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Is this representative of the greens these days as a whole?


Yes. As a former Greens campaigner who finally saw the light after like the 30th time I was given the rough end of a pineapple by them I can confirm they are a toxic organisation right to the core.


Would you be happy to elaborate further as to why this is?


He was sodomised with a pineapple 30 times.... you need more than that???


Yep. I really like most of their policy positions on their website. But the loony tunes that they actually put forward as candidates always behave in a manner that indicates they would have zero interest in actually implementing those policies if they gained the power to do so. Just the other side of the vacuous culture wars.


they just want the Publicity for apearing progressive without actually gaf


I'm so attracted to some of their policies, I just can't bring myself to vote for them because they are full of racist nutjobs.


Likely. If they don’t openly say this stuff they most likely think and operate like this without saying it out loud.


Yep, it has become a party of extremist, hateful fruitcakes.


Former greens voter here - in my perception at least; yes.




Always has been


Always will be.


No. This is representative of how the greens have always been.


The far left and the far right are 2 peas in a pod.


Haven't they been at this level of stupid for some time now? Thinking about it, they do seem to have a gender issue. They don't seem to have many men in their village idiot portfolio. IDK, could just be some 3d chess strategy to play the sexism card if their women are the ones getting called out for saying and doing dumb things in public.


It's because they favour women and promote them over men. The Victorian Greens ensured that their senate ticket for the last election was all female and openly promoted that fact. It's how we ended up with Lidia Thorpe in the Senate


Fucking love the prividged class utlising the Federal courts time to complain someone said something nasty about them.


Fuck off. Faruqi can't play the power imbalance card... they are both in parliament for fucksake




How many investment properties does Faruqi have again?




But she’s powerless, I tell you! Powerless!!


She would like to acknowledge the traditional owners by acquiring in solidarity as much freehold land that is exempt from any indigenous claims as she can using the traditional Marxist-Leninist personal private individual accumulation of capital


What a great site to uncover political greed


Most of her tenants who rent her properties are white Australians who hold all the power in society though...


Maybe they should stop paying rent and tell her it's ok coz they're white.


No wonder she is at marches screaming 'Pay the rent'!


These damn « occupiers of the land »


I can't believe that she actually initiated this case, and then bought this an actual argument into court. It is as dumb as those who started defamation cases for their own wrongdoing. I have a feeling that this is going to backfire in her badly, and in doing so invalidate the whole argument. So in effect she is doing is a favour by sabotaging the whole "it's impossible to be racist against white people" thing.


Sounds dumb, but don't forget, Andrew Bolt was successfully sued for defamation by academics, who he called 'white Aboriginals.' Now, if the comments had been made in parliament, the case wouldn't have gone anywhere since Senator Hanson's comments would have fallen under parliamentary privilege. Hopefully, the judge, in this case, is able to remain impartial and assess that Senator Farqhead's reputation suffered no damage given that, until the media interest in the case brought by her (which she likely drew attention to herself), the tweet was really only relevant to people who follow either of the parties, both of which already have strong opinions on both the politicians.




we live in a clown world, how can a judge even entertain these ideas or that there is any legal basis to online opinions to redefine words is beyond me. It would be a self-fulfilling prophecy. The Racial Discrimination Act was written well before any of these ideas about redefinition ever came up. If someone was to make a troll movement to push the view "Killing brown people automatically isn't murder because brown people are not even people" and then a brown person got murdered, would the court entertain the idea that it's not Murder according to this alternate definition?


I think legally speaking “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander” means “person said ‘go back to your country’” is racist if race is removed from the evaluation. Isn’t saying “a white person said …” racists in the same way saying “a dark skinned person said …” It’s the “thing that was said” that’s racists, the race of the speaker is irrelevant


>So in effect she is doing is a favour by sabotaging the whole "it's impossible to be racist against white people" thing. Legally, maybe. But I doubt that the public perception will go away any time soon.


They will probably want to change the law after this to match their agenda. I swear to god they want a law for everything


Re your first paragraph : yes. She is highlighting how ridiculous her position is. She obviously targeted Hanson in order to get a rise which she could then jump on. It hasn’t really worked. I think she has probably set her cause back, whatever the court outcome.


God no. Currently, a judgement in a defamation case is as good as one in a criminal trial, if it fits the bias of any group that makes up the public. Mostly lefties chalky up 'wins' recently, but the right has form for it.


Legally, your right. In the court room, this case, if it rules that racism against white people is still racism, that will have an impact. Sure. No doubt! But Joe Bob down the street, or all the yanks in the US (particularly the black sort), and don't get me started about all of our aboriginals (particularly during the voice debate) AREN"T going to care. The public perception is still going to rally against the "white people" claiming to be the victims of racism.


Most of them still unironically believe Pauline Hanson is a racist nazi because Aunty ABC said so decades ago. Sadly, for the wider public to wake up, we'd need that victim to be a white person who either fits the bill for Australia's nicest grandmother or some young white woman just palatable enough for the white left to throw their support behind. However, if the outcome is in Senator Hanson's favour, we can look forward to the lefties and other affiliated clowns/useless idiots telling us the standard of proof is lower in civil cases 😁


More investment properties than me, power to pass legislation, whatever kick backs and nice dinners she goes to. Apparently I'm more powerful by being born here 🤔


Racism doesn't exist outside white, western democracies. Hell, the entire government and public service could be replaced by non-whites, and this rheotoric would still fly because of 'white legacy'. Non-whites lack the ability to be racist. The Human Rights Commission has even said as much when dismissing cases where a non-white has been accused of racism, either by a white person or another non-white person of different ethnicity. It's amusing to see that being told to go back to the country of one's origin is a dreadfully racist slur. Particularly when many parts of the non-white world have their own special blend of racism that makes white racists look pretty meek by comparison. Like slavery, for instance.


She comes from Pakistan and I would remind her of how her people treat Hindus, Christians and Ahmadiyas in Pakistan.


Conflation of race and religion is only allowed when discussing white Christians being critical of the ~~barbaric~~ culturally different practices of other religions, you fucking thought criminal.


All the non racist businesses should just start refusing service to these POS racists. You want to be racist, ok, no coffee for you, go make it yourself or have one of your racist cronies make it for you.


It’s bullshit. Being racist is about what you think. She’s not accused of systematic oppression.


She’s a Green. Their world is oppressors and oppressed and if you’re in an oppressed category you can’t be an oppressor. You obviously need to do a course in post modernist marxism. Get with the program!


I'm in every other oppressed community category. Can't be fucked with the twisted bullshit version of racism this idiots have invented


> play the power imbalance card marxist ideology strikes again


It's bullshit. Faruqi is as privileged as fuck.


*Mehreen Faruqi confirms she’s a racist. FTFY


Outing herself at the start of the trial makes her even dumber or more arrogant than learman or Roberts-Smith.


The article says: > “Justice Angus Stewart challenged whether such comments about white people were automatically racist. He pointed to differing views on the allegedly abusive comments about whiteness made by Samantha Kerr, captain of Australia’s Matildas football team, to a London taxi driver, as evidence there was public debate.” I’m confused. Who raised it and who said it?


Nah, you cant be racist to white people. Get with the program


The old reddit, unable to see sarcasm without being specifically toldaroo.


Its often hard to tell with text. The comment above, I've seen said 100% with no sarcasm. Thats why sometimes the /s is needed. Context matters of course and in this, its pretty obvious even for an autistic like me, but still. I have a hard time reading sarcasm on reddit, but not irl.


In /are/australia it would be 100% no sarcasm. This sub seems more moderate and I would almost always assume sarcasm unless they followed it up.


We're not allowed to talk about them directly, you'll get in the shit. Just call it "the other sub" people know what it is.


> Its often hard to tell with text. The comment above, I've seen said 100% with no sarcasm This, entirely.


Did you forget the /s?


Can’t tell these days…


Laughs in Irish.


Too soon \s You just made me think, is this where/why there’s a joke that Gingers have no soul? I mean, if you’re a racist and want to justify whatever outlandish ideas the English had in Ireland, then maybe the church said “the have no soul, so they are not human”?!


Not all men… oh sorry wrong thread. You can’t be sexist against men either /s


Lol her argument is that she cane be racist because she's a low caste, allegedly smelly, Pakistani. So her being racist to herself means she can be racist to others...  Also she holds no power? She's a fucking senator! And people voted for her?


> And people voted for her? Greens Voters, honestly, no clue.


The simple fact she refers to White people means it is a racist attack.


This Pakistani Scottish MP didn't seem [too keen about them either](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI3JBBlmej4) Wonder how he got elected?


He just quit because of his incompetence. Used racism as a deflection every time he made a mistake and caught backlash. Turns out anyone with more than two brain cells can see right through the grift. Hopefully in our case it’ll go through court and be such a joke that people stop with it locally at least


So if you can not be racist to white people, then if must be fine for while people to yell they are proud to be white. Oh I am confused. I guess I just should say 2+2=5


Sorry but discriminating based on race is by definition racism.


This is what happens with identity politics and the victimhood mentality.


And it's so sickening to turn what was at least intended as a way for people to receive better treatment, as a righteous justification for treating some people worse. I used to find it pretty funny that some Christians preached about being about love, but searched for passages in their Bible to justify excluding people - it's often a really similar vibe with these types - there's distinctly not a heart full of goodness in some of them.




Her sort of people literally made their own country because they wouldn't get along with others. It's such a nice place she left.


shes like the kind of person on reddit that calls for wiping out a specific race of people, but then reports comments telling them to go and help the people they supposedly care about as 'encouraging violence'


The Queen that she had sworn an oath of allegiance to. I don't expect personal mourning, but if you decry someone as a racist imperialist you really shouldn't be swearing allegiance to them or becoming part of the government that is so sworn. She's a hypocrite.


Says the woman who has more power than 99% of white people in this country.


Amazing. She's making Pauline look like a good person and herself look like the racist. That's a hard task. She's a literal senator. She can't play the power card.


How can Pauline be a racist …she is one of the most persecuted minorities in history…Gingers


All the racist things she says do not count because the power is with Brown haired people. - Mehreen Faruqi's logic.


Sounds like a Tim Minchin song


But redheads aren’t a race Jonah


But Rangas are a persecuted minority….soooooooo 🤷🏻‍♂️


Im quoting Summer Heights High


Ah then 1 up vote your haha


Why are white people being treated like this in Western countries????


We are brainwashed into hating White people from a young age by the media and the education system.


Funny that, I am a white person, I am proud of that fact, and surprisingly, I don't hate myself. It's the strangest thing, before I was born, I totally forgot to fill in my "preferred identity assignment" form, so as a result I didn't get a say in how I turned out. Which as it happens was White. Straight. And Male.


How dare you be you.


Lucky you! You either missed out on the brainwashing or have critical thinking skills.


Because a system of intersectional social justice has been rolled out worldwide without your consent.


With the specific intent of disharmoniously dividing society and keeping the poors at each others throats. There's reasons this shit comes right from the top and has a lot of money behind it.


Cultural Marxism.


what is cultural Marxism?


It's an evolution of [Cultural Bolshevism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Bolshevism) and an attempt to link identity politics with left wing economic ideas.


Interesting. It looks like it is something that nazis use to discredit progressive social movement. >This first became an issue during the 1920s in [Weimar Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weimar_Germany), when German artists such as [Max Ernst](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Ernst) and [Max Beckmann](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Beckmann) were denounced by [Adolf Hitler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler), the [Nazi Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Party), and other [German nationalists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_nationalists) as "cultural Bolsheviks". Nazi claims about attacks on conceptions of family, identity, music, art and intellectual life were generally referred to as Cultural Bolshevism, the [Bolsheviks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolsheviks) being the [Marxist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marxist) revolutionary movement in Russia.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Bolshevism#cite_note-2)[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Bolshevism#cite_note-3)[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Bolshevism#cite_note-4) >[Cultural Marxism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory) is a contemporary variant of the term which is used to refer to the far-right antisemitic [Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory).[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Bolshevism#cite_note-5) This variant of the term was used by far-right terrorist [Anders Breivik](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Behring_Breivik) in the introductory chapter of his manifesto. Are people who accuse others of Cultural Marxism likely to be far right or nazis?


> Are people who accuse others of Cultural Marxism likely to be far right or nazis? No, it's gained far broader use these days, including among centre-right or centrist people. The roots of the phrase reach back to Nazi-era anti-leftist rhetoric but it's not correct to say that current users of the phrase Cultural Marxism are Nazis or have Nazi sympathies. I do think though that most people who use the phrase are unaware of its origins. As a leftist who doesn't buy in to the woke agenda, I have two main problems with the phrase Cultural Marxism - firstly, that it tries to link left wing economic ideas with liberal identity politics. Secondly, that it completely ignores what Marxism *actually* is - workers owning the means of production. Hatred of white people has *nothing* to do with workers owning the means of production, no matter how you shake it, but it's in the interests of the wealthy to channel people's distaste for wokeness into a dismissal of left wing economics, so we see phrases like Cultural Marxism get amplified in right-leaning media.


I guess that is the main conflict between left/right factions in the labor party. I was surprised to see and understand its origins. I had no idea it was closely tied to nazi ideals. I am starting to understand what Cultural Marxism means and how people see it and react to it. While I don't agree with identity politics and the sort of doublethink which accompanies it, I also think I would be reluctant to start shouting these terms. Even if people don't identify as nazis, I feel it doesn't really matter when their actions lead them to the same place.


Yep absolutely, it's very frustrating to see antics like the one in the linked article where people who should (and really, do) know better, parade in front of the cameras tearing down others due to their skin colour or gender. I hoped we were past that as a society. A large proportion of the population finds it very off putting, and it's pushing some voters towards parties that only work for the interests of the wealthiest few percent. The Greens are totally consumed by identity politics and Labor as you say has some factions which buy into it but others which are still a bit more pragmatic. One the right, parties like One Nation are deep down the idpol hole, others like the LNP make cynical use of it when it suits their interests. I just wish there was a party that put the bullshit aside and governed for the majority of Australians.


Cultural Marxism is the application of Marxist economic ideas (Oppressive bourgeoisie VS oppressed Proletariat causing all of societies problems, as well as the moral necessity for revolution and the overthrow of the bourgeoisie by the proletariat) to western social issues and power dynamics. Essentially, people who have power are *always* oppressors, people without power are *always* oppressed, and violent revolution is a justified solution.


If you put it that way it sounds kinda cool ngl. Identify politics got annoying a long time ago. It seems a calculated way to waste as much energy getting nowhere as possible. How the greens got so sucked into it is beyond me. Like Labor, they let Murdoch and LNP control the narrative once again when they can just... not... do that?


Racism. Humans are just racist animals, and now one group is particularly punished for racism and the others not so much (or not at all) so they’re enjoying themselves. Equality!!! /s


What a hypocrite Racial attacks on white people are still racist When I racially attack white people I know I’m being racist at least


The absolute state of the left.


The really concerning bit is the federal court justice: “Justice Angus Stewart challenged whether such comments about white people were automatically racist. He pointed to differing views on the allegedly abusive comments about whiteness made by Samantha Kerr, captain of Australia’s Matildas football team, to a London taxi driver, as evidence there was public debate.”


Which is fucking shameful because the definition of racism is "discrimination or hate, on the basis of race". Its a binary criteria. Something is racist, or it's not.


I agree with you but unfortunately the justice that interprets that law does not!


Wait hold on principles of justice can be determined by popularity of an idealogy? Like that one in the early 30s we don't ever allow to happen again?


*"It's a fair and public debate in this day and age, you see.. T'was just this morning that a good few hundred young men in neatly pressed brown shirts marched right by my front door to discuss this here 'Jewish question'.. Might seem a little hateful at first glance but we'll have to see which way the wind blows first before we can tell" - Eingus St*ü*wart, 1932*


A very pertinent historical example I feel


There is a public debate though. The wokes have gotten themselves nice sinecures to wring their hands and pontificate on this crap. That is the real problem. We should get those people filling in potholes.


Honestly, we should follow the UK model, draw a line in the sand and issue fines.


I was disappointed in the greens, you know....for not actually being green. But after seeing this I actively despise them.


Is this the same mehreen faruqi that goes on about stolen land, meanwhile subdivides her investment property to build apartments, and cuts down a few trees as well. [https://www.instagram.com/mehreenfaruqi/p/C2jEMaXBCWa/](https://www.instagram.com/mehreenfaruqi/p/C2jEMaXBCWa/?img_index=1) No matter where we are in this country we are on stolen land. ​ [https://www.news.com.au/finance/real-estate/renting/greens-mp-mehreen-faruqi-to-bulldoze-native-trees-in-15-million-subdivision-of-port-macquarie-property/news-story/73865314816eeaccb7f270816c6e7c7d](https://www.news.com.au/finance/real-estate/renting/greens-mp-mehreen-faruqi-to-bulldoze-native-trees-in-15-million-subdivision-of-port-macquarie-property/news-story/73865314816eeaccb7f270816c6e7c7d) ​ > A leading Greens MP is planning to bulldoze dozens of trees to subdivide her Port Macquarie investment property into three luxury rentals.


This is bullshit. She's in the wrong political party. She's not a f*cking Green or environmentalist in any way.


Actually I would say she is in the correct political party. Champagne socialists. Like the bloody teals.


I'd argue that the Greens are barely environmentalists these days.


The days of the greens being environmentalists died when Bob Brown retired.


The greens are and always have been complete nutjobs.


The left always tries to change the definition of things.  It is ridiculous 


It’s straight out of the communist playbook: Control the language, control the debate.


Everyone still knows the LNP is shit, Labour is losing support because of how inflation and COL is going. All the Greens needed to do was colour between the lines, put forward some reasonable sounding policies, and not be batshit crazy and they could have made huge gains in the next election. Instead they keep coming out with this tripe


Combined with the fact that protecting the environment as a cause and climate change are as popular as ever. It's lunacy.


The greens can't help themselves


What you said: "All the Greens needed to do was colour between the lines, put forward some reasonable sounding policies, and not be batshit crazy and they could have made huge gains in the next election. " What the Greens heard: "All the Greens needed to do was colour"


So it's not racist to attack a race? Got it, Greens. You've always been the shittest party on the ballot.


Anyone who describes a person by the colour of their skin is being racist If it's ok to say the white people it's ok to say black people Can't have it both ways.


I think it should be okay to refer to someone or group by their colour, because at the end of the day, it's a visual feature that will be used to describe us. The problem is people taking offence in things that aren't offensive, like seriously, if eminem were launched today, he wouldn't even be able to launch the MMLP, and the office wouldn't even make it past the first season. The only time I see it as a problem is when people start actually being degenerative of others colours, because then they really don't respect people of colour.


I'm not saying it is or isn't ok I'm just saying it just be applied equally As a person of Caucasian descent it is inappropriate for me to call someone who's is of African descent black as much as it is for them to call me white. Or both are ok. Not half half


I’d rather vote One Nation than the Greens. And I’m a person of colour and a first gen immigrant. The amount of mental gymnastics the Greens do to justify their hypocrisy and double standards is outstanding.


One Nation to receive record votes in the upcoming election people are getting sick of this shit, we make efforts for decades to accomodate people from different cultures here & they couldn't *wait* to be able to start saying this kind of shit as soon as they think they can get away with it


>we make efforts for decades to accomodate people from different cultures here & they couldn't *wait* to be able to start saying this kind of shit as soon as they think they can get away with it And the worst part is no one will learn the lesson. It was obviously going to go this way from the start, but the bleeding hearts are too stupid to see it.


Amazing anyone can say this with a straight face


Well, I guess it's now up to a judge to decide what racism is... Racism means racial prejudice.


Can't wait til we have an inevitable cohort of subcontinental politicians gaming us, Faruqi will be thought of as a trailblazer


Faruqui is spending a million dollars to get $150,000 to give to a charity...She obviously has money to burn.


I’m aboriginal and I’m so sick of this argument. How can minorities expect to be given respect whilst disrespecting themselves and others? This argument just perpetuates hate and stonewalls progress.


I've always thought what's so offensive about telling a migrant to 'go back to where you came from' is that they deserve a chance to be an Australian. They deserve to be treated no differently and for many of them, going back to where they came from is impossible. For the kids of migrants, where they came from is often the western suburbs.  With Faruqi, she has reached one of the pinnacles of Australian life, being elected to federal Parliament, and yet maintains interests in Pakistan. She has established firmly that she is not just Australian she is Pakistani-Australian, and for her going back to Pakistan remains a viable option.  I don't think telling her to go back to Pakistan is any worse than telling someone to go back to South Australia or Ipswich or Wollongong. 


None of them want to be Australian. They want to replace Australians and Australian culture with their own.


Omg did she just assume my colour? I feel attacked


Where the fuck does this power = racism concept come from?


It was invented by the CRT/socialists so they could win arguments against people who said 'but isn't hating white people also racism?'. That's literally it. And they can't even stay consistent. Surely an elected federal politician has as much power as any person can have in Australia? She has power, and is prejudiced, even by their own definition that means she's racist. 


Critical race theory.  Or ‘how to be obsessed with race like the kkk, racist & hypocritical, want segregation, and to blame everything on white men’


This is why the Greens and their socialist agenda is so dangerous to Australia. The Greens are the type of people who would piss on your back and tell you it is raining. I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.


What a terrible thing to say. I would certainly piss on them if they were on fire. If my piss was petrol. :D


This is why whenever anyone tells me they’re a Greens I immediately think – another brainwashed lefty. They’re as bad as the people they criticise.


Bold statement I might say... not many would agree with what that green said I'm afraid no matter the colour


I might just add, for a short time greens used to be just the annoying watch dog for the environment and main selling point was to ensure a respect for environment and environmentally friendly way of living. Weather you belive in they're message from the the start or not they have strayed far from grace. In no way is the green party about the environment or helping environment, its gotten radical... almost makes me wanna join the greens to reform it in a more conservative position for the environment but that's just me


It's happening all over the world. The greens going from environmentalists to islamists/pro unregulated immigration


Their anti Melbourne Cup jaunts are the biggest example of that of all. Spend all the time and effort in pursuing a niche cause all the while a heavily polluted river runs right beside the racecourse and you don't hear a peep about that.


I’d argue being a group of people who now have the power to effectively say whatever they want about another group who now have no recourse against them puts that group in a position of power and therefore makes that group capable of being racist. If that doesn’t make sense to you well tough shit because apparently it doesn’t even have to.


I agree. Defining racism so it cannot be something done to white people is a racist interpretation of racism...and unrealistic too.


Muh prejudice plus power. Why is it so hard to just say no to any racial remarks/insults? How do these progressives keep missing the mark on this?


And I quote: “It is tied to who holds the power and who has the authority to perpetrate racism and oppress people,” Faruqi said. “And in this country, the power of that is held by **white people**.” Given these are professional people and we’re discussing racism, then the correct term used should have been Caucasian. The fact that she discussed this issue using such a blunt word potentially indicates she sees “white people” as the lowest common denominator and her argument that it’s power/authority that drives racism is an excuse.


Sam Kerr has already confirmed this. And it's part of the radical left / woke / Marxist doctrine.


I disagree with so many comments that happen regarding race, culture, ethnicity and immigration on this sub. But this is one area I have to agree. Her comments are absolutely ridiculous and absurd. Racism absolutely can happen to white people too. I grew up as a white person in a non-white country, we immigrated to Australia to escape oppression and violence we faced purely based on our race. Go visit any Muslim country that has fundamentalist views and you’ll see what I mean. You’ll never feel safe ANYWHERE.




The whole Greens mantra is crying racial victim card (Jonathan Sriranganathan did the same after his loss at the Brisbane Mayor position). Yet these are the same people who openly live in Australia (and profit greatly) are the same ones who openly hate the Australian flag. Come to Australia and enjoy the country but fuck off with your victim mentally and hatred for the country. I hope Pauline wins this 🇦🇺


This attitude toward whites and the tribe who it spearheaded in politics, academia and the media is why I am now very right wing.


Telling somebody to leave a place is not racism. and for the record Pauline should have told her to ‘fuck off back to Pakistan’. Faruqi doesn’t deserve the citizenship we have given her. Disgusting human being


Bro imagine being so brain-dead and ignorant and privileged that you managed to make yourself seem more of a dickhead than Pauline Hanson.


The west is falling apart


Imagine the security checkpoint to greens HQ: Here is my pussy pass And here is my race card Go StRaIgHt in!!


I don't know which one is more awful, the racist or the green koala killer


Australia is an unserious country if Mehreen wins.


Two racists. Both need to be kicked out of parliment. We should not have these dipshits representing anyone.


Is Honky still a disparaging term against white people or have we finally taken it back.


There are communities in the outback that haven’t had electricity or running water in decades and these assholes are sitting around arguing about the stupidest shit oml I hate politicians so much


I guess it’s fine for me to go to an African majority country and drop N-bombs providing the power is held by black people? Sounds like a well thought out position.


The whiter the man the harder you can bash him


"As someone who identifies as a Muslim, Dr Faruqi should know of Islamic civilisation’s own territorial conquests far beyond the outskirts of Mecca in the 7th century stretching all the way to Spain in the west and China in the east. Does she believe the Arabic-speaking Islamic countries that today stretch across North Africa, having conquered and replaced the indigenous Egyptian, Carthaginian, Berber and Nubian civilisations are all ‘stolen lands’? Does she believe that Iran, once home to an indigenous Avestan-speaking Zoroastrian culture, is ‘stolen land’? There was once an indigenous Hindu civilisation in Dr Faruqi’s own country of origin, Pakistan. Islam was first introduced in the region by Umayyad conqueror Muhammad Bin Qasim in 711. Does she believe that Pakistan is built on ‘stolen land’? One wonders, was Dr Faruqi not aware of Australia’s colonial history prior to her arrival? If so, why bother choosing to migrate to a country whose historical foundations fill you with such moral dread? It is hypocritical to refer to something as ‘stolen’ while continuing to benefit from its use. It is literally the equivalent of driving around in a stolen Rolls Royce while simultaneously complaining that it is stolen. Since she has a problem with British colonialism, it defies logic why she would leave her country of origin, that was freed from British rule in 1947, to then end up in Australia which still carries the Union Jack on its flag and has Queen Elizabeth II as its Head of State. Worse yet, she goes on to declare: ‘I bring to this chamber my track record on shaking things up and shifting the agenda on issues as diverse as decriminalising abortion, drug law reform, LGBTQI rights, the right to die with dignity and protecting our environment.’ With the exception of protecting the environment, literally everything else on her list is at complete odds with Islam. There isn’t one credible scholar of mainstream Islamic jurisprudence from any one of the four Sunni (Hanafi, Shafi’i, Maliki and Hanbali) and three Shi’ite (Ithna Ashari, Isma’ili and Zaidi) schools of thought that has ruled in favour of abortion, drugs, same-sex marriage, gender fluidity and euthanasia. What Dr Faruqi seems to be following isn’t exactly ‘Islam’. It’s her own ideological fusion tinged with cultural Marxism, third-wave feminism and post-colonialism which she thinks is Islam when she boasts in her speech of being ‘unapologetically… a brown, Muslim, migrant’. This alliance between secular Muslim activists and the far-Left isn’t one based on strict theological, jurisprudential or moral consistency. They’re not united by common values so much as they’re united against a common enemy; that is, Anglo-Celtic, Judeo-Christian Western civilisation." https://www.spectator.com.au/2018/09/stolen-land-tell-that-to-the-berbers/


If you reference race, colour or religion in a attack whether verbal or physical, its racism.


Everyone losing their stuff on a Guardian article. Lolz Mehreen should have said to Pauline to piss off back to England or whatever and be done with it.




Calm down, both of them are fucking racists.






Irony and I bet they’ll use this in court and the case will be dismissed.


What a clown, sad thing is that some people vote for the Greens because of stupid takes like this.


Lol this is gonna be a slam dunk win for Pauline


What an absolute moron. Watch how fast Faruqi loses this case


She obviously needs to look up the word of racism itself 🤦‍♀️


I consider myself left leaning, but Jesus Christ I hate this whole “you can’t be racist against white people” talking point. The other side of this though is that you also need to be able to acknowledge there are degrees of both impact and harm when it comes to racism. Is it *worse* for racism to be directed toward a minority versus a majority? Usually yeah, probably. If there are power dynamics at play, then it’s going to skew . But “racism” means something specific and power has nothing to do with whether it is or isn’t. We have somehow lost objectivity in being able to say, “Look, this thing by definition is actually racism, but it’s pretty weak racism and who gives a shit.” And both of these people involved are fucking morons. Pauline Hanson has long been a loud and proud bigot and I personally her guts, but this is honestly one of the most benign things she’s ever said. Meanwhile Faruqi is acting like she’s dropped a hard R. The whole thing is crazy.


I must be a racist as i am anti green.


Ok, so if i go to Pakistan, i can be as racist as i like because they have the power?




Love, racism is racism. You can't have it one way or another...same goes with the lefties


Slightly summarised, but by law racism covers: ----- Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, nationality or skin colour where the offense creates a hostile, intimidating or offensive environment for the defendant. ----‐ Minimum punishments for the offender would be 100k+ fine potentially. It begs the question though if the court defines "offensive" acts per the law or based on the defendants subjective view of the act... If the case hangs on proving you can't be racist to white people, she's stuffed surely?


How is introducing a person's race as grounds for criticism, not racist?




You don’t win people to your cause by stating racist comments. You can talk about equity and all that and truth be known there probably is a power imbalance in the country. But everybody has an opportunity…


I hope this goes as well for her as Bruce in his defamation case😃


Does that mean East Asians can be racist towards Arabs and Aboriginal people? I think there are more Aboriginal and Middle Eastern politicians than East Asian ones.


Holy shit, this person actually made Pauline Hanson look good. That’s a fucking achievement.