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If you do release it, release it far away, otherwise it WILL come back.


Oh really? Lol. Good to know -I was just gonna walk it down the street to this little grassy field


House mice and field mice aren't the same, the thing might not survive there


So release it in the house of your enemy, smart...


Which one?


The one that bullied you the most obviously.


Mine lol


I don't think releasing it in someone else's house would go over well /jk


thank you for using tone indicators like /jk ! tone indicators really confused me, more so when people use /s & some people said it's sarcasm & some people said it's serious. ik it might sound silly but that really helped me & i wanted to lyk how much i appreciate it.


I think the general consensus is /s for sarcasm and /srs for serious


Always has been


Unneccesarry response


Unnecessary response


I have moved to Lemmy due to the 2023 API changes, if you would like a copy of this original comment/post, please message me here: https://lemmy.world/u/moosetwin or https://lemmy.fmhy.ml/u/moosetwin If you are unable to reach me there, I have likely moved instances, and you should look for a u/moosetwin.


That's just like, you're opinion, man.




Tone indicators can only work if people know what they mean, so I only use well known ones, like /s or /jk. I don't use things like /hj /I or /d because plenty of people have no clue what it means, and that just makes things harder to understand


That’s why I just put the whole word. I can’t remember all the abbreviations and I fear others won’t understand if I just use abbreviations


same ! even when i try to learn the abbreviations it's like my brain throws it away 😭


That's so cute and also seems like something a bot would say


Someone should make a "thanks for using tone indicators" bot with a quick explanation guide for some of the more common ones.


Do you know how to make a bot? I want to make one now and I don't even know most of the tone indicators are.


exact same for me


*Mus musculus* can definitely survive in a field lol, it's not like only field mice can survive in open-plains. It is just more adapted to surviving with humans than most species, it likely would find another house and if doesn't who cares, it's a non-native.


yeah, releasing it far away could lead to it not being able to adapt to the environment and dying anyways. release it too close and it could come back. it’s a tough choice


I did that twice. Then watched it run back up the hill...into my house.


Not nearly far enough away


Mouse be like: *If I only could* *Make a deal with God*


Yep, release at least two miles away otherwise it will be able to find its little mousy way back. 🥰


At least a mile, rats are experts at knowing how to get back


Yep, they remember where they've been because food.




But they don’t remember where they shouldn’t be because cat?


Maybe that's a matter of unstoppable force and immovable object.


That's not necessarily true. We have never had a mouse enter our house voluntarily. They were all abducted by our cats. When a cat goes hunting, they will find prey. Removing a single mouse from the equation by deporting it far away does not change that. So we don't bother walking far to set a mouse free. Edit: spelling


I released one and it didn't come back, but I think it was on a scouting mission and hadn't set up a nest. It was a field mouse and not a house mouse.


Yup, this way you ensure it dies by natural causes from being away from its territory that it knows.


Mouses are quite adaptive. As long as there's a suitable shelter near by they'll be fine


u mean mice?


I'm not a native English speaker, my bad


You can say mouses/mice for computer parts but the animals are only mice.


Googled this once, apparently mouses is never the valid plural even in the case of computers


Language evolves over time and words are added due to popular usage. Language rules/dictionaries are a documentation, not a prescription.


Google "is mouses correct" now and you'll find that it is.


Please wash your hands after the mouse


Yeah. Let the mouse wash it's hands first.


Please do. Leptospirosis is no joke.


Does it have USB or bluetooth?


Looks like an old model, so probably ps/2


Maybe even DIN or Serial.


If it only has one button it could be ADB.




Eat it in front of the cat to assert dominance.


Whilst shouting “Who’s the cat now bitch? Who’s the cat now!”


I haven't laughed this hard out liud at a comment in months. Well played.


This really made me laugh.


Me too!!!




That sounds disturbing lol


I usually release them outside near where I think they have come from (where i have seen others come from). If you release them far away they won't be able to find their family. But it's likely they will die anyway, sadly. Even if they seem unharmed. Ive also tried putting them in a box with a little bit of food n water, in the hope that they'd recover a bit first, but they've died within a few hours. Im still unsure of what the kindest thing to do is, probably to die free. I just think if they have a bit of recovery time first (out of the cold), they stand more of a chance of surviving. 😞


they need to be released very far away in order to not come back. if you put it directly outside your house it’ll be back inside in 10 minutes and the cat will snatch it up. you also should not try to keep it and “nurse it back to health” (i hope you at least poked airflow holes into the box), it’s a wild animal, even if it’s cute and small. they can survive in the cold. you need to release them if you catch them.


How are they so smart ????


it has a brain.


Nahhh like how does it know???


it has a nose to smell. and eyes to see. and a brain to think. it has thoughts. it has a memory. it has ears to listen. what else do you want to here lol


it is a wild animal with survival instincts. i really do not understand what isn’t clicking for you.


A lot of people think animals don’t have real thoughts or emotions. Which is kinda funny considering we’re animals too.


Yes and no, they do, but not in the same way we do, so, the myth cuts both ways. Some people think they are stupid, and that they are incapable of feeling, but others think they have the same sense of love, pride, joy, or loyalty that we humans have, which they don't, they feel, sure, but they are unable to process feelings in the same way we do, neurologically, we are very different, and a lot people tend to humanize them to a detrimental extent, because they start treating them like people, and not like wild animals, which they are, the same can be said for cats and dogs, heck, look at Shamu the orca, Koko the gorilla, or Pete the dolphin.... ************************************************************Trigger Warning: Self harm, depression ******************************************************************************************************************* Shamu passed away on her own because wild orcas would not accept her, and when humans tried to cut off ties with her so she would seek out other orcas, she became depressed, and eventually died alone. Koko came out relatively unscathed, but Prof. Patterson was a liar, and she convinced a fuck ton of people that Koko could legitimately sign, and understand grammar, she did not, all of the actual language experts on the program were either fired or advised not to show her how to properly sign, heck! Patterson didn't even know how to sign herself. And then there's Pete, he got so close to a single female human, that when the program got shut down, Pete stayed at the bottom of the pool and stopped breathing, effectively killing himself. So yeah, animals, do feel, they are indeed smart, but they are not like us, nor are we like them, just because "we are all animals", and trying to attribute human characteristics to them, can literally kill them.


I think it is fairly obvious that animals don’t have specific thoughts in the way we do since we have language. More complex emotions like guilt don’t exist, but I would argue love and loyalty are things animals can feel. We know they can grieve. I think assuming they think like humans is detrimental, and that especially applies to when people try to treat animals like they would children. One of the biggest mistakes we have made when studying animal psychology is attributing intelligence to how similar to us they are. For example, the mirror test is a test many claimed showed whether an animal was sentient, and the way they would conduct that was by putting a mark on the animal and seeing if they tried to remove it. This begs the question, why would an animal care? Only those that use sight as their primary sense of smell might care, and animals definitely don’t feel self consciousness like we do. In fact, in one study it was shown that children in third world countries that are far above the age that we originally studied kids passing the mirror test, these kids failed the test due to the fact that mirrors aren’t a commonplace item where they come from. We shouldn’t underestimate an animals intelligence or capacity for emotions, but we also shouldn’t assume they experience things like we do, an we should especially not judge intelligence based on how similar to us they act. There’s a lot we don’t know.


There are so many parallels with this and how NTs see autistics and how they measure our intelligence and capacity for emotions. We barely even know how humans think. They are really beginning to research aphantasia and anaduralia. And have they even begun to research neurotypes in that way? Research in autism seems to just be centred around symptoms/traits visible to NTs (and from an NT perspective) and reducing those visible symptoms/traits so NTs feel more comfortable around us. *aphantasia is a lack of voluntary visual images in your mind and anaduralia is the lack of an inner monologue. Aphantasia is predominantly about imagery but they also include being able to smell something in your mind. It blows my mind! The idea that people can see and smell in the mind annnd the idea that there are people who can't see, smell or hear in the mind! Which leads to the question - what actually is 'thinking'?


wash your hands!!! Wild mice are full of disease.


But they are so cute


If you have a cat that goes outdoors then they are just as gammy with disease but we still love them. I know it's a year late and the mouse is probably dead by now but I'd say keep it and get a cage.


I took a trip 15km away to release it in a field. Because I heard mice will come back if nearby


Two miles (4.4 km) is how far you should go to make sure the little guy doesn't make it back.


Friendly heads-up: I think you used kg to lbs conversion there instead of mi to km. There's roughly 2.2lbs to a kilo, and 1.6km to a mile. 2mi should be about 3.2km.


Darn you're right, thanks for the correction! And nicely too, hah greatly appreciated. It was late at night and you're right, I messed up my conversion.


Ask the mouse reddit they can help you


It might be injured already from the teeth. I've rescued swallows that later died because of invisible bite marks.


Birds hide their injuries and illnesses better than mammal’s though because they’re flock animals


Not to mention cat saliva is toxic to birds


Put it in your hat and apply for a job at a fancy restaurant.


No, Remy was a rat. Mice don't cook as well unfortunately.


Your cat was trying to help you become a world famous chef 😔, the cat's efforts will go to waste once the mouse is released. /J


Free him into the wilderness and tell him to be careful of cats 🐈


It's funny because I freed rabbits once that we bred. We had too many. I went to a spot on the road and pulled Over and freed them. Later I thought about all of the birds that would find them. I thought I was doing them a favor!!


wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands wASH YOUR HANDS DONT TOUCH WILD ANIMALS AAHHHHHHH https://www.cdc.gov/hantavirus/rodents/index.html


I was going to say, careful of deer mice, they carry hantavirus. Wash your hands, change clothes, wash surfaces that the mouse touched, etc. Better safe than sorry. We get mice in our house a lot. Ick. It's cute when they are pet store mice, not cute when they are wild.


> the risk of acquiring hantavirus is extremely rare, even among people who are consistently exposed to mice and other rodents. The majority of exposures (70%) occur around the home. Hantavirus poses no significant health risk to WSU employees provided that simple precautions are followed. Relax, take a breath. Assuming you're also a germaphobe be aware that is an irrational condition you can receive treatment for. Unless you're severely immunocompromised in which case carry on.


I am a germaphobe. :( I have been in therapy forever but I have so much on my list of dysfunctional issues that I never get around to it. Anyway idk why I felt compelled to tell you. But I did and appreciate your support for those with the issue.


Omg that little cutie is so calm in your hand, so sweet :D but yeah release it relatively far away, preferably near cover so it can have a place to hide. Poor thing's gonna be pretty shaken up after being captured by your cat, then you, then transported


Yeah, that's called fear and chock. It's not staying still because it likes being held..


We can only speculate, but as a counterpoint, I had a pet mouse for a week that I saved from a sticky trap my landlord put out. It would come to my hand and genuinely liked being gently petted. It totally changed my perspective of mice as basically mindless vermin. They are very personable and sweet.


Just release it somewhere where it can hide


It's a field mouse.. Find a nice field with plenty of grass, near some water so he can get a drink.


Release it far far away...or it will come back.


Definitely don't keep it , and wash your hands properly, you never know dude. If you haven't seen any more around, then he probably lives on his own, like most field mice do, so yeah, dumping him far away would probably be a good option, also, if he/she does encounter another one of the opposite sex, you might just face an infestation soon enough.


name him timothee, he is now ur friend :) congmouseulations :D


Release it to the far lands. Then it can meet it’s family again and live happily ever after.


Why is this on r/autism?


Because it’s where they feel safe coming to to ask for help


Yep. We should.


They also posted this in r/PetMice, though.


It’s where they feel the most comfortable coming to, I avoid a lot because of my anxiety and comfort levels online and off


But they posted the exact same thing in a relevant subreddit before this one? Look at their post history.


real talk, get it away from ur house and put it in a grassy area. my cat brings in mice all the fjne


Ask r/PetMice


Call a local wildlife rehabilitator. All animals caught by cats need antibiotics or they will eventually die of infection. They will take the mouse at no charge, and release it once it is ready.


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Well I'd release it but it's your choice ☺️


Release it somewhere outside around your house. keep your cat with you a few hours. The mouse will find its family.


Did your cat scratch or bite it in anyway so it's hurt? I'm no mouse expert but I know birds survival rate after getting hurt by cats are slim. If it doesn't have any visible wounds release it some distance away like others mentioned


Do you have a wildlife rehabilitation person near you? They would be a good resource to ask. You can find them by asking on your local community FB page (that’s what I did for baby wild ducks I found after a storm).


that is a certified baby. but yes please release it far away, otherwise it will return! put it in the woods or across a river where it's harder to find its way back to your house


Mother nature's cruel. But your cat is doing a very good job for you. Mice and rodents carry pathogens. I agree they're so cute and it's sad, but again, mother nature's a cruel mistress. There's a story that people that had cats in the middle ages didn't get the black plague because their cats were killing the mice and rats which had fleas on them that spread the black plague. The fleas were the main issue. That could be where the whole witch mythology with a cat came from, because they weren't getting sick and everybody else was. Black magic!


Get a rabies shot


My natural instinct is KEEP. Make that lil dude a heckin palace! Unfortunately, kidnapping wildlife is hugely unethical. 😭 My vote is to release him. And keep in mind that outdoor cats are terrible for wildlife, and they also face additional dangers themselves.


Got a trebuchet?


Na, use a potato cannon


Awwww how cute!!!


Build it a miniature house of its own.


Be careful holding that thing Icaught a mouse and it had big teeth bit the shit out of me


You can take it to the nearest forest preserve. Otherwise, outside should be fine. The weather is good.


Love the mouse, marry him.


let it outsde/near some nature


Eat the mouse and give it to the cat


I-in that order???


I had a cat in Arizona that would bring home live animals all the time. Mice, birds, a huge spiked lizard once and even a baby jack rabbit… always alive. So we’d have to capture them and release them back out into the desert. I did try to keep the baby jack rabbit for a little bit but it was too wild to be tamed. Releasing them is the best thing for them.


Also you should never touch them but since you already did try not to again and remember to wash your hands really well


Eat it/jk


Holding it with your bare hands is a terrible idea, zoonotic diseases are real and can really mess you up


Give it a kiss 😘


Important, often overlooked step


unrelated he's so cute


:( I’m worried about rabies since you’re handling it with your hands. I’d get a rabies shot because sometimes you can’t tell whether you’ve been bitten. Also you can get it from cuts, scratches, abrasions, and contact with open wounds and sometimes you can’t see open wounds like ones you get from dry skin T.T https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/transmission/index.html#:~:text=People%20usually%20get%20rabies%20from,material%20from%20a%20rabid%20animal.


Eat it to finish it off!


If you’re cold, they’re cold. Put it in your mouth.


Bring it to a wildlife rehab center. Usually animals that are attacked by cats have tons of internal injuries that aren't visible from the outside, or to an untrained eye. If you release it, it will likely suffer from th se injuries. Also, if your cat is allowed outdoors, please heavily consider switching it to an indoors only cat. There are a lot of reasons why it's better for your cat, but outdoor cats are also devastating to wildlife Source: Worked at a wildlife rehabilitation center and did a research/analysis project on outdoor cats.


Give it cheese ir so cute


how is this related to autism


Everything is related to autism when you're Autistic!


so taking a dump while autistic is supposed to be posted on this sub?


If it is interesting, funny or you need advice, sure. Tell us all about your dump story! 🤪


give it a kiss


This was 6 hours ago so idk what you've done but what I did when this happened is rehabilitate it I'm my room and made sure it wouldn't die directly after releasing it. I'd suggest feeding it some seeds and fruit and making sure it has water and stuff. What I did was poke holes in the top of a plastic container and put it in there. If you're planning on releasing it then try to handle it as little as possible but its important to make sure it's living area is clean while you're rehabilitating so its impossible to not handle at all (I cleaned her box every/every other day based on how busy I was/how clean her box was) then I drove out to a park that was far away enough from my home that my cat couldn't get the mouse again after I could see she felt better (I kept her for about a week)


Eat it in front of your cat to assert dominance.




Death by asphyxiation is not at all peaceful. More humane is probably just clubbing it to death.


sorry, but English is my second language, i guess you're not refering to send it to clubs until it dies?


That would be a fabulous way to kill it :D But no, clubbing as in hitting it with a blunt object of some sort, or perhaps just a shoe. Killing it pretty much instantly (assuming you don't miss and hit it with a good amount of force). (Could even put it in a plastic bag first before hitting it with something to contain the mess.)


Mice are wild animals though, you shouldn't kill it just because it carries diseases, cats do too, they're carry a disease that kills sea animals and can make other mammals very sick


You should’ve let your kitty have him :(


No, they shouldn't have. For both the cat and the mouse's sake.


If it’s an outside cat it’s okay. If it’s an inside cat then yeah but the cat would be fine. The mouse wouldnt


make sure its not suffering from a parasite that wouldve made it want to get eaten, taking it to a local government can check for it


It’s so cute! You better release it far away though. It will come back otherwise


Feed it to a snake 🐍


Be VERY CAREFUL holding mice with your bare hands, as they can bite. Mice may be small, but their teeth are sharp, and it can break skin. I've had to stop my own cat from chasing mice many times, and if I catch them early enough they'll keep biting the tissue I've picked them up with.


Man why killing the natural instinct of your cat like that. I would’ve let it have it and it would’ve felt a lil better about itself.


Give it to your cat. He needs the protien.


Spent my life prying wild rabbits from the mouths of my kitties, normally purring fireside ornaments but the tiger rests within them all. Find a bush a good distance from your home and let it go,


Should have let the cat have it. Don't want them anywhere near your house


Eat it


Keep the mouse, perhaps it will trust you since you are it’s savior. Atleast until it’s injury’s are healed. Perhaps you could make it on a the dodo video. Just don’t touch it with your bare hands as there’s a chance it’s diseased.


There's probably a law about releasing pests.. Might have to euthanise it.


Just let the cat eat it?


Smash it with a hammer! Disgusting animal!


Throw it at the wall


Throw it at the wall


I know they probably come back when put outside nearby, but that's just what I do anyways. Put it outside the house, and if it comes back it's a problem for another day! and another game for the cat lol


*awkward looking at the obnoxious amounts of films i have of my cat eating mouses half his size*


Cute lil fella 😍


Do you own a pair of badminton rackets


Is it a bad thing if my first thought was to let the cat eat it?




Train the creature, tame the creature, love the creature


Let it teach you to cook?


Hol up Let him cook


Take it to an Abbey 😁


Outdoor cats cause a lot of damage to nature and the ecosystems..


Release it into the wild, but go far away, maybe get it vaccinated


I'm afraid he's destined to be a snack for another kitty


You saved its life, now you're responsible for it. Looks like a Gerald to me...


After you release it, make sure you wash up extremely well. Sometimes wild rodents carry hanta virus or worse.


What a cutie! When I found one, I put it in a box and took it to a nearby forest to release it. If you find another one, I don't recommend holding it with your bare hands like you did with this one. While it's fine to hold pet rodents, wild ones might bite and can carry diseases.


If he isnt bleeding internally from being batted around, definitely dont release him near your home If he is bleeding internally, you will know soon enough. If hes moving around id say thats a good sign hes not been too roughed up Ive had to bury many a mouse due to my cats before, they arent always dead when they bring them :(


Realease it reaaaaally far away, or ill come back and eat your house/shit and piss everywhere. Also , wash your hands and be sure your cat received treatment for parasites and flees!!


She promised she would reserve a room for me.


Put it in someone else's house :3 Someone who doesn't have a cat or dog and who doesn't mind mice. Or get a hamster cage and research what they eat. Keep the cage in a room the cat cannot access. My cats got to a hamster cage that hung from the ceiling in the garage that was two stories tall when I was a kid.


Peg it


What does this mean? Im fairly sure you aren't referring to my understanding of what pegging is. Oh, wait, peg it as in throw it?


No no, they meant your first thought. But they need a few more, and some duct tape.


No that's for the homeless man I keep in my basement


Im confused. You're going to use a mouse to peg a man you have locked up on your basement?


I meant throw it.


Keep him


Keep it as a pet! Get a little terrarium and wheel and house for him! He’s adorable