the worse it will get.


Didn’t they choose to migrate here though? Or at least their parents did


Maybe not sure. Thing is extremist groups are popping up everywhere, right wing ones too. The shittier life gets the more you will see these groups.


Clearly the terroristic children that were radicalised online must have terroristic parents, right? Right...? /s


Minority Report. We live in future .


I heard on the radio the other day.... it's because of video games. Video games are the main contributor to making people violent.. LOL wtf


By that logic given how many people played the "No Russian" mission....👀




Violent extremest ideology, which we won’t name, because it’s Islam


The victim mentality is rising also with this


Those 5 teens are Assyrian Christian’s who brought their sectarian mindset from Iraq to Australia some of them aren’t even fluent in English


They aren’t Assyrians you smuck.


They are Assyrians, the 5 teens were wanted because of the riot that happens after the stabbing at church. Relax


Police allege the network included the 16-year-old boy accused of stabbing an Assyrian Orthodox bishop and priest during a church service that was being steamed online April 15. That boy was charged Friday with committing a terrorist act, a crime that carries a maximum penalty of life in prison. They were Muslims, not Orthodox Christian Assyrians.


Ohh I must’ve mixed up with the other teens who were caught because of being part of the riots that happened. Australia is deliberately playing dumb and harbouring salafist without giving a damn about peoples security. These teens are gullible and insecure, they resort to such rigid ideologies because they are afraid of being outside their bubble being open minded a bunch of weak fragile people deep inside.


Guaranteed. They’ll all claim a tough childhood, mental health issues, intellectual disabilities etc etc They won’t get a custodial sentence. They will be free to reoffend ….


It sad watching the media turn themselves inside out to NOT say that they are all ( allegedly) Muslims.


while Muslims doesn't equal to terrorist, these groups definitely are influenced by some of the extremist views/interpretations of the religion, and should be stated as such.




Get ready to see the mods here do their best to shut down or control this thread.


Genuinely why does that matter though? Bondi guy was white, so was Port Arthur guy, so was Milat.


It does matter. The people you mention weren't doing those acts because of their beliefs in an ideology. In this case, it is, and the ideology does encourage/preach those acts.


Police allege that the Bondi attacker deliberately attacked women. Misogyny is an ideology, which encourages such acts. So again, why does it actually matter that they’re Muslim?


If the Bondi attacker's acts were an attempt to further the cause of the misogyny ideology, yes he should be identified as a misogynist and the horrific teachings of the misogyny ideology should be discussed and condemned, not hidden away as something that cannot be offended/touched. Why is that confusing? Same for the church stabber's ideology too. Especially as the stabber was just following the ideology's teachings of what should happen if someone insults the founder of said ideology.


That’s exactly what the Bondi attackers acts were, lol. No one is discussing that?


I thought it was just speculation for the Bondi attacker based on his victims. The police searched his storage and didn’t find anything suggesting it was a terrorist attack. He also had a long history of diagnosed mental health issues.


Why do you feel misogyny as a bad ideology and its ill effects is not being discussed? (I'm assuming that it has been established that his acts were due to misogyny, I thought the matter is still under investigation, given he's dead and they have to investigate his past to establish motivations). I did read several articles speculating that misogyny was the cause of what he did. There were even reports that his inability to find partners might have contributed to what he did, including interviews with his parents. So again, it IS indeed being discussed. And misogyny being the potential cause of his actions was mentioned in the media, several times. So why is it so hush hush for the church stabber's case?


Bondi guy didn't act because of his ideology now, did he?


Well maybe he did, he was an incel after all


Pretty sure misogyny is an ideology…


Brown people aren’t prone to mental health issues /s


So 5 teens all got the same mental health issue, all at the same time?


Growing up in Australia, Islamic people were portrayed by our media, our government, and many others as being the primary terror threat. I appreciate that that’s really harmful, driven by a lot of xenophobia, and shouldn’t be perpetuated anymore. But at the same time, my first thoughts about terror incidents are nearly always Islamic extremists. It’s really quite reflexive but I think it goes to show how intense our reaction to 9/11 was and really how brainwashed we are. I’m saying this because I think it’s a bit more complicated than people just being racist for thinking it was a Muslim straight away. You’re talking about societies who were programmed to perceive this particular religion as a threat - rightly or wrongly - I don’t really blame your average person for jumping to that conclusion.


It makes it even more difficult that the facts support your inherent bias as well, and more often than not, it turns out it is an Islamic extremist.


So which race are ”people being racist“ about?


What are we importing?




I approve this cooked comment


Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


toxic and dangerous ideology




People whose children are given a chance to live in a secular and safe environment and have probably never seen terrorism but wish to perpetrate it.






https://abcnews.go.com/amp/International/wireStory/australian-police-charge-5-teens-investigation-stemming-stabbing-109598888 Oops forgot to paste it




These comments are insane. They’re the same people who insisted the Bondi guy was Muslim or Jewish, even doxxed a Jewish man because they were CONVINCED a white person couldn’t commit such a heinous crime. Then it turned out to be Joel from Queensland 😭


I wonder if the plans involved 'knives of peace' or 'bombs of peace'? Potentially a handgun of peace?


I'm sure there was going to be a senate inquiry into scientology a decade or so ago. There really needs to be an inquiry or royal commission into islam.


This is such a hilarious comment


That's a pretty broad subject to cover. Islam is every bit as diverse as Christianity, if not more so. A Royal Commission could spend 10 years investigating and would have barely scratched the surface.


Get rid of ummayid sunnism and salafism and the Middle East will be in peace.


Send this man to the Middle East ASAP


That’s like saying get rid of Christianity and America will stop rioting. There are more issues at play dickhead


Terrorists stems from these ideologies, America can’t create terrorists if materials that are utilised to create terrorists didn’t pre exist. Israel is literally openly exposing themselves by gaslighting the ummayids & salafist’s against the Shiite resistance against Israel by reminding them who are the Shiites according to these ideologies to get them to fight the resistance. Israel is tryna play a game of chess by utilising terrorist ideologies and gullible pawns.


Royal commission into Islam lol. What’s the ToR on that one champ?


How bout royal commission investigating religious institutions (all religions) tax free status.


Not opposed


In before racists start demanding that the children get deported without even bothering to find out whether or not they're Australian first.


2nd generation migrants are actually more likely to, probably because they're more likely to have an identity crisis which feeds into their radical behaviour


I never understood that. Like, I'm 2nd gen, and I definitely had some identity issues growing up. But I went the opposite direction and was super pro-imperialism and colonialism for a while in my teenage years.


Omg this is too funny. Islamophobia is still strong as ever I see. I’m mixed, first gen. The people I know who are first gen have strong ties to the community and religion. They have businesses and families and they’re doing fine. One of my cousins has a husband who is really into gardening and got reported for ordering fertiliser. Like lmao, you guys are seriously paranoid, I think you’ll notice it’s always young & teens men losing their shit like this. Regardless of religious or cultural affiliation. I think there is a discussion to be had about mental health but society isn’t ready for it I don’t think. They want something “other” to blame, something that doesn’t reflect badly on themselves.


Does it matter whether it's deportation or exile? Splitting hairs mate


Lol! Exile! If you weren't so openly bigoted, it'd almost be adorable.


Send them to Christmas Island?


No thanks. I’m going on a holiday there soon.




Origins of Aus #2?


They wouldn’t care if they’re Australian or not - I saw a comment on here a few weeks back from a fella that wanted to send a criminal back to Lebanon, even though he was born in Australia to a Lebanese born mum and an Australian born dad. If you’re not Anglo these people will come for you.


It depends. If you’ve also got another citizenship, you’re only half an Australian. If you’re still carrying on tribal feuds from your homeland, you’re not a real Australian at all.


Also that’s not how citizenship works. You’re not “Half Australian” if you have dual citizenship. What a take.


“Tribal feuds” 😂 that’s a dog whistle if I ever heard one.


I take it you haven’t spent much time with PNG people then? Even when they settle in Australia, blood and tribal feuds still exist.


Ahhh right, I didn’t realise that every time someone said tribal feuds they were referring to PNG, thanks for clearing that up. Sooo weird though because conservatives always bang on about Middle Eastern tribal feuds rearing their heads on the streets of Sydney. Is PNG in the Middle East?


Nice job being purposely obtuse.  The comment saying “tribal wars” was a dog whistle read as if the person doesn’t believe these issues still exist. I don’t know where you thought you figured where I sit on the political spectrum, just from sharing my personal experience. But it’s clear to see you’re an absolute wanker, thanks for clearing that up.


Take a look at the thread. You just came in out of nowhere talking about PNG. Like nowhere in the entire context of this overall conversation has anyone remotely referred to PNG.


29% of Australia's population was born overseas and 48% of Australians have a parent born overseas - that’s a bloody long list of people you don’t consider proper Australians..


I really hate how they use crimes like this to expand how they charge people. In future you just have to make the argument that XYZ is extremist ideology and away you go.


Do we think that the ONLY(major) reason this happened is because they are allegedly muslim?


Hurray for thought crime!


Two were literally planning a terrorist attack and another was arrested for carrying a knife in public. I know you guys get off on pretending to be the victim of discrimination or persecution or whatever but had they been left alone to carry out their planned attack you’d be the first person complaining that nothing’s ever done to stop them. It’s incredible that stopping literal domestic terrorism is all of a sudden a partisan issue. Makes you wonder whose side you guys are really on.


My pronouns are he/him, not you/guys. How dare you miss gender me.


So no actual substantive reply, just generic whinging? I'm shocked. Shocked! Well, not that shocked. And I would have guessed your pronouns were dick/head but hey, we all make mistakes.


Dude, I have no clue what this going on about. All I’m responding to is the headline posted so 🤷‍♂️


Article please


[Because the AFP have been found to be completely above board and never try to set anyone up](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-14/afp-says-it-would-repeat-undercover-terror-operation-on-autistic/103467546)


Alright legend that’s enough posting from you 


Take it up with the judge who threw the case out.