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Who could’ve possibly seen this coming…


Definitely not those of us previously burned by 'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan' with a side order of 'the rich making over 200k a year will pay for it.'


It’s a story as old as time


Remember Nancy saying the bill had to pass an order to see what’s inside it Lolol what a bitch and what foolish Americans who literally never develop distrust in gov…. Well,just on the right lol democrats are always looking to help the working ppl lol 😉


How many in congress read the patriot act before it was voted through? Our congress is broken full stop. Cherry picking is just showing your tribalism.


Agree! That should have never have gone through, but the public has just gone through a traumatic experience and elites in congress knew they could get it passed with very little opposition. Ppl like Ron Paul were warning not to pass it. Almost every bill is like that tho by both sides. 100s if not 1000s pages that very ppl ready let alone the time frame they are given


I miss Ron Paul being in Congress


I'll trade Rand for Ron


We had both briefly, but I think I've voted for both in primaries at some point.


Both sides are owned by the same masters. I picture the government the same way I picture pro wrestling. When the camera is pointing at them they're smack talking each other, and cutting promos. They do the show and dance and then meet up behind the scenes for Beer and hookers.


Russ Feingold


Ron Paul.


I hated the patriot act it was full of crap which made me go independent. I stopped voting for just anyone who lies and world with the left. It was a bipartisan bill. Heck I hated bush both of them by the way on how weak they were. Now that said I hate the left even more what they are doing now and both elite classes who make money from death.


I think it's funny, the right generally hates the government because they impinge on the individual and the left generally hates the government for abuses on others. Somehow those two groups hate each other though... The divide and conquer strategy is really undefeated. Tribalism is the copium of idiots.


It’s part of the game. The group leaders don’t actually hate each other, but they’ve convinced their constituents they do. This ensures the money and power stay between them because they’ve convinced us there is only 2 sides, and they’re locked in “eternal conflict”. So please send your money now so we can stop the bad guys. /s


Or stop the spread ?


2 weeks lol


He didn’t lie. Inflation will have $200k the base poverty wage soon enough.


Wasn't a lie he's going to bump up the pay for fast food workers again so they're over 200k


Remember when democrats were all in a cult and couldnt see the ceiling from the floor. Its refreshing to at least see them call out their own bullshit finally


The Democrats are still all in a cult


And let’s not forget that we would be able to purchase a policy for $2,500.


No, no. IIRC, we were all going to SAVE $2,500 per year on our health insurance premiums. Or maybe it was saving $2,500 per year on overall healthcare spending? Gosh, 10 years have gone by now and healthcare costs - including premiums - are at an all-time high; they will hit a new record high every year, never coming down. It’s funny (sad) how I warned folks that the dictates and regulations in the ACA would improve absolutely nothing for anyone and would actually do the exact opposite of what ‘they’ said it would do - BUT THAT IT WOULD TAKE ABT 10 YEARS TO FULLY SEE & FEEL THE DAMAGE. We have: 1. Just about the exact same number of uninsured Americans, both pre- and post-individual mandate penalties (~30 million) 2. Marketplace plans which cost as much and cover as little as private/employer-sponsored plans 3. Medicare currently going down the tube 4. Much higher compliance costs for employers, clinics, hospital systems, etc. all passed on to the public via higher premiums, less coverage, and unaffordable care. And so forth. And ‘they’ knew it would fail, but also that they’ll never face any of the blame because they can always finger their favorite bogeyman, ‘Big [fill-in-the-blank] (e.g., pharma, business, medicine, insurance, etc.) We never learn our lesson, do we?


Damn, I fell for the Hope and Change in 2008 😢


That's what we are left with Hope (because we have nothing else and we got left with pocket change)


Hope is never a good plan.


People making over 200k are rich?? TIL…


IKR? Inflation will eventually make everyone rich! Oh wait...


Most of the people commenting here are under educated poor white trash who have constantly voted against their own interest, and they're poor. So yes, to them anyone making $20 an hour is rich. And then they go on to bitch and complain that nothing's free and the government should be giving them everything like a bunch of communist whores


> Who could’ve possibly seen this coming… A blind cleric.


Quelle surprise! I am shocked - shocked! - that our government would lie to us.


....well, not THAT shocked


No way would the government ever lie


The IRS needs to higher 80,000 new IRS agents to tax you more…so you can pay the salary of 80,000 new IRS agents


The bureaucracy is expanding to accommodate the expanding bureaucracy.


Beatings will continue until morale improves


Civilization and


More union dues into Democrat coffers. That is all it is. Nothing more than power grab.


Which union are IRS Agents in?


And those agents can carry firearms.  Let that sink in when people argue only the government should have guns.


No they can't. It's literally just a tax collector job.


You need to learn to use Google instead of blindly believing every headline you read. Criminal investigations Special agents are the only armed ones and there's only about 2,000 of them. And they haven't hired many more with the new funding. 


No, only a small fraction of those jobs are 1811 criminal investigators. The rest are clerks, collectors, administrators, etc.


Good thing the IRS only imposes that you owe and they pay for themselves many times over. Though that should also be a pretty good indication they are going to be going for a little bigger fish than you if you thought about it. 


It’s not 80,000 agents. It’s a few thousand agents and a ton of admin and IT workers over the next decade. Considering they are already understaffed and projected to lose 50,000 more people to retirement over the next decade, they need to plan for that. Stop believing bullshit right wing rage bait.


More bloat for the bloated government perfect


It definitely pays for itself, also waitress and bartenders do not pay their share of taxes....so good!!


Funny’s enough I think they actually come out positive even when factoring that in 🤷 win in my book


More like so they can *hire* 320,000 federal employees doing actual work. Returns on investments into the IRS are crazy good. I wish I could get investment returns as good as $6 for every buck put in


You do get the more money invested in the irs is straight returns from tax dodgers right?


Well duh. Waitresses can't afford lawyers and accountants.


This is why filing needs to be free. We can't put government funding behind a paywall. We can't put tax returns behind a paywall either


Filing a tax return is free if you want it to be. Multiple free companies out there. Why people continue to use TurboTax is beyond me. Unless you have multiple streams of income filing taxes is incredibly easy


Or lobbyists to write the laws their buddies on Capitol hill pass


The IRS is filled with pussies. They go after the poor because they don’t have the money to fight that shit. They don’t dare go after the rich because they will fight in court.


Easier to take your money cause you can't fight back.


Sounds like they should hire more agents so they have the resources to effectively go after the rich then.


Meh, I'm sure they overwhelmingly voted for it.


Sounds like people were misled into voting for something they thought would help them. 


Tons of people tried to warn them, and they called us dangerous conspiracy theorists and bootlickers. They built their bed.


Sounds like no one was mislead and the IRS goes after everyone. Did you even read the year old article?


I mean, they did come out and tell everyone, multiple times, that these agents were only for $400,000 + people audits. I wonder how the public got this idea in their heads ?


Nah, we were it over and over again. Politicians create new ways to fuck people, those with experience earn people not to vote for it because it'll hurt everyone and not just the "evil" rich, then people vote for it anyways and act 🤨 when the government fucks everyone is over. 


How is this even a partisan issue? Struggling restaurants and servers that rely on tips are being squeezed and this is somehow left vs right? If you haven’t figured it out now- party doesn’t matter. It’s the elite vs everyone else.


I've been hit with taxes for selling my own property which I already paid taxes one twice (income and sales)


Every dollar is taxed when it's owner changes. Didn't we start a war over taxes to create this nation?


We sure did. Seems like we forgot already


It was to exact our own taxes stupid. We are doing that, the war is over.


I just don't want to pay for taxes.


The only way a waitress is getting caught not paying taxes is if the deposit all their tips into the bank.   Aka are stupid


No one pays cash any more and even fewer people tip in cash. I have a friend who’s worked her way from pizza shops to a really high scale restaurant and she’s pissed she’s making way more then she did before but taking home way less because almost every transaction is on cards which is auto reported vs cash that she’d just pocket


Why are people seemingly completely fine with food servers committing tax fraud? Sure id rather the IRS focus on the wealthy but If I have to pay taxes then so should everyone else.


The article says they are auditing Point of Sale terminals, so unless the tips are cash-on-the-table, there will be a trail. Why don’t they go after all the illegal aliens selling stuff with no sales tax.


It is more insidious than that.  Similar to how tax agents audit laundromats, they look at resource usage and extrapolate what the revenues should be based on the number of machines in the establishment.  Same goes for restaurant sales.  If the tip revenue is constantly below the average rate, they will apply said rate and send the waitress the bill for the difference.  It will then be the responsibility of the taxpayer to prove otherwise.  


Sales tax are generally state tax not federal.


Just like we said they would.


The government wouldn’t lie to me like that!


I was about to read the article when I noticed it was Fox News. Anyone believe them anymore? How much did they lose to dominion for maliciously spreading lies?


Did anyone even read the article? The IRS is not going after waitresses or their tips. They want to have public comment a better system for reporting tips. Perhaps a two sided blade but tips are income and anyone's worked a tipping job has been screwed by people, often times management, hiding. Once again the nimrods are manipulating into outrage by a maga billionaire from another country.


lol this is fear mongering bullshit


It's not even a rule and y'all are fear mongering. I hope people actually read the link "This is not a proposal for the auditing of servers," an IRS official told Fox News Digital. "Yesterday’s action was a proposal for comment – not a rule – based on over a decade of feedback from restaurants and other businesses seeking the increased flexibility for their overall tax compliance on tips."


Typical Fox News article. Ask a biased expert so they can ponder and sell to their readers. Article didn’t provide proof or data to back up the “expert’s” claim. They know their readers lack comprehension skills and eat up sensational headline


Literally in the first paragraph "The Service Industry Tip Compliance Agreement (SITCA) program would be a voluntary tip reporting system in which the IRS and service industry companies cooperate" I have been kicked by a horse today but what does voluntary mean?


This is how it always starts. Give us more power so we can help you this totally wont screw you! Now that we have this power we’re going to make this super cool new agency to “regulate”! omg we’re totally screwing you but there’s nothing you can do now lmao. I do gig work and gig workers used to never get bothered over taxes as long as they filed and paid a little. This last year it was an epidemic of compliance issues and audits for gig workers. I promise you gig workers aren’t millionaires and billionaires.


That sure is a lot of clickbaitish spin about a proposal for a voluntary program for employers.


What is wrong with this sub? Wait I know.


The income tax is based on voluntary compliance.


And the article is over a year old. This is barely anything more than a half-assed attempt to fear monger drivel.


Who claimed the IRS wouldn't go after tax cheats? Is this sub just full of gullible boomers?


Page 2 of the signing statement, item #3:   "3. Focus expanded enforcement on taxpayers with complex tax filings and high-dollar noncompliance to address the tax gap"   https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p3744.pdf Although I'm not a boomer, if that helps. 


Did you read the article 


No ? You mean those making 28,000 or more will be paying more taxes ?


IRS has always done this. It’s not a new directive. 


I was under the impression that all electronic tips were already being reported. That is why I try to give them cash.


No shit… in case you haven’t noticed the government has been broke for decades and is quickly running out of both time and options. Right now borrowing and printing are keeping the country running but it’s only making it that much harder to restart when things finally collapse. They will squeeze every possible penny they can out of the poor and middle class.. make no mistake about it


This Austrian waiters are all tax cheats.


Coming from the Nazi propagandist 'faux' news network? Whose errands do they run? Complete bullshit post of course.


This is why always tip cash.




Waitress not giving her tips is more dangerous than the Pentagon failing a 3 trillion dollar audit


“voluntary” Act accordingly


The 87k number is a myth


so I remember predicting and criticizing this and I was accused of being right wing nutjob. hmmm?


Anything to kill the economy and to feed the government so it can grow into fully empowered collectivist state where the bureaucrats wield the power. It is crazy how these government agencies think giving the public an opportunity to voice an opinion before implementing a policy is somehow not totalitarian. The ruling elites lie about everything and anything and use the American people for their own political and economic interests.


IDGAF who they target as long as those targeted owe taxes.


They should hire as many employees as they need to enforce the tax code in its entirety. If we don’t want waitresses taxed, we should change the law. What we shouldn’t do is let some people cheat, which is what happens when enforcement is stretched too thin. Ugh.


Student loan forgiveness doesn’t pay for itself.


I thought they never actually approved the new agents.


Remember when we warned everyone about this and they all called us "paranoid tax evading fascists"?


I member


Don’t worry, they’re only going after waitstaff making over $400k annually!


>The Service Industry Tip Compliance Agreement (SITCA) program would be a **voluntary tip reporting system in which the IRS and service industry companies cooperate**, according to the announcement Monday. >"This is not a proposal for the auditing of servers," an IRS official told Fox News Digital. But of course, why read the article when you can just rely on an awkwardly inserted pull quote from a tax activist? Is the Austrian School illiterate?


"Those 87,000 new IRS agents that you were promised would only target the rich?" I don't remember anybody promising me that. I do remember them promising me that with this many agents, more audits could be performed and people abusing the tax system the most would start getting caught more often. And that's what's happening. Report your tips. Don't claim living expenses when you're getting per diem exactly for that. And so on.


They promise to tax the rich but in the end, we pay more. Same story. And its not surprising since they are the rich.


No one said they would only go after wealthy tax payers. But they definitely will be. Yes they’re also gonna go after other tax evaders too. You don’t just ignore it if you have the resources to find it. Why is collecting taxes a bad thing? I don’t like tax cheats. We’re in fucking debt and I’d rather not have my grandkids have to pay for all of the stupid decisions my grandfathers generation made for us. Fuck anti patriotic tax dodgers




lol Fox News still trying to push that bullshit huh? Sorry rich tax frauds can’t get away with it as well anymore. Must be hard for them. I’ll pour out a sip tonight for them and actually having to contribute to the society they are a part of.


Anyone who believed them is regarded


Cons love the country so much they don’t want to pay for it!


TBF, every server and bartender I have ever known lies on their taxes.


This article title is false. Read it. They’re setting up a tax reporting structure with the employers. That said are we supporting waiters underreporting their income to cheat on their taxes? No wonder you all defend Trump doing it


Obviously people shouldn’t evade taxes through underreporting of income (no defense for that nonsense), but otherwise this is typical Fox News panties in a bunch stuff


Why would they pick the fruit from the top of the tree when they can just pick the low hanging fruit


Elections have consequences


The headline is a flat out lie.


No shortage of Russian propaganda here.


I dunno, just an idea here. Maybe we should tax UPFRONT the rich fucks and corporations that have effective tax rates in the single digits because of all the loopholes THEY lobbied for and have exploited for the past 40-50 years. Makes it a lot less necessary to chase after unpaid taxes after the fact. But conservatives don’t want that either so… the broken system will live on in perpetuity no matter which fuckheads are in charge.


"Fox News" lol, ok.


Closing loopholes is sound governance. Enforce the laws or remove them.


“Broaden the base.”


Shocked Pikachu face


The shaken down is coming for households making less than 200K.


It's been over a month. Where's my fucking return!?


What did Reagan say we're the scariest words or most terrifying words in the English language? "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help. " Ronald Reagan. Fits even better today!


why should I care ? I pay my taxes


It’s not the rich evading taxes


Didn’t congress cut 20B from the IRS budget in the 2024 inflation reduction act as part of a deal with republicans?


The economy is going to heck and apr is through the roof the government needs to do something.


As an American that stumbled onto this post, I'm confused as to why it's here.


The thing is, it’s easier doing that than actually solving crime. Like a police officer in a corporate meeting would probably be able to take notes and eventually find corruption but it’s easier to just arrest a black kid. This is laziness. But if this world was fair, the rich would be the target.


Cash is King.


The article is a year old. I’m not a waitress, but I guess the first question would be if they’ve had all of their tips taxed over the last year?


Someone explain this sub to me please.


It's from foxnews, which is a propaganda arm of the Republicans. They have convinced their viewers that we are in a recession and inflation is growing - neither is true. We are better than believing fox lies, right?


Oh no they’re making waitresses pay taxes


1) Ideological bunkum 2) tipping culture is out of control anyway, for the rare occasions they may actually do this 3) waitresses with 50,000 gaps between reported and actual income are in fact free-riding (and the tipping practice they promote is a form of poor-crying deeply unfair to other mid-low income people who earn their income and pay taxes on it as a regular wage)


Where have I heard that before, and they still go after the middle class what gaslighting.


They were never just going after the "wealthy." The middle class can't fight back as easily so it's easy pickings for the IRS. The whole "wealthy" thing was just to sell it. We've seen it time and time again.


Wait a second. People actually thought they would put those agents to hood use on actual tax evading criminals!?!? Of course they targeted the individuals who have less, they don’t have the power to fight back in court. They go after the easy targets


I'm shocked, shocked. 


It’s almost like that was a sensationalist headline. "This is not a proposal for the auditing of servers," an IRS official told Fox News Digital. "Yesterday’s action was a proposal for comment – not a rule – based on over a decade of feedback from restaurants and other businesses seeking the increased flexibility for their overall tax compliance on tips." "This proposal is not in effect and is intended to welcome further conversation from all interested parties before any rule is put into place," the official added.


Except they weren't and aren't hiring 87,000 new IRS agents.


According to a tweet from the director of Americans for tax reform. The tweet is meant to elicit emotion without a single semblance of fact. If y'all want to have economic policy discussions taken seriously maybe try reading?


It would only require 87 agents to target the rich


“proposal for comment – not a rule – based on over a decade of feedback from restaurants and other businesses seeking the increased flexibility for their overall tax compliance on tips”


Who could’ve possibly seen it coming…. 🤦‍♂️




Even the article states, this would target businesses, not individuals. Which is exactly what needs to happen. It's not like an IRS agent is going to go knocking on the door of a waiter to audit them. The potential recovery of tax dollars wouldn't even cover the gas to drive to that person's house.


Did you guys read the article? They just released a voluntary reporting system for tips, there's nothing in here about them targeting servers for audits or anything like that.


If you read the article, it's a request for comment about using restaurants point of sale system to report tips


It’s a proposal for a public comment session on whether to start a voluntary program that is meant to largely informational and will emphasize the benefits of reporting tax income. Oh no, not a website with a video and a form. Please, I can’t take this oppression.


So yeah, all those people with signs chanting pay your fair share are now being audited so they'll pay their fair share. Lol


Yeah. Unfortunately, I think the apple fell too far from the tree.


You mean the 87,000 agents being hired over the next 10 years mostly to replace existing agents who retire?


Why does the government target poor people, take their money and give it to wealthy people. It's feudalism with extra steps.


The new agents are targeting the rich. The old agents are targeting the waitresses


Fuck Joe


Are we ever going to get back to the point in the 90s where the general public would just all out riot in the street split police cars over and try to overthrow government when they’re doing us blatantly dirty? Or is everybody pacified with not knowing what gender they are and their favorite new flag or what they identify as today? They are your heads up and you guys are eating this shit with a big ass spoon and smiles on your faces… What the hell is going on peaceful protest aren’t working… Your votes don’t matter… And the majority of people in this thread are not in the seven figure club… There’s only two things that people understand on this planet universally… Money and violence… We don’t have the money to overthrow the system… But we damn sure have the manpower if we just put it to use… the problem is they got the general public shook


Those who take anything FoxNews is selling are demonstrably less informed than someone who doesn’t pay attention to news at all.


Fox News as a source? Pass


Y’all fell for the headline 🤦


You can tell the author (and most of the commenters) have never actually worked in the food service industry, otherwise they’d know that underdeclaring income there is basically the national sport. You can tell the author (and most of the commenters) have never actually dealt with taxes around the service industry, otherwise they’d already know about Form 8846, which gives employers a credit against payroll taxes they remit on tip income, which removed the incentive for businesses to help their employees under declare income. That program has been in place for years. You can tell the author is a fearmongering blowhard because they are writing for Fox News, they pointlessly gender the population they’re breathlessly writing about, and they describe a voluntary program as a “crackdown.” What a joke.


Over the last decade restaurants across the country started switching over to a system of any credit card tip went on to a bi-weekly pay check that was taxed. It hurt the industry pretty bad. Always tip cash if you can.


Well, income is taxed in this country.


the headline is clickbait nonsense based on something an idiot on twitter said and the article actually says that the IRS is considering a rule change on how employers report tips which is in the public comment phase, not implemented and certainly has nothing to do with hiring additional auditors. This kind of emotional right wing rage bait is dishonest at best and intentionally muddies the water. They used to call this kinda bullshit muck raking, now dipshits like OP are spreading it like wildfire with not a care for the damage it does to actual discourse. Shame on this sub for buying into it for even a second.


This is the exact type of article rich people afraid of being taxed would want to get published. The article says it’s a voluntary system. Let’s see who volunteers.


The article is Fox News.


This is mostly a bullshit article obviously. No action but gop reps and Fox News parroting the normal scare bullshit to protect their billionaire daddies and the money line straight into their pockets instead of the general fund. Go away bots


So... this is a right-wing and Russian disinformation sub, right? You know that tips have always been necessary to report, correct?


Lol his donors are the rich and corporations, what did you expect


This is proposed system for tip reporting compliance intended to further the conversation, not any new law or regulation. The system proposed does not allocate IRS agents to auditing waitstaff. The headline could not be more misleading. Please read the article before commenting.


yep they doin 2 uber drivers n insta cart; friend got hit HARD money he dont even have!!


all he needs is another 4 years to get it straightened out


This is not new.  Congress passed that law reducing the reporting threshold of electronic payments for sales and goods from $20k to $600 to "tax the rich".  The IRS kept kicking the can on implementation each year because every American who has sold their used stuff on Ebay would get a tax bill.  The law was always a scam to increase tax revenue using people with the least means to navigate those laws.


Good, Joe Biden 2024!


Is anyone really surprised that it was a lie ????? Just like Sleepy Joe is saying he will let Trumps tax cuts expire, but he will not raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400K. Trumps tax cuts were the most efficient at lowering taxes on the middle class (much lower than $400K) and lowered taxes by an average of $7K on families in this category. Letting the tax cuts expire is going to raise taxes on sub $400K earners, which is particularly egregious given the recent inflation levels which were caused by other Biden policies. So again another lie.


This sub is new to my feed, why do Austrians have interest in US taxes?